Half a century after Bahá'u'lláh summoned the kings and rulers to be reconciled among themselves %% Emyaka ataano oluvannyuma lwa Bahá’u’lláh okukoowoola ba kabaka n’abafuzi okutabagana and enjoined on them the establishment of peace on earth, the great powers of that era were plunged into war. %% era n’okubakubiriza okussaawo emirembe ku nsi, amawanga ga kirimaanyi ag’omulembe ogwo gagwaŋŋana mu malaka. It was the first conflict to be regarded as a “World War”, and it is remembered as a conflagration of horrific severity; %% Ke kaali akanyoolagano akaasooka okuyitibwa “Ssematalo”, era ajjukirwa ng’oluyiira ddekabusa; the unprecedented scale and ferocity of the bloodshed has seared it on to the consciousness of every succeeding generation. %% okuyiwa omusaayi n’obukambwe ebyali bitabeerangawo ebyewandiise mu buli mmeeme z’abantu ab’emirembe egizze giddako. And yet, from out the ruin and suffering, possibilities blossomed for a new order to bring stability to the world %% Naye ate era, okuva mu matongo ago n’okubonaabona, emikisa gyamerukawo egy’enteekateeka empya okuleetawo obutebenkevu mu nsi yonna — notably at the Paris Peace Conference, which opened a hundred years ago on this day. %% -- naddala mu lukiiko olwatuumibwa Paris Peace Conference, olwaggulwawo emyaka kikumi gyennyini egiyise. In the years that followed, despite the repeated crises into which international affairs were thrown, %% Mu myaka egyaddirira, newaakubadde enkolagana wakati w’amawanga yagendanga yebbika mu bugulumbo obutatadde, Shoghi Effendi could discern “the progress, however fitful, of the forces working in harmony with the spirit of the age”. %% Shoghi Effendi yasobola okulengera “okugenda mu maaso okw’amaanyi, wadde nga kwali kwa kusikondoka, amaanyi agaali gakolagana obulungi n’omwoyo ogw’omulembe ogwo”. These forces have continued to move humanity towards an age of peace %% Amaanyi gano geeyongedde okuseetula abantu bonna nga gaboolekeza omulembe ogw’emirembe — not merely a peace which rules out armed conflict, but a collective state of being, manifesting unity. %% -- si mirembe omutabeera bubeezi ntalo, naye embeera y’obulamu obw’awamu, obwolesa obumu. Notwithstanding, it remains a long journey, and it proceeds in fits and starts. %% Naye nno, olugendo lukyali luwanvu, era mulimu enkonge n’ebisirikko. We find it propitious, at this moment, to reflect on the progress made on that journey, the contemporary challenges to peace, and the contribution to its attainment that Bahá'ís are called to make. %% Tulowooza nti kibeera kirungi, mu kiseera kino, okufumiitiriza ku nkulaakulana etuukiddwako mu lugendo luno, okusoomoozebwa okuliwo okwekiise mu kkubo ly’emirembe, n’ebyo Ababahá'í bye basaanidde okukola okusobola okugituukako. There have been at least three historical moments in the last one hundred years when it seemed as if the human race was reaching for real, lasting peace, %% Wabaddewo embeera mu byafaayo waakiri nga ssatu mu myaka ekikumi egiyise omwalabikirwa olulyo lw’omuntu nga bwe lwali lutuuse mu mirembe egya nnamaddala era egy’olubeerera, albeit always falling short because of weaknesses it could not overcome. %% wadde nga bulijjo baabulangako katono olw’obunafu bwe baali tebasobola kuvvuunukanga. The first moment, as a result of the Paris Conference, was the establishment of the League of Nations, an organization intended by its founders to secure peace at the international level. %% Embeera eyasooka, eyava mu nsisinkano eya Paris Conference, yali ya kutondawo League of Nations, ekibiina ng’ekigenderewa ky’abatandisi baakyo kwali okunyweza emirembe ku mutendera gw’amawanga gonna. It was the means by which, for the first time in history, the system of collective security enjoined on the world's rulers by Bahá'u'lláh was “seriously envisaged, discussed and tested”. %% Lino lye lyali ekkubo, omulundi ogwali gusookedde ddala mu byafaayo, enkola ey’okwerinda okw’awamu Bahá’u’lláh gye yali akubiriza abafuzi b’ensi yonna okugoberera “lwe lyali lirowoozeddwako ennyo, ne likubaganiyizibwako ebirowoozo era ne ligezesebwa”. But ultimately the peace agreement that concluded the war was fatally flawed, %% Naye ku nkomerero ya byonna endagaano y’emirembe eyakomekkereza olutalo yalimu ebirumira bingi eby’obulabe, and the League was not able to prevent a second World War, judged by historians to be the deadliest conflict in human history. %% era League teyasobola kuziyiza Ssematalo owookubiri bannabyafaayo gwe bagamba nti ke kanyoolagano omwakasinga okufiira abantu abangi mu byafaayo. Just as the first significant step towards world peace followed a period of appalling conflict, so did the second, %% Mu ngeri y’emu ng’ekyasookera ddala okukolebwa okuleetawo emirembe mu nsi yonna bwe yaddirirwa ekiseera eky’akanyoolagano akaali akabi ennyo, n’eyo ekyokubiri bwe yali, when not only was the United Nations Organization formed from the ashes