THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE %% Ennyumba ey'Ensi Yonna ey'Obwenkanya 1 March 2017 To the Bahá’ís of the World %% Eri aba Bahá’í mu Nsi Yonna, Dearly loved Friends, %%Abeemikwano Abaagalwa Ennyo, 01 In an increasingly interconnected world, more light is being cast on the social conditions of every people, giving greater visibility to their circumstances. %% Mu nsi eyeeyongera okukolaganira awamu, ekitangaala ekingi kimulisa embeera z’abantu bonna eza bulijjo, nga kino kireeseewo okuzitegeerera ddala obulungi. While there are developments that give hope, there is much that should weigh heavy on the conscience of the human race. %% Mu kiseera kino omuli enkulaakulana eziwa essuubi, waliwo bingi ebyandibadde biswaza emmeeme z’abantu bonna. Inequity, discrimination, and exploitation blight the life of humanity, seemingly immune to the treatments applied by political schemes of every hue. %% Obutali bwenkanya, obusosoze, era obunyuunyunsi bwonoona obulamu bw’abantu, abalabika nga tebayambiddwa nteekateeka n’enkola eza ba nnabyabufuzi eza buli kika. The economic impact of these afflictions has resulted in the prolonged suffering of so many, as well as in deep-seated, structural defects in society. %% Obulumi obuvudde mu mbeera y’ebyenfuna buleese okubonaabona okweyongera mu bantu abangi, wamu n’ensobi ez’amaanyi eziremedde mu bantu. No one whose heart has been attracted to the teachings of the Blessed Beauty can remain unmoved by these consequences. %% Teri n’omu nga omutima gwe gusikiriziddwa enjigiriza y’Oyo Omubalagavu Eyaweebwa Omukisa ayinza okusigala nga takwatiddwako ebiva mu mbeera zino. "The world is in great turmoil," Bahá'u'lláh observes in the Lawh-i-Dunya, "and the minds of its people are in a state of utter confusion. %% Bahá'u'lláh akirambika mu Lawh-i-Dunyá nti, “Ensi yonna eri mu katyabaga, era n’endowooza z’abantu ziri mu mbeera ya kusoberwa. We entreat the Almighty that He may graciously illuminate them with the glory of His Justice, and enable them to discover that which will be profitable unto them at all times and under all conditions." %% Twegayirira Oyo Ayinza-byonna akkirize olw'ekisa Kye okubaluŋŋamya n’ekitiibwa eky’Obwenkanya Bwe, era abasobozese okuzuula ekyo ekinaabagasa ekiseera kyonna era mu mbeera zonna.” As the Bahá’í community strives to contribute at the level of thought and action to the betterment of the world, the adverse conditions experienced by many populations will more and more demand its attention. %% Abantu ba Bahá’í nga bwe balafuubana okukola kye basobola ku mutendera gw’okuwa ebirowoozo n’okukola emirimu olw’okuleetawo embeera esingako obulungi mu nsi yonna, embeera embi abantu ab’omu bitundu bingi ze bayitamu zijja kweyongera okwetaaga okufiibwako abantu ba Bahá’í. 02 The welfare of any segment of humanity is inextricably bound up with the welfare of the whole. %% Obulamu obulungi obw’ekitundu ky’abantu mu buli ngeri yonna bukwatagana n’embeera y’obulamu obw’abantu bonna. Humanity's collective life suffers when any one group thinks of its own well-being in isolation from that of its neighbours' or pursues economic gain without regard for how the natural environment, which provides sustenance for all, is affected. %% Obulamu bw’abantu bonna ababeera awamu bukosebwa ekitundu ky’abantu ekimu bwe kirowooza ku bulungi bwakyo kyokka nga tekifuddeeyo ku bulungi bw’abo ababalinaanye, oba okugobolola mu byenfuna nga tekifuddeeyo ku ngeri embeera y’obutonde, etubeezaawo fenna, gy’ekosebwamu. A stubborn