b00001 Bahá’í Holy Writings for a New Kind of People %%Ebiwandiiko bya Bahá’í Ebitukuvu eri Ekika ky’Abantu Abazze Obuggya b00002 Compiled by: The Continental Board of Counsellors in the Bahá’í Faith in Africa %% Byakuŋŋanyizibwa: Olukiiko lw’Abawi b’Amagezi mu Nzikiriza ya Bahá’í ku Ssemazinga wa Africa b00003 He hopes that you will develop into Bahá'ís in character as well as in belief. The whole purpose of Bahá'u'lláh is that we should become a new kind of people, people who are upright, kind, intelligent, truthful, and honest and who live according to His great laws laid down for this new epoch in man's development. To call ourselves Bahá'ís is not enough, our inmost being must become ennobled and enlightened through living a Bahá'í life. %% “(Shoghi Effendi) Alina essuubi nti mujja kufuuka Ababahá’í mu mpisa era ne mu kukkiriza. Ekigendererwa eky’awamu ekya Bahá'u'lláh kiri nti tusaana tufuuke abantu ab’ekika ekipya, abantu abeesimbu, ebeekisa, abalina amagezi, ab’amazima, era ebeesigwa era abagondera amateeka Ge amakulu agawandiikibwa ku lw'omulembe guno omupya mu nkulaakulana y'omuntu. Okweyita obweyisi Ababahá’í tekimala, obulamu bwaffe munda ddala buteekwa okugaggawazibwa n'okutangaazibwa nga buyita mu kutambulira mu bulamu bw'enzikiriza ya Bahá’í. Biggiddwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lwa Shoghi Effendi, Excellence in All Things, A Compilation. p 11 b00004 Indeed if the friends could seek, and exert themselves, to become 100 per cent Bahá'ís they would see how greatly their influence over others would be increased, and how rapidly the Cause would spread. %% “Mu mazima singa abeemikwano bandiyinzizza okunoonya, wamu n'okwekakaba, ne bafuuka Ababahá'í 100% bandirabye engeri amaanyi gaabwe ag'okusikiriza gye gandirinnyisiddwa, era n'obwangu Enzikiriza gye yadibunyisiziddwamu wonna. b00005 The world is seeking not a compromise but the embodiment of a high and shining ideal. The more the friends live up to our teachings in every aspect of their lives, in their homes, in business, in their social relationships, the greater will be the attraction they exercise over the hearts of others. %% Ensi teri mu kunoonya kwekkiriranya wabula ekyokulabirako ekituukiridde ekya waggulu era ekyakaayakana. Abeemikwano gye baneeyongera okutambuza obulamu nga bagoberera enjigiriza yaffe mu mbeera z'obulamu bwabwe zonna, mu maka gaabwe, mu mirimu, mu nkolagana yaabwe n'abalala, n'okusikiriza emitima gy'abalala gye kuneeyongera." Shoghi Effendi, Living the Life, A Compilation, p 22 b00006 Without the spirit of real love for Bahá'u'lláh, for His Faith and its Institutions, and the believers for each other, the Cause can never really bring in large numbers of people. For it is not preaching and rules the world wants, but love and action. %% “Awatali mwoyo gwennyini ogwagala Bahá’u’lláh, Enzikiriza Ye n’Ebitongole byayo, era n’abakkiriza bokka na bokka, Enzikiriza tesobolera ddala kuyingiza bantu bangi. Kubanga ensi teyagala kubuulirirwa na mateeka, wabula okwagala n’okuteeka ebyogerebwa mu nkola.” Shoghi Effendi, Living the Life, A Compilation, p 31 b00007 ...Unless and until the believers really come to realize they are one spiritual family, knit together by a bond more lasting than mere physical ties can ever be, they will not be able to create that warm community atmosphere which alone can attract the hearts of humanity, frozen for lack of real love and feeling. %% “... Okuggyako era okutuusa nga abakkiriza bakitegeeredde ddala nti baaluganda mu mwoyo, abagatiddwa awamu n'olujegere oluwangaazi okusinga enjegere z'omubiri kye ziyinza okubeera, tebalisobola kutondawo mbeera eyo ey'essanyu mu bantu b'ebitundu nga ye yokka eyinza okusikiriza emitima gy'abantu, eginnyogoze ng'omuzira olw'okubulwa okwagala kwennyini n'okulumirirwa abalala." Shoghi Effendi, The individual and Teaching, A Compilation, 25-26 b00008 Excerpts from the Bahá’í Holy Writings %% Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa Ebitukuvu ebya Bahá’í b00009 Words of Bahá’u’lláh - Excerpts from the Kitábi-i-Aqdas %% Ebigambo bya Bahá’u’lláh -Biggiddwa mu Kitáb-i-Aqdas b00010 The first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation and the Fountain of His laws, Who representeth the Godhead in both the Kingdom of His Cause and the world of creation. Whoso achieveth this duty hath attained unto all good; and whoso is deprived thereof hath gone astray, though he be the author of every righteous deed. %% Obuvunaanyizibwa obusookera ddala Katonda bw’alambikidde abaddu Be kwe kumutegeera Oyo Enjuba ey’Okubikkulirwa Kwe era Ensulo y’amateeka Ge, Oyo ayolesa Obwakatonda mu Bwakabaka obw’Enzikiriza Ye era ne mu nsi y'obutonde. Oyo yenna atuukiriza obuvunaanyizibwa buno aba atuuse mu kwesiima kwonna; era n’oyo abuggiddwako, aba awabye ne bwaba mukozi wa buli kikolwa kyonna eky'obutuukirivu. b00011 It behoveth every one who reacheth this most sublime station, this summit of transcendent glory, to observe every ordinance of Him Who is the Desire of the world. %% Kigwanidde buli omu atuuka mu kifo kino ekya waggulu ennyo, entikko ey'ekitiibwa ekitenkanika, okugondera buli kiragiro eky’Oyo Eyeegombebwa ensi yonna. b00012 These twin duties are inseparable. Neither is acceptable without the other. Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the Source of Divine inspiration. %% Obuvunaanyizibwa buno obwa nnabansasaana tebuyinza kusattululwa. Obuvunaanyizibwa obumu tebukkirizibwa awatali bunnaabwo. Bwekityo bwe kiragiddwa Oyo Ensibuko ey'okuluŋŋamizibwa Okutukuvu. (Para1:Kitabi-i-Aqdás) b00013 They whom God hath endued with insight will readily recognize that the precepts laid down by God constitute the highest means for the maintenance of order in the world and the security of its peoples. He that turneth away from them is accounted among the abject and foolish. %%Abo Katonda b’awadde okutegeera, bajja kukiraba mangu nti amateeka ga Katonda gaatuwa, mulimu amakubo agasingira ddala obulungi mu kutebenkeza ensi era n’obukuumi bw'abantu baayo. Oyo akyuka n’agavaako abalirwa mu abo abanyoomebwa era abasirusiru. b00014 We, verily, have commanded you to refuse the dictates of your evil passions and corrupt desires, and not to transgress the bounds which the Pen of the Most High hath fixed, for these are the breath of life unto all created things. The seas of Divine wisdom and Divine utterance have risen under the breath of the breeze of the All-Merciful.%% Ddala ddala Ffe tubalagidde mugaane okugondera ebibalagirwa emyoyo gyammwe emigwenyufu era n’okwegomba kwammwe okutaliimu, era n’obutasukka nsalo ez’ebyo ebiwandiikiddwa akafumu k’Oyo asinga bonna, kubanga zino z’empewo ez’obulamu eri ebitonde byonna. Ennyanja z’amagezi ga Katonda n’ebigambo Bye ebitukuvu bivudde mu mukka gw’Oyo Omusaasizi wa bonna. b00015 Hasten to drink your fill, O men of understanding! They that have violated the Covenant of God by breaking His commandments, and have turned back on their heels, these have erred grievously in the sight of God, the All-Possessing, the Most High. %% Mwanguwe okunywa muwone ennyonta, Abange mmwe abantu abategeera! Abo abatyobodde endagaano ya Katonda nga bamenya amateeka Ge, era ne bageesamba, bano baba basobezza nnyo mu maaso ga Katonda, Oyo Alina- byonna, Asukkuluma ku byonna. (Para2:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00015b Say: From My laws the sweet smelling savour of My garment can be smelled, and by their aid the standards of Victory will be planted upon the highest peaks. The Tongue of My power hath, from the heaven of My omnipotent glory, addressed to My creation these words: "Observe My commandments, for the love of My beauty." Happy is the lover that hath inhaled the divine fragrance of his Best-Beloved from these words, laden with the perfume of a grace which no tongue can describe. By My life! He who hath drunk the choice wine of fairness from the hands of My bountiful favour, will circle around My commandments that shine above the Dayspring of My creation. %% Yatula: Mu mateeka Gange muvaamu akaloosa ak'ekyambalo Kyange akasonsomola, era olw’okubeerwa kwago bendera zaago ez’Obuwanguzi zijja kusimbibwa ku ntikko ezisingira ddala obuwanvu. Okuva mu ggulu ery'ekitiibwa Kyange eky'amaanyi gonna, Olulimi olw'obuyinza Bwange lwasanguzza eri ebitonde Byange ebigambo bino: “Mukwatenga amateeka Gange, olw'okwagala obubalagavu Bwange.” Yesiimye oyo omwagalwa anuusizza ku kaloosa akatukuvu ak'Omwagalwa we Asinga Bonna okuva mu bigambo bino, ebijjuziddwa akawoowo ak'ekisa akatasobola kunnyonnyolwa lulimi lwonna. Ndayira ku lw'obulamu Bwange! Oyo anywedde ku mubisi ogwemberenge ogw'obwenkanya okuva mu mikono Gyange egy'ekisa, alyebungululira ku mateeka Gange agatangalijjira waggulu w'Enjuba y'ebitonde Byange. (Bahá’u’lláh, Synopsis and Codification of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 12) b00018 Whenever My laws appear like the sun in the heaven of Mine utterance, they must be faithfully obeyed by all, though My decree be such as to cause the heaven of every religion to be cleft asunder. He doeth what He pleaseth. He chooseth, and none may question His choice. Whatsoever He, the Well-Beloved, ordaineth, the same is, verily, beloved. To this He Who is the Lord of all creation beareth Me witness. %% Amateeka gange Nze buli lwe galabika nga enjuba mu ggulu ly'ekigambo kyange Nze, gateekwa okugonderwa bonna n'obwesigwa, newaakubadde ekiragiro kyange kisobola okuleetawo okuyuzibwamu kw’eggulu okwa buli diini. Ye akolanga bw'ayagala. Ye asalawo; era teri n'omu ayinza okuwakanya okusalawo Kwe. Ekyo kyonna, Oyo Ayagalwa-Ennyo, Ye ky'alagira, ddala ddala, nakyo kyagalwa. Ku kino Mukama w'ebitonde byonna akimpeerako obujulirwa. b00019 Whoso hath inhaled the sweet fragrance of the All-Merciful, and recognized the Source of this utterance, will welcome with his own eyes the shafts of the enemy, that he may establish the truth of the laws of God amongst men. Well is it with him that hath turned thereunto, and apprehended the meaning of His decisive decree. %% Buli anuusizza ku kaloosa akalungi ak’Oyo Omusaasizi wa bonna, era n’ateegera Ensulo ey’ebigambo bino, ajja kwaniriza n’amaaso ge obusaale bw’omulabe, olwo alyoke anyweze amazima g’amateeka ga Katonda mu bantu. Yesiimye oyo akyukidde eri bino, n’ategeera amakulu g’ekiragiro Kye eky’enkomeredde. (Part of Para7:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00020 Say: Rejoice not in the things ye possess; tonight they are yours, tomorrow others will possess them. Thus warneth you He Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Say: Can ye claim that what ye own is lasting or secure? Nay! By Myself, the All-Merciful. %% Yatula; Temwenyumiririzanga mu bintu bye mulina; leero byammwe, enkya abalala bajja kubitwala. Bwatyo bw’abalabula Oyo Amanyi-byonna era Ategeera-byonna. Gamba: Oyinza okugamba nti by’olina bya lubeerera oba tebitaataaganyizibwenga? Nedda! Ndayira Obulamu Bwange, Omusaasizi wa bonna. (Part of Para40:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00021 The days of your life flee away as a breath of wind, and all your pomp and glory shall be folded up as were the pomp and glory of those gone before you. Reflect, O people! What hath become of your bygone days, your lost centuries? %% Ennaku z’obulamu bwammwe zifuumuuka ng’empewo, era okweraga kwammwe n’ekitiibwa bijja kuzingibwako nga okweraga n’ebitiibwa eby'abo abaabasooka. Mufumiitirize, Abange mmwe abantu! Kiki ekyatuuka ku nnaku zammwe ezaayita, ebyasa byammwe ebyerabirwa? b00022 Happy the days that have been consecrated to the remembrance of God, and blessed the hours which have been spent in praise of Him Who is the All-Wise. By My life! Neither the pomp of the mighty, nor the wealth of the rich, nor even the ascendancy of the ungodly will endure. All will perish, at a word from Him. He, verily, is the All-Powerful, the All-Compelling, the Almighty. %% Ennaku ez’okwesiima z’ezo eziweereddwayo mu kujjukira Katonda, era biweereddwa omukisa ebiseera ebyo ebiweebwayo mu kutendereza Oyo Owaamagezi-gonna. Ndayira obulamu Bwange! Okweraga kw'abo ab’amaanyi, newaakubadde obugagga bwa ba bifeekeera, wadde n'okuyitimuka okw'abatali batuukirivu tekuliwangaala. Byonna biriggwawo, olw’ekigambo ekiva eri Ye. Ddala ddala, Ye Waabuyinza-bwonna, Awaliriza-byonna, Ayinza-byonna. (Part of Para40:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00023 Lament not in your hours of trial, neither rejoice therein; seek ye the Middle Way which is the remembrance of Me in your afflictions and reflection over that which may befall you in future. Thus informeth you He Who is the Omniscient, He Who is aware. %% Temwekubagizanga mu biseera byammwe eby’okugezesebwa, wadde okubisanyukiramu. Munoonye Ekkubo erya Wakati nga kwe kunzijukira Nze mu biseera byammwe eby’obuyinike era n'okwefumiitiriza ku ebyo ebiyinza okubatuukako mu biseera eby'omu maaso. Bw’atyo bw’abategeeza, Oyo Amanyi-byonna, Ye Oyo Ategeera-byonna. (Para43:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00024 O concourse of rulers! Give ear unto that which hath been raised from the Dayspring of Grandeur: “Verily, there is none other God but Me, the Lord of Utterance, the All-Knowing.” Bind ye the broken with the hands of justice, and crush the oppressor who flourisheth with the rod of the commandments of your Lord, the Ordainer, the All-Wise. %% Abange mmwe abafuzi ab'ensi! Mutege okutu eri ebyo ebibikuddwa Enjuba ey’Ekitiibwa: Ddala ddala, teri Katonda mulala okuggyako Nze, Mukama Oweekigambo, Amanyi-Byonna. Muyunge abamenyese n’emikono egy’obwenkanya, era mubetente anyigiriza abalala ayitimuka nga mukozesa oluga lw’amateeka ga Katonda Mukama wammwe, Ateeka Amateeka, Owaamagezi-gonna. (Part of Para88:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00025 Say: True liberty consisteth in man’s submission unto My commandments, little as ye know it. Were men to observe that which We have sent down unto them from the Heaven of Revelation, they would, of a certainty, attain unto perfect liberty. %% Gamba: Eddembe erya namaddala liva mu kugondera mateeka gange Nze, wadde kino nga temukitegeera bulungi. Singa abantu bagondera ebyo Ffe bye tubaweerezza okuva mu Ggulu ery’Okubikkulirwa, awatali kubuusabuusa, bandifunye eddembe erya nnamaddala. b00026 Happy is the man that hath apprehended the Purpose of God in whatever He hath revealed from the Heaven of His Will that pervadeth all created things. Say: The liberty that profiteth you is to be found nowhere except in complete servitude unto God, the Eternal Truth. Whoso hath tasted of its sweetness will refuse to barter it for all the dominion of earth and heaven. %% Yesiimye oyo ategedde Ekigendererwa kya Katonda mu buli ekyo kyonna Ye kyabikudde okuva mu Ggulu ly’Okusiima Kwe, ekimaamidde ebitonde byonna. Gamba: Eddembe eribagasa teririna walala we lisangibwa okuggyako mu kubeerera ddala abaddu ba Katonda, Amazima ag'Olubeerera. Oyo yenna amaze okulega ku buwoomerevu bw’eddembe lino ajja kugaana okuliwaanyisa n’obwakabaka bwonna obw’ensi n'eggulu. (Para125:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00027 Consort with all religions with amity and concord, that they may inhale from you the sweet fragrance of God. Beware lest amidst men the flame of foolish ignorance overpower you. All things proceed from God and unto Him they return. He is the source of all things and in Him all things are ended. %% Mukolagane n’amadiini amalala mu mukwano n’okukkaanya, balyoke bawunyirwe akaloosa ka Katonda mu mmwe. Mwegendereze, si kulwa nga omuliro ogw'obusirusiru bw'obutamanya obuli mu bantu gubasinza amaanyi. Ebintu byonna biva eri Katonda era eri Ye gye bidda. Ye y’ensibuko ya buli kintu era mu Ye mwe bikomekkerezebwa. (Para144:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00028 Blessed is the man that hath acknowledged his belief in God and in His signs, and recognized that “He shall not be asked of His doings”. %% Aweereddwa omukisa omuntu ayatula okukkiriza kwe mu Katonda wamu n’obubonero Bwe, era nga ategedde nti "Katonda tabuuzibwa bikolwa Bye". b00029 Such a recognition hath been made by God the ornament of every belief and its very foundation. Upon it must depend the acceptance of every goodly deed. Fasten your eyes upon it, that haply the whisperings of the rebellious may not cause you to slip. %% Okuteegera nga okwo Katonda akufudde akabonero akalungi aka buli nzikiriza, era omusingi gwayo gwennyini. Okwo kwe kwesigamizibbwa okukkiriza kwa buli kikolwa ekirungi. Mubitunuulire nkaliriza, olwo obwama bw’abajemu buleme okubeesittaza. (Para161:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00030 The world’s equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order. Mankind’s ordered life hath been revolutionized through the agency of this unique, this wondrous System—the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed. %% Obutebenkevu bw’ensi gye tubadde tumanyidde buyuugumizibwa amaanyi g’Enteekateeka y'Ensi empya esingira ddala. Obulamu bw’abantu obubadde mu nteeko bukyusiddwa ddala nga buyita mu nteekateeka eno ey’enjawulo, Enkola eno ey’ekyewuunyo - etalabwangako maaso ga muntu omulamu yenna. (Para181:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00031 Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths. Take heed that ye do not vacillate in your determination to embrace the truth of this Cause—a Cause through which the potentialities of the might of God have been revealed, and His sovereignty established. %% Mwennyike mu ssemanyanja ey’ebigambo byange Nze, mulyoke musobole okuzuula ebyama ebirimu, era muzuule amalulu g'amagezi agakwekeddwa mu buziba bwayo. Mwegendereze obutaddirira mu kumalirira kwammwe okukkiriza amazima g’Enzikiriza eno - Enzikiriza omubikkuliddwa amaanyi g'obuyinza bwa Katonda, n’obwakabaka Bwe mwe bunywezeddwa. b00032 With faces beaming with joy, hasten ye unto Him. This is the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future. Let him that seeketh, attain it; and as to him that hath refused to seek it—verily, God is Self-Sufficient, above any need of His creatures. %% N'amaaso agajudde essanyu, mumweyune Ye. Eno y'Enzikiriza ya Katonda etekyuka, eyaliwo ku luberyeberye, era eribeerawo emirembe gyonna. Leka oyo anoonya, agituukeko; ate oyo agaanyi okuginoonya – ddala ddala, Katonda Yeemalirira, ali waggulu nga talina kye yeetaaga okuva ku bitonde Bye. (Para182:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00033 