of the League, %% nga kuno kwe kwali okutondebwawo okwa United Nations okwava mu vvu lya League, but a system of international economic institutions came into being, and historic advances were made relating to human rights and international law. %% era mu kiseera kino kye kimu enkola y’ebitongole by’amawanga ku by’enfuna nabyo we byatonderwawo, era okugenda mu maaso okw’ebyafaayo kwatuukibwako mu nsiike y’eddembe ly’obuntu ne mu mateeka agagatta amawanga. In rapid succession, many territories under colonial rule became independent nations, and arrangements for regional cooperation grew markedly in depth and range. %% Mu kuddiriŋŋana okwali okw’okutemya kw’eriiso, ebitundu by’ensi bingi ebyali wansi w’obufuzi bw’amatwale byafuna obwetwaze, era enteekateeka ez’enkolagana wakati w’ebitundu by’ensi ebyenjawulo zaalanda n’okufuuka enkulu ennyo. The post-war decades, however, were also characterized by an atmosphere of brooding and often open hostility between the world's two major power blocs. %% Naye nno, ebbanga eryaddirira olutalo nalyo lyalimu embeera y’obutakkaanya era n’oluusi obukuubagano obw’olwatu wakati w’amawanga abiri ga kirimaanyi. Known familiarly as the Cold War, it spilled over into actual wars in various regions of the world, and brought humanity perilously close to a conflict involving nuclear weapons. %% Obukuubagano buno obumanyiddwa obulungi ennyo nga Cold War, bwafuukira ddala entalo zennyini mu bitundu by’ensi yonna ebitali bimu, era katono ddala kino kiveemu obunyoolagano omuli n’okukozesa eby’okulwanyisa nnamuzisa. Its peaceful termination, towards the end of the twentieth century, was an occasion for relief, %% Embiranye ono okuggwerawo ddala mu mirembe, nga kino kyaliwo ekyasa eky’amakumi abiri bwe kyali kinaatera okuggwako, kyali kiseera kya kussa kikkowe, giving rise to explicit calls for the establishment of a new global order. %% omwava n’okukuba omulanga ogw’omwanguka watondebwewo enteekateeka empya ey’ensi yonna. This was the third moment when universal peace seemed to be within grasp. %% Eno ye yali embeera eyookusatu emirembe okubukala ensi yonna we gyali okumpi okutuukibwako. Efforts to put in place new systems for international cooperation and to strengthen existing ones received great impetus, %% Kaweefube ow’okussaawo enkola empya ey’okulambika enkolagana y’amawanga era n’okunyweza ezy eriwo yafuna okuwagirwa okw’amaanyi, as a series of world conferences on themes of importance to humanity's future were convened by the United Nations. %% mu kiseera ekyo nga mwe mwali enkuŋŋaana eziwerako ez’ensi yonna ku miramwa emikulu eri ebiseera eby’omu maaso eby’abantu bonna zaatuuzibwa United Nations. New opportunities for consensus emerged, and the spirit of collaboration propelling progress also found expression in the mandates given to certain international institutions charged with administering justice. %% Emikisa emipya egy’okukkaanya gyavaayo, n’omwoyo ogw’okukolaganira awamu oguseesaamu enkulaakulana nagwo gwalabikira mu buyinza obwaweebwa ebitongole ebimu eby’amawanga gonna ebirina obuvunaanyizibwa obw’okussaawo embeera ey’obwenkanya. This purposeful, deliberative process culminated at the turn of the century in the Millennium Forum, %% Enteekateeka eno erina ekigendererwa era erowoozeddwako ennyo n’obwegendereza mwe mwava Millenium Forum ku nkomerero y’ekyasa, a meeting of representatives of over a thousand civil society organizations from more than a hundred countries, %% olukiiko lw’abakiise olwalimu ebibiina bya bannakyewa ebisukka olukumi okuva mu nsi ezisukka mu kikumi, followed by the Millennium Summit, an unparalleled gathering of world leaders which led to agreement on a set of objectives representing a shared ambition of humanity. %% olwaddirirwa Millennium Summit, olukuŋŋaana olw’abakulembeze ab’ensi yonna olwali lutabeerangawo olwavaamu okukkiriziganya ku lukalala lw’ebigendererwa olulaga ekiruubirirwa eky’awamu eky’abantu bonna. Styled the Millennium Development Goals, they became rallying points for collective action in the ensuing years. %% Ebigendererwa bino ebiri mu lukalala luno olwatuumibwa Millennium Development Goals byafuuka entabiro ey’okukolaganira awamu mu mirimu mu myaka egyaddirira. These various advances — despite their many limitations and imperfections and the horrifying conflicts that continued to unfold during this time — %% Newaakubadde obunafu n’ensobi nnyingi wamu n’obunyoolagano obw’entiisa byeyongera okulabika ennyo mu kiseera kino, okugenda mu maaso kuno okutali kwa ngeri emu, stand nonetheless as signs of a widespread, gradual but inexorable rise in global consciousness on the part of the earth's peoples %% weewaawo bulinga obubonero obulaga okulinnyalinnya mu kweyongera okugaziwa, okugenda empolampola naye nga tekwebeereka mu bantu b’ensi and their attraction to universal justice, to solidarity, to collaboration, to compassion, and to