obstruction, then, stands in the way of meaningful social progress: time and again, avarice and self-interest prevail at the expense of the common good. %% Olwo nno, enkonge enkalubo yeekiika mu kkubo ery’okugenda mu maaso okw’embeera z’abantu: obutasalako, omululu n’okweyagaliza biwangula ne bifeebya ekigasa bonna. Unconscionable quantities of wealth are being amassed, and the instability this creates is made worse by how income and opportunity are spread so unevenly both between nations and within nations. %% Obugagga butabalika bukuŋŋaanyizibwa ne bukwekebwa, era obutali butenkevu obuva mu kino bubijja olw’engeri enfuna y’abantu n’omukisa gw’okufuna ensimbi gye byewunzikira oludda olumu wakati w’amawanga ne mu mawanga mwennyini. But it need not be so. %% Naye kino si bwe kyandibadde. However much such conditions are the outcome of history, they do not have to define the future, and even if current approaches to economic life satisfied humanity's stage of adolescence, they are certainly inadequate for its dawning age of maturity. %% Newaakubadde embeera nga zino zivudde wala nnyo, tezirina kulambika nti n’ebiseera eby’omu maaso bwe bityo bwe biribeera, era newaakubadde enkola eriwo kati ey’obulamu bw’ebyenfuna yamatiza omutendera gw’abantu nga gukyali mu buvubuka, mu butuufu embeera ezo tezisobola kukola mu ntandikwa y’omulembe guno ogututwala mu bukulu. There is no justification for continuing to perpetuate structures, rules, and systems that manifestly fail to serve the interests of all peoples. %% Tewali nsonga nkuukuutivu ey’okugenda mu maaso n’okukozesa obulombolombo, amateeka, n’enkola ebirabikira ddala okulemwa okutuukiriza abantu bonna bye bettanira. The teachings of the Faith leave no room for doubt: there is an inherent moral dimension to the generation, distribution, and utilization of wealth and resources. %% Enjigiriza z’Enzikiriza teziriimu kubuusabuusa kwonna: waliwo embeera ey’empisa y’obutonde ey’okufunamu, okugabanya, n’okukozesa ensimbi n’eby’obugagga. 03 The stresses emerging out of the long-term process of transition from a divided world to a united one are being felt within international relations as much as in the deepening fractures that affect societies large and small. %% Okunyigirizibwa okungi okuva mu nteekateeka ey’ekiseera ekiwanvu eky’okukyuka okuva mu mbeera y’ensi yonna omuli okweyawulayawula okutuuka mu eyo omuli okwegatta kutattana enkolagana y’amawanga mu ngeri y’emu nga bwe kuleetawo enjawukana ennene ezikosa abantu ababeera awamu abangi n’abatono. With prevailing modes of thought found to be badly wanting, the world is in desperate need of a shared ethic, a sure framework for addressing the crises that gather like storm clouds. %% Endowooza eri ku mulembe kati eremeddwa era ensi yonna eri mu bwetaavu bungi nnyo obw’empisa ennungi ezitegeerwa wonna, ebbago ery’amaanyi okukola ku bugulumbo obwesomba nga ebire by’omuyaga. The vision of Bahá'u'lláh challenges many of the assumptions that are allowed to shape contemporary discourse—for instance, that self-interest, far from needing to be restrained, drives prosperity, and that progress depends upon its expression through relentless competition.