The measure of what you have achieved — not only in the last few weeks, %% Obungi bw’ebyo bye mutuuseeko -ssi mu wiiki entonotono eziyise zokka, but during a two-year period of remarkable advance now brought to a stunning climax— %% wabula ne mu bbanga ery’emyaka ebiri egibaddemu okugenda mu maaso okw’ekitalo kaakano okutuusiddwa ku ntikko eyeewuunyisa compels us to address you who are the visible hosts of a movement that has proved itself irrepressible. %% butuwaliriza okubawandiikira mmwe amagye ag’ekisinde agamaze okweyoleseza ddala nti temukyasobola kukugirwa. Far from being merely a memorable event, %% Okwawukanira ddala ku kubeera obubeezi omukolo ogw’okujjukira the celebration of the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb was the fruit of eight cycles of devoted effort, %% ekijaguzo eky’Amazaalibwa ga Báb eky’ebyasa ebibiri byali bibala ebyava mu nteekateeka omunaana ez’omuddiriŋŋanwa eza kaweefube ow’okweweerayo ddala, carried out in unity and with a sense of undaunted initiative. %% ezassibwa mu nkola mu kukolera awamu ne mu mbeera ey’obuyiiya ataliimu butiitiizi. We rejoiced to see the friends so assured in their response to the call to service. %% Twajaganya bwe twalaba engeri ab’emikwano gye bajjumbiramu okuyitibwa mu buweereza. Local communities, neighbourhoods, and villages became arenas for intensified activity of all kinds, as the knowledge of what the community could accomplish %% Abantu ab’omu bitundu ebisookerwako, ebyalo n’emiriraano gyabyo, byafuuka amakuŋŋaaniro ag’emirimu egya buli kika egyali gyongeddwamu ennyo amaanyi amangi ng’okumanya ebyo abantu ab’omu kitundu bye baali basobola okutuukiriza witnessed at the last bicentenary—prompted a release of tremendous energy and enterprise, %% – ebyalabibwako mu kijaguzo eky’ebyasa ebibiri ekiwedde kwasikiriza okusumululwa kw’amaanyi ag’ekitalo n’obuyiiya obw’emirimu, supported by a sound process of preparation and reflection. %% ebiwaniriddwa enkola ennuŋŋamu ey’okuteekateeka n’okufumiitiriza. There are so many highlights to acknowledge. %% Waliwo ebikulu bingi eby’okusongako olunwe. Celebrations within families and among families featured prominently; %% Ebijaguzo mu nda mu maka ne wakati mu maka ag’enjawulo byakyaasa nnyo; gatherings organized by youth for their peers were likewise a strength. %% enkuŋŋaana ezaategekebwanga abavubuka ku lw’abavubuka banaabwe mu ngero y’emu nazo zaali zizzaamu amaanyi. Opportunities for animated retellings of the lives of the Báb and His early disciples were eagerly seized. %% Emikisa egy’okuddamu okunyumyanga emboozi ericamula ezikwata ku bulamu bwa Báb n’abayigirizwa Be abaasooka gyayaayaanirwanga n’essanyu eringi. Festivities were given added depth through conversations on the needs of society, %% Ebikujjuko byayongerwamu omuzinzi olw’emboozi ezikwata ku byetaago by’abantu, often begun by the parents of young children. %% enfunda nnyingi nga ezitandikibwa abazadde b’abaana abato. The bicentenary elicited artistic works of beauty and feeling, %% Ebijaguzo eby’okumalako ebyasa ebibiri byasumululwa obuyiiya obw’okukola eby’emikono ebirabika obulungi ennyo n’ebituyamba okuwulira muli obulungi, creative expressions of devotion too numerous and diverse to describe. %% embeera ez’obuyiiya ennyingi ennyo eziraga okwewaayo era ez’engeri ennyingi nga tekisoboka kuzinnyonnyola. And the way that each avenue of activity became a natural invitation to engage with the institute was especially noticeable. %% Era n’engeri buli kkubo ery’okukolamu omulimu gye lyafuukamu okusembezebwa obutereevu okukwatagana n’ettendekero kyali tekibuusibwa maaso. We were much encouraged by the capacity shown to bring the broadest possible spectrum of people into the embrace of the community’s activities. %% Twazzibwaamu nnyo amaanyi olw’obusobozi obwayolesebwa mu kuleeta awamu abantu abangi ab’ebika eby’enjawulo ne bakwatira awamu okukola emirimu gy’abantu ab’omu kitundu. Surely, this illustrates how moments sacred in human history %% Mu butuufu, kino kiraga engeri ebiseera ebitwalibwa okubeera ebitukuvu mu byafaayo by’omuntu and commemorated at Holy Days have immense power to uplift individual souls %% era ne bijjukirwa ku Nnaku Entukuvu gye birinamu amaanyi agasobola okuyimusa abantu kinnoomu and to weld a people together through shared experience. %% wamu n’okugatta awamu abantu nga bayita mu kugabana ebyo bye babeera bayiseemu. What great promise for advances at the level of culture lies in the universal celebration of such Festivals in place after place in the years to come! %% Nga kisuubizo ky’amaanyi nnyo eky’enkulaakulana ku mutendera gw’obwangwa ekiri mu kujaguza okulibuna wonna mu nsi okw’Entujjo nga zino okuva mu kifo ekimu okudda mu kirala mu myaka egirijja! The reality that there is abundant receptivity in the world at large is not in doubt. %% Ekituufu nti waliwo okuwuliziganya kungi okwetooloola ensi yonna tekibuusibwa buusibwa. Progress depends on developing the capacity to extend the community-building process further still. %% Okugenda mu maaso kwesigamizibwa mu kutumbula obusobozi bw’okwongera nate okugaziya enteekateeka ey’okuzimba abantu ab’omu kitundu. And so all eyes turn to the months ahead. %% Era olw’ensonga eyo amaaso gonna gakyuka ne geekaliriza ebyo ebinajja mu myezi egijja. The devotion to the Twin Divine Luminaries and to the well-being of humanity which inspired your noble exertions thus far must sustain you in the coming six cycles. %% Okwewaayo eri mu Mulembe Ogumu era ne ku lw’obulamu obulungi obw’abantu bonna ebiruŋŋamizza kaweefube wammwe ow’ekitiibwa okutuusa n’olwaleero kuteekwa okubawanirira mu nteekateeka omukaaga egijja. We urge everyone who worked to bring about this success to hasten now and gather again to reflect and to consult, %% Tukubiriza buli omu eyalina kye yakola mu kutuuka ku buwanguzi buno okwanguwako kaakano okuddamu okukuŋŋaana mwefumiitirize n’okukubaganya ebirowoozo, and to determine how best to apply, in each unique setting, all that your experience has taught you: %% era n’okusalawo engeri esingako obulungi ey’okussa mu nkola, mu buli mbeera etegekeddwa, ebyo byonna bye muyize mu bulamu bwammwe: how an expanding nucleus of friends can cultivate a growing pattern of activity; %% engeri y’akabondo ak’abeemikwano akagenda kagaziwa gye kayinza okussaawo enkola y’emirimu egenda ekulaakulana; how children can advance to the next grade %% engeri abaana gye bayinza okutuula ku ddaala eriddako and junior youth to the succeeding text, %% era n’engeri abavubuka abato gye bayinza okutuuka ku kitabo ekiddako, further developing their moral and spiritual qualities; %% nga bwe beeyongera okukuza embeera zaabwe ez’empisa ennungi n’ezomwoyo; how institute courses can yield much-needed skills and capacities; %% engeri kkoosi z’ettendekero gye ziyinza okuvaamu obukugu n’obusobozi ebyetaagibwa ennyo; how the path of service can widen to accommodate large numbers; %% engeri ekkubo ery’obuweereza gye liyinza okugaziwamu ne lisobola okutwala abantu abangi; how real hope for the betterment of society can be demonstrated in action; %% engeri esuubi lyennyini ery’okulongoosa embeera y’abantu gye liyinza okulagibwa mu bikolwa; and how all of God’s peoples can be enabled to take inspiration from His new Revelation, %% era n’engeri abantu ba Katonda bonna gye bayinza okusobozesebwa okufuna okuluŋŋamizibwa okuva Kubikkulirwa Kwe okupya, and souls who are receptive can be invited to identify with the Cause of the Abhá Beauty. %% era n’abantu abawulira gye bayinza okusembezebwamu basobole okutabagana n’Enzikiriza y’Omubalagavu Abhá. In this continuing period of special potency, Mu kiseera kino ekigenda mu maaso eky’amaanyi ag’enjawulo, at an hour when the world seems powerless in the face of overwhelming peril %% mu ssaawa eno ensi yonna weerabikira okubeera ennafu mu maaso g’emiteeru egusikiridde and souls have succumbed to dismay and despair, %% n’emyoyo nga giziŋŋamye olw’okuggwamu essuubi, Bahá’u’lláh has shown us another glimpse of what the community that bears His name can accomplish through courage %% Bahá’u’lláh atulazeeko katono ku ebyo abagoberezi abalina erinnya Lye kye bayinza okutuukako nga bayita mu bumalirivu —even heroism— %% – ate era n’obuzira – in the discharge of its God-given mission. %% mu kusssa mu nkola ekigendererwa ekyaweebwa Katonda. We will pray earnestly in the Holy Shrines for His unfailing confirmations to surround every child %% Tujja kwegayirira nnyo mu Biggwa Ebitukuvu olw’okukakasibwa Kwe okutalemererwa kwetooloole buli mwana and every youth, every woman and every man, every family and every community that treasures His love in their hearts. %% na buli muvubuka, buli mukazi na buli musajja, buli maka na buli bantu abali mu kitundu abatwala okwagala Kwe mu mitima gyabwe ng’ekyomuwendo.