equality. %% n’okusikirizibwa kwabwe eri obwenkanya mu nsi yonna, obumu, okukolera awamu, okulumirirwaŋŋana n’omwekanonkano. As the present century opened, new challenges began to loom. %% Ekyasa kino nga kyeyerula, okusoomoozebwa okupya kwatandika okuvaayo. With time, these intensified, leading to a retreat from the promising steps forward with which the previous century had closed. %% Oluvannyuma lw’ekiseera, okusoomoozebwa kuno kweyongera, okwaleetawo akaddannyuma okuva ku ebyo ebyali bituukiddwako mu kyasa ekyakaggwa. Today, many of the dominant currents in societies everywhere are pushing people apart, not drawing them together. %% Olwaleero, nnyingi ku ndowooza ezisinga amaanyi mu bantu buli wamu zigenda zaawulayawula mu bantu, so si kubagatta. Even as global poverty of the most extreme form has decreased, political and economic systems have enabled the enrichment of small coteries with grossly exorbitant wealth %% Newaakubadde ng’obwavu obusukkiridde mu nsi yonna bukendedde, enkola z’ebyobuzi n’ezeebyenfuna zisobozesezza obubinja bw’abantu abatono okwegaggawaza ne bafuuka babinnyonkondo — a condition that fuels fundamental instability in world affairs. %% -- embeera ereetawo obutali butebenkevu bwennyini mu nkolagana y’abantu mu nsi yonna. The interactions of the individual citizen, governing institutions, and society as a whole are often fraught, as those arguing for the primacy of one or the other show more and more intransigence in their thinking. %% Enkolagana ey’omunnansi, ebitongole bya gavumenti, n’abantu bonna abali awamu enfunda nnyingi zigootaana, ng’abo abakaayana nti kino oba kiri kye kisinga obukulu babeera beeyongera okwolesa obutali bugumiikiriza mu ndowooza zaabwe. Religious fundamentalism is warping the character of communities, even nations. %% Obwannalukalala mu ddiini butabulatabula embeera z’abantu ab’omu bitundu era n’amawanga. The failings of so many organizations and institutions of society have understandably led to a decline in public trust, %% Okulemererwa okw’ebibiina n’ebitongole ebya nnakyewa ebingi ennyo noolwekyo bye bivuddeko n’okusereba okwesigibwa abantu, but this has been systematically exploited by vested interests seeking to undermine the credibility of all sources of knowledge. %% naye okulemererwa kuno kubadde kweyambisibwa abo abaagala okwekkusa bokka nga banoonya engeri ey’okulimiriramu ensulo zonna ezeesigika ezireeta okumanya. Certain shared ethical principles, which seemed to be in the ascendant at the start of this century, are eroded, %% Ebiruubirirwa eby’awamu eby’ekitiibwa, ebyalabikanga ebyali ku mwanjo ennyo ku ntandikwa y’ekyasa, kaakano binafuyiziddwa threatening the prevailing consensus about right and wrong %% nga waliwo okusekeeterera enzikiriziganya eriwo ekwata ku kituufu n’ekikyamu that, in various arenas, had succeeded in holding humanity's basest tendencies in check. %% eyali ekwatiridde, mu mbeera ezenjawulo, enneeyisa embi ennyo ebeera mu bantu. And the will to engage in international collective action, which twenty years ago represented a powerful strain of thinking among world leaders, has been cowed, %% Era obumalirivu obw’okwenyigira mu kaweefube ow’awamu ku musingi ogw’amawanga gonna, eyalaga endowooza ey’ekika ekya waggulu ennyo wakati mu bakulembeze ab’ensi yonna, emyaka amakumi abiri egiyise, bufutyankiddwa, assailed by resurgent forces of racism, nationalism, and factionalism. %% bulwanyisiddwa amaanyi ageeyubulira mu busosoze obw’embala y’obuntu, okulowooleza mu mawanga, n’okulowooleza mu bubiinabiina. Thus do the forces of disintegration regroup and gain ground. %% Bwegatyo amaanyi ag’okusasika gaddamu okwegatta era n’okugenda mu maaso. So be it. %% Kale kibeere bwekityo. The unification of humanity is unstoppable by any human force; %% Abantu bonna okubeera obumu tekisoboka kuziyizibwa maanyi ga muntu yenna; the promises made by the prophets of old and by the Author of the Cause of God Himself testify to this truth. %% ebisuubizo byonna ebya Bannabbi ab’edda era n’Omuwandiisi w’Enzikiriza ya Katonda Mwene biraga obujulizi ku mazima gano. Yet the course humanity takes to achieve its destiny may very well be tortuous. %% Naye ate ekkubo abantu lye bakwata okutuuka ku kye baluubirira liyinza okubeerera ddala ery’obulumi obungi. The tumult raised by the contending peoples of the earth threatens to drown out the voices of those noble-minded souls in every society who call for an end to conflict and struggle. %% Obutabanguko obuleetebwa abantu ab’ensi abakontana bugezaako okuziba emimwa gy’abantu abo abalina endowooza ez’ekitiibwa mu bantu bonna abayaayaanira okukomya okugwaŋŋana mu malaka n’okusika omuguwa. As long as that call goes unheeded, there is no reason to doubt that the world's current state of disorder and confusion will worsen %% Omulanga ogwo gye guneeyongera obutafiibwako, tewali nsonga okubuusabuusa nti embeera eriwo mu