%% Okwolesebwa kwa Bahá'u'lláh kusoomooza nnyingi ku ndowooza ezitwalibwa nga entuufu ezikozesebwa okulambika endowooza ya buli muntu – eky’okulabirako, nti okweyagaliza kwe kutambuza obugagga tesaanye kuzibiikirizibwa, era nti okugenda mu maaso kwesigamizibwa ku kussa mu nkola endowooza y’okweyagaliza nga eyisibwa mu kuvuganya okw’amaanyi ennyo. To view the worth of an individual chiefly in terms of how much one can accumulate and how many goods one can consume relative to others is wholly alien to Bahá’í thought. %% Okutunuulira omugaso gw’omuntu nga kino kyesigamizibwa ku bugagga bw’asobola okukuŋŋaanya n’okutereka era n’ebintu bimeka by’asobola okugula nga ageraageranyiziddwa ku balala tekikkirizibwa n’akamu kokka mu ndowooza y’aba Bahá’í. But neither are the teachings in sympathy with sweeping dismissals of wealth as inherently distasteful or immoral, and asceticism is prohibited. %% Naye ate n’enjigiriza ezikkaanya n’endowooza egamba nti obugagga tebusanyusa oba kibi, n’okwegaanira ddala eby’ensi kuwereddwa. Wealth must serve humanity. %% Obugagga buteekwa kukozesebwa mu kuweereza abantu bonna. Its use must accord with spiritual principles; systems must be created in their light. %% Enkozesa yaabwo eteekwa okukkiriziganya n’emisingi gy’omwoyo; enkola ezigobererwa ziteekwa okutondebwawo nga zeesigamizibwa ku birowoozo bino. And, in Baha'u'llah's memorable words, "No light can compare with the light of justice. %% Era mu bigambo bya Bahá'u'lláh ebikulu ennyo, “Teri kitangaala ekiyinza okugeraageranyizibwa ku kitangaala ky’obwenkanya. The establishment of order in the world and the tranquillity of the nations depend upon it." %% Okuzimba enteekateeka ey’ensi yonna era n’emirembe mu mawanga byesigamizibwa ku kyo.” 04 Although Bahá'u'lláh does not set out in His Revelation a detailed economic system, a constant theme throughout the entire corpus of His teachings is the reorganization of human society. %% Newaakubadde Bahá'u'lláh talambikira ddala nkola yennyini ey’ebyenfuna, omulamwa ogutakyuka mu biwandiiko byonna eby’enjigiriza Ze gukwata ku kuteekateeka bupya obulamu bw’abantu. Consideration of this theme inevitably gives rise to questions of economics. %% Okulowooza ennyo ku mulamwa guno nga bwe kisuubirwa kuleeta ebibuuzo ebikwata ku byenfuna. Of course, the future order conceived by Bahá'u'lláh is far beyond anything that can be imagined by the present generation. %% Kituufu ddala, enteekateeka ey’ebiseera eby’omu maaso Bahá'u'lláh gye yalambika eri waggulu nnyo okuva ku ndowooza y’abantu b’omulembe guno. Nevertheless, its eventual emergence will depend on strenuous effort by His followers to put His teachings into effect today. %% Naye nno, okweyoleka kw’enteekateeka okutaliiko kubuusabuusa kujja kwesigama ku kulafuubana ennyo okw’abagoberezi Be nga bassa mu nkola enjigiriza Ze olwa leero. With this in mind, we hope that the comments below will stimulate thoughtful, ongoing reflection by the friends. %% Nga tulowooza ku nsonga eno buli kaseera, tulina essuubi nti ebiragiddwa wammanga bijja kusikiriza okwefumiitiriza okunnyikivu okugenda mu maaso mu b’emikwano. The aim is to learn about how to participate in the material affairs of society in a way that is consistent with the divine precepts and how, in practical terms, collective prosperity can be advanced through justice and generosity, collaboration and mutual assistance. %% Ekiruubirirwa kwe kuyiga ku ngeri ey’okwenyigira mu nsonga z’embeera y’abantu eza bulijjo mu ngeri ekwatagana n’amateeka ga Katonda era, ne mu mbeera eriwo, okugenda mu maaso okw’awamu okw’abantu bonna gye buyinza okuteekebwa ku mutendera ogusingako nga buyita mu bwenkanya n’ekisa, okukolagana n’okuyambagana. 