Say: This is the infallible Balance which the Hand of God is holding, in which all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth are weighed, and their fate determined, if ye be of them that believe and recognize this truth. %% Gamba: Eno ye Minzaani entuufu Omukono gwa Katonda gw'ewaniridde, abantu bonna abali mu nsi ne mu ggulu mwe bapimibwa, era omusango gwabwe mwe gusalirwa, singa muli abo abalaba era ne mukkiriza amazima gano. b00035 Say: Through it the poor have been enriched, the learned enlightened, and the seekers enabled to ascend unto the presence of God. Beware, lest ye make it a cause of dissension amongst you. Be ye as firmly settled as the immovable mountain in the Cause of your Lord, the Mighty, the Loving. %% Gamba: Mu yo abaavu bagaggawaziddwa, abayivu batangaaziddwa, era n’abanoonya basobozeseddwa okutuuka mu maaso ga Katonda. Mwekuume, si kulwa nga efuuka ensibuko ey’enkaayana wakati mu mwe. Munywerere ddala nga olusozi olutasagaasagana mu Nzikiriza ya Mukama wammwe, Owaamaanyi, Omwagalwa. (Para183:Kitabi-i-Aqdas) b00036 Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh %% Ebikuŋŋanyizibbwa okuva mu Byawandiikibwa bya Bahá’u’lláh b00037 And since there can be no tie of direct intercourse to bind the one true God with His creation, and no resemblance whatever can exist between the transient and the Eternal, the contingent and the Absolute, He hath ordained that in every age and dispensation a pure and stainless Soul be made manifest in the kingdoms of earth and heaven. Unto this subtle, this mysterious and ethereal Being He hath assigned a twofold nature; the physical, pertaining to the world of matter, and the spiritual, which is born of the substance of God Himself. He hath, moreover, conferred upon Him a double station. The first station, which is related to His innermost reality, representeth Him as One Whose voice is the voice of God Himself. %% Era kubanga tewayinza kubaawo lujegere olw'okuwuliziganya obutereevu olusiba Katonda omu owaamazima n'ebitonde Bye, era kubanga tewali kufaanagana kwonna okuyinza okubaawo wakati w'ekyo eky'ekiseera obuseera n'ekyo eky'Olubeerera, ekiteemalirira n'ekyo Ekyemalirira, Ye alagidde nti mu buli mulembe ne mu biseera ebigere Omuntu omulongoofu era ataliiko bbala ayolosebwenga mu bwakabaka bw'ensi n'eggulu. Ku Muntu ono atannyonnyolekeka, Omuntu ono omwekusifu era atali wa nsi eno Katonda amuwa ennono za mirundi ebiri; ey'omubiri, ekwatagana n'ensi ey'omubiri, era n'eyo ey'omwoyo, ezaalibwa mu nnono ya Katonda Yennyini. Katonda ate era awadde Omuntu ono ebifo bibiri. Ekifo ekisooka, ekikwatagana n'ekinyusi ky'obulamu bwennyini, kimulaga nga Oyo Omu alina eddoboozi erya Katonda Yennyini... b00038 The second station is the human station, exemplified by the following verses: "I am but a man like you.""Say, praise be to my Lord! Am I more than a man, an apostle?" %% Ekifo ekyokubiri ky’ekyo eky'obuntu, ekinnyonnyolwa ennyiriri zino: "Nze ndi muntu nga mmwe”. “Gamba, ettendo libe eri Mukama wange! Nze ndi muntu asinga omuntu, omutume?" (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 66) b00039 "If God had pleased He had surely made all men one people." %% "Singa bwatyo Katonda bwe yali ayagadde, mu mazima yanditonze abantu bonna ne babeera omuntu omu." His purpose, however, is to enable the pure in spirit and the detached in heart to ascend, by virtue of their own innate powers, unto the shores of the Most Great Ocean, that thereby they who seek the Beauty of the All-Glorious may be distinguished and separated from the wayward and perverse. %% Naye nno, ekigendererwa Kye kwe kusobozesa abo abolongoofu mu mwoyo n'abo abeerekeza mu mitima okulinnya, nga beeyamba amaanyi amazaale, ku mbalama za Ssemayanya Asingira-ddala Obunene, olwo nno nga batuuseeyo abo abanoonya Obubalagavu bw’Oyo Oweekitiibwa-kyonna, basobole okulondebwamu n'okwawulibwa okuva mu abo abajeemu era abagwenyufu.(Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 71) b00040 Ye are better known to the inmates of the Kingdom on high than ye are known to your own selves. Think ye these words to be vain and empty? %% Mumanyiddwa eri abo abali mu bwakabaka obw’omu ggulu okusinga mmwe bwe mwemanyi mwennyini. Mulowooza ebigambo bino bya bwereere era bya butaliimu? (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 317) b00041 This is the Day %% Luno lwe Lunaku b00042 This is the Day whereon the Ocean of God's mercy hath been manifested unto men, the Day in which the Day Star of His loving-kindness hath shed its radiance upon them, the Day in which the clouds of His bountiful favor have overshadowed the whole of mankind. %% Luno lwe lunaku Ssemanyanja ow’ekisa kya Katonda mw’ayoleseddwa eri abantu, Olunaku Emmunyeenye y'Emisana ey’ekisa ky’okwagala Kwe lw'etadde ekitangaala kyayo ku bo, Olunaku ebire eby’ekisa Kye lwe bibuutikidde abantu bonna. b00043 Now is the time to cheer and refresh the down-cast through the invigorating breeze of love and fellowship, and the living waters of friendliness and charity. %% Kino ky'ekiseera okugumya n’okuzza obuggya abo abasobeddwa nga muyita mu mpewo ezizzaamu amaanyi ag’okwagala n’okusseekimu, era n'amazzi g'obulamu ag'omukwano n'obusaasizi. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 7) b00044 Verily I say, this is the Day in which mankind can behold the Face, and hear the Voice, of the Promised One. The Call of God hath been raised, and  the light of His countenance hath been lifted up upon men. %% Ddala ddala Nze ŋŋamba, luno lwe Lunaku abantu bonna mwe bayinza okulaba Obwanga Bwe, n’okuwulira Eddoboozi, ery’Oyo Eyasuubizibwa. Okukoowoola kwa Katonda kulinnyisiddwa, era n'ekitangaala ky'obwenyi Bwe kyoleseddwa eri abantu. b00045 It behoveth every man to blot out the trace of every idle word from the tablet of his heart, and to gaze, with an open and unbiased mind, on the signs of His Revelation, the proofs of His Mission, and the tokens of His glory. %% Kigwanidde buli muntu okusangula akabonero konna aka buli kigambo eky'obutaliimu okuva mu mutima gwe, era atunuulire enkaliriza, n'emmeeme etaliimu kyekubiira, ku bubonero obw'Okubikkulirwa Kwe, obukakafu bw’Obubaka Bwe, era n'obubonero obw'ekitiibwa Kye. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 10) b00046 Great indeed is this Day! The allusions made to it in all the sacred Scriptures as the Day of God attest its greatness. The soul of every Prophet of God, of every Divine Messenger, hath thirsted for this wondrous Day. All the divers kindreds of the earth have, likewise, yearned to attain it. %% Mazima ddala Olunaku luno Lukulu. Ebirwogerwako mu Byawandiikibwa ebitukuvu byonna nga Olunaku lwa Katonda bikakasa obukulu bwalwo. Omwoyo gwa buli Nnabbi wa Katonda, ogwa buli Mubaka Omutukuvu, gubadde gulumwa ennyonta olw'Olunaku luno olw'ekyewuunyo. Mu ngeri y'emu, abantu b'ensi aba buli kika babadde bayaayaana okulutuukako. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 11) b00047 THE time fore-ordained unto the peoples and kindreds of the earth is now come. The promises of God, as recorded in the holy Scriptures, have all been fulfilled. Out of Zion hath gone forth the Law of God, and Jerusalem, and the hills and land thereof, are filled with the glory of His Revelation. %% Ekiseera ekyalangirirwa eri abantu bonna ab'ensi kati kituuse. Ebisuubizo bya Katonda, nga bwe byawandikiibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ebitukuvu, byonna bituukiridde. Etteeka lya Katonda livudde mu Saayuuni, ne Yerusalemu, era nensozi n’ensi eziriraanyeewo, bijudde ekitiibwa ky’Okubikkulirwa kwa Katonda. b00048 Happy is the man that pondereth in his heart that which hath been revealed in the Books of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Meditate upon this, O ye beloved of God, and let your ears be attentive unto His Word, so that ye may, by His grace and mercy, drink your fill from the crystal waters of constancy, and become as steadfast and immovable as the mountain in His Cause. %% Yeesimye oyo afumiitiriza mu mutima gwe ku ebyo ebibikkuddwa mu Bitabo bya Katonda, Omuyambi mu Kabi, Eyeebeezaawo. Mwefumiitirize ku kino Abange mmwe abaagalwa ba Katonda, era mutege amatu gammwe eri ekigambo Kye, olw’ekisa Kye n’okusaasira Kwe, kibasobozese okunywa ne mukkuta amazzi amateefu ag’obwesigwa, era mufuuke abanywevu era abatasagaasagana ng’olusozi mu Nzikiriza Ye. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Proclamation of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 109) b00049 O Jews! If ye be intent on crucifying once again Jesus, the Spirit of God, put Me to death, for He hath once more, in My person, been made manifest unto you… %% Abange mmwe Abayudaya! Oba nga mwefunyiridde nate okukomerera Yesu, Omwoyo gwa Katonda, munzite Nze nange, kubanga ayoleseddwa nate gye muli ... b00050 Followers of the Gospel! If ye cherish the desire to slay Muhammad, the Apostle of God, seize Me and put an end to My life, for I am He, and My Self is His Self… %% Abange mmwe abagoberezi ab’Enjiri! Oba nga mukyettanira okwegomba okutta Muhammad, Omutume wa Katonda, munkwate Nze era musanyeewo obulamu Bwange, kubanga Nze Ye era ennono yange Nze mwene y'ennono Ye Yennyini… b00051 Followers of Muhammad! If it be your wish to riddle with your shafts the breast of Him Who hath caused His Book the Bayan to be sent down unto you, lay hands on Me and persecute Me, for I am His Well-Beloved, the revelation of His own Self, though My name be not His name... %% Abagoberezi ba Muhammad! Bwe kibeera nga ekyo kye mwagala okufumitafumita n’emiwunda gyammwe ekifuba ky’Oyo eyasobozesa Ekitabo kya Bayan okubaweerezebwa, munteekeko Nze emikono gyammwe era munjigganye, kubanga ndi mwagalwa We Omulungi, abikkulirwamu Ennono Ye Mwene, newaakubadde erinnya lyange Nze si linnya Lye Ye... b00052 O people of the Bayan! If ye have resolved to shed the blood of Him Whose coming the Báb hath proclaimed, Whose advent Muhammad hath prophesied, and Whose Revelation Jesus Christ Himself hath announced, behold Me standing, ready and defenseless, before you. Deal with Me after your own desires. %% Abange mmwe abantu ba Bayan! Obanga musazeewo okuyiwa omusaayi gw’Oyo Báb gw'alangiridde, Okujja kwe Muhammad kw'alagudde, era Okubikkulirwa kwe Jesus Christ yennyini kw'alangiridde, muntunuulire Nze nga nyimiridde, omwetegefu era atalina bukuumi, mu maaso gammwe. Munkole ekyo kyonna kye mwagala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 101) b00053 Unity and Peace %% Obumu n’ Emirembe b00054 O ye children of men! The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men. %% Abange mmwe abaana b’abantu! Ekigendererwa ekisingira ddala obukulu ekireeta obulamu mu Nzikiriza ya Katonda n'Eddiini Ye, kwe kukuuma ebyettanirwa n’okutumbula okwegatta kw'abantu bonna, wamu n’okukuza omwoyo gw’okwagalana wamu n'okusseekimu mu bantu. b00055 Suffer it not to become a source of dissension and discord, of hate and enmity. This is the straight Path, the fixed and immovable foundation. Whatsoever is raised on this foundation, the changes and chances of the world can never impair its strength, nor will the revolution of countless centuries undermine its structure. %% Temugifuula ensibuko y’okukaayana n’obutakkaanya, oba ey’obukyayi n’obulabe. Lino ly’Ekkubo egolokofu, omusingi omunywevu era ogutasagaasagana. Ekyo kyonna ekizimbibwa ku musingi guno, enkyukakyuka n'ebigwawo mu nsi tebiyinza kunafuya maanyi gaayo, wadde enkyukakyuka z'ebyasa ebitabalika tebiriyinza kunafuya nteekateeka yaayo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 215) b00056 O contending peoples and kindreds of the earth! Set your faces towards unity, and let the radiance of its light shine upon you. Gather ye together, and for the sake of God resolve to root out whatever is the source of contention amongst you. %% Abange mmwe abantu n’ebika ebiri mu kuyombagana! Obwanga bwammwe mubwolekeze obumu, era mukkirize okumasamasa kw'ekitangaala kyabwo kibaakire. Mukuŋŋaane wamu era ku lw'okwagala kwa Katonda musiguukulule ekyo kyonna ekivaako okukaayana mu mmwe. b00057 Then will the effulgence of the world's great Luminary envelop the whole earth, and its inhabitants become the citizens of one city, and the occupants of one and the same throne. This wronged One hath, ever since the early days of His life, cherished none other desire but this, and will continue to entertain no wish except this wish. %% Olwo nno ekitangaala ky'Oyo Omuluŋŋamya omukulu ow'ensi kiribuutikira ensi yonna awamu, era abantu abagibeeramu balifuuka abatuuze b'omu kibuga kimu, era ba nnannyini ba nnamulondo y'emu. Ajoogebwa Ono, okuviira ddala ku nnaku z'obulamu Bwe ezaasooka, teyalina kwegomba kulala kwonna okuggyako kino, era talisembeza kirala kyonna okuggyako okwegomba kino. b00058 There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed. All of them, except a few which are the outcome of human perversity, were ordained of God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. %% Tewayinza kubeerawo kubuusaabuusa kwonna nti abantu b'ensi yonna aba buli lulyo oba eddiini, bafuna okuluŋŋamizibwa okuva ku Nsibuko emu entukuvu, era bonna baddu ba Katonda omu. Enjawulo eriwo wakati w'amateeka ge bagoberera esaana kwesigamizibwa ku byetaago ebyagendanga byawukana era n'ebyetaago eby'omulembe mmwe gaabikulirwanga. Amateeka gonna, okuggyako amatonotono agaava mu bugwagwa bw'abantu, gaalagirwa Katonda, era galaga Okwagala Kwe n'Ekigendererwa Kye. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 216) b00059 The Great Being, wishing to reveal the prerequisites of the peace and tranquillity of the world and the advancement of its peoples, hath written: The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally realized. %%Oyo Omukulu Ennyo, bwe yayagala okubikkula ebyo ebisaana okubeerawo olw’okuleetawo emirembe n’obutebenkevu bw’ensi n’okugenda mu maaso okw’abantu baayo, awandiise: Ekiseera kiteekwa okutuuka eky’etaago ky’okussaawo olukuŋŋaana lw’abantu bonna gaggadde kituukirire wonna. b00060 The rulers and kings of the earth must needs attend it, and, participating in its deliberations, must consider such ways and means as will lay the foundations of the world's Great Peace amongst men. Such a peace demandeth that the Great Powers should resolve, for the sake of the tranquillity of the peoples of the earth, to be fully reconciled among themselves. %% Abafuzi ne ba kabaka ab'ensi olw’obwetaavu kiribeetaagisa okulubeeramu, era, nga beetaba mu kuteesa ku nsonga eziriwo, bateekwa okulowooza ennyo ku ngeri n'amakubonga ago aganaayinza okussaawo omusingi gw'Obutebenkevu Obukulu wakati mu bantu. Emirembe nga egyo gissaawo embeera eyeetaagisa Amawanga ga Kirimaanyi gasaana gasalewo, ku lw'obutenbekevu bw'abantu ab'ensi, wabeewo okutabaganira ddala wakati mugo. b00061 Should any king take up arms against another, all should unitedly arise and prevent him. If this be done, the nations of the world will no longer require any armaments, except for the purpose of preserving the security of their realms and of maintaining internal order within their territories. This will ensure the peace and composure of every people, government and nation. We fain would hope that the kings and rulers of the earth, the mirrors of the gracious and almighty name of God, may attain unto this station, and shield mankind from the onslaught of tyranny. %% Singa kabaka yenna kamutanda n'aggyayo ebyokulwanyisa n'alumba omulala, bonna awamu bateekwa okuyimukiramu okumuziyiza. Kino singa kikolebwa, amawanga ag'ensi tegalyetaaga nate byakulwanyisa, okuggyako olw'ekigendererwa eky'okukuuma amatwale gaabwe era n'okukuuma obutebenkevu mu mawanga gaabwe munda. Kino kijja kunyweza emirembe n'obukkakkamu bwa buli bantu, gavumenti n'eggwanga. Tulina essuubi nti bakabaka n'abafuzi b'ensi, endabirwamu z'erinnya lya Katonda oweekisa era ayinza-byonna, balisobola okutuuka mu mbeera eno, era basobole okukuuma abantu bonna baleme okulumbibwa ba nnakyemalira n’okuliisibwa akakanja. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 248) b00062 The day is approaching when all the peoples of the world will have adopted one universal language and one common script. When this is achieved, to whatsoever city a man may journey, it shall be as if he were entering his own home. These things are obligatory and absolutely essential. It is incumbent upon every man of insight and understanding to strive to translate that which hath been written into reality and action %% Ekiseera kinaatera okutuuka abantu bonna ab’ensi we banaatandikira okukozesa olulimi olumu olubuna wonna, era n’empandiika yaalwo nga eri emu. Kino bwe kirituukibwako, omuntu yenna ekibuga ky’aliyingirangamu, alibeeranga ayingidde mu maka ge. Ebintu bino bya buwaze era ddala byetaagisiza ddala. Kigwanidde buli muntu alengera ewala era ategeera okulafuubana okulaba nti ebiwandiikiddwa bino bituukirizibwa n’okuteekebwa mu nkola. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 249) b00063 That one indeed is a man who, today, dedicateth himself to the service of the entire human race. The Great Being saith: Blessed and happy is he that ariseth to promote the best interests of the peoples and kindreds of the earth. %% Kaakano, oyo omuntu eyeewaayo okuweereza abantu bonna, ye muntu ddala. Oyo Omukulu Ennyo agamba nti: Aweereddwa omukisa era yeesiimye oyo agolokoka okutumbula abantu b’ensi aba buli kika bye basinga okwettanira. b00064 In another passage He hath proclaimed: It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens. %% Mu kiwandiiko Kye ekirala alangiridde nti: Omuntu tasaana kwenyumiriza olw'okwagala ensi ye yokka, wabula kimugwanidde okwenyumiriza olw'okwagala ensi yonna. Ensi eri emu, n’abantu bonna be batuuze baayo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 249) b00065 O ye the elected representatives of the people in every land! Take ye counsel together, and let your concern be only for that which profiteth mankind, and bettereth the condition thereof, if ye be of them that scan heedfully. %% Abange mmwe abantu abaalondebwa okukiikirira abalala mu buli nsi! Muteeseze wamu, era mufe kw’ebyo byokka ebinaagasa abantu, n’okulongoosa embeera zaabwe, bwe mubeera nga muli abo abalaba ensonga. b00066 Regard the world as the human body which, though at its creation whole and perfect, hath been afflicted, through various causes, with grave disorders and maladies... Not for one day did it gain ease, nay its sickness waxed more severe, as it fell under the treatment of ignorant physicians, who gave full rein to their personal desires, and have erred grievously. And if, at one time, through the care of an able physician, a member of that body was healed, the rest remained afflicted as before. %% Ensi mugigeraageranye ku mubiri gw’omuntu, ogwatondebwa nga mulamu ogutaliiko kamogo, naye olw'embeera ezitali zimu, kati gujjudde nnawookeera w’endwadde... Teri lunaku na lumu lwe gwali gubaddeko mu mirembe, nedda, obulwadde bwagenda bweyongera bweyongezi, nga gujjanjabibwa abasawo abaali mu butamanya, abeekoleranga nga bwe baali baagala olw’okutuukiriza okwegomba kwabwe, era ne bafuukira ddala ba kasobeza. Era, singa mu kiseera ekimu waaliwo omusawo omulungi n'ajjanjaba ekitundu ekimu eky'omubiri ogwo ne kiwona, byo ebitundu ebirala byasigalanga birwadde nga bwe byali mu kusooka. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 254) b00067 That which the Lord hath ordained as the sovereign remedy and mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of all its peoples in one universal Cause, one common Faith. This can in no wise be achieved except through the power of a skilled, an all-powerful and inspired Physician. This, verily, is the truth, and all else naught but error. %% Ekyo Mukama ly’alagidde nga eddagala erisinga lyonna era eky'okukozesa ekisinga amaanyi olw'okuwonya ensi yonna bwe bumu bw’abantu baayo bonna mu Nzikiriza ey'awamu ey'ensi yonna, Enzikiriza ebuna wonna. Mu buli ngeri, kino tekiyinza kutuukikako okuggyako nga kiyisibwa mu maanyi g'Omusawo alina obuyinza bwonna era aluŋŋamizibwa omwoyo. Gano, ddala ddala, ge mazima, era ebirala byonna bulimba. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 255) b00068 The utterance of God is a lamp, whose light is these words: Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship. He Who is the Day Star of Truth beareth Me witness! So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth. %% Ekigambo kya Katonda ye ttabaaza, ekitangaala kyayo bye bigambo bino: Muli bibala bya muti gumu, era muli makoola ga ttabi limu. Mukolagane mwekka na mwekka mu kwagala n’okukkaanya ebya namaddala, mu mukwano era n'okusseekimu. Oyo Emmunyeenye y'Emisana ey'Amazima Ye mujulirwa wange! Ekitangaala eky'obumu kya maanyi nnyo n’okusobola ne kisobola okumulisa ensi yonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 288) b00069 Address yourselves to the promotion of the well-being and tranquillity of the children of men. Bend your minds and wills to the education of the peoples and kindreds of the earth, that haply the dissensions that divide it may, through the power of the Most Great Name, be blotted out from its face, and all mankind become the upholders of one Order, and the inhabitants of one City. %% Musseeyo nnyo omwoyo mu kutumbula embeera ennungi n’obutebenkevu mu baana b’abantu. Ebirowoozo n’amaanyi gammwe gonna mubimalire ku kugunjula abantu b'ensi aba buli kika, oboolyawo obutakkaanya obubaawulayawula, ku lw'obuyinza bw'Oyo Oweerinnya Erisinga Obukulu, busobole okusangulibwawo buviirewo ddala ku nsi, era abantu bonna basobole okukuuma Etteeka limu, era bafuuke abatuuze ab'Ekibuga ekimu. b00070 Illumine and hallow your hearts; let them not be profaned by the thorns of hate or the thistles of malice. Ye dwell in one world, and have been created through the operation of one Will. Blessed is he who mingleth with all men in a spirit of utmost kindliness and love. %% Mujjuze ekitangaala mu mitima gyammwe era mujitukuze; temugireka kwonoonebwa na maggwa ag’obukyayi oba amatovu ag'ettima. Mubeera mu nsi emu, era mutondeddwa mu ngeri Ye. Awereddwa omukisa oyo atabagana n’abantu bonna n’ekisa ekitayogerekeka era n’okwagala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 333) b00071 Counsels %% Okubuulirirwa b00072 Show forbearance and benevolence and love to one another. Should any one among you be incapable of grasping a certain truth, or be striving to comprehend it, show forth, when conversing with him, a spirit of extreme kindliness and good-will. Help him to see and recognize the truth, without esteeming yourself to be, in the least, superior to him, or to be possessed of greater endowments. %% Mulage obugumiikiriza, okwagaliza n'okwagala buli omu eri munne. Singa omu mu mmwe abeera alemererwa okutegeera amazima agatali gamu, oba nga alafuubana okugategeera, bwe mubeera mwogeera naye, mumulage omwoyo ogw’ekisa gwennyini n’okumwagaliza ebirungi. Mumuyambe okulaba n’okutegeera amazima, nga temweraga n’akamu kokka nti mumusinga, oba nti mulina ebirabo ebisinga ebibye. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 8) b00073 Lay not on any soul a load which ye would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for any one the things ye would not desire for yourselves. This is My best counsel unto you, did ye but observe it. %% Temutikkanga muntu yenna mugugu gwe mutandiyagadde kuttikibwa, era temwagalizanga mulala ekyo mmwe kyemuteeyagaliza. Kuno kwe kubuulirira kwange Nze eri mmwe okusingira ddala, singa kino mubadde mukiraba. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 128) b00074 Be fair to yourselves and to others, that the evidences of justice may be revealed, through your deeds, among Our faithful servants. Beware lest ye encroach upon the substance of your neighbor. Prove yourselves worthy of his trust and confidence in you, and withhold not from the poor the gifts which the grace of God hath bestowed upon you. %% Mubeerenga benkanya gye muli n’eri abalala, olwo obujulizi obw’obwenkanya bulyoke bulabike mu baddu Baffe abeesigwa nga buyita mu bikolwa byammwe. Mwekuume si kulwa nga munaayiza ebya baliraanwa bammwe. Mwerage nti musaanidde obwesige bwe wamu n'okubakkiririzaamu, era temummanga abanaku ebirabo by’ammwe Katonda by’abawadde. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 278) b00075 Say: Teach ye the Cause of God, O people of Bahá, for God hath prescribed unto every one the duty of proclaiming His Message, and regardeth it as the most meritorious of all deeds. %% Gamba: Muyigirize Eddiini ya Katonda, Abange mmwe abantu ba Bahá, kubanga Katonda alagidde buli omu okukola omulimu gw'okulangirira obubaka Bwe, era akibala nga ekikolwa ekisingira ddala byonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 278) b00076 Be not grieved if thou performest it thyself alone. Let God be all-sufficient for thee. Commune intimately with His Spirit, and be thou of the thankful. %% Tonakuwalanga singa omulimu guno ogukola obw'omu. Kkiriza Katonda akumale mu byonna. Saba nnyo mu kyama n’Omwoyo Gwe, era beera mu abo abasiima. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 279) b00077 Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. %% Beeranga mugabi mu bugagga, era weebazenga bw’obeeranga mu buyinike. b00078 Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. %% Obeerenga n’okusaanira obwesige okuva ewa muliraanwa wo, era mutunuulizenga amaaso ag’ekisa era ag’essanyu. b00079 Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. %% Beera eky'obugagga eri abaavu, alabula abagagga, adduukirira abo abali mu bwetaavu, akuuma obutukuvu bw'ekisuubizo kye. b00080 Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. %% Beera mwenkanya nga osala emisango, era omwegendereza mu bigambo byo. Toyisanga bubi muntu yenna, era beeranga wa ssimbo eri abantu bonna. b00081 Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression. %% Beeranga ettabaaza eri abo abatambulira mu kizikiza, essanyu eri abanaku, ennyanja eri abayonta, obuddukiro bw’abo abali mu buyinike, awanirira era ataasa abo abanyigirizibwa. b00082 Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. %% Leka amazima n’obwesimbu byawulenga ebikolwa byo byonna. b00083 Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, a tower of strength for the fugitive. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. %% Yanirizanga oyo yenna gw’otomanyi mu makaago, aweweeza abali mu bulumi, ekigo eky’amaanyi eri abundabunda. Beera amaaso eri ba muzibe, era ekitangaala ky’okuluŋŋamizibwa eri ebigere by’abo ababula. b00084 Be an ornament to the countenance of truth, a crown to the brow of fidelity, a pillar of the temple of righteousness, a breath of life to the body of mankind, an ensign of the hosts of justice, a luminary above the horizon of virtue, a dew to the soil of the human heart, an ark on the ocean of knowledge, a sun in the heaven of bounty, a gem on the diadem of wisdom, a shining light in the firmament of thy generation, a fruit upon the tree of humility %% Beera ejjinja er’yomuwendo eriwanirira amazima, engule mu kyenyi ky’obwesigwa, empagi ya yeekalu ey’obutukirivu, empewo y’obulamu eri abantu bonna awamu, akabonero k’abo abaaniriza obwenkanya, ekitangaala ekiri waggulu w’olukungirizi lw’obuntubulamu, ssuulwe ku ttaka ly’emmeeme y’omuntu, ekyombo ku nnyanja y’amagezi, enjuba mu ggulu ly’obugabirizi, ejjinja ery’omuwendo ku ngule ey’amagezi, ekitangaala ekyakaayakanira mu bantu ab’omulembe gwo, ekibala ekiri ku muti ogw’obwetoowaze. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 285) b00085 Consort with all men, O people of Bahá, in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship. If ye be aware of a certain truth, if ye possess a jewel, of which others are deprived, share it with them in a language of utmost kindliness and good-will. %% Abange mmwe abantu ba Bahá, mubeerenga bumu n’abantu bonna mu mwoyo ogw’omukwano n’okusseekimu. Singa mubadde mumanyi amazima gennyini, singa mulina ejjinja ery’omuwendo, abalala lye baggibwako, muligabane nabo mu lulimi n’olwagaliza ebisingira ddala obulungi. b00086 If it be accepted, if it fulfil its purpose, your object is attained. If any one should refuse it, leave him unto himself, and beseech God to guide him. Beware lest ye deal unkindly with him. A kindly tongue is the lodestone of the hearts of men. It is the bread of the spirit, it clotheth the words with meaning, it is the fountain of the light of wisdom and understanding... %% Singa likkirizibwa, singa lituukiriza ekigendererwa kyalyo, ekiruubirirwa kyammwe kibeera kituukiddwako. Singa omuntu yenna aligaana, mumulekere emirembe gye, era mwegayirire Katonda amuluŋŋamye. Mwegendereze si kulwa nga mukola ebitali bya kisa gy’ali. Olulimi olw’ekisa lwe lusikiriza emitima gy’abantu. Gwe mugaati ogw’omwoyo, lwambaza ebigambo ne bifuna amakulu, y’ensulo y’ekitangaala ky’amagezi n’okutegeera… (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 288) b00087 Beautify your tongues, O people, with truthfulness, and adorn your souls with the ornament of honesty. Beware, O people, that ye deal not treacherously with any one. Be ye the trustees of God amongst His creatures, and the emblems of His generosity amidst His people. %% Abange abantu, mulungiye ennimi zammwe nga muzoogeza eby’amazima, era mwambaze emyoyo gyammwe n’ekyambalo ky’obwesigwa. Abange abantu, mwekuume muleme okubeera ab’enkwe eri omuntu yenna. Mubeere abayima ba Katonda wakati mu bitonde Bye, era obubonero obw’ekisa Kye wakati mu bantu Be. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 297) b00088 Say: Let truthfulness and courtesy be your adorning. Suffer not yourselves to be deprived of the robe of forbearance and justice, that the sweet savors of holiness may be wafted from your hearts upon all created things. %% Yatula nti: Mukkirize amazima n’obuntubulamu bibeere ekyambalo kyammwe. Temukkiriza kwefiiriza kyambalo eky’obugumiikiriza n’obwenkanya, olwo obuwoowo obulungi obw’obutukuvu bulyoke buve mu mitima gyammwe bubune ebitonde byonna. b00089 Say: Beware, O people of Baha, lest ye walk in the ways of them whose words differ from their deeds. Strive that ye may be enabled to manifest to the peoples of the earth the signs of God, and to mirror forth His commandments. %% Yatula nti: Abange mmwe abantu ba Bahá, mwekuume si kulwa nga mutambulira mu makubo g’abo abalina ebigambo ebyawukana n’ebikolwa byabwe. Mulafuubane olwo musobozesebwe okwolesa obubonero bwa Katonda eri abantu b’ensi, era n’amateeka Ge galyoke gatangalijjire mu mmwe. b00090 Let your acts be a guide unto all mankind, for the professions of most men, be they high or low, differ from their conduct. It is through your deeds that ye can distinguish yourselves from others. Through them the brightness of your light can be shed upon the whole earth. %% Muleke ebikolwa byammwe bibeere okuluŋŋamizibwa kw’abantu bonna, kubanga emirimu gy’abantu abasinga obungi, gibeere gya waggulu oba gya wansi, gyawukana okuva ku nneeyisa yaabwe. Ebikolwa byammwe bye biyinza okubaawula okuva ku balala. Mu bikolwa ebyo okwakaayakana kw’ekitangaala kyammwe kusobola okwakira ensi yonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 304) b00091 Blessed are the learned that pride not themselves on their attainments; and well is it with the righteous that mock not the sinful, but rather conceal their misdeeds, so that their own shortcomings may remain veiled to men's eyes. %% Balina omukisa abo abayigirize abateegulumiza olw’ebyo bye batuuseeko; era beesiimye abo abatuukirivu abataduulira bonoonyi, naye ne babikkirira ebikolwa by’abo ebibi, bwebutyo obunafu bwabwe ne busigala nga bukisiddwa mu maaso g’abantu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 315) b00092 Beware lest ye prefer yourselves above your neighbors. %% Mwekuume muleme okwesukkulumya ku baliraanwa bammwe. b00093a If any differences arise amongst you, behold Me standing before your face, and overlook the faults of one another for My name's sake and as a token of your love for My manifest and resplendent Cause. %% Singa wabalukawo enjawukana zonna mu makkati gammwe, muntunuulire Nze nga nnyimiridde mu maaso gammwe, era mukkirize ensobi zammwe ku lw’erinnya lyange Nze era nga akabonero ak’okwagala kwammwe okw’Enzikiriza Yange etegeerekeka era ey’ekitiibwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 315) b00093b Night hath succeeded day, and day hath succeeded night, and the hours and moments of your lives have come and gone, and yet none of you hath, for one instant, consented to detach himself from that which perisheth. %% Obudde obw’ekiro busikidde obudde obw’emisana, era n’obudde obw’emisana busikidde obudde obw’ekiro, era n’ebiseera by’obulamu bwammwe buzze ne biyita, naye na buli kati teri n’omu ku mmwe akkirizza, wadde akaseera akatono kati, obuteemalirira nnyo ku ebyo ebisaanawo. b00094 Bestir yourselves, that the brief moments that are still yours may not be dissipated and lost. Even as the swiftness of lightning your days shall pass, and your bodies shall be laid to rest beneath a canopy of dust. What can ye then achieve? How can ye atone for your past failure? %% Muwawamuke, ebiseera ebitono bye mukyalina bireme kwonooneka na kubaggwako. Era nga obwangu bw’ekimyanso kya laddu bwe kiri bwezityo n’ennaku zammwe bwe ziriyita, n’emibiri gyammwe girigalamizibwa wansi w’amalaalo g’enfuufu. Olwo mubeera muyinza kuganyulwamu ki? Musobola mutya okutangirira ebyo ebyabasobako edda? (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 321) b00095 O My servants! Sorrow not if, in these days and on this earthly plane, things contrary to your wishes have been ordained and manifested by God, for days of blissful joy, of heavenly delight, are assuredly in store for you. Worlds, holy and spiritually glorious, will be unveiled to your eyes. %% Abange mmwe abaddu bange Nze! Temunakuwala singa mu nnaku zino, era ne mu bulamu bw’ensi eno, ebintu ebikontana n’ebyo bye mwagala biragiddwa n’okwolesebwa Katonda, kubanga ennaku z’essanyu ery’ekitalo, essanyu ery’omu ggulu, bikakasiddwa okubeera mu tterekero ku lwammwe. Ensi zonna eziri mu bwengula, entukuvu era ez’ekitiibwa mu mwoyo, ziribikkulwa mu maaso gammwe. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 329) b00096 They that have forsaken their country for the purpose of teaching Our Cause -- these shall the Faithful Spirit strengthen through its power. A company of Our chosen angels shall go forth with them, as bidden by Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Wise. %% Abo abalekera ensi zaaboobwe olw’ekigendererwa ky’okuyigiriza Enzikiriza Yaffe - bano Omwoyo Omwesigwa gulibanyweza n’amaanyi gaagwo. Eggye lya ba malayika Baffe abalondemu linaagendanga nabo, nga bwe kiragirwa Oyo Ayinza-byonna, Amanyi-byonna. b00097 How great the blessedness that awaiteth him that hath attained the honor of serving the Almighty! By My life! No act, however great, can compare with it, except such deeds as have been ordained by God, the All-Powerful, the Most Mighty. Such a service is, indeed, the prince of all goodly deeds, and the ornament of every goodly act.%% Nga omukisa gwa kitalo ogulindiridde oyo afunye ekitiibwa eky’okuweereza Oyo Ayinza-byonna! Ku lw’Obulamu Bwange! Tewali kikolwa, kibeere kinene kitya, ekiyinza okugeraageraanyizibwa ku buweereza buno,okuggyako ebikolwa nga ebyo ebiragirwa Katonda, Owaamaanyi-gonna, Asingira ddala Amaanyi. Okuweereza nga okwo, mu mazima, ky’ekitiibwa ky’obulangira bw’ebikolwa ebirungi, era eky’okwewunda ekya buli kikolwa eky’obulungi. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 334) b00098 Whoso ariseth to teach Our Cause must needs detach himself from all earthly things, and regard, at all times, the triumph of Our Faith as his supreme objective… %% Oyo yenna agolokoka okuyigiriza Enzikiriza Yaffe kimwetaagisa obuteemalira ku bya nsi, era n’ekiseera kyonna, okutwala obuwanguzi bw’Enzikiriza Yaffe nga ekiruubirirwa kye ekisingira ddala obukulu... b00099 And when he determineth to leave his home, for the sake of the Cause of his Lord, let him put his whole trust in God, as the best provision for his journey, and array himself with the robe of virtue. Thus hath it been decreed by God, the Almighty, the All-Praised. %% Era bw’asalawo okulekerera amaka ge, ku lw’Enzikiriza ya Mukama we, akkirize okussa obwesige bwe bwonna mu Katonda, nga obugabirizi obusingira ddala mu lugendo lwe, era ayambale ekyambalo eky’empisa ennungi. Bwekityo bwe kiragiddwa Katonda, Ayinza-byonna, Atenderezebwa-byonna. If he be kindled with the fire of His love, if he forgoeth all created things, the words he uttereth shall set on fire them that hear him. %% Singa akoleezebwa n’omuliro gw’okwagala Kwe, singa yeerabira ebintu by’ensi byonna, ebigambo by’ayogera bijja kukoleeza omuliro mu abo ababiwulira. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 334) b00100 Some Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh %% Ebimu ku bigambo by’Amakulu Agakisibbwa ebya Bahá’u’llah b00101 O SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting. OWANGE GGWE OMWANA OW’OMWOYO! (BHWN101,rv170926) Okubuulirira Kwange okusooka kwe kunno: Beeranga n’omutima omulongoofu, ogw’ekisa era omusanyufu, bwebutyo obubwo bubeere obwakabaka obw’eddanedda, obutayonooneka era obutazikkirira.(AHW01) b00102 O SON OF SPIRIT! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes. 02 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA OW’OMWOYO! (BHWN102, rv170926) Ekisingira ddala okwagalwa bintu byonna mu maaso gange Nze bwe Bwenkanya; tobuvangako oba nga onjagala Nze, era tobusuuliriranga bwentyo ndyoke nkwesigenga Nze. Bw’oli bukozesa olilabisaanga n’amaaso go gennyini so si n’amaaso ag’abalala; era olitegeereranga mu magezi go gennyini so si mu magezi ga muliraanwa wo. Kino kifumiitirize nnyo mu mmeeme yo, nga bwe kikugwanira okubeera. Ddala ddala Obwenkanya Kirabo kyange Nze eri ggwe era akabonero ak’ekisa eky’okwagala Kwange Nze. Bwotyo tobujjanga mu maaso go. (AHW02) b00103 O SON OF BEING! Thy Paradise is My love; thy heavenly home, reunion with Me. Enter therein and tarry not. This is that which hath been destined for thee in Our kingdom above and Our exalted dominion. 06 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OBULAMU! (rv171016) Olusuku lwo Olutukuvu kwe kwagala kwange Nze; amaka ag’omu ggulu, kwe kuddamu okutabagana nange Nze. Yingira munda eyo era tolindirira. Kino kye kyakuterekerwa mu bwakabaka Bwaffe obwa waggulu era mu ttwale Lyaffe erigulumizibwa. (AHW06) b00104 O SON OF BEING! Thou art My lamp and My light is in thee. Get thou from it thy radiance and seek none other than Me. For I have created thee rich and have bountifully shed My favor upon thee. 11 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OBULAMU! (BHWN104, rv171002) Ggwe oli ttabaaza yange Nze era n’ekitangaala Kyange kiri mu ggwe. Weefunire ggwe okwakaayakana kwo okuva ku yo, era oleme okunoonya omulala yenna okuggyako Nze. Kubanga nkutonze ggwe nga oli mugagga era ne nkubuguggulako omukisa gwange Nze. (AHW11) b00105 O SON OF SPIRIT! Ask not of Me that which We desire not for thee, then be content with what We have ordained for thy sake, for this is that which profiteth thee, if therewith thou dost content thyself. 18 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMWOYO! (BHWN105, rv171002) Tonsabanga Nze ekyo kyetutakwagaliza ggwe, bwotyo ekyo kye tukutegekedde kikumalenga, kubanga kino kye kinaakugasa, singa mu kyo mw’owulirira emirembe. (AHW18) b00106 O SON OF MAN! Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art thyself a sinner. Shouldst thou transgress this command, accursed wouldst thou be, and to this I bear witness. 27 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUNTU! (BHWN106, rv171002) Tosiinyanga ku bibi by'abalala so nga naawe okyali mwonoonyi. Bwe kalikutanda n’omenya etteeka lino, olikolimirwa ggwe, era kino nkiwaako obujulirwa Nze. (AHW27) b00107 O SON OF BEING! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning; for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee and thou shalt be called to give account for thy deeds. 31 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OBULAMU! (BHWN107, rv171002) Longoosa ebisobye buli lunaku nga tonnayitibwa kubitebya; kubanga okufa, okuteeranga, kujja kugwira era oliyitibwa okunnyonnyola ebikolwa byo. (AHW031) b00108 O SON OF THE SUPREME! I have made death a messenger of joy to thee. Wherefore dost thou grieve? I made the light to shed on thee its splendor. Why dost thou veil thyself therefrom? 32 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OYO OMUKULU ENNYO! (BHWN108, Bk2Ch1Sec6, rv171002) Nfudde walumbe omubaka ow’essanyu gy’oli. Kale onakuwalira ki? Nnakola ekitangaala okumulisa ekitiibwa kyakyo ku ggwe. Lwaki okyekweka? b00109 O SON OF MAN! Neglect not My commandments if thou lovest My beauty, and forget not My counsels if thou wouldst attain My good pleasure. 39 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUNTU! (BHWN109, rv171002) Tolagajjaliranga mateeka gange Nze obanga oyagala obubalagavu bwange, era teweerabiranga okubuulirira kwange Nze singa oyagala okufuna okusiima kwange Nze. b00110 O SON OF MAN! Should prosperity befall thee, rejoice not, and should abasement come upon thee, grieve not, for both shall pass away and be no more. 52 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUNTU! (BHWN110, rv171002) Singa omukisa omulungi gukukyaliranga ggwe, tojaguzanga, era singa okujeezebwa kukutuukangako, tonyikaalanga, kubanga byombi birisaanawo, ne bibulirawo ddala. (AHW052) b00111 O SON OF BEING! If poverty overtake thee, be not sad; for in time the Lord of wealth shall visit thee. Fear not abasement, for glory shall one day rest on thee. 53 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OBULAMU! (BHWN111, rv171011) Bw’oyavuwalanga, tonakuwalanga; kubanga ekiseera bwe kirituuka Mukama ow’obugagga alikukyalira. Totyanga kufeebezebwa, kubanga luliba lumu olifuna ekitiibwa. (AHW053) b00112 O SON OF BEING! Busy not thyself with this world, for with fire We test the gold, and with gold We test Our servants. 55 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OBULAMU! (BHWN112, rv171011) Teweemaliranga ku nsi eno, kubanga n’omuliro Ffe tugezesa zaabu, ate ne zaabu Ffe tugezesa abaddu baffe. (AHW55) b00113 O SON OF BEING! Thy heart is My home; sanctify it for My descent. Thy spirit is My place of revelation; cleanse it for My manifestation. 59 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W'OBULAMU! (BHWN113, rv171011) Omutima gwo ge maka gange Nze; gutukuze olwo nange Nze ndyoke nguyingiremu. Omwoyo gwo kye kifo kyange Nze mwe mbikkulirwa, gulongoose ku lw’okwolesebwa kwange Nze. (AHW59) b00114 O FRIEND! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love, and from the nightingale of affection and desire loosen not thy hold. Treasure the companionship of the righteous and eschew all fellowship with the ungodly. 03 OWANGE GGWE OW’OMUKWANO! (BHWN114, rv171011) Mu lusuku lw’omutima gwo tosimbamu kirala kyonna wabula ekimuli kya looza y’okwagala, era okuva ku nyoonza y’omukwano n’okwegomba, tota ekyo ky’okutte. Kuumanga omukwano gw’abo abatuukirivu era weewale okuseekimu n’abo abatatya Katonda. (PHW03) b00115 O SON OF EARTH! Wouldst thou have Me, seek none other than Me; and wouldst thou gaze upon My beauty, close thine eyes to the world and all that is therein; for My will and the will of another than Me, even as fire and water, cannot dwell together in one heart. 31 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’ENSI! (BHWN115, rv171011) Oba nga ggwe oyagala okubeera Nange, tonoonya mulala atali Nze; era oba nga ggwe oyagala okulaba obubalagavu bwange Nze, zibiriza amaaso go eri eby’ensi n’ebyo byonna ebigirimu; kubanga okwagala kwange Nze n’okwagala kw’oyo omulala atali Nze, kale nga omuliro n’amazzi, tebiyinza kubeera wamu mu mutima ogumu. (PHW31) b00116 O BEFRIENDED STRANGER! The candle of thine heart is lighted by the hand of My power, quench it not with the contrary winds of self and passion. The healer of all thine ills is remembrance of Me, forget it not. Make My love thy treasure and cherish it even as thy very sight and life. 32 OWANGE GGWE OMUGWIRA GWE NKWANYE! (BHWN116, Bk2Ch1Sec6, rv171011) Omusubbaawa gw’omutima gwo gukoleezebwa n’amaanyi g’omukono gwange Nze, toguzikiza ggwe n’empewo embi ez’okwerowoozaako n’okwegomba. Ekivumula endwadde zo zonna kwe kunzijukira Nze, tokyerabiranga. Fuula okwagala kwange Nze eky’obugagga bwo, okikuume era okibiibiite mpozzi nga amaaso go n’obulamu bwo. (PHW032) b00117 O YE RICH ONES ON EARTH! The poor in your midst are My trust; guard ye My trust, and be not intent only on your own ease. 54 ABANGE MMWE ABAGAGGA KU NSI! (BHWN117, rv171012) Abanaku abali mu mmwe buvunaanyizibwa Bwange; mukuumenga obwesigwa bwange Nze, era temwemaliranga ku ebyo byokka ebibasanyusa. b00118 O SON OF PASSION! Cleanse thyself from the defilement of riches and in perfect peace advance into the realm of poverty; that from the well-spring of detachment thou mayest quaff the wine of immortal life. 55 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OKWEGOMBA! (BHWN118, rv171012) Werongoose okuva mu bwonoonefu obuleetebwa eby’obuggaga era mu mirembe egya nnamaddala oyingire mu bwakabaka obw’obwavu; bwotyo olyoke weekatankire omubisi gw’obulamu obutaggwawo okuva mu luzzi olw’ensulo olw’okwerekereza byonna. (PHW55) b00119 O SON OF MY HANDMAID! Guidance hath ever been given by words, and now it is given by deeds. Every one must show forth deeds that are pure and holy, for words are the property of all alike, whereas such deeds as these belong only to Our loved ones. Strive then with heart and soul to distinguish yourselves by your deeds. In this wise We counsel you in this holy and resplendent tablet. 76 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUZAANA WANGE! (BHWN119, rv171012) Okuluŋŋamizibwa bulijjo kubadde kuweebwa mu bigambo, naye kaakano kuweebwa mu bikolwa. Buli omu ateekwa okwolesa ebikolwa ebirongoofu era ebitukuvu, kubanga ebigambo byogerwa buli omu awatali kusosola, so nga ate ebikolwa nga ebyo by’abo bokka abaagalwa Baffe. Kale nno mufube nnyo mu mmeeme ne mu mwoyo musobole okwatiikirira olw’ebikolwa byammwe. Noolwekyo bwetutyo bwe tubabuulirira mu kiwandiiko kino ekitukuvu era eky’ekitiibwa. (PHW76) b00120 O SON OF MY HANDMAID! Quaff from the tongue of the merciful the stream of divine mystery, and behold from the dayspring of divine utterance the unveiled splendor of the daystar of wisdom. Sow the seeds of My divine wisdom in the pure soil of the heart, and water them with the waters of certitude, that the hyacinths of knowledge and wisdom may spring up fresh and green from the holy city of the heart. 78 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUZAANA WANGE! (BHWN120, rv171012) Weekatankire amazzi ag’ensulo ag’ekyama ky’obutukuvu okuva ku lulimi lw’oyo omusaasizi, era olabe, okuva ku nsibuko y’ekigambo ekitukuvu, ekitiibwa enjuba ey’amagezi ekibikuddwa. Siga ensigo ez’amagezi gange Nze amatukuvu mu ttaka eddungi ery’omutima, era ozifukirire n’amazzi ag’obukakafu, bwekityo amalanga g’okumanya n’amagezi bisobole okutojjera buto era nga biramu nga biva mu kibuga ekitukuvu eky’omutima. (PHW78) b00121 Words of the Bab %% Ebigambo bya Báb b00122 From His Address to the Letters of the Living %% Biggiddwa okuva mw’ebyo bye yagamba Abayigirizwa Be b00123 O My beloved friends! You are the bearers of the name of God in this Day. You have been chosen as the repositories of His mystery. It behoves each one of you to manifest the attributes of God, and to exemplify by your deeds and words the signs of His righteousness, His power and glory. %% Abange mmwe mikwano Gyange abaagalwa! Mmwe babaka b’erinnya lya Katonda mu Lunaku luno. Mulondeddwa nga amawanika g’ekyama Kye. Kibagwanira buli omu ku mmwe okwolesa obubonero bwa Katonda, nga mwolesa, mu bikolwa byammwe era ne mu bigambo byammwe, obubonero obw’obutukuvu Bwe, obuyinza Bwe n’ekitiibwa Kye. b00124 The very members of your body must bear witness to the loftiness of your Purpose, the integrity of your life, the reality of your faith, and the exalted character of your devotion. %% Ebitundu eby’omubiri gwo gwennyini biwa obujulirwa eri obukulu bw’Ekigendererwa kyammwe, obwesimbu mu bulamu bwammwe, amazima g’okukkiriza kwammwe, n’embeera y’okwewaayo kwammwe etenderezebwa. (The Dawn-Breakers pg92) b00125 From Selections from the Writings of the Bab %% Biggiddwa okuva mu Byawandiikibwa ebya Báb b00126 O people of the earth! Whoso obeyeth the Remembrance of God and His Book hath in truth obeyed God and His chosen ones and he will, in the life to come, be reckoned in the presence of God among the inmates of the Paradise of His good-pleasure. %% Abange mmwe abantu ab’omu nsi! Oyo yenna agondera Okujjukirwa kwa Katonda n’Ekitabo Kye mu mazima abeera agondedde Katonda n’abalonde Be, era mu bulamu obulijja, alibalibwa mu maaso ga Katonda okubeera mu abo abatuuze b’omu Lusuku Lwe olw’okwagala Kwe. (Biggiddwa mu Biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 43) b00127 I am the Mystic Fane which the Hand of Omnipotence hath reared. I am the Lamp which the Finger of God hath lit within its niche and caused to shine with deathless splendour. I am the Flame of that supernal Light that glowed upon Sinai in the gladsome Spot, and lay concealed in the midst of the Burning Bush. %% Nze Yeekaalu Ekisiddwa Omukono gw’Oyo Ayinza-byonna gw’ezimbye. Nze Ttabaaza Engalo ya Katonda gy’ekoleezezza mu kifo kyayo n’egyakaayakanya n’ekitiibwa ekitaggwawo. Nze Lulimi lw’Omuliro olw’Ekitangaala ekyo ekitukuvu ekyayakira ku Sinai mu Kifo eky'essanyu, era ne nkwekebwa wakati mu Kisaka Ekyaka Omuliro. (Biggiddwa mu Biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 74) b00128 It is better to guide one soul than to possess all that is on earth, for as long as that guided soul is under the shadow of the Tree of Divine Unity, he and the one who hath guided him will both be recipients of God's tender mercy, whereas possession of earthly things will cease at the time of death. %% Okuluŋŋamya omwoyo ogumu kusinga okubeera n’ebyo byonna ebiri ku nsi, kubanga ekiseera kyonna omwoyo ogwo oguluŋŋamizibbwa gye gweyongera okubeera wansi w’ekisiikirize ky’Omuti gw’Obumu Obutukuvu, ye n’oyo amuluŋŋamizza bombi balifuna ekisa kya Katonda ekiboolerevu, so nga obwa nnannyini ku bintu by’ensi bukoma ku kiseera ky’okufa. b00129 The path to guidance is one of love and compassion, not of force and coercion. This hath been God's method in the past, and shall continue to be in the future! He causeth him whom He pleaseth to enter the shadow of His Mercy. Verily, He is the Supreme Protector, the All-Generous. %% Ekkubo erituusa ku kuluŋŋamizibwa kwe kwagala n’obusaasizi, so si buwaze na kukakibwa. Eno y’ebadde enkola ya Katonda okuva edda n’edda, era y’eribeera enkola ne mu biseera ebirijja! Atwala abo b’ayagala n’abayingiza wansi w’ekisiikirize eky’Okusaasira Kwe. Ddala ddala, Ye ye Mukuumi w’Okuntikko, Omugabi- wa- byonna. (Biggiddwa mu Biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 192) b00129b How vast the number of people who are well versed in every science, yet it is their adherence to the holy Word of God which will determine their faith, inasmuch as the fruit of every science is none other than the knowledge of divine precepts and submission unto His good-pleasure. %% Abantu nga bwesedde abakuguse mu buli ttabi lya sayansi, naye ate okwenywereza ku Kigambo kya Katonda ekitukuvu kijja kukakasa enzikiriza yaabwe, kubanga ebibala ebya buli ttabi lya sayansi si birala okuggyako amagezi g’okuyigirizibwa okutukuvu n’okweweerayo ddala mu kwagala Kwe. (Biggiddwa mu Biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 88) b00130 It is seemly that the servant should, after each prayer, supplicate God to bestow mercy and forgiveness upon his parents. Thereupon God's call will be raised: 'Thousand upon thousand of what thou hast asked for thy parents shall be thy recompense!' Blessed is he who remembereth his parents when communing with God. There is, verily, no God but Him, the Mighty, the well-Beloved. %% Omuddu wa Katonda bw’amala okusaba buli ssaala, kiba kirungi okwegayirira Katonda okusaasira bakadde be n’okubasonyiwa. Olwo nno eddoboozi lya Katonda liriwulirwa nga ligamba nti: ‘Enkumi n’enkumi ey’ebyo by’osabye ku lw’abazadde bo biribeera okusasulwa kwo’. Alina omukisa oyo ajjukira bakadde be bw’aba nga asaba Katonda. Ddala ddala, tewali Katonda wabula Ye, ow’Obuyinza, Omwagalwa-ennyo. (Biggiddwa mu Biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 94) b00131 Reduce not the ordinances of God to fanciful imaginations of your own; rather observe all the things which God hath created at His behest with the eye of the spirit, even as ye see things with the eyes of your bodies. %% Temutyoboola mateeka ga Katonda nga mugafuula ng’ebyo eby’obutaliimu bye mulowooza, wabula mutunuulire ebintu byonna Katonda by’atonze ku lw’okulagira kwe n’eriiso ery’omwoyo, kale nga nnamwe bwe mulaba ebintu n’amaaso g’emibiri gyammwe. (Biggiddwa mu Biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 146) b00132 The Day is approaching when God will render the hosts of Truth victorious, and He will purge the whole earth in such wise that within the compass of His knowledge not a single soul shall remain unless he truly believeth in God, worshippeth none other God but Him, boweth down by day and by night in His adoration, and is reckoned among such as are well assured. %% Olunaku lunaatera okutuuka Katonda lw’anaawa emyoyo egy’Amazima obuwanguzi, era nga alirongoosa ensi yonna mu ngeri nti mu kutegeera Kwe kwonna teri muntu n’omu alisigalawo okuggyako nga akkiririza mu Katonda, nga tasinza mulala yenna okuggyako Ye, nga avuunama emisana n’ekiro olw’okumwagala Ye, era nga abalibwa wamu n’abo abakakasiddwa. (Biggiddwa mu biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 153) b00133 Fix your gaze upon Him Whom God shall make manifest in the Day of Resurrection, then firmly believe in that which is sent down by Him. %% Mwekalirize Oyo Katonda Ye gw’aliyolesa mu kiseera eky’Olunaku olw’Okuzuukira, era mubeere banywevu mu ebyo ebikka okuva gy’ali Ye. (Biggiddwa mu biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 163) b00134 When the Day-Star of Bahá will shine resplendent above the horizon of eternity, it is incumbent upon you to present yourselves before His Throne. %% Emmunyeenye y’Emisana eya Bahá bw’eriyakaayayakana n’ekitiibwa waggulu w’olukungirizi lw’emirembe n’emirembe, kibagwanidde okweyanjula mu maaso ga Nnamulondo Ye. b00135 Ye have, one and all, been called into being to seek His presence and to attain that exalted and glorious station. Indeed, He will send down from the heaven of His mercy that which will benefit you, and whatever is graciously vouchsafed by Him shall enable you to dispense with all mankind. %% Mutondeddwa, buli omu kummwe, okumunoonya Ye n’okutuuka mu kifo ekyo ekigulumizibwa era eky’ekitiibwa. Mazima ddala, nga ayima mu ggulu ly’ekisa Kye, alibaweereza ekyo ekinaabaganyulwa, era n’ekyo kyonna Ye ky’alibawa olw’ekisa Kye kiribasobozesa okwemalirira. (Biggiddwa mu biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 164) b00135b It behooveth you to await the Day of the appearance of Him Whom God shall manifest. Indeed My aim in planting the Tree of the Bayan hath been none other than to enable you to recognize Me. In truth I Myself am the first to bow down before God and to believe in Him. %% Kibagwanidde okulindirira Olunaku olw’okulabika kw’Oyo Katonda Ye gw’aliyoleka. Mazima ddala ekiruubirirwa kyange Nze mu kusimba Omuti ogwa Bayan si kirala okuggyako okubasobozesa okuntegeera Nze. Mu mazima Nze mwene ndi owooluberyeberye okuvunnamira Katonda n’okumukkiririzaamu. b00136 However, when the Tree of the Bayan attaineth its highest development, We shall bend it low as a token of adoration towards its Lord Who will appear in the person of Him Whom God shall make manifest. %% Naye nno, Omuti ogwa Bayan bwe gulikulira ddala, tuliguweta Ffe nga akabonero akalaga okusuuta okungi ennyo kwe tulina eri Mukama Oyo alirabikira mu muntu Oyo Katonda Ye gw’aliyoleka. (Biggiddwa mu biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 167) b00137 Words of 'Abdu'l-Bahá from Paris Talks %% Ebigambo bya ‘Abdu’l-Bahá okuva mu Bye Yayogerera mu Paris b00138 When a man turns his face to God he finds sunshine everywhere. All men are his brothers. Let not conventionality cause you to seem cold and unsympathetic when you meet strange people from other countries. Do not look at them as though you suspected them of being evil-doers, thieves and boors. %% Omuntu bw’akyusa obwanga bwe n’abutunuuliza Katonda azuula ekitangaala buli wantu. Abantu bonna babeera baganda be. Tokkiriza bulombolombo obw’obutaliimu kukufuula atafaayo era atalumirirwa bw’osisinkana abantu boobeera tomanyi abava mu nsi endala. Leka okubatunuulira nga obateebereza okubeera abakozi b’ebibi, ababbi era abaakuzibwa obubi. b00139 Help to make them feel at home; find out where they are staying, ask if you may render them any service; try to make their lives a little happier. %% Bayambe bakkalire bulungi; zuula wa gye babeera, babuuze oba waliwo kyonna kye baagala okubakolera; gezaako okubabeesabeesa bafune essanyu. b00140/1 In this way, even if, sometimes, what you at first suspected should be true, still go out of your way to be kind to them -- this kindness will help them to become better. %% Mu ngeri eno, newaakubadde oluusi kye wasoose okubateeberezaamu nga kyandibeera kituufu, weekubirize nga obalaga ekisa – ekisa kino kijja kubayamba okufuuka abalungi. b00142 Let those who meet you know, without your proclaiming the fact, that you are indeed a Bahá'í. %% Leka abo abakusisinkana bamanye nti mazima ddala oli mu Bahá’í, so si ggwe kukirangirira gye bali. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 15) b00143 A man who does great good, and talks not of it, is on the way to perfection. The man who has accomplished a small good and magnifies it in his speech is worth very little. %%Omuntu akola ebirungi n’atabyogerako aba yeerambika mu kkubo ettuufu. Omuntu akoze akalungi akatono n’akazimbulukusa mu bigambo tabaamu nsa. b00144 If I love you, I need not continually speak of my love -- you will know without any words. On the other hand if I love you not, that also will you know -- and you would not believe me, were I to tell you in a thousand words, that I loved you. %% Singa mba nkwagala, tekinneetaagisa kwogera ku mukwano gwange gy’oli buli kaseera – ojja kukimanya bumanya awatali bigambo. So nno ate, singa sikwagala, ekyo nakyo ojja kukimanya – era tewandikkirizza ne bwe nnandikikugambwe mu bigambo lukumi, nti nkwagala. B00145 People make much profession of goodness, multiplying fine words because they wish to be thought greater and better than their fellows, seeking fame in the eyes of the world. Those who do most good use fewest words concerning their actions. %% Abantu beeyogerako nnyo ebirungi, nga bazimbulukusa ebigambo ebiwoomerera kubanga beegomba okubalowoozaako nga ab’ettendo era ab’ekitalo okusinga bannaabwe, nga banooya ettutumu mu bantu b’ensi. Abo abakola ebisinga obulungi bakozesa ebigambo ebisingira ddala obutono nga boogerera mu bikolwa byabwe. b00146 The children of God do the works without boasting, obeying His laws. %% Abaana ba Katonda bakola emirimu awatali kwewaana, nga bagondera amateeka Ge. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p. 16) b00147 Do not despair! Work steadily. Sincerity and love will conquer hate. How many seemingly impossible events are coming to pass in these days! Set your faces steadily towards the Light of the World. Show love to all; 'Love is the breath of the Holy Spirit in the heart of Man'. %% Temuggwaamu ssuubi! Mukole butaweera. Okwagala n’obwesimbu bijja kuwangula obukyayi. Bintu bimeka ebyali birowoozebwa nti tebisoboka naye ebigenda bibaawo ennaku zino? Mwolekeze obwanga bwammwe eri Ekitangaala ky’Ensi nga temusagaasagana. “Okwagala y’empewo y’obulamu ey’Omwoyo Omutukuvu mu mutima gw’omuntu”. b00148 Take courage! God never forsakes His children who strive and work and pray! Let your hearts be filled with the strenuous desire that tranquillity and harmony may encircle all this warring world. So will success crown your efforts, and with the universal brotherhood will come the Kingdom of God in peace and goodwill. %% Mubeere bavumu! Katonda talekerera baana Be abalafuubana okukola era n’okusaba. Muleke emitima gyammwe gijjuzibwe okwegomba okw’amaanyi bwekityo obutayuugayuuga n’okukkaanya biryoke byebulungule ensi eno ejjudde entalo. Bwekityo obuwanguzi bulibeera engule ey’okulafuubana kwammwe, era n’okusseekimu okw’abantu bonna ab’ensi bwe kulibeerawo olwo Obwakabaka bwa Katonda nabwo bulijja mu mirembe n’okwagala. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 29) b00149 God leaves not His children comfortless, but, when the darkness of winter overshadows them, then again He sends His Messengers, the Prophets, with a renewal of the blessed spring. The Sun of Truth appears again on the horizon of the world shining into the eyes of those who sleep, awaking them to behold the glory of a new dawn. Then again will the tree of humanity blossom and bring forth the fruit of righteousness for the healing of the nations. %% Katonda taleka baana be ttayo, naye buli kizikiza ky’obutiti lwe kibabuutikira, olwo nate n’abaweereza Ababaka Be, Abalanzi, n’omukisa gwa ttogo ne gujja nate. Omusana ogw’Amazima guddamu nate okulabika ku lukungirizi lw’ensi nga gwakira mu maaso g’abo abeebafu, nga gubazuukusa okulaba ekitiibwa ky’olunaku olupya. Olwo nate omuti gw’obuntubulamu gumulisa era ne guleeta ebibala eby’obutuukirivu eby’okuwonya amawanga. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 32) b00150 Behold a beautiful garden full of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Each flower has a different charm, a peculiar beauty, its own delicious perfume and beautiful colour. %% Mwetegereze ennimiro ennungi ejjudde ebimuli, obusaka, n’emiti. Buli kimuli kirina endabika ey’enjawulo, obulungi obwawufu, akaloosa kaakyo ak’ekitalo era ne langi erabika obulungi…. b00151 So it is with humanity. It is made up of many races, and its peoples are of different colour, white, black, yellow, brown and red -- but they all come from the same God, and all are servants to Him. %% Bwekityo bwe kiri ne mu bantu. Mulimu ebika by’abantu bingi, era n’abantu ba langi ez’enjawulo; abeeru, abaddugavu, abaakyenvu, abaakitaka n’abamyufu – naye bonna bava mu Katonda omu era bonna baweereza Be. b00152 Thus should it be among the children of men! The diversity in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord. If you meet those of different race and colour from yourself, do not mistrust them and withdraw yourself into your shell of conventionality, but rather be glad and show them kindness. %% Bwekityo bwe kyandibadde mu baana b’abantu! Enjawulo mu bika by’abantu yeesaana okuba ensibuko y’okwagala n’obutebenkevu, nga era bwe kiri mu kuyimba omuli amaloboozi eg’enjawulo nga bwe geegatta awamu muvaamu amaloboozi agawulikika obulungi ennyo. Singa musanga abo ab’ebika ebirala ne langi eteri yammwe, temubeekengera nga mwekukuma mu masonko ag’ebyo bye mumanyidde, wabula mubeere basanyufu nga mubalaga okwagala. b00154a Think of them as different coloured roses growing in the beautiful garden of humanity, and rejoice to be among them. %% Mubalowoozeeko nga ebimuli ebya looza ebya langi ez’enjawulo ebikulira mu nnimiro y’obuntu, era mujaguze okubeera mu bo. b00154b Likewise, when you meet those whose opinions differ from your own, do not turn away your face from them. All are seeking truth, and there are many roads leading thereto. Truth has many aspects, but it remains always and forever one. %% Mu ngeri y’emu, bwe musisinkana abo abalina endowooza eyawukana ku yammwe, temubakuba nkoona. Bonna babeera banoonya mazima, era waliwo amakubo mangi agagatuukako. Amazima galina embeera nnyingi, naye bulijjo gasigala nga ge gamu. b00155 Do not allow difference of opinion, or diversity of thought to separate you from your fellow-men, or to be the cause of dispute, hatred and strife in your hearts. %% Temukkiriza enjawukana mu ndowooza, oba enjawulo mu kulowooza okubaawukanya ku bannammwe, oba okubeera ensibuko y’emirerembe, obukyayi n’ennyombo. b00156 Rather, search diligently for the truth and make all men your friends.  %% Wabula, mulafuubane okunoonya amazima era abantu bonna mubafuule mikwano gyammwe.  b00157 Every edifice is made of many different stones, yet each depends on the other to such an extent that if one were displaced the whole building would suffer; if one is faulty the structure is imperfect. %% Buli kizimbe ekirungi kizimbibwa n’amayinja ag’enjawulo, naye ate buli limu lyesigama ku linnaalyo nga singa erimu liseeseetuka ekizimbe kyonna kyonooneka; singa erimu libaako ekikyamu ekizimbe kibeera tekituukiridde. b00158 Bahá'u'lláh has dawn the circle of unity, He has made a design for the uniting of all the peoples, and for the gathering of them all under the shelter of the tent of universal unity. This is the work of the Divine Bounty, and we must all strive with heart and soul until we have the reality of unity in our midst, and as we work, so will strength be given unto us. %% Bahá’u’llah akoze enkulungo y’obumu, Akoze entegeka ey’okugatta abantu bonna, era ey’okubakumaakuma awamu bonna mu weema y’obumu obw’ensi yonna. Guno gwe mulimu ogw’Ekisa kya Katonda, era fenna tuteekwa okufuba mu mutima ne mu mwoyo okutuusa nga tufunye okulabikirwa kw’amazima g’obumu wakati mu ffe, era nga bwe tukola, bwegatyo n’amaanyi gajja kutuweebwa. b00159 Leave all thought of self, and strive only to be obedient and submissive to the Will of God. In this way only shall we become citizens of the Kingdom of God, and attain unto life everlasting. %% Okwerowoozaako okw’engeri yonna mukuviireko ddala, wabula mufube okugondera n’okweweerayo ddala mu Kwagala kwa Katonda. Mu ngeri eno yokka mwe tunaayita okufuuka abatuuze mu Bwakabaka bwa Katonda, era n’okutuuka mu bulamu obutaggwawo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p.52-54) b00160 The Holy Spirit is the Light from the Sun of Truth bringing, by its infinite power, life and illumination to all mankind, flooding all souls with Divine Radiance, conveying the blessings of God's Mercy to the whole world. %% Nga gukozesa amaanyi gaagwo agataliiko kkomo, Omwoyo Omutukuvu ky’Ekitangaala ky’omusana ekiva mu Njuba ey’Amazima nga kye kireeta obulamu n’okumulisa eri abantu bonna, nga kijjuza emyoyo gyonna n’Okwakaayakana Okutukuvu, nga kikulukusa emikisa gy’Okusaasira kwa Katonda eri ensi yonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p. 58) b00161 Likewise the Holy Spirit is the very cause of the life of man; without the Holy Spirit he would have no intellect, he would be unable to acquire his scientific knowledge by which his great influence over the rest of creation is gained. The illumination of the Holy Spirit gives to man the power of thought, and enables him to make discoveries by which he bends the laws of nature to his will. %% Mu ngeri y’emu, Omwoyo Omutukuvu y’ensibuko yennyini ey’obulamu bw’omuntu; singa tewali Mwoyo Mutukuvu omuntu teyandibadde na magezi, teyandisobodde kufuna magezi ga kuvumbula agamusobozesa okufuga ebitonde ebirala. Okumulisibwa kw’Omwoyo Omutukuvu kuwa omuntu amaanyi g’okulowooza, era kumusobozesa okuvumbula ebyo by’akozesa okukyusa amateeka g’obutonde ne gamugondera. b00162 The Holy Spirit it is which, through the mediation of the Prophets of God, teaches spiritual virtues to man and enables him to attain Eternal Life. %% Omwoyo omutukuvu, nga guyita mu Balanzi ba Katonda, gwe gusomesa omuntu empisa ennungi ez’omwoyo era ne gumusobozesa okutuuka mu bulamu obutaggwaawo. b00163 All these blessings are brought to man by the Holy Spirit; therefore we can understand that the Holy Spirit is the Intermediary between the Creator and the created. The light and heat of the sun cause the earth to be fruitful, and create life in all things that grow; and the Holy Spirit quickens the souls of men. %% Emikisa gino gyonna Omwoyo Omutukuvu gwe gugireetera omuntu; n’olwekyo tuyinza okukitegeera nti Omwoyo Omutukuvu gwe mukutu wakati w’Omutonzi n’ebitonde. Ekitangaala n’ebbugumu ly’omusana bisobozesa olukalu okubala ebibala, era biteeka obulamu mu buli kintu ekikula; bwegutyo n’Omwoyo Omutukuvu guzzaamu amaanyi mu myoyo gy’abantu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p. 58) b000164 Lift up your hearts above the present and look with eyes of faith into the future! Today the seed is sown, the grain falls upon the earth, but behold the day will come when it shall rise a glorious tree and the branches thereof shall be laden with fruit. %% Muyimuse emitima gyammwe gisukkulume ku ebyo ebya leero era mulengere ebyo ebirijja n’amaaso ag’okukkiriza! Leero ensigo esimbiddwa, empeke egwa mu ttaka, naye mutunule; olunaku lulituuka lw’erivaamu omuti ogw’ekitiibwa era amatabi gaagwo galibalako ebibala bingi. b00165a Rejoice and be glad that this day has dawned, try to realize its power, for it is indeed wonderful! God has crowned you with honour and in your hearts has He set a radiant star; verily the light thereof shall brighten the whole world! %% Mujaguze era musanyuke kubanga olunaku luno lukedde, era mugezeeko okutegeera amaanyi gaalwo, kubanga ddala lunaku lwa ttendo. Katonda abatikidde engule ey’ekitiibwa era mu mitima gyammwe ataddemu emmunyeenye eyakaayakana; ddala ddala ekitaangaala kyayo kijja kumulisa ensi yonna! (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p. 68) b00165b In the Gospel according to St John, Christ has said: 'Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.'[1] The priests have interpreted this into meaning that baptism is necessary for salvation. In another Gospel it is said: 'He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire' %% Mu Njiri ya Yokaana Omutukuvu, Christ agamba: “Okuggyako omuntu nga azaalibwa mazzi na Mwoyo, tayinza kuyingira mu bwakabaka bwa Katonda.” Ba kabona bakivvuunudde nti okubatizibwa kwetaagisa olw’okulokolebwa. Mu Njiri endala egamba nti: “Oyo alibabatiza n'Omwoyo Omutukuvu wamu n'omuliro.” (Yokaana 3:5, Matayo 3:11) b00166 Thus the water of baptism and the fire are one! It cannot mean that the 'water' spoken of is physical water, for it is the direct opposite of 'fire', and one destroys the other. %% Bwekityo omuliro n’amazzi agakozesebwa mu kubatiza bibeera wamu! Kino tekiyinza kutegeeza nti ‘amazzi’ agoogerwako ge mazzii aga bulijjo kubanga gakontanira ddala n’omuliro kubanga ekimu kisaanyaawo kinnaakyo. b00167 When in the Gospels, Christ speaks of 'water', He means that which causes life, for without water no worldly creature can live -- mineral, vegetable, animal and man, one and all, depend upon water for their very being. Yes, the latest scientific discoveries prove to us that even mineral has some form of life, and that it also needs water for its existence. %% Mu Njiri, Christo bw’ayogera ku ‘mazzi’ ategeeza ekyo ekibeezaawo obulamu, kubganga awatali mazzi tewali kitonde kibeera kiramu ku nsi – eby’omu ttaka, ebimera, ensolo n’abantu, buli kimu kw’ebyo amazzi ge gabibeezaawo. Kituufu, ebyakavumbulwa mu sayansi bitukakasa nti n’ebyo eby’omu ttaka nabyo birimu ku mbeera y’obulamu, era nti byetaaga amazzi bisobole okubeerawo. b00168 Water is the cause of life, and when Christ speaks of water, He is symbolizing that which is the cause of Everlasting Life. %% Amazzi y’ensibuko y’obulamu, era Kristo bw’ayogera ku mazzi Ye abeera agakozesa nga akabonero akalaga ekyo ekibeezaawo Obulamu Obutaggwaawo. b00169 This life-giving water of which He speaks is like unto fire, for it is none other than the Love of God, and this love means life to our souls. %% Amazzi ganno agawa obulamu nga Ye gaayogerako gafaanana n’omuliro, kubanga kino si kirala kyonna wabula Okwagala kwa Katonda, era okwagala kuno kutegeeza obulamu bw’emyoyo gyaffe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p. 81) b00170 By the fire of the Love of God the veil is burnt which separates us from the Heavenly Realities, and with clear vision we are enabled to struggle onward and upward, ever progressing in the paths of virtue and holiness, and becoming the means of light to the world.