nsi yonna ey’okutabukatabuka n’emigootaano ejja kweyongera okubijja — possibly with catastrophic consequences — %% -- oboolyawo n’okuvaamu akatyabaga ak’amaanyi ennyo -- until a chastened humanity sees fit to take another significant step, perhaps this time decisive, towards enduring peace. %% okutuusa abantu bonna abamaze okuloza ku kibabu lwe banaakiraba nti kyetaagisa okusalawo okukwata ekkubo eddala ery’amakulu, ku mulundi guno nga lye lyokka ettuufu, erituuka ku mirembe egy’olubeerera. Universal peace is the destination towards which humanity has been moving throughout the ages under the influence of the Word of God that has been progressively imparted by the Creator to His creation. %% Emirembe egibuna wonna y’embeera y’obulamu abantu bonna gye baluubirira okutuukamu okuva eddanedda lyonna nga baweebwa amaanyi Ekigambo kya Katonda ekibadde kigenda kibunyisibwa Omutonzi eri ebitonde Bye. Shoghi Effendi described humanity's advance towards a new, global stage in its collective life in terms of social evolution, %% Shoghi Effendi yannyonnyola okugenda mu maaso okw’abantu bonna okwolekera omutendera ogw’obulamu obw’awamu mu nsi yonna ng’ayita mu buufu obw’enkyukakyuka mu mbeera y’obulamu bw’abantu nga, “an evolution that has had its earliest beginnings in the birth of family life, %% “enkyukakyuka eyasookera ddala okubeerawo mu kutondebwawo okw’obulamu bw’amaka, its subsequent development in the achievement of tribal solidarity, %% oluvannyuma okwavaamu abantu abafaanaganya olulimi n’obuwangwa okubeera awamu ng’ekitole, leading in turn to the constitution of the city-state, %% nakwo okwavaamu okutondebwawo okw’ensi ezeetongodde omwali ebibuga ebyali byetooloddwa obwalo obutonotono, and expanding later into the institution of independent and sovereign nations.” %% na bino nabyo ne bigenda nga bigaziwa oluvannyuma ne bifuuka amawanga ageefuga”. Now, with the coming of Bahá'u'lláh, the human race stands on the threshold of its maturity. %% Kaakano, olw’okulabika kwa Bahá’u’lláh, abantu bonna bali ku ndeboolebo ey’okusajjakula. World unity is finally possible. %% Obumu ob’wensi yonna ku nkomerere ya byonna busobokera ddala. A global order that unifies the nations with the assent of humanity is the only adequate answer to the destabilizing forces that threaten the world. %% Enteekateeka ey’ensi yonna egatta awamu amawanga era ekkirizibwa abantu bonna lye kkubo lyokka ettuufu eriyinza okumalawo amaanyi agatabangula agatadde ensi yonna ku bunkenke. However, though world unity is possible %% Naye nno, newaakubadde obumu busoboka — nay, inevitable — %% -- era nga tebwewalika -- it ultimately cannot be achieved without unreserved acceptance of the oneness of humankind, %% oluvannyuma ennyo tebuyinza kutuukibwako awatali kukkiririza ddala mu bumu obw’abantu bonna, described by the Guardian as “the pivot round which all the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh revolve”. %% obwannyonnyolwa Omukuumi nga “entabiro okwetooloolerwa enjigiriza zonna”. With what insight and eloquence did he expound upon the far-reaching implications of this cardinal principle! %% Mu magezi ag’omu nda ennyo, era mu bigambo ebitegeerekeka obulungi ennyo, yannyonnyola amakulu agakwata ku mbeera ennyingi eziri mu mulamwa guno. Plainly he saw, amidst the turbulence of world affairs, how the reality that humanity is one people must be the starting point for a new order. %% Yalaba bulungi, nti wakati mu mirerembe egiri mu nsi yonna, engeri ey’amazima nti abantu bonna bali muntu omu eteekwa okubeera ensibuko y’enteekateeka empya. The vast array of relations among nations — and within them — all need to be re-envisaged in this light. %% Ennambika obwesedde eziriwo mu nkolagana y’amawanga -- ne munda mu mawanga gennyini -- yonna yeetaaga okuddamu okutunuulirwa mu buufu buno. The realization of such a vision will require, sooner or later, an historic feat of statesmanship from the leaders of the world. %% Okutuuka ku kiruubirirwa nga kino kijja kwetaagisa, mu maaso eyo, enkola ey’ebyafaayo ey’obuzira okuva mu bukulembeze b’amawanga mu nsi yonna. Alas, the will to attempt this feat is still wanting. %% Naye kitalo! Obumalirivu obw’okugezaako okussa mu nkola enkola eno bukyali bwa kkekwa. Humanity is gripped by a crisis of identity, as various peoples and groups struggle to define themselves, their place in the world, and how they should act. %% Abantu bonna bavumbagiddwa mu matigga ag’okwetegeerera ddala, ng’abantu n’ebibiina eby’enjawulo bali mu kuluma bugigi okusobola okuzuula amakulu agali mu bulamu bwabwe, ekifo kyabwe mu nsi yonna, era n’engeri gye balina okweyisaamu. Without a vision of shared identity and common purpose, they fall into competing ideologies and power struggles. %% Ekiruubirirwa kino eky’okwetegeera okw’awamu era n’ekigendererwa ekigabanwa bonna bwe bibulawo, abantu beegabanya mu ndowooza ezikontana ne mu ntalo ez’okulwanira obuyinza. Seemingly countless permutations of “us” and “them” define group identities ever more narrowly and in contrast to one another. %% Olwo nno ne kirabika ng’embeera y’ensengeka obutabalika ezigenda zikyukakyuka ne ziwa ekifaananyi ekya “ffe” ne “mmwe” zigenda zibuza ensalo eziraga enjawulo yennyini eri wakati w’abantu n’ebibiina ebikontana. Over time, this splintering into divergent interest groups has weakened the cohesion of society itself. %% Ekiseera bwe kiyitawo, okwetemaatemamu mu bibinja ebirina ebigendererwa eby’enjawulo kunafuya obumu mu bantu. Rival conceptions about the primacy of a particular people are peddled to the exclusion of the truth that humanity is on a common journey in which all are protagonists. %% Endowooza ezikontana ezikwata ku bantu abamu okusukkuluma ku balala esaasaanyizibwa, olwo amazima nti abantu bonna bali mu lugendo lwe lumu mwe batambulira ng’abazira ne gasuulibwa ettayo. Consider how radically different such a fragmented conception of human identity is from the one that follows from a recognition of the oneness of humanity. %% Lowooza nnyo ku ndowooza ng’eyo ey’ebitundutundu ey’abantu b’ensi engeri gy’eyawukanamu n’eyo eva mu kukkiririza mu bumu bw’abantu bonna. In this perspective, the diversity that characterizes the human family, far from contradicting its oneness, endows it with richness. %% Mu buufu buno, enjawulo erabikira mu lulyo lw’abantu bonna, nga tewali kukontana kwonna ku bumu bwabwe, ebeera evujjirirwa n’obugagga. Unity, in its Bahá'í expression, contains the essential concept of diversity, distinguishing it from uniformity. %% Obumu, mu kunnyonnyola kw’Ekibahá’í, bulimu omulamwa omukulu ennyo ogukwata ku njawulo, ogugyawukanya ku kufaanagana. It is through love for all people, and by subordinating lesser loyalties to the best interests of humankind, %% Kubeera kuyita mu kwagala abantu bonna, obutasukkulumya ebyo bye tuwagira ennyo ekivaamu okufeebya ebyo ebisinga obulungi ku lw’abantu bonna, that the unity of the world can be realized and the infinite expressions of human diversity find their highest fulfilment. %% bwebutyo obumu bw’ensi yonna lwe bunaasobola okutuukibwako, era n’ebyo ebyogerwa, ebiwandiikibwa oba ebikolebwa lwe binaavaamu okutuukirira okusinga ddala okubeera okwa waggulu. Fostering unity, by harmonizing disparate elements and nurturing in every heart a selfless love for humankind, is the task of religion. %% Omulimu gw’eddiini kwe kubeezaawo obumu ng’eyita mu kukwanaganya embeera ezaawukanira ddala era n’okukuza mu buli mutima okwagala okw’abantu bonna okutaliimu kwebalirira. Great possibilities to cultivate fellowship and concord are open to religious leaders, %% Abakulembeze b’amadiini balina emikisa mingi nnyo okukulaakulanya okusseekimu n’okukkaanya, but these same leaders can also incite violence by using their influence to stoke the fires of fanaticism and prejudice. %% naye ata abantu bano be bamu abayinza okukoleeza oluyiira olw’okuyiwa omusaayi nga bakozesa obuyinza bwabwe okuseesa omuliro ogw’obwa nnalukalala n’okusosolagana. Writing of religion, Bahá'u'lláh's words are emphatic: “… make it not”, He warns, “the cause of dissension and strife.” %% Ng’awandiika ku ddiini, ebigambo bya Bahá’u’lláh bitegeerekeka bulungi; Ye alabula nti, “... temugifuula ensibuko y’okuwakana n’obutakkaanya.” Peace, for “all who dwell on earth”, is one of “the principles and ordinances of God”. %% Emirembe, eri “bonna abatuula ku nsi”, y’emu ku “mpagi n’ebiragiro bya Katonda”. A heart that has embraced love for the whole of humanity will certainly be pained when confronted by the suffering that so many endure because of disunity. %% Omutima oguwamabaatidde okwagala eri abantu bonna mu buli ngeri gujja kulumwa bwe gunaayolekerwa okuboonaabona abantu abangi ennyo kwe bayitamu olw’okweyawulayawula. But the friends of God cannot shut themselves off from the increasing turmoil of the society that surrounds them; %% Naye mikwano gya Katonda tebayinza kuzibiriza baleme okulaba embeera ey’obusambattuko mu bantu ababeetoolodde; they must guard themselves, too, from becoming enmeshed in its conflicts or falling into its adversarial methods. %% bateekwa nabo okwekuuma baleme okumiribwa emirerembe gyabwo oba okugwa mu mitego egy’enkola zaabwo ez’okuwalaggana. No matter how bleak conditions may appear at any given time, no matter how dismal the immediate prospects for bringing about unity, there is no cause for despair. %% Newaakubadde embeera ku kiseera ekimu, newaakubadde emikisa egy’okuleetawo amangu obumu nagyo gya kkekwa, tewali nsonga yonna etuleetera okuggwamu essuubi. The distressing state of the world can only spur us to redouble our commitment to constructive action. %% Embeera ey’ensi yonna enakuwaza ate nno esobola okutusindika okwongera amaanyi mu kwewaayo kwaffe tusobole okukola ebyo eby’omugaso. “These are not days of prosperity and