05 Our call to examine the implications of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh for economic life is intended to reach Bahá’í institutions and communities but is directed more especially to the individual believer. %% Omulanga gwaffe okwekenneenya amakulu agali mu Kubikkulirwa kwa Bahá'u'lláh ku by’enfuna by’abantu nga n’ekigendererwa gusobole okutuuka mu bitongole bya Bahá’í n’ebitundu ebirimu abantu ba Bahá’í naye okusingira ddala nga essira tulitadde ku mukkiriza kinnoomu. If a new model of community life, patterned on the teachings, is to emerge, must not the company of the faithful demonstrate in their own lives the rectitude of conduct that is one of its most distinguishing features? %% Singa ekifaananyi ky’enteekateeka empya ey’embeera y’obulamu bw’abantu ab’omu kitundu egendera ku njigiriza, bw’eba nga ya kweyoleka, olwo abakkiriza bonna balaga mu bulamu bwabwe obugolokofu bw’empisa nga ke kamu ku bubonero obw’enkukunala obw’enteekateeka eno? Every choice a Bahá’í makes—as employee or employer, producer or consumer, borrower or lender, benefactor or beneficiary—leaves a trace, and the moral duty to lead a coherent life demands that one's economic decisions be in accordance with lofty ideals, that the purity of one's aims be matched by the purity of one's actions to fulfil those aims. %% Okusalawo kwonna owa Bahá’í kw’akola – nga omukozi oba omukozesa, omuweesi oba omuguzi, eyeewola oba awola, omugabi oba agannyulwa – kulekawo obuwufu, era obuvunaanyizibwa okubeera n’empisa ennungi omuntu asobole okutambuza obulamu obutegeerekeka kyetaagisa nti okusalawo ku ngeri gy’akozesaamu eby’obugagga bye kukwatagana n’emisingi gy’omwoyo, nti obulongoofu bw’ebigendererwa by’omuntu bugendera wamu n’obulongoofu bw’ebikolwa bye asobole okutuukiriza ebigendererwa ebyo. Naturally, the friends habitually look to the teachings to set the standard to which to aspire. %% Awatali kubuusabuusa, abeemikwano nga bulijjo bajuliza enjigiriza balambike omutindo gwe baluubirira okutuukako. But the community's deepening engagement with society means that the economic dimension of social existence must receive ever more concentrated attention. %% Naye enkwatagana y’abantu ab’omu kitundu egenda enywerera ddala n’abantu bonna etegeeza nti ebirowoozo ebikwata ku by’enfuna y’abantu biteekwa okuwulirizibwa n’okukolwako ennyo. Particularly in clusters where the community-building process is beginning to embrace large numbers, the exhortations contained in the Bahá’í Writings should increasingly inform economic relationships within families, neighbourhoods, and peoples. %% Na ddala mu bitendo omuli enteekateeka y’okuzimba abantu ab’omu kitundu egenda etandika okusikiriza abantu abangi, okubuulirira okuweereddwa mu Byawandiikibwa bya Bahá’í kusaana okweyongera okuluŋŋamya enkolagana y’ebyenfuna mu maka, emiriraano, era n’abantu bonna. Not content with whatever values prevail in the existing order that surrounds them, the friends everywhere should consider the application of the teachings to their lives and, using the opportunities their circumstances offer them, make their own individual and collective contributions to economic justice and social progress wherever they reside. %% Kubanga si bamativu na buli birowoozebwa okubeera eby’omugaso mu nteekateeka eno eriwo gye babeeramu, abeemikwano wonna gye bali basaana okulowooza ennyo ku kukozesa enjigiriza mu bulamu bwabwe era, nga bakozesa emikisa embeera zaabwe gye zibawa, baweeyo kye basobola kinnoomu oba awamu eri eby’enfuna ebirimu obwenkanya era n’okugenda mu maaso okw’abantu wonna gye babeera. Such efforts will add to a growing storehouse of knowledge in this regard. %% Kaweefube nga ono ajja kwongera ku tterekero ly’amagezi erigenda ligaziwa mu ngeri eno. 06 A foundational concept to explore in this context is the spiritual reality of man. %% Empagi esinga obukulu ey’okwekenneenya ku nsonga eno y’eyo ekwata ku mbeera entuufu ey’omwoyo gw’omuntu. In the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, the nobility inherent to every human being is unequivocally asserted; it is a fundamental tenet of Bahá’í belief, upon which hope for the future of humankind is built. %% Mu Kubikkulirwa kwa Bahá'u'lláh, ekitiibwa eky’obutonde ekya buli muntu omulamu kirambikiddwa bulungi nnyo; njigiriza nkulu nnyo mu nzikiriza ya Bahá’í, nga eno kwe kuzimbirwa essubi ery’ebiseera eby’omu maaso eby’abantu bonna. The soul's capacity to manifest all the names and attributes of God — He Who is the Compassionate, the Bestower, the Bountiful — is repeatedly affirmed in the Writings. %% Amaanyi g’omwoyo okwolesa amannya gonna n’obubonero bwa Katonda – Oyo Owookusaasira, Omugabi, Oweekisa - gakakasibwa emirundi mingi mu Byawandiikibwa. Economic life is an arena for the expression of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, generosity, and other qualities of the spirit. %% Eby’enfuna by’abantu mbeera ya kulaga mazima, bwesimbu, bwesigwa, kisa era n’obubonero bw’omwoyo obulala. The individual is not merely a self-interested economic unit, striving to claim an ever-greater share of the world's material resources. %% Omuntu tabeera bubeezi nnyingo ya byanfuna eby’okweyagaliza, nga alafuubana okwongera okugabana ku by’obugagga bw’ensi. "Man's merit lieth in service and virtue", Bahá'u'lláh avers, "and not in the pageantry of wealth and riches." %% Bahá'u'lláh aggumiza nti, “Ekitiibwa ky’omuntu kiri mu buweereza n’empisa so si mu kulaga bya bugagga na nsimbi.” And further: "Dissipate not the wealth of your precious lives in the pursuit of evil and corrupt affection, nor let your endeavours be spent in promoting your personal interest." %% Bahá'u'lláh akirambika bulungi nti, “Temudiibuudanga bugagga bwa bulamu bwammwe obw’omuwendo nga mugoberera okwegomba okubi era okuvundu, wadde okulafuubana kwammwe okukumalira mu kukulembeza ebisanyusa obulamu bwammwe mwekka.” By consecrating oneself to the service of others, one finds meaning and purpose in life and contributes to the upliftment of society itself. %% Omuntu bwe yeeweerayo ddala mu kuweereza abalala, azuula amakulu n’ekigendererwa mu bulamu era n’awaayo ky’asobola olw’okuyimusa embeera z’obulamu bw’abantu bennyini. At the outset of His celebrated treatise The Secret of Divine Civilization, 'Abdu'l-Bahá states: %% Okuviira ddala ku ntandikwa y’ekiwandiiko Kye ekyatiikirivu ekiyitibwa The Secret of Divine Civilisation, 'Abdu'l-Bahá alambika nti: 07 And the honour and distinction of the individual consist in this, that he among all the world's multitudes should become a source of social good. %% Era ekitiibwa n’okusukkulumizibwa kw’omuntu kinnoomu biri mu kino, nti mu bantu bonna ab’ensi yonna asaana afuuke ensibuko y’obulungi bw’abantu. Is any larger bounty conceivable than this, that an individual, looking within himself, should find that by the confirming grace of God he has become the cause of peace and well-being, of happiness and advantage to his fellow men? %% Ekirabo ekisinga kino obunene kiyinza okulowoozebwa okusinga kino, nti omuntu omu, nga yeekebera munda we yennyini, yandikizuula nti olw’ekisa kya Katonda ekinyweza afuuse ensibuko y’emirembe n’obulamu obulungi, ey’essanyu n’okugenda mu maaso okw’abantu banne? No, by the one true God, there is no greater bliss, no more complete delight. %% Nedda, ku lwa Katonda omu ow’amazima, teri ssanyu lituukiridde kusinga lino wadde okwesiima okutuukiridde okusinga kuno. 08 Viewed in this light, many seemingly ordinary economic activities gain new significance because of their potential to add to human welfare and prosperity. %% Bwe gitunuulirwa mu kitangaala nga ekyo, emirimu egy’ebyenfuna egirabika nga egya bulijjo gifuuka mikulu olw’obusobozi bwe girina okwongera okutumbula embeera z’abantu ennungi n’okugenda mu maaso. "Every person must have an occupation, a trade or a craft," explains the Master, "so that he may carry other people's burdens, and not himself be a burden to others." %% Omukulu annyonnyola nti, “Buli muntu ateekwa okwenyigira mu mulimu oguleeta ensimbi kimusobozese okwetikka emigugu gy’abalala, so si ye okufuuka omugugu eri abalala.” The poor are urged by Bahá'u'lláh to "exert themselves and strive to earn the means of livelihood", while they who are possessed of riches "must have the utmost regard for the poor". %% Bahá'u'lláh akubiriza abaavu “okwerwanako n’okulafuubana okufuna amakubo ag’okufamu ensimbi ez’okwebeezaawo”, ate nga bo abagagga “bateekwa okulumirirwa abaavu”. "Wealth", 'Abdu'l-Bahá has affirmed, "is praiseworthy in the highest degree, if it is acquired by an individual's own efforts and the grace of God, in commerce, agriculture, art and industry, and if it be expended for philanthropic purposes." %% 'Abdu'l-Bahá akirambise nti, “Obugagga busiimibwa nnyo singa omuntu abufuna mu kulafuubana kwe yennyini nga ayambibwako ekisa kya Katonda, mu busuubuzi, mu bulimi, mu by’emikono n’amakolero, era singa busaasaanyizibwa mu kukola ku nsonga z’okuyamba abanaku”. At the same time, the Hidden Words is replete with warnings of its perilous allure, that wealth is a "mighty barrier" between the believer and the proper Object of his adoration. %% Mu kiseera kyekimu, Ebigambo eby’Amakulu Agaakisibwa mujjuddemu okulabula okukwata ku kabi akali mu kusikirizibwa kwabwo, nti obugagga “nkonge y’amaanyi” wakati w’omukkiriza n’Oyo omutuufu gw’alina okusinza. No wonder, then, that Bahá'u'lláh extols the station of the wealthy one who is not hindered by riches from attaining the eternal kingdom; the splendour of such a soul "shall illuminate the dwellers of heaven even as the sun enlightens the people of the earth!" %% Bwekityo, tekyewuunyisa nti Bahá'u'lláh asuuta ekifo ky’oyo omugagga eby’obugagga gwe bitaziyiza kutuuka mu bwakabaka obutaggwawo; okumasamasa okw’omugagga alinga oyo “kulimulisa abatuula mu ggulu nga enjuba bw’emulisa abantu abatuula mu nsi!” 'Abdu'l-Bahá declares that "if a judicious and resourceful individual should initiate measures which would universally enrich the masses of the people, there could be no undertaking greater than this, and it would rank in the sight of God as the supreme achievement". %% 'Abdu'l-Bahá alangirira nti, “singa omuntu omu atalina kyekubiira era omuyiiya atandikawo amakubo agayinza okugaggawaza abantu bonna, tewandibaddewo mulimu munene ogusinga guno era gwandifunye obukulu mu maaso ga Katonda nga obuwanguzi obusingira ddala”. For wealth is most commendable "provided the entire population is wealthy." %% Kubanga obugagga busanyusa “abantu bonna bwe babeera abagagga”. Examining one's life to determine what is a necessity and then discharging with joy one's obligation in relation to the law of Ḥuqúqu'lláh is an indispensable discipline to bring one's priorities into balance, purify whatever wealth one possesses, and ensure that the share which is the Right of God provides for the greater good. %% Omuntu okwefumiitiriza ku bulamu bwe asalewo kye yeetaaga olwo alyoke atuukirize n’essanyu obuvanaayizibwa bwe obukwatagana n’etteeka lya Ḥuqúqu'lláh mpisa eyeetagisa ennyo omuntu bw’aba nga wa kuteeka ku minzaani ebyo ebisinga obukulu mu bulamu, okulongoosa eby’obugagga byonna omuntu by’alina, era n’okukakasa nti omutemwa ogwo ogw’Amakula ga Katonda guweebwayo ku lw’obulungi bw’abantu bonna. At all times, contentment and moderation, benevolence and fellow feeling, sacrifice and reliance on the Almighty are qualities that befit the God-fearing soul. %% Ekiseera kyonna, obumativu n’obusaamusaamu, obugabi n’okulumirirwa muno okusadaaka n’okwesigama ku Oyo Ayinzabyonna bwonna bubonero obulungi obusaanira emmeeme etya Katonda. 09 The forces of materialism promote a quite contrary line of thinking: that happiness comes from constant acquisition, that the more one has the better, that worry for the environment is for another day. %% Amaanyi agali mu kulowooleza mu bintu obuntu galeetawo endowooza ekontana n’eyo waggulu: nti essanyu liva mu kufuna bintu obutasalako, nti omuntu gye yeeyongera okufuna ebintu ebingi gy’akoma okubeera obulungi, nti okufaayo ku butonde bw’ensi kirikolwako lunaku lulala. These seductive messages fuel an increasingly entrenched sense of personal entitlement, which uses the language of justice and rights to disguise self-interest. %% Obubaka buno obusendasenda ennyo buseesa mu ndowooza eyeeyongera mu bantu nti balina ebbeetu ly’obwannanyini ku bintu, erikozesa olulimi lw’obwenkanya n’eddembe ly’obuntu okubuzaabuza omwoyo ogw’okweyagaliza. Indifference to the hardship experienced by others becomes commonplace while entertainment and distracting amusements are voraciously consumed. %% Obutafaayo ku kunyigirizibwa abalala kwe bayitamu kifuuka kya bulijjo so nga ebinyumu n’amasanyu agabuzaabuza gettanirwa nnyo. The enervating influence of materialism seeps into every culture, and all Bahá’ís recognize that, unless they strive to remain conscious of its effects, they may to one degree or another unwittingly adopt its ways of seeing the world. %% Embeera ey’okwagala ennyo ebintu eyingiridde ddala mu buli buwangwa emalamu amaanyi, era aba Bahá’í bonna bakitegeera nti, okujjako nga bafuba nnyo okwerinda baleme okukosebwa ebyo ebivaamu, mu ngeri emu oba endala mu butanwa bayinza okwesanga nga bakkiririzza ddala endowooza eno. Parents must be acutely aware that, even when very young, children absorb the norms of their surroundings. %% Abazadde bateekwa okukimanyira ddala nti, abaana ne bwe babeera nga bakyali bato nnyo, bayiga empisa okuva mu ebyo ebibeetoolodde. The junior youth spiritual empowerment programme encourages thoughtful discernment at an age when the call of materialism grows more insistent. %% Enteekateeka y’okunnyikiza amaanyi g’omwoyo mu bavubuka abato ekubiriza okubalunηηamya n’obwegendereza mu kiseera okwegomba ebintu we kunyiinyiitira mu bulamu bwabwe. With the approach of adulthood comes a responsibility, shared by one's generation, not to allow worldly pursuits to blind one's eyes to injustice and privation. %% Emyaka egy’obukulu nga gigenda gisembera, olwo n’obuvunaanyibwa bweyoleka, nga bugabanwa omugigi omuntu gw’abeeramu, obutawa mwagaanya ebintu by’ensi okuziba omuntu amaaso eri obutali bwenkanya n’obwavu. Over time, the qualities and attitudes nurtured by the courses of the training institute, through exposure to the Word of God, help individuals to see past the illusions that, at every stage of life, the world uses to pull attention away from service and towards the self. %% Ebbanga bwe ligenda nga liyitawo, empisa ennungi n’endowooza ebiyigirizibwa mu zi kkoosi z’ettendekero ebbanguzi, nga biyisibwa mu kutegeera Ekigambo kya Katonda, biyamba abantu kinnoomu okubuuka emitego ensi gy’ekozesa, ku buli mutendera gw’obulamu, okuwugula abantu okuva ku buweereza ne beerowoozaako bokka na bokka. And ultimately, the systematic study of the Word of God and the exploration of its implications raises consciousness of the need to manage one's material affairs in keeping with the divine teachings. %% Era oluvannyuma lwa byonna, okusoma Ekigambo kya Katonda mu nteekateeka ennuŋŋamu n’okunoonyereza ku makulu agakirimu kulinnyisa okutegeera obwetaavu bw’okulabirira ensonga ezikwata ku by’enfuna eby’omuntu nga bikkiriziganya n’enjigiriza entukuvu. 10 Beloved Friends: The extremes of wealth and poverty in the world are becoming ever more untenable. %% Abeemikwano Abaagalwa: Obugagga obuyitiridde n’obwavu obususse ennyo mu nsi yonna tebikyagumukirizika. As inequity persists, so the established order is seen to be unsure of itself, and its values are being questioned. %% Kubanga obutali bwenkanya bukyalemeddewo, noolwekyo enteekateeka y’ensi eriwo kati erabika nga esagaasagana, era n’ebirungi byayo bibuusibwabuusibwa. Whatever the tribulations that a conflicted world must confront in the future, we pray that the Almighty will help His loved ones to overcome every obstacle in their path and assist them to serve humanity. %% Okubonaabona okwa buli ngeri ensi eno ejjudde obunyoolagano by’eteekwa okwaŋŋanga mu biseera ebijja, twegayirira nti Oyo Ayinzabyonna ajja kuyamba abaagalwa Be okuvvuunuka buli muziziko ogwekiise mu kkubo lyabwe era abayambe okuweereza abantu bonna. The larger the presence of a Bahá’í community in a population, the greater its responsibility to find ways of addressing the root causes of the poverty in its surroundings. %% Abantu ba Bahá’í gye beeyongera okubeera abangi mu bantu ab’omu kitundu, n’obuvunaanyizibwa gye bweyongera okuzuula amakubo ag’okukola ku nsonga zennyini ezivaako obwavu mu bulamu bwabwe. Although the friends are at the early stages of learning about such work and of contributing to the related discourses, the community-building process of the Five Year Plan is creating everywhere the ideal environment in which to accrue knowledge and experience, gradually but consistently, about the higher purpose of economic activity. %% Newaakubadde abeemikwano bakyali ku mitendera egisooka egy’okuyiga ebikwata ku mulimu nga guno era n’okwetaba mu kukubaganya ebirowoozo ebikwata ku nsonga eyo, enteekateeka y’okuzimba abantu ab’omu kitundu mu Nteekateeka ey’Emyaka Etaano egenda etondawo wonna embeera ennungi ennyo okufunirwamu amagezi n’obumanyirivu, mpola mpola naye awatali kusalako, ku kigendererwa eky’ekitiibwa mu nkola y’ebyenfuna. Against the background of the age-long work of erecting a divine civilization, may this exploration become a more pronounced feature of community life, institutional thought, and individual action in the years ahead. %% Nga muzzeeko emabega ne mutunuulira omulimu ogumaze ebbanga eddene ogw’okuzimba obugunjufu obutukuvu, tusaba okunoonyereza kuno kufuuke akabonero akenkukunala mu bulamu bw’abantu ab’omu kitundu, endowooza y’ettendekero, era n’omulimu ogw’omuntu kinnoomu mu myaka egijja. Ennyumba ey'Ensi Yonna ey'Obwenkanya