%% Omuliro gw’Okwagala kwa Katonda gwokya olutimbe olutwawula ku Mbeera y’Obulamu bw’omu Ggulu, era n’amaaso agalaba obulungi tuweebwa amaanyi okufuba ennyo n’okulinnyalinnya, nga bwe tukulaakulana mu makubo ag’empisa ennungi n’obutuukirivu, era n’okufuuka emikutu gy’ekitangaala eri ensi yonna. b00171 There is nothing greater or more blessed than the Love of God! It gives healing to the sick, balm to the wounded, joy and consolation to the whole world, and through it alone can man attain Life Everlasting. The essence of all religions is the Love of God, and it is the foundation of all the sacred teachings. %% Tewali kintu kikulu oba eky’omukisa ekisinga Okwagala kwa Katonda! Kuwonya abalwadde, kuweweeza obo abalina ebiwundu, kuwa essanyu n’okubudaabudibwa eri ensi yonna, era mu kwagala kuno kwokka omuntu mw’ayinza okuyita okutuuka mu Bulamu Obutaggwawo. Ennono y’eddiini zonna ebeera Kwagala kwa Katonda, era gwe musingi ogw’enjigiriza zonna entukuvu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p. 82) b00172 Words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá %% Ebigambo bya ‘Abdu’l-Bahá b00172 Excerpts from the Selections of the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá %% Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. b00173 Service to the friends is service to the Kingdom of God, and consideration shown to the poor is one of the greatest teachings of God. %% Obuweereza mu beemikwano bwe buweereza mu bwa Kabaka bwa Katonda, era obuyambi eri abanaku y’emu ku njigiriza za Katonda ezisinga obukulu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 27) b00174 Hence the unity of all mankind can in this day be achieved. Verily this is none other but one of the wonders of this wondrous age, this glorious century. Of this past ages have been deprived, for this century -- the century of light -- hath been endowed with unique and unprecedented glory, power and illumination. Hence the miraculous unfolding of a fresh marvel every day. Eventually it will be seen how bright its candles will burn in the assemblage of man. %%Bwekityo obumu bw’abantu bonna mu lunaku luno buyinza okutuukibwako. Ddala ddala kino si kirala wabula ekimu ku byewuunyisa eby’omulembe guno ogw’ekyewuunyo, ekyasa kino eky’ekitiibwa. Kino ab’emirembe egyayita tebaakiweebwa, kubanga omulembe guno – ekyasa eky’ekitangaala – kiweereddwa ekitiibwa eky’enjawulo era ekitabangawo, amaanyi n’okumulisibwa. Kale nno kye tuva tulaba ekyewuunyisa ekipya ekibikkulibwa buli lunaku. Oluvannyuma lwa byonna kijja kulabibwa engeri emisubbaawa gino bwe giriyakaayakana mu kibiina ky’abantu bonna abali obumu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 31) b00175 Behold how its light is now dawning upon the world's darkened horizon. The first candle is unity in the political realm, the early glimmerings of which can now be discerned. The second candle is unity of thought in world undertakings, the consummation of which will erelong be witnessed. %% Laba engeri ekitangaala ky’ekyasa kino kaakano bwe kisemberedde ku lukingirizi lw’ensi olukutte ekizikiza. Omusubbaawa ogusooka, kwe kwegatta mu kisaawe ky’ebyobufuzi, okumunyeenya kwagwo okusooka kati okusobola okulengerwa. Omusubbaawa ogwokubiri bwe bumu mu ndowooza mu bikolebwa mu nsi yonna, okutuukirira kwako okujja okulabika mu bbanga eritali ly’ewala. b00176 The third candle is unity in freedom which will surely come to pass. The fourth candle is unity in religion which is the corner-stone of the foundation itself, and which, by the power of God, will be revealed in all its splendour. The fifth candle is the unity of nations -- a unity which in this century will be securely established, causing all the peoples of the world to regard themselves as citizens of one common fatherland. %% Omusubbaawa ogwokusatu kwe kutabagana mu ddembe okuteekwa okutuukirira. Omusubbaawa ogwokuna kwe kutabagana mu ddiini nga lino ly’ejjinja ekkulu ery’ensonda y’omusingi gwennyini, era, kulw’amaanyi ga Katonda, kino kijja kweraga mu kitiibwa kyakyo kyonna. Omusubbaawa ogwokutaano kwe kutabagana okw ’amawanga – obumu obujja okunywezebwa ddala, ekinaaleetera abantu bonna ab’ensi okwetwala nga abatuuze ab’ensi ey’obuzaliranwa obumu. b00177 The sixth candle is unity of races, making of all that dwell on earth peoples and kindreds of one race. The seventh candle is unity of language, i.e., the choice of a universal tongue in which all peoples will be instructed and converse. Each and every one of these will inevitably come to pass, inasmuch as the power of the Kingdom of God will aid and assist in their realization %% Omusubbaawa ogwomukaaga kwe kutabagana mu bikula by’abantu, kufuule bonna ababeera mu nsi abantu ab’oluganda era ab’olulyo olumu. Omusubbaawa ogwomusanvu kwe kutabagana mu nnimi, nga kino kwe kulondawo olulimi lumu olunaayogerwanga abantu bonna, lwe banaakozesanga mu by’enjigiriza n’okunyumya. Buli kimu ku bino byonna awatali kubusabusa bigenda kutuukirira, kubanga amaanyi g’obwa Kabaka bwa Katonda gagenda kuyamba era n’okudduukirira mukutuukirizibwa kwabyo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 32) b00178 Wherefore, O ye beloved of God, offer up thanks that ye have, in the day of the dawning, turned your faces unto the Light of the World and beheld its splendours. Ye have received a share of the light of truth, ye have enjoyed a portion of those blessings that endure forever; and therefore, as a returning of thanks for this bounty, rest ye not for a moment, sit ye not silent, carry to men's ears the glad tidings of the Kingdom, spread far and wide the Word of God.%% Noolwekyo, Abange mmwe abaagalwa ba Katonda, mu kiseera emmambya nga esala, mwebaze Katonda kubanga musobodde okukyusa amaaso gammwe eri Ekitangaala ky’Ensi ne mulaba ekitiibwa kyakyo. Mufunye omugabo ogw’ekitangaala eky’amazima, mufunye ku kitundu ky’omugabo ogw’omukisa ogw’olubeerera; n’olwekyo, nga mwebaza olw’ekirabo, temuwummula, temusirika, mubuulire abantu amawulire ag’essanyu ag’Obwakabaka, mubunyise ewala n’okumpi ekigambo kya Katonda. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 33) b00179 Act in accordance with the counsels of the Lord: that is, rise up in such wise, and with such qualities, as to endow the body of this world with a living soul, and to bring this young child, humanity, to the stage of adulthood. So far as ye are able, ignite a candle of love in every meeting, and with tenderness rejoice and cheer ye every heart. %% Mukole nga okubuulirira kwa Mukama bwe kuli: kwe kugamba nti, muyimukireemu nga bwe mulagiddwa, era nga mweyambisa embeera nga ezo, musobole okuwa omubiri gw’ensi eno omwoyo gw’obulamu era n’okukuza omwana ono omuto, nga eno y’embeera y’abantu bonna, okutuuka ku mutendera gw’okusajjakula. Okusinziira ku busobozi bwammwe, mukoleeze omusubbaawa gw’okwagala mu buli lukuŋŋaana, era n’okwagala mujaguze era muzzeemu amaanyi mu buli mutima gwa muntu. b00180 Care for the stranger as for one of your own; show to alien souls the same loving kindness ye bestow upon your faithful friends. Should any come to blows with you, seek to be friends with him; should any stab you to the heart, be ye a healing salve unto his sores; should any taunt and mock at you, meet him with love. %% Mubudaabude be mutamanyi nga bwe muyisa abantu bammwe; mulage bannaggwanga omukwano nga gwe muwa mikwano gyammwe abeesigwa. Singa omu ajja okukulwanyisa, ggwe fuba okunoonya engeri ey’okumufuula mukwano go; singa omuntu akulumya mu mutima eby’ekitalo, ggwe beera ddagala eriwonya ebiwundu bye; singa omuntu akujerega n’okukusosonkereza, mulage omukwano. b00181 Should any heap his blame upon you, praise ye him; should he offer you a deadly poison, give him the choicest honey in exchange; and should he threaten your life, grant him a remedy that will heal him evermore. Should he be pain itself, be ye his medicine; should he be thorns, be ye his roses and sweet herbs. %% Singa omuntu akuvunaana awatali nsonga, ggwe mutende; singa akuwa obutwa obukambwe, ggwe muweemu omubisi gw’enjuki ogusinga okuwooma; era singa akutiisatiisa okukutuusako obulabe, ggwe muwe eddagala erinaamuwonya emirembe n’emirembe. Singa akufuukira ekyambika kyennyini, beera ddagala lye; singa abeera nga amaggwa, ggwe beera nga ebimuli bya looza era nga omuddo oguwoomerera. b00182 Perchance such ways and words from you will make this darksome world turn bright at last; will make this dusty earth turn heavenly, this devilish prison place become a royal palace of the Lord -- so that war and strife will pass and be no more, and love and trust will pitch their tents on the summits of the world. Such is the essence of God's admonitions; such in sum are the teachings for the Dispensation of Bahá. %% Ku nkomerero, oboolyawo ebikolwa n’ebigambo nga ebyo okuva mu mmwe bijja kumulisa ensi eno ey’ekizikiza; ensi eno ey’enfuufu bijja kugifuula entukuvu, ekifo kino ekiringa eggeyeena kijja kufuuka nga olubiri lw’obwakabaka bwa Mukama – bwekityo nno entalo n’obunyoolagano bijja kuyita era biriggwerawo ddala, era okwagala n’okwesigaŋŋana birikuba ensiisira zaabyo ku ntikko y’ensi yonna. Kino ky’ekinyusi ky’okubuulirira kwa Katonda; awamu z’enjigiriza eziri mu Kubikkulibwa kwa Bahá. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 34) b00183 O thou who art turning thy face towards God! Close thine eyes to all things else, and open them to the realm of the All-Glorious. Ask whatsoever thou wishest of Him alone; seek whatsoever thou seekest from Him alone. With a look He granteth a hundred thousand hopes, with a glance He healeth a hundred thousand incurable ills, with a glimpse He layeth balm on every wound, with a nod He freeth the hearts from the shackles of grief. %% Owange ggwe akyusizza obwanga bwe eri Katonda! Zibiriza amaaso go eri ebintu ebirala byonna, era gatunuulize obwakabaka bw’Oyo Oweekitiibwa-kyonna. Buli kyonna kye wetaaga kisabe Oyo yekka; noonya buli kyonoonya kyonna okuva eri Ye yekka. Buli lutemya lwa liiso lumu Ye agaba essuubi lya busiriivu, olutemya lw’eriiso lumu Ye awonya endwadde busiriivu, n’ekimogo kimu Ye akakkanya obulumi obwa buli kiwundu; Ye bw’asulika ku mutwe, asumulula emitima okuva mu njegere z’okubonaabona. b00184 He doeth as He doeth, and what recourse have we? He carrieth out His Will, He ordaineth what He pleaseth. Then better for thee to bow down thy head in submission, and put thy trust in the All-Merciful Lord. %% Ye akola nga bw’akola, kale obuddukiro bwaffe buli waani? Atuukiriza ebyo Ye by’ayagala, Ye alagira ebyo ebimusanyusa. Kale kisingako ggwe okumuvunnamira mu buwombeefu era weesige Oyo Mukama Oweekisa-kyonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 51) b00185 O army of God! Make ye a mighty effort: perchance ye can flood this earth with light, that this mud hut, the world, may become the Abha Paradise. %% Abange mmwe eggye lya Katonda! Mufube nnyo: oboolyawo munaasobola okujjuza ensi eno n’ekitangaala, olwo ensi eno eringa akasiisira ak’ettaka, esobole okufuuka Olusuku lwa Abhá. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 72) b00186 The meaning of 'angels' is the confirmations of God and His celestial powers. Likewise angels are blessed beings who have severed all ties with this nether world, have been released from the chains of self and the desires of the flesh, and anchored their hearts to the heavenly realms of the Lord. These are of the Kingdom, heavenly; these are of God, spiritual; these are revealers of God's abounding grace; these are dawning-points of His spiritual bestowals. %% Amakulu g’ekigambo ‘ba malayika’ kwe kukakasibwa kwa Katonda n’obuyinza Bwe obwa waggulu ennyo. Mu ngeri y’emu bamalayika bitonde ebyaweebwa omukisa ebyekutulira ddala ku nkolagana zonna n’ensi eno ey’amagombe, ebisumuluddwa okuva ku njegere z’okwemanya n’okwegomba okw’omubiri, era ne binywereza emitima gyabyo ku bwakabaka bwa Katonda obutukuvu. Bano be batuuze mu Bwakabaka, abatukuvu; bano be bantu ba Katonda, ab’omwoyo; bano be babikkula ekisa kya Katonda ekingi; bano be basookerwako okufuna ebirabo Bye eby’omwoyo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 81) b00187 The prime requisites for them that take counsel together are purity of motive, radiance of spirit, detachment from all else save God, attraction to His Divine Fragrances, humility and lowliness amongst His loved ones, patience and long-suffering in difficulties and servitude to His exalted Threshold. Should they be graciously aided to acquire these attributes, victory from the unseen Kingdom of Baha shall be vouchsafed to them. %% Ekintu ekikulu ekisinga okwetaagisa abo abateeseza awamu, kwe kubeera abalongoofu mu bigendererwa byabwe, omwoyo ogujjuziddwa ekitangaala, okwenywereza ku Katonda yekka, okusikirizibwa Obuwoowo Bwe Obutukuvu, obuwombeefu n’obwetoowaze wakati mu baagalwa Be, obugumiikiriza n’obukkakkamu mu bizibu era n’okweweerayo ddala mu buweereza ku Mufuubeeto Gwe ogugulumizibwa. Singa bayambibwa n’ekisa okufuna embeera zino, obuwanguzi okuva mu Bwakabaka bwa BaháObutalabika bujja kubaweebwa n’essanyu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 87) b00188 Whensoever a company of people shall gather in a meeting place, shall engage in glorifying God, and shall speak with one another of the mysteries of God, beyond any doubt the breathings of the Holy Spirit will blow gently over them, and each shall receive a share thereof. %% Ebiseera byonna ekibiina ky’abantu lwe kinaabeeranga mu kifo awakuŋŋaanirwa, ne beemalira mu kutendereza Katonda era ne boogeraganya ku byama bya Katonda, awatali kubuusabuusa empewo z’Omwoyo Omutukuvu zijja kubafuuwako era buli omu ku bo alifunako omugabo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 94) b00189 When delivering the glad tidings, speak out and say: the Promised One of all the world's peoples hath now been made manifest. For each and every people, and every religion, await a Promised One, and Bahá'u'lláh is that One Who is awaited by all; and therefore the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh will bring about the oneness of mankind, and the tabernacle of unity will be upraised on the heights of the world, and the banners of the universality of all humankind will be unfurled on the peaks of the earth. %% Buli lw’obeera otwala obubaka obw’essanyu, langirira era ogambe: Oyo Eyasuubizibwa eri abantu b’ensi yonna ayoleseddwa. Kubanga buli muntu yenna, na buli ddiini, balindirira Oyo Eyasuubizibwa, era Bahá'u'lláh y’Oyo omulindwa wa bonna; era Enzikiriza ya Bahá'u'lláh y’eyo ejja okuleetawo obumu obw’abantu bonna, era weema y’obumu ejja kuwanikibwa ku nsozi z’ensi, era ne bendera eziraga nti abantu bonna be bannannyini nsi yonna zijja kwanjulizibwa ku ntikko y’ensi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 101) b00190 Although to acquire the sciences and arts is the greatest glory of mankind, this is so only on condition that man's river flow into the mighty sea, and draw from God's ancient source His inspiration. When this cometh to pass, then every teacher is as a shoreless ocean, every pupil a prodigal fountain of knowledge. %% Newaakubadde okufuna amagezi gonna ky’ekitiibwa ky’abantu ekisingira ddala, kino kisoboka mu mbeera singa omugga gw’omuntu gukulukutira mu nnyanja ennene ennyo, era gufunibwa okuva ku nsibuko ya Katonda ey’eddanedda ey’Okuluŋŋamizibwa Kwe. Kino bwe kibaawo, olwo nno buli musomesa abeera nga ssemayanja atalina lubalama, buli muyizi abeera nga ensulo y’amagezi amangi ennyo. b00191 If, then, the pursuit of knowledge lead to the beauty of Him Who is the Object of all Knowledge, how excellent that goal; but if not, a mere drop will perhaps shut a man off from flooding grace, for with learning cometh arrogance and pride, and it bringeth on error and indifference to God. %% Kale nno, singa okunoonya amagezi kututuusa ku bubalagavu bw’Oyo Ekigendererwa ky’Amagezi gonna, ekiruubirirwa nga ekyo kibeera kirungi nnyo; naye bwe kitabeera bwekityo, oboolyawo ettondo butondo lijja kuziyiza omuntu okufuna ekisa ekyanjadde wonna, kubanga mu kuyiga mujjiramu eggume n’amalala, era kuleeta okwonoona n’obutafaayo ku Katonda. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 110) b00192 It is incumbent upon thee to acquire the various branches of knowledge, and to turn thy face toward the beauty of the Manifest Beauty, that thou mayest be a sign of saving guidance amongst the peoples of the world, and a focal centre of understanding in this sphere from which the wise and their wisdom are shut out, except for those who set foot in the Kingdom of lights and become informed of the veiled and hidden mystery, the well-guarded secret. %% Kikugwanidde ggwe okuyiga eby’amagezi ebitali bimu, era n’okukyusa obwanga bwo eri obulungi bw’Omubalagavu Ayolesebwa, olwo osobole okubeera akabonero ak’okuluŋŋamizibwa kw’obulokozi mu bantu b’ensi yonna, era entabiro y’okutegeera mu bwakabaka buno abagezi n’amagezi gaabwe ebiggaliddwa ebweru, okuggyako eri abo abayingira mu Bwakabaka bw’ekitangaala ne bategeera ebyama eby’abikkibwa n’okukwekebwa, ekyama ekikuumibwa obutiribiri. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 110) b00193 There are two ways of healing sickness, material means and spiritual means. The first is by the use of remedies, of medicines; the second consists in praying to God and in turning to Him. Both means should be used and practiced. %% Waliwo engeri bbiri ez’okuwonyaamu obulwadde, enzijanjaba ekozesa eddagala ate n’eyo ey’omwoyo. Esooka y’eyo ey’okujjanjabisa eddagala; eyookubiri kwe kusaba Katonda n’okudda Ye gy’ali. Engeri zombi zisaana okukozesebwa n’okuteebwa mu nkola. b00194 Illness caused by physical accident should be treated with medical remedies; those which are due to spiritual causes disappear through spiritual means. Thus an illness caused by affliction, fear, nervous impressions, will be healed by spiritual rather than by physical treatment. Hence, both kinds of remedies should be considered. Moreover, they are not contradictory %% Obulwadde obuleetebwa obubenje bulina kujjanjabibwa na ddagala; obwo obuleetebwa ebirowoozo bujjanjabibwa na mwoyo. Bwekityo, obulwadde obuleetebwa okunyolwa, okutya, okweraliikirira, bujja kuwonyezebwa na mwoyo so si na ddalaga. Noolwekyo, engeri z’okuwonya zombi zirina okulowoozebwako. Ate era, tezikontana. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 375) b00195 It is incumbent upon everyone to seek medical treatment and to follow the doctor's instructions, for this is in compliance with the divine ordinance, but, in reality, He Who giveth healing is God. %% Kigwanidde buli omu okugenda ew’omusawo okufuna obujjanjabi era n’okugoberera ebiragiro by’omusawo, kubanga kino kikkiriziganya n’etteeka ettukuvu, naye mu mazima, Katonda Ye y’awonya. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 156) b00196 Train your children from their earliest days to be infinitely tender and loving to animals. If an animal be sick, let the children try to heal it, if it be hungry, let them feed it, if thirsty, let them quench its thirst, if weary, let them see that it rests. %% Tendeka abaana bo okuviira ddala mu buto okubeera ab’ekisa ennyo n’okulaga omukwano eri ebisolo. Singa ekisolo kirwala, abaana bawe omukisa okukijjanjaba kiwone; bw’kiba kirumwa enjala, baleke bakiwe eky’okulya; bwe kiba kirumwa ennyonta, baleke bakiwe amazzi; bwe kiba kikooye, baleke balabe nga kiwummula. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 159) b00197 Most human beings are sinners, but the beasts are innocent. Surely those without sin should receive the most kindness and love -- all except animals which are harmful, such as bloodthirsty wolves, such as poisonous snakes, and similar pernicious creatures, the reason being that kindness to these is an injustice to human beings and to other animals as well.