triumph” cautions Bahá'u'lláh. %% Bahá’u’lláh alabula nti, “Bino si biro bya nkulaakulana n’obuwanguzi. “The whole of mankind is in the grip of manifold ills. %% Abantu bonna awamu bali mu matigga ga ndwadde. Strive, therefore, to save its life through the wholesome medicine which the almighty hand of the unerring Physician hath prepared.” %% Noolwekyo, mulafuubane okuwonya obulamu bwabwe nga mukozesa edddagala eddungi eritabuddwa omukono ogw’obuyinza ogw’Omusawo atakola nsobi.” The establishment of peace is a duty to which the entire human race is called. %% Okuleetawo emirembe gwe mulimu abantu bonna gwe bayitirwa okwenyigiramu. The responsibility that Bahá'ís bear to aid that process will evolve over time, %% Obuvunaanyizibwa Ababahá'í bwe beetisse okuyamba enteekateeka eyo bujja kweyubula mpolampola, but they have never been mere spectators — %% naye tebabeerangako batunuulizi butunulizi -- they lend their share of assistance to the operation of those forces leading humanity towards unity. %% bawaayo omugabo gwabwe ogw’obuyambi eri abalala mu kussa mu nkola amaanyi ago aganaakulembera abantu bonna okutuuka ku bumu. They are summoned to be as leaven to the world. %% Bayitibwa babeere ng’ekizimbulukusa eri ensi yonna. Consider Bahá'u'lláh‟s words: %% Mulowooze nnyo ku bigambo bya Bahá’u’lláh bino: Address yourselves to the promotion of the well-being and tranquillity of the children of men. %% Musseeyo nnyo omwoyo mu kutumbula embeera ennungi n’obutebenkevu mu baana b’abantu. Bend your minds and wills to the education of the peoples and kindreds of the earth, %% Ebirowoozo n’amaanyi gammwe gonna mubimalire ku kugunjula abantu b’ensi aba buli kika, that haply the dissensions that divide it may, through the power of the Most Great Name, be blotted out from its face, and all mankind become the upholders of one Order, and the inhabitants of one City. %% nti oboolyawo obutakkaanya obubaawulayawula, ku lw’obuyinza bw’Oyo ow’Erinnya Erisinga Obukulu, bunaasobola okusangulibwawo buviirewo ddala ku nsi, era abantu bonna basobole okufuuka abakuumi ab’Etteeka limu, era abatuuze ab’Ekibuga kimu. 'Abdu‟l-Bahá also emphasised the importance of the contribution that Bahá'ís are called on to make to the establishment of world peace: %% ‘Abdu’l-Bahá naye aggumiza obukulu bwa kaweefube Ababahá'í gwe bakola mu kuleetawo emirembe mu nsi yonna: … peace must first be established among individuals, until it leadeth in the end to peace among nations. %% ... emirembe okusooka giteekwa okukkalira wakati mu bantu, okutuusa ku nkomerero lwe gibugaana wakati mu mawanga. Wherefore, O ye Bahá’ís, strive ye with all your might to create, through the power of the Word of God, genuine love, spiritual communion and durable bonds among individuals. %% Noolwekyo, Abange mmwe Ababahá'í, mufube nnyo n’amaanyi gammwe gonna okutondawo, nga muyita mu maanyi g’Ekigambo kya Katonda, okwagala okutaliimu bukuusa, okusseekimu okw’omwoyo wamu n’enkolagana ey’obuwangaazi wakati mu bantu. This is your task. %% Guno gwe mulimu gwammwe. “The Promise of World Peace”, the message we addressed to the peoples of the world in 1985, %% “Ekisuubizo eky’Emirembe mu Nsi Yonna”, obubaka bwe twatuusa eri abantu ab’omu nsi yonna mu 1985, set out the Bahá'í perspective on the condition of the world and the prerequisites of universal peace. %% bwalambika endowooza y’Enzikiriza ya Bahá'í ku mbeera y’ensi n’ebyo ebiteekwa okubeerawo olwo emirembe mu nsi yonna giryoke gibune wonna. It also offered the global Bahá'í community as a model for study that could reinforce hope in the possibility of uniting the human race. %% Nate era bwawa eky’okulabirako eky’abakkirizza Ababahá'í okwetooloola ensi yonna ng’ekifaananyi ekituukiridde ekiyinza okunyweza essuubi ery’omukisa ogw’okugatta awamu abantu bonna. In the years since, the followers of Bahá'u'lláh have been patiently refining that model %% Mu myaka egiyiseewo kasookanga bino bibeerawo, abagoberezi ba Bahá’u’lláh babadde bagenda balongoosa ekifaananyi eky’enteekateeka eno and working with others around them to build up and broaden a system of social organization based on His teachings. %% era n’okukolagana n’abalala ababeetoolodde mu kuzimba n’okugaziya enkola ey’okulambika embeera z’abantu ezeesigamizibwa ku njigiriza Ze. They are learning how to nurture communities that embody those prerequisites of peace we identified in 1985. %% Bali mu kuyiga engeri ey’okukulaakulanya abantu ab’omu bitundu byabwe omuli okulaga ebyo ebiteekwa okubeerawo bye twalaga mu 1985. They cultivate environments in which children can be raised untainted by any form of racial, national, or religious prejudice. %% Bassaawo embeera abaana abato mwe bayinza okukuzibwa nga tebalungiddwamu butwa bwonna omuli okusosolagana olw’embala zaabwe ez’enjawulo, amawanga gaabwe aba eddiini ze bakkiririzaamu. They champion the full equality of women with men in the affairs of the community. %% Bakulembeza omwenkanonkano omujjuvu wakati w’abasajja n’ebakazi mu nsonga z’abantu ab’omu bitundu byabwe. Their programmes of education, transformative in their effects and encompassing both the material and spiritual aspects of life, %% Enteekateeka zaabwe ezikwata ku by’enjigiriza nga z’ezo ezireetawo enkyukakyuka mu mbeera ez’omubiri ne mu by’omwoyo, welcome everyone who wishes to contribute to the community's prosperity. %% zaaniriza buli muntu abeera ayagala okukola kyonna ky’asobola mu kukulaakulanya abantu ab’omu kitundu kye. In the stirrings of social action can be seen their desire to remedy the numerous ills afflicting humanity %% Mu keetereekerero ak’abantu okukwatiza awamu okukola ku mbeera zaabwe muyinza okulabibwamu okuyaayaana kwe balina okuwonya endwadde enkumuliitu ezikijjanya abantu bonna and to empower each person to become a protagonist in the building of a new world. %% era n’okulinnyisa obusobozi obwa buli muntu asobole okufuuka omuzira mu kuzimba ensi empya. Taking inspiration from the concept of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, they invite to their devotional meetings followers of all faiths and none. %% Nga beeyambisa okuluŋŋamizibwa okuva ku mulamwa gwa Mashriq’l-Adhkár, basaba abagoberezi eb’enzikiriza zonna okujja okubeegattako mu nkuŋŋaana ez’okusinza. Youth, distinguished for their commitment to a society founded on peace and justice, are engaging their like-minded peers in the work of building communities on this foundation. %% Abavubuka, abasukkulumizibwa olw’okwewaayo eri obulamu obw’abantu ab’omu kitundu kyabwe obunywezeddwa ku musingi ogw’emirembe n’obwenkanya, bali mu kukolagana ne bannabwe bwe bafaananya endowooza mu mulimu ogw’okuzimba abantu ab’omu bitundu byabwe ku musingi guno. In the institution of the Local Spiritual Assembly exists the spiritual authority and the administrative capacity to govern in servitude, to resolve conflicts, and to build unity; %% Mu kitongole eky’Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo Olusookerwako mulimu obuyinza obw’omwoyo n’obusobozi obw’enzirukanya y’emirimu ebisobozesa okufuga mu bwetoowaze, okugonjoola obukuubagano, era n’okuzimba obumu, the electoral process through which Assemblies are formed is itself an expression of peace, %% nga n’enteekateeka ey’okulonda abakulembeze eyitibwamu okussaawo Olukiiko nayo yennyini eraga embeera ey’emirembe, in contrast to the vitriol and even violence that often accompanies elections in the wider society. %% ng’eno ekontanira ddala n’ettima wamu n’obutabanguko obuwerekera okulonda abakulembeze mu bantu abali mu bitundu bingi. Implicit in all these dimensions of an open, expanding community is the foundational recognition that all of humanity are the children of one Creator. %% Amakulu amakusike mu mbeera zino zonna ag’abagoberezi abalambulukufu era abagenda beeyongera g’ego ag’okutegeera okuzimbiddwa ku musingi omugumu nti abantu bonna baana ba Mutonzi omu. The friends are also developing their capacity for engaging those around them, %% Abeemikwano nate era bali mu kukulaakulanya obusobozi bwabwe okusembeza abo ababeetoolodde, regardless of creed, culture, class, or ethnicity, %% nga tebafuddeeyo ku nzikiriza, buwangwa, kifo kya muntu mu bantu oba ekikula kyabwe, in conversations about how to bring about spiritual and material well-being through systematic application of the divine teachings. %% mu kuwaanyisiganya ebirowoozo ku mbeera ennungi ey’omwoyo n’omubiri nga bayita mu nteekateeka ey’okussa mu nkola enjigiraza entukuvu. One gratifying result of this growing capacity is the community's increased ability %% Embeera emu esanyusa era ezzaamu amaanyi ey’obusobzi buno obugenda bweyongera y’eyo eyeeyoleseza mu busobozi bw’abagoberezi to make meaningful contributions to various important discourses prevalent in society; %% obweyongedde mu kuwaayo ebirowoozo ebirungi mu kukubaganya ebirowoozo ku nsonga eza bulijjo eziruma abantu ab’omu bitundu byabwe; in certain countries, leaders and thinkers striving to address the challenges confronting their societies increasingly show appreciation for the perspectives offered by Bahá'ís. %% mu nsi ezimu, abakulembeze ne bakalimagezi abalafuubana okukola ku kusoomoozebwa okwolekedde abantu ab’omu bitundu byabwe beeyongera okusiima kwabwe eri endowooza eziweebwa Ababahá'í. These contributions articulate insights derived from Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation, %% Endowooza zino ezinnyonnyola amazima amakusike agava mu Kubikkulirwa kwa Bahá’u’lláh, draw on the experience being generated by the believers around the world, %% zeeyambisa obumanyirivu obugenda bufunibwa abakkiriza okwetooloola ensi yonna, and aim to elevate the discussion above the acrimony and contention that so often prevent discourses of society from progressing. %% era ziruubirira okulongoosa enkubaganya y’ebirowoozo kuveemu obusungu n’emirerembe enfunda ennyingi ebiziyiza okukubaganya ebirowoozo okw’abantu ab’omu bitundu okugenda mu maaso obulungi. Further, the ideas and lines of reasoning advanced by Bahá'ís are reinforced by their practice of consultation. %% Ekirala, ebirowoozo n’engeri ensonga gye biweebwamu Ababahá'í binywezebwa enkola yaabwe ey’okwebuuzaganya. Sensitized as they are to the importance of harmony and the fruitlessness of conflict, %% Kubanga babeera bamaze okumanyisibwa ku mugaso oguli mu kukkaanya n’obutabanguko obutavaamu kalungi konna, the followers of Bahá'u'lláh seek to cultivate those conditions that are most conducive to the emergence of unity in any setting. %% abagoberezi ba Bahá’u’lláh banoonya okukulaakulanya embeera ezo ezisingira ddala obulungi ezivaamu obumu mu mbeera yonna. We are heartened to see the believers expanding their efforts to participate in the discourses of society -- %% Tuddamu amaanyi okulaba abakkiriza nga bagaziya kaweefube waabwe ow’okwenyigira mu kukubaganya ebirowoozo n’abantu ab’omu bituntu byabwe -- especially those friends who, in their professional capacity, are able to contribute to discourses directly related to peace. %% naddala abeemikwano, mu busobozi bwabwe obw’ekikugu, abasobola okwetaba butereevu mu kukubagancya ebirowoozo ebikwata ku mirembe. For Bahá'ís , the attainment of peace is not simply an aspiration to which they are sympathetic or a goal complementary to their other aims — %% Mwe nno Ababahá'í, obuwanguzi bw’okutuuka ku mirembe si kye kiruubirirwa kye tuwagira obuwagizi oba ekyo ekisuubirwa naye nga kigendera bugendezi wamu n’ebiruubirirwa ebirala -- it has always been a central concern. %% emirembe mu nsi yonna gwe mulamwa bulijjo ogubadde gusingira ddala obukulu. In a second Tablet 'Abdu'l-Bahá addressed to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace in the Hague, He asserted that %% %% Mu Kiwandiiko ekyokubiri ekya ‘Abdu’l-Bahá ekyawandiikirwa Central Organization for a Durable Peace mu Hague, Ye yakisimbako essira nti, “our desire for peace is not derived merely from the intellect: %% “okuyaayanira emirembe okwaffe tekuva buvi mu magezi gaffe ag’obuntu: It is a matter of religious belief and one of the eternal foundations of the Faith of God.” %% Eno nsonga ya nzikiriza ey’eddiini era emu ku musingi egy’olubeerera egy’Enzikiriza ya Katonda.” He observed that for peace to be realized in the world, it was not adequate that people should be informed about the horrors of war: %% Yakiraba era n’akirambika nti emirembe okubaawo mu nsi yonna, tekimala okubuulira obubuulizi abantu eby’entiisa ebibeera mu ntalo: Today the benefits of universal peace are recognized amongst the people, and likewise the harmful effects of war are clear and manifest to all. %% Olwaleero emigaso egiva mu mirembe mu nsi yonna girabibwa wakati mu bantu, era mu ngeri y’emu n’okuluma obugigi okuva mu ntalo bitegeerekeka era byeyoleka eri bonna. But in this matter, knowledge alone is far from sufficient: %% Naye ku nsonga eno, okumanya kwokka tekumala n’akamu. A power of implementation is needed to establish it throughout the world. %% Amaanyi ag’okussa mu nkola geetaagibwa okuleetawo emirembe okwetooloola ensi yonna. “It is our firm belief”, He continued, “that the power of implementation in this great endeavour is the penetrating influence of the Word of God and the confirmations of the Holy Spirit.” %% Yeeyongera n’agamba nti, “Tuli bakakafu ddala nti amaanyi ag’okussa mu nkola mu kaweefube ono omukulu ge maanyi ag’Ekigambo kya Katonda agabuna wonna era n’okukakasibwa okw’Omwoyo Omutukuvu.” Certainly, then, none who are conscious of the condition of the world can refrain from giving their utmost to this endeavour and seeking those confirmations — %% Kale nno, mu mazima tewali n’omu ategeera embeera ensi yonna gy’erimu ayinza okwewala okweweerayo ddala mu kaweefube ono era n’okunooya okukakasibwa okwo -- confirmations for which we too earnestly supplicate at the Sacred Threshold on your behalf. %% okukakasibwa naffe kwe tuwaayo mu bwesimbu ku lwammwe ku Mulyango Omutukuvu. Beloved friends: The devoted efforts that you and your like-minded collaborators are making to build communities %% Abeemikwano abaagalwa: Kaweefube ow’okweweerayo ddala mmwe ne banywanyi bammwe bwe mufaanaganya endowooza gwe mwenyigiddemu okuzimba abantu ab’omu bitundu byammwe founded on spiritual principles, to apply those principles for the betterment of your societies, %% ali ku musingi ogw’emiramwa egy’omwoyo, okussa mu nkola emiramwa egyo ku lw’okulinnyisa embeera y’abantu ab’omu bitundu byammwe, and to offer the insights arising — these are the surest ways you can hasten the fulfilment of the promise of world peace. %% era n’okuwa amagezi agabeera gavuddemu -- gano ge makubo agasinga okwesigika ge muyinza okuyitamu okwanguyaako okutuukirira kw’ekisuubizo eky’emirembe egy’ensi yonna.