%% Abantu abasinga obungi boonoonyi, naye ensolo tezirina musango. Mu mazima abo abatalina kibi be bandifunye ekisa n’okwagala ebisingira ddala – ensolo zonna okuggyako ez’obulabe, gamba nga emisege gi kanywamusaayi, gamba nga emisota egy’obusagwa, n’ebitonde ebiringa ebyo eby’obulabe, olw’ensonga nti okukwatirwa ensolo zino ekisa si kya bwenkanya eri abantu n’ensolo endala. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 159) b00198 One must see in every human being only that which is worthy of praise. When this is done, one can be a friend to the whole human race. If, however, we look at people from the standpoint of their faults, then being a friend to them is a formidable task. %% Omuntu ateekwa kulaba ebyo byokka ebiri mu muntu ebigwanidde okutenderezebwa. Kino bwe kikolebwa, omuntu ayinza okubeera mukwano gw’abantu bonna. Naye nno, bwe tutunuulira abantu nga twesigama ku nsobi ze bakola, olwo nno okubeera mukwano gwabwe guba mulimu mukalubo nnyo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 169) b00199 As to thy question, doth every soul without exception achieve life everlasting? Know thou that immortality belongeth to those souls in whom hath been breathed the spirit of life from God. All save these are lifeless -- they are the dead, even as Christ hath explained in the Gospel text. %% Nga ekibuuzo kyo bwe kigamba, buli muntu awatali kusosola atuuka mu bulamu obutaggwaawo? Kimanye nti obulamu obutaggwawo bwa bantu abo Katonda baafuuyeemu omukka gw’omwoyo gw’obulamu. Emyoyo gyonna, okuggyako egyo, tegirina bulamu – mifu, nga Christ bwannyonnyola mu Njiri. b00200 He whose eyes the Lord hath opened will see the souls of men in the stations they will occupy after their release from the body. He will find the living ones thriving within the precincts of their Lord, and the dead sunk down in the lowest abyss of perdition. %% Oyo Mukama gw’alizibudde amaaso aliraba emyoyo gy’abantu mu bifo gye giribeeranga oluvannyuma lw’okusumululwa okuva mu bulamu bw’omubiri. Alisanga emyoyo emiramu nga giyitimuka mu mbuga ya Mukama wagyo, era abafu nga bakkirira mu nnyanga ey’amagombe g’okuzikirizibwa. b00201 Know thou that every soul is fashioned after the nature of God, each being pure and holy at his birth. Afterwards, however, the individuals will vary according to what they acquire of virtues or vices in this world. %% Mukimanye nti buli muntu abumbibwa mu ngeri ya Katonda, buli omu mutuukirivu era mulongoofu mu kuzaalibwa. Wabula oluvannyuma, abantu kinnoomu bajja baawukana okusinziira ku bye bafuna okuva mu mpisa ennungi oba embi mu nsi eno. b00202 Although all existent beings are in their very nature created in ranks or degrees, for capacities are various, nevertheless every individual is born holy and pure, and only thereafter may he become defiled. %% Newaakubadde ebintu byonna ebiramu mu buttonde bwabyo bwennyini bitondebwa ku bitendo oba mu madaala, kubanga obusobozi bwa njawulo, naye nno buli muntu kinnoomu azaalibwa nga mutukuvu era omulongoofu, era luba luvannyuma nnyo lw’ayinza okufuuka omwonoonefu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 189) b00203 Praise be to God, thy heart is engaged in the commemoration of God, thy soul is gladdened by the glad tidings of God and thou art absorbed in prayer. The state of prayer is the best of conditions, for man is then associating with God. Prayer verily bestoweth life, particularly when offered in private and at times, such as midnight, when freed from daily care %% Ettendo libe eri Katonda, kubanga omutima gwo gwemalidde mu kujjukira Katonda, omwoyo gwo gusanyusiddwa amawulire ga Katonda amalungi era ggwe weemalidde mu kusaba. Embeera y’okusaba y’embeera esingira ddala obulungi, kubanga olwo omuntu aba ayogeraganya n’Omutonzi we. Mazima ddala essaala ziwa obulamu naddala bwe zisabibwa mu bifo eby’ekyama, oba mu biseera eby’ettumbi nga omuntu tataataganyizibwa na bya mirimu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 201) b00204 Today the dynamic power of the world of existence is the power of the Covenant which like unto an artery pulsateth in the body of the contingent world and protecteth Bahá'í unity. %% Leero amaanyi agakyusa ensi y’obulamu gali mu maanyi ag’Endagaano okufanaanako ng’omusuwa, ogutujjira mu mubiri gw’ensi etategeerekeka era ne gakuuma obumu bw’abantu ba Bahá’í. b00205 The Bahá'ís are commanded to establish the oneness of mankind; if they cannot unite around one point how will they be able to bring about the unity of mankind? %% Ababahá’í balagirwa okuleetawo obumu mu bantu bonna; kale singa balemwa okwegattira awamu ku nsonga emu, banaayinza batya okuleetawo obumu bw’abantu bonna? b00206 The purpose of the Blessed Beauty in entering into this Covenant and Testament was to gather all existent beings around one point so that the thoughtless souls, who in every cycle and generation have been the cause of dissension, may not undermine the Cause. He hath, therefore, commanded that whatever emanateth from the Centre of the Covenant is right and is under His protection and favour, while all else is error. %% Ekigendererwa ky’Omubalagavu Eyaweebwa Omukisa okuyingira mu Ndagaano n’Eddaame kwe kukumaakuma awamu abantu bonna ku mulamwa gumu olwo emyoyo gy’abo abatali beegendereza, abo nga be babadde ensibuko y’ennyombo n’okweyawulayawula, baleme okukotoggera Enzikiriza. Noolwekyo, Ye alagidde nti buli ekiva mu Ntabiro y’Endagaano kituufu era kiri wansi w’obukuumi Bwe n’okusiima Kwe, so nga ebirala byonna nsobi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 208) b00207 O thou servant of God! Do not grieve at the afflictions and calamities that have befallen thee. %%% Abange mmwe abaddu ba Katonda! Temunakuwalanga olw’okubonaabona n’obuyinike ebibatuuseeko. All calamities and afflictions have been created for man so that he may spurn this mortal world -- a world to which he is much attached. %%% Okubonaabona n’obuyinike bitondeddwa ku lwa muntu olwo asobole okwesamba ensi eno ey’okufa-- ensi gye yeesibyeko ennyo. When he experienceth severe trials and hardships, then his nature will recoil and he will desire the eternal realm -- a realm which is sanctified from all afflictions and calamities. %%% Omuntu bw’ayita mu kugezesebwa n’ebizibu eby’amaanyi, olwo ajja kwekomako era ajja kwegomba obwakabaka obutaggwawo – obwakabaka obwatukuzibwa era obutaliimu kubonaabona na buyinike. Such is the case with the man who is wise. %%% Eno y’engeri y’omuntu oyo alina amagezi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 239) b00208 Some Bahá’í Characteristics %% EZIMU KU MPISA Z’EKIBAHAI b00209 The purpose of the one true God in manifesting Himself is to summon all mankind to truthfulness and sincerity, to piety and trustworthiness, to resignation and submissiveness to the Will of God, to forbearance and kindliness, to uprightness and wisdom. His object is to array every man with the mantle of a saintly character, and to adorn him with the ornament of holy and goodly deeds. %% Ekigendererwa kya Katonda omu ow’amazima mu kweyolesa Ye Mwene kwe kukowoola abantu bonna eri amazima n’obwesimbu, eri okutya Katonda n’obwesigwa, eri okweweerayo ddala n’obuwulize eri Okwagala kwa Katonda, eri obugumiikiriza n’ekisa, eri obutuukirivu n’amagezi. Ekigendererwa kye kwe kwambaza buli muntu ekizibaawo eky’empisa ez’obutukuvu, era n’okumunaanikako eky’okwewunda eky’ebikolwa ebirungi era ebitukuvu . (Bahá’u’lláh, Ebikuŋŋaanyizibbwa okuva mu Biwandiiko bya Bahá’u’lláh, olup. 298) b00210 Say: Beware, O people of Baha, lest ye walk in the ways of them whose words differ from their deeds. Strive that ye may be enabled to manifest to the peoples of the earth the signs of God, and to mirror forth His commandments. Let your acts be a guide unto all mankind, for the professions of most men, be they high or low, differ from their conduct. %% Gamba: Mwegendereze, Abange mmwe abantu ba Bahá, si kulwa nga mutambulira mu makubo g’abo aboogera ebigambo nga ate byawukana n’ebyo bye bakola. Mufube nnyo kibasoboze okwolesa eri abantu b’ensi obubonero bwa Katonda, era n’amateeka Ge galabikire mu mmwe. Ebikolwa byammwe bibeere okuluŋŋaamizibwa eri abantu bonna, kubanga emirimu gy’abantu abasinga obungi, gibeere gya kitiibwa oba egyo eginyoomebwa, gyawukana okuva ku nneeyisa yaabwe. b00211 It is through your deeds that ye can distinguish yourselves from others. Through them the brightness of your light can be shed upon the whole earth. Happy is the man that heedeth My counsel, and keepeth the precepts prescribed by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. %% Nga muyita mu bikolwa byammwe olwo mulisobola okubafuula okweyawula okuva ku balala. Nga muyita mu bikolwa ebyo, okumasamasa kw’ekitangaala ekiri mu mmwe kisobola okubuutikira ensi yonna. Yeesiimye oyo assaayo omwoyo eri okubuulira kwange Nze, era n’akuuma amateeka agalagiddwa Oyo Amanyi-byonna, Owaamagezi-gonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Ebikuŋŋaanyizibwa okuva mu Biwandiiko bya Bahá’u’lláh, olup. 305) b00212 A kindly tongue is the lodestone of the hearts of men. It is the bread of the spirit, it clotheth the words with meaning, it is the fountain of the light of wisdom and understanding.... %% Olulimi olwogera eby’ekisa ge masannyalaze agasikiriza emitima gy’abantu. Olulimi luno era gwe mugaati gw’omwoyo, lwambaza ebigambo n’amakulu gaabyo, y’ensulo y’ekitangaala ky’amagezi n’okutegeera. ***Duplicate#86: . Olulimi olw’ekisa lwe lusikiriza emitima gy’abantu. Gwe mugaati ogw’omwoyo, lwambaza ebigambo ne bifuna amakulu, y’ensulo y’ekitangaala ky’amagezi n’okutegeera… (Bahá’u’lláh, Ebikuŋŋaanyizibbwa okuva mu Biwandiiko bya Bahá’u’lláh, olup. 289) b00213 O army of God! Through the protection and help vouchsafed by the Blessed Beauty -- may my life be a sacrifice to His loved ones -- ye must conduct yourselves in such a manner that ye may stand out distinguished and brilliant as the sun among other souls. Should any one of you enter a city, he should become a centre of attraction by reason of his sincerity, his faithfulness and love, his honesty and fidelity, his truthfulness and loving-kindness towards all the peoples of the world, so that the people of that city may cry out and say: 'This man is unquestionably a Bahá'í, for his manners, his behaviour, his conduct, his morals, his nature, and disposition reflect the attributes of the Bahá'ís.' Not until ye attain this station can ye be said to have been faithful to the Covenant and Testament of God. %% Abange mmwe eggye lya Katonda! Nga muyita mu bukuumi n’obuyambi ebibaweereddwa Omubalagavu Eyaweebwa-Omukisa – obulamu bwange bubeere ssaddaaka eri abaagalwa Be – muteekwa okweyisa mu ngeri eneebafuula abenjawulo era abamasamasa nga enjuba wakati mu bantu abalala. Omu ku mmwe singa ayingira ekibuga, asaana afuuke entabiro y’okusikiriza abalala olw’obwesimbu bwe, olw’obwesigwa n’okwagala kwe, olw’obwenkanya n’obulongoofu bwe, olw’amazima n’obulungi bwe eri abantu bonna eb’ensi yonna, bwekityo abantu ab’ekibuga ekyo basobole okwogerera waggulu nga bagamba nti: “Awatali kubuusabuusa omuntu ono ddala Mubahá’í, kubanga empisa ze, enneeyisa ye, obulongoofu bwe, ennono ye, omwoyo omulungi biraga obubonero bw’Ababahá’í.” Olwo muliyogerwako nga ababadde abeesigwa eri Endagaano n’Obujulirwa bwa Katonda bwe mulituuka ku ddaala lino. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 70) b00214 Other attributes of perfection are to fear God, to love God by loving His servants, to exercise mildness and forbearance and calm, to be sincere, amenable, clement and compassionate; to have resolution and courage, trustworthiness and energy, to strive and struggle, to be generous, loyal, without malice, to have zeal and a sense of honor, to be high-minded and magnanimous, and to have regard for the rights of others. Whoever is lacking in these excellent human qualities is defective. %% Obubonero obulala obulaga okutuukirira kwe kutya Katonda, okwagala Katonda nga oyagala abaddu Be, okubeera abateefu, abagumiikiriza era abakkakkamu, abeesimbu, abakolaganika nabo, abatakaluubiriza balala, abamalirivu abavumu, abeesigwa era abalina embavu, abalafuubana n’okufunvubira, abagabi, abatali ba nkwe, abatalina ttima, abanyiikivu abalina ensa y’ekitiibwa, abalina ebirowoozo eby’ensonga era n’obuntubulamu, era abassa ekitiibwa mu ddembe ly’abalala. Oyo yenna atalina mbeera ez’obuntubulamu ennungi ennyo aba tatuukiridde. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 40) b00215 Abstaining from Backbiting and Gossip %% Okwewala Okugeya n’Eŋŋambo b00216 That seeker should, also, regard backbiting as grievous error, and keep himself aloof from its dominion, inasmuch as backbiting quencheth the light of the heart, and extinguisheth the life of the soul. %% Oyo anoonya asaana okukimanya nate nti okugeya nsobi evaamu okunyolwa okungi, era asana yeewalire ddala obufuzi bwayo, kubanga okugeya kuzikiza ekitangaala ky’omutima, era kuzikiriza obulamu bw’omwoyo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Ebifunze okuva mu Biwandiiko bya Bahá’u’lláh, olup. 265) b00217 Material fire consumeth the body, whereas the fire of the tongue devoureth both heart and soul. %% Omuliro ogwa bulijjo gusenkenya omubiri gwonna, so nga ate omuliro gw’olulimi gubwebwena omutima n’omwoyo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Ebifunze okuva mu Biwandiiko bya Bahá’u’lláh, olup. 265) b00218 O COMPANION OF MY THRONE! Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself, neither sigh and weep. Speak no evil, that thou mayest not hear it spoken unto thee, and magnify not the faults of others that thine own faults may not appear great; and wish not the abasement of anyone, that thine own abasement be not exposed. OWANGE GGWE MUNYWANYI WA NAMULONDO YANGE! (BHWN218, Bk2Ch2Sec6, rv171011) Towulira kibi, era tolaba kibi, teweefeebya, wadde okussa ekikkowe oba okwaziirana. Toyogera kibi, bwotyo olyoke oleme ggwe okukiwulira nga kikwogerwako, era tozimbulukusa bisobyo by’abalala bwebityo n’ebibyo bireme okulabika nga binene; era toyagalizanga mulala yenna kufeebezebwa, bwekutyo n’okufeebezebwakwo kuleme okwanikibwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Persian Hidden Words #44 -part) b00219 Verily I say, the tongue is for mentioning what is good, defile it not with unseemly talk. %% Ddala ddala ŋŋamba nti, olulimi lukozesebwa kwogera ebyo ebirungi, tolwonoona n’ebigambo eby’obutaliimu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 219) b00220 O EMIGRANTS! The tongue I have designed for the mention of Me, defile it not with detraction. If the fire of self overcome you, remember your own faults and not the faults of My creatures, inasmuch as every one of you knoweth his own self better than he knoweth others. 66 ABANGE MMWE ABAGWIRA! (BHWN220, rv171012) Olulimi ndutonze olw’okunjatulanga Nze, temulujaajaamyanga n’ebyo ebiweebuula. Singa omuliro gw’okwelowoozako gukuyinga, jjukiranga ensobi zo ggwe so si nsobi ez’ebitonde Byange, kubanga buli omu ku mmwe amanyi bulungi embeera ze okusinga bw’amanyi ez’abalala. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Persian Hidden Words#66) b00221 I hope that each one of you will become just, and direct your thoughts towards the unity of mankind; that you will never harm your neighbours nor speak ill of any one; that you will respect the rights of all men, and be more concerned for the interests of others than for your own. %% Nnina essuubi nti buli omu ku mmwe ajja kufuuka mwenkanya, era ebirowozo byammwe mubyolekeze eri obumu bw’abantu bonna; nga temulituusa bulabe bwonna ku balirwana bammwe wadde okwogera obubi ku muntu yenna; nga nti mulissa ekitiibwa mu ddembe ly’abantu bonna, era n’okufaayo ennyo ku byettanirwa abantu abalala okusinga mmwe byemwettanira. b00222 Thus will you become torches of Divine justice, acting in accordance with the Teaching of Bahá'u'lláh, who, during His life, bore innumerable trials and persecutions in order to show forth to the world of mankind the virtues of the World of Divinity, making it possible for you to realize the supremacy of the spirit, and to rejoice in the Justice of God. %% Bwemutyo mujja kufuuka emimuli gy’obwenkanya Obutukuvu, nga mukola bwe mugoberera Enjigiriza ya Bahá’u’llah, Oyo, mu bulamu Bwe, eyagumira okugezesebwa n’okubonyaabonyezebwa okutabalika alyoke ayolese eri abantu b’ensi yonna empisa ez’Ensi y’Obutuukirivu, akusobozese okutegeera obusukkulumu bw’omwoyo, era n’okujaguliza mu Bwenkanya bwa Katonda. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 160) b00223 On no subject are the Bahá'í teachings more emphatic than on the necessity to abstain from fault-finding and backbiting while being ever eager to discover and root out our own faults and overcome our own failings. %% Mu njigiriza ya Bahá'í temuli mulamwa gussibwako ssira ogusinga obwetaavu bw’okwewalira ddala okunoonya ensobi mu balala n’okugeya nga mu kiseera kye kimu twesungenga okuzuula n’okulekera ddala ensobi zaffe era n’okuvvuunuka ebitulema. (Shoghi Effendi - May 12, 1925: Living the Life, p.3) b00224 Charity %%Okugaba Obuyambi eri abali mu bwetaavu pg 51 b00225Charity is pleasing and praiseworthy in the sight of God and is regarded as a prince among goodly deeds…%% Okugaba obuyambi eri abali mu bwetaavu kisanyusa era kya ttendo mu maaso ga Katonda era kitwalibwa nga ekisingira ddala obulungi wakati mu bikolwa byonna ebirungi… (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 71) b00226 Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself. Verily, such a man is reckoned, by virtue of the Will of God… with the people of Baha…%% Alina omukisa oyo assukulumya muganda we ye nga tannaba kwefaako. Ku lw’Okwagala kwa Katonda, ddala ddala omuntu nga oyo abalibwa wamu …... n’abantu ba Bahá… (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 71) b00227 O SON OF MAN! Bestow My wealth upon My poor, that in heaven thou mayest draw from stores of unfading splendor and treasures of imperishable glory. But by My life! To offer up thy soul is a more glorious thing couldst thou but see with Mine eye. 57 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUNTU! (BHWN227, rv171011) Obugagga Bwange mubugabirenga abanaku bange Nze, awo nno mu ggulu mulyoke mufunenga eby’obuggaga okuva mu materekero g’ebyo ebitaggwawo era n’ebyobugagga eby’ekitiibwa eky’olubeerera. Naye ndayira Nze ku lw’obulamu bwange! Okuwaayo omwoyo gwo kintu kya kitiibwa okusinga ebirala byonna singa musobola okulaba n'eriiso Lyange. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Arabic Hidden Words#57) b00228 They who are possessed of riches, however, must have the utmost regard for the poor, for great is the honor destined by God for those poor who are steadfast in patience. By My life! There is no honor, except what God may please to bestow, that can compare to this honor. %% Naye nno, abo abalina eby’obugagga bateekwa okufaayo ennyo eri abanaku, kubanga ekitiibwa kingi ekitegekeddwa abo abanaku abatasagaasagana mu bugumiikiriza. Ku lw’Obulamu Bwange! Tewali kitiibwa ekiyinza okugeraageranyizibwa ku kitiibwa kino okuggyako ekyo Katonda Ye kyayagala okugaba. b00229 Great is the blessedness awaiting the poor that endure patiently and conceal their sufferings, and well is it with the rich who bestow their riches on the needy and prefer them before themselves. %% Obulamu obw’omukisa omunene bulindiridde abanaku abagumiikiriza awatali kwemulugunya era ne bakisa okubonaabona kwabwe, era beesiimye abo abagagga abagabira abali mu bwetaavu eby’obugagga byabwe era babasukkulumya okukira bo bennyini. b00230 Please God, the poor may exert themselves and strive to earn the means of livelihood. This is a duty which, in this most great Revelation, hath been prescribed unto every one, and is accounted in the sight of God as a goodly deed. %% Ayi Katonda nkwegayirira, abanaku nabo beekembe era beefubeko basobole okwetuusaako ebyetaago eby’obulamu. Mu kubikkulibwa kuno okusingira ddala obukulu, buno bwe buvunaanyizibwa obulagiddwa buli omu, era mu maaso ga Katonda, bubalibwa nga ekikolwa ekirungi. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 202) b00231 Now is the time to cheer and refresh the down-cast through the invigorating breeze of love and fellowship, and the living waters of friendliness and charity. %% Kino kye kiseera eky’okusanyusizaamu n’okuzza obuggya abo abazitoowereddwa nga muyita mu mpewo ezizzaamu amaanyi ez’okwagala n’okusseekimu, era n’amazzi ag’obulamu ag’omukwano n’obugabi. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 7) b00232 Beware lest ye encroach upon the substance of your neighbor. Prove yourselves worthy of his trust and confidence in you, and withhold not from the poor the gifts which the grace of God hath bestowed upon you. He, verily, shall recompense the charitable, and doubly repay them for what they have bestowed. No God is there but Him. All creation and its empire are His. %% Mwegendereze si kulwa nga musaalimbira mu bintu bya baliraanwa bammwe. Mukakase nti musaanidde obwesige n’okukakasibwa kwabwe, era temummanga abanaku ebirabo ebibaweereddwa Katonda olw’ekisa Kye. Teri Katonda wabula Ye. Ebitonde byonna n’obwakabaka bwabyo bibye Ye. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 278) b00233 He (the true seeker) should succour the dispossessed, and never withhold his favour from the destitute. He should show kindness to animals, how much more unto his fellow-man, to him who is endowed with the power of utterance. %% Oyo (anoonya ow’amazima) kimugwanidde okudduukirira abo ababoyeddwako ebyabwe, era tagezangako okugaana okulaga abanaku ekisa. Kimugwanidde okuba n’ekisa eri ebisolo, olwo ate obungi bw’ekisa bubeera butya eri muntu munne, oyo alina amaanyi ag’okwogera. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitáb-i-Iqan, p. 194) b000234 Chastity %% Obulongoofu b00235 We, verily, have decreed in Our Book a goodly and bountiful reward to whosoever will turn away from wickedness and lead a chaste and godly life. %% Ddala ddala, Ffe tukoze etteeka mu Kitabo Kyaffe empeera ennungi era ennene, eri oyo yenna anaakyuka n’aleka eby’ensonyi n’atambulira mu bulamu obulongoofu era obutya Katonda. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 117) b00236 A chaste and holy life must be made the controlling principle in the behavior and conduct of all Bahá'ís, both in their social relations with the members of their own community, and in their contact with the world at large. %% Obulamu obulongoofu era obutambulira mu kutya Katonda buteekwa okubeera empagi enkulu mu mpisa n’eneeyisa ey’abantu ba Bahá'í, mu nkolagana yaabwe n’abantu ab’omu bitundu byabwe, era ne mu nkolagana yaabwe n’abantu abalala bonna. (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 29) b00237 With reference to the question you have asked concerning the Bahá'í attitude towards the problem of sex and its relation to marriage. %% Ekibuuzo ky’obuuzizza nga kikwata ku ndowooza ya Bahá'í ku muteeru gw’okwegadanga n’engeri gye gukwataganamu n’embeera z’obufumbo. b00238 ... Briefly stated the Bahá'í conception of sex is based on the belief that chastity should be strictly practised by both sexes, not only because it is in itself highly commendable ethically, but also due to its being the only way to a happy and successful marital life. Sex relationships of any form, outside marriage, are not permissible therefor, and whoso violates this rule will not only be responsible to God, but will incur the necessary punishment from society. %% ...Mu bimpimpi endowooza ya ba Bahá'í ku bikwata ku kwegatta mu by’omukwano yeesigamizibwa ku nzikiririza nti obulongoofu busaanidde okukuumibwa ennyo abasajja n’abakazi, si lwakuba nti okukola kino kiba kya ttendo mu mpisa, naye ate era y’engeri yokka ey’okukuumamu obufumbo nga bwa ssanyu era obw’omukisa. Okwegatta mu by’omukwano okw’engeri yonna, okuggyako mu bufumbo, noolwelyo tekikkirizibwa, era oyo yenna amenya etteeka lino tajja kuvunaanibwa Katonda kyokka wabula abantu b’abeeramu bajja kumuwa ekibonerezo ekyetaagisa. b00239 The Bahá'í Faith recognizes the value of the sex impulse, but condemns its illegitimate and improper expression such as free love, companionate marriage and others,... The proper use of the sex instinct is the natural right of every individual, and it is precisely for this very purpose that the institution of marriage has been established. %% Enzikiriza ya Bahá’í etegeera bulungi amaanyi g’obwagazi bw’okukwano agali mu buli muntu, naye evumirira enkozesa yaago mu bikolwa eby’omuzizo gamba nga obwenzi, obufumbo obutali mu mateeka n’ebirala… Enkozesa ennuŋŋamu ey’amaanyi g’obwagazi bw’okukwano ddembe lya bwebange erya buli muntu kinnoomu, era eno y’ensonga yennyini eyatandisaawo etteeka ly’obufumbo. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973, p. 107-8) b00240 Chastity implies both before and after marriage an unsullied, chaste sex life. Before marriage absolutely chaste, after marriage absolutely faithful to one's chosen companion. Faithful in all sexual acts, faithful in word and in deed. %% Obulongoofu mu by’omukwano kitegeeza obulamu bw’omukwano wakati w’omusajja n’omukazi obutaliimu bwenzi. Nga tannafumbirwa abeerera ddala mulongoofu, oluvannyuma lw’okufimbirwa abeerera ddala mwesigwa eri munne gwe yalonda mu bangi. Abeera mwesigwa mu bikolwa by’okwegatta, abeera mwesigwa mu bigambo ne mu bikolwa. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973, p. 108) b00241 ...it is clear from the teaching of Bahá'u'lláh that homosexuality is not a condition to which a person should be reconciled, but is a distortion of his or her nature which should be controlled and overcome. This may require a hard struggle, but so also can be the struggle of a heterosexual person to control his or her desires. The exercise of self-control in this, as in so very many other aspects of life, has a beneficial effect on the progress of the soul. %% … kitegeerekeka okuva mu njigiriza ya Bahá’u’lláh nti obusiyazi si mbeera omuntu gye yandikirizza, naye mbeera ekyamya ennono ye era esaana okuziyizibwa n’okuwangulwa. Kino kiyinza okwetaagisa okufuba ennyo, naye era mu ngeri y’emu n’oyo atali musiyazi kiyinza okumwetaagisa okufuba afuge okwegomba kwe. Embeera ey’okufuga okwagala kwaffe, nga bwe kibeera mu mbeera nnyingi ez’obulamu bwaffe endala, kulina engeri gye kuyambamu enkulaakulana y’omwoyo. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973, p. 110) b00242 Cleanliness %% Obuyonjo b00243 Be ye the very essence of cleanliness amongst mankind. %% Beera ggwe ennono y’obuyonjo wakati mu bantu bonna. b00244a under all circumstances conform yourselves to refined manners ...let no trace of uncleanliness appear on your clothes. ... Immerse yourselves in pure water; a water which hath been used is not allowable. %% Mu mbeera zonna mwegwanyize okubeeranga n’empisa ennungi …. Temukkirizanga bbala lyonna kulabika ku ngoye zammwe ….Mwennyike mu mazzi amayonjo; amazzi agadozesddwa tegakkirizibwa. (Dr. J.E. Esslemont, Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era, p. 103) b00244b Cleanse every impure thing with a water which will no change by the 'three' (colour, taste, smell); beware not to use a water which is infected by the air (stagnant) or by any other thing %% Munaaze buli kintu ekitali kirongoofu n’amazzi agataggya kukyuka mu mbeera ‘essatu’ (langi, mu kulegebwako, ne mu mpunya); mwegendereze obutakozesa amazzi empewo g’eyonoonye (agatakulukuta) oba agalimu obucaafu bwonna. (Bahá’u’llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas quoted in Bahá’í Proofs by Mirza Abu’l-Fazl, p.86) b00245 The purport is that physical cleanliness doth also exert its effect upon the human soul. %% Amakulu ga kino gali nti obuyonjo bw’omubiri nabwo bulina kinene kye bukyusa ku mwoyo gw’omuntu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 147) b00246 Make ye then a mighty effort, ...that in every kind of excellence the people of God shall surpass all other human beings; that both outwardly and inwardly they shall prove superior to the rest; that for purity, immaculacy, refinement, and the preservation of health, they shall be leaders in the vanguard of those who know. And that by their freedom from enslavement, their knowledge, their self-control, they shall be first among the pure, the free and the wise. %% Kale, bwemutyo mufube nnyo, …nti mu buli mbeera y’obulungi ennyo bwonna abantu ba Katonda bajja kusukkuluma ku bantu abalala bonna; nti kungulu ne munda bajja kulaga nti bali waggulu w’abalala; nti mu bulongoofu, mu butabeerako bbala, mu bukungu, era ne mu kwekuumira mu bulamu obulungi, bajja kubeera bakulembeze ku mwanjo gw’abo abamanyi. Era nti kubanga si baddu ba mize mibi, amagezi gaabwe, okwefuga kwabwe, balibeera baalubereberye mu balongoofu, ab’eddembe era ab’abagezigezi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 150) b00247 ...in every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt the human condition and further the development of man's inner reality. Even in the physical realm, cleanliness will conduce to spirituality, as the Holy Writings clearly state. And although bodily cleanliness is a physical thing, it hath, nevertheless, a powerful influence on the life of the spirit. %% …Mu buli mbeera yonna ey’obulamu, obulongoofu n’obutukuvu, obuyonjo n’enneeyisa ey’ekikungu, bigulumiza embeera z’omuntu era ne byongera n’enkulaakulana y’omwoyo gw’omuntu. Ne mu bwakabaka bw’omubiri, obuyonjo bujja kuyamba embeera y’omwoyo, nga Ebyawandiikibwa Ebitukuvu bwe bikirambika obulungi. Era newaakubadde obuyonjo kintu kya mubiri, naye nno, bulina kinene nnyo kye bukyusa ku bulamu bw’omwoyo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 146) b00248 Courtesy %% Obuntubulamu b00249 O people of God! I admonish you to observe courtesy, for above all else it is the prince of virtues. %% Abange mmwe abantu ba Katonda! Mbakuutira okubeera abantubalamu, kubanga okukira ebirala byonna, obuntubulamu ye mulangira w’empisa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 88) b00250 Whoso is endued with courtesy hath indeed attained a sublime station. %% Oyo yenna alina empisa ez’obuntubulamu mu mazima ddala aba atuuse mu kifo eky’ekitiibwa ennyo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 88) b00251 We, verily, have chosen courtesy, and made it the true mark of such as are nigh unto Him. Courtesy is, in truth, a raiment which fitteth all men, whether young or old. Well is it with him that adorneth his temple therewith, and woe unto him who is deprived of this great bounty.%% Ddala ddala, ffe tulonzeewo obuntubulamu ne tubufuula akabonero ak’amazima eri abo abasemberedde okumpi na Ye. Mu mazima,obuntubulamu ky’ekyambalo ekigwanira abantu bonna, babeere bato oba bakulu. Yeesiimye oyo ayambaza omubiri gwe n’ekyambalo ekyo, era zimusanze oyo akisiddwa omukisa guno omunene. (Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 50) b00252 Say: Let truthfulness and courtesy be your adorning. %%Gamba: Kkiriza amazima n’obuntubulamu bibeere ekyambalo kyo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 304) b00253 Let your acts be a guide unto all mankind, for the professions of most men, be they high or low, differ from their conduct. %% Mukkirize ebikolwa byammwe bibeere okuluŋŋamizibwa kw’abantu bonna, kubanga ebikolwa by’abantu abasinga obungi, babeere bawaggulu oba ba wansi, byawukana ku nneeyisa yaabwe. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 304) b00254 Rather let your manner be sympathetic. Let it be seen that you are filled with universal love. When you meet a ... stranger, speak to him as to a friend; if he seems to be lonely try to help him, give him of your willing service; ... In so doing you will manifest that not in words only, but in deed and in truth, you think of all men as your brothers. %% Kye mwandikoze kwe kukkiriza empisa zammwe zibeere za kulumirirwa abalala. Mulage nti mujjuziddwa okwagala eri abantu bonna. Bw’osisinkana… omugwira, yogera naye nga bwe wandiyogedde ne mukwano gwo; bw’alabika nga alinga ali mu kyobeera gezaako okumuyamba, muweereze mu kwagala;…. Mu kukola bwotyo ojja kwolesa nti si mu bigambo byokka, wabula mu bikolwa n’amazima, olowooza ku bantu bonna nga baganda bo. b00255 What profit is there in agreeing that universal friendship is good, and talking of the solidarity of the human race as a grand ideal? Unless these thoughts are translated into the world of action, they are useless. %% Kigasa ki okukkiriza nti okulaga omukwano eri abantu bonna kirungi, n’okwogera ku bumu obw’abantu aba buli kika nga ekintu ekikulu ennyo? Ebirowoozo bino tebigasa okuggyako nga bissiddwa mu nkola. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byeyayogerera mu Paris, p. 16) b00256 ...he considers that one of the greatest obligations of your generation of believers is to live a Bahá'í life; you must demonstrate, by your high moral standards, your courtesy, your integrity and nobility, that our Faith, is not one of words but truly changes the heart and conduct of its adherents. %% …(Shoghi Effendi) akitwala nti obuvunaanyizibwa obusingira ddala obukulu obw’omulembe gw’abakkiriza kwe kutambulira mu bulamu obw’abo abakkiririza mu nzikiriza Bahá'í; n’omutindo ogw’empisa ennungi ennyo, oteekwa okulaga obuntubulamu bwo, obwesimbu bwo n’ekitiibwa, nti Enzikiriza yaffe, si ya mu bigambo byokka wabula mu mazima ekyusa omutima n’enneeyisa y’abagoberezi baayo. (ku lwa Shoghi Effendi, Okutambulira mu Bulamu Bwennyini, ebyakuŋŋaanyizibwa, olup.25) b00257 Equality of Men and Women %% Omwenkanonkano gw’Abasajja n’Abakazi b00258 He establishes the equality of man and woman. This is peculiar to the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, for all other religions have placed man above woman. %% Assaawo omwenkanonkano gw’abasajja n’abakazi. Kino kirabikira mu njigiriza za Bahá’u’lláh yokka, kubanga eddiini endala zonna zisukkulumya omusajja ku mukazi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 247) b00258 For the world of humanity consists of two parts or members: one is woman; the other is man. Until these two members are equal in strength, the oneness of humanity cannot be established, and the happiness and felicity of mankind will not be a reality. God willing, this is to be so. %% Kubanga ensi y’abantu mulimu ebitundu bibiri: ekimu ye mukazi; ekirala ye musajja. Okuggyako nga abantu bano bombi benkanyenkanye mu buyinza, obumu obw’abantu bonna tebuyinza kubeerawo, era essanyu n’embeera ennungi ey’abantu bonna tebigenda kutuukirira. Katonda nga ayagadde, kino kiribeera bwekityo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 77) b00259 ...there must be an equality of rights between men and women. Women shall receive an equal privilege of education. This will enable them to qualify and progress in all degrees of occupation and accomplishment. For the world of humanity possesses two wings: man and woman. %% … wateekwa okubeerawo omwenkanonkano gw’eddembe ly’obwebange wakati w’abasajja n’abakazi. Abakazi bajja kufuna omukisa gw’okusoma nga abasajja. Kino kijja kubasobozesa okubeera n’ebisaanyizo n’okukulaakulana mu madaala gonna mu kukola emirimu n’obuwanguzi. Kubanga ensi y’obuntu erina ebiwaawaatiro bibiri: omusajja n’omukazi. b00260 If one wing remains incapable and defective, it will restrict the power of the other, and full flight will be impossible. Therefore, the completeness and perfection of the human world are dependent upon the equal development of these two wings. %% Singa ekiwaawaatiro ekimu ku bibiri kisigala nga tekyesobola era nga kiriko obulemu, kijja kunafuya amaanyi g’ekirala, era okubuuka kwakyo mu bbanga tekujja kusobokera ddala. Noolwekyo okutuukirira kw’ensi y’obuntu kwesigamizibwa ku kutuukana mu nkulaakulana y’ebiwaawaatiro bino byombi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 318) b00261 Woman's lack of progress and proficiency has been due to her need of equal education and opportunity. Had she been allowed this equality there is no doubt she would be the counterpart of man in ability and capacity. The happiness of mankind will be realized when women and men coordinate and advance equally, for each is the complement and helpmeet of the other. %% Okubulawo kw’enkulaakulana n’obukugu mu mukazi kivudde mu butabeerawo bwenkanya mu by’okusomesebwa n’emikisa. Singa yali afunye obwenkanya buno tewali kubuusabuusa yandibadde atuukana n’omusajja mu bukugu n’obusobozi. Essanyu ly’abantu bonna lirituukibwako abakazi n’abasajja bwe balitandika okukolagana n’okugenda mu maaso kyenkanyi, kubanga buli omu muyambi wa munne. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 241) b00262 ...Bahá'u'lláh has proclaimed the reality of the oneness of the world of humanity and announced that all nations, peoples and races are one. He has shown that although individuals may differ in development and capacity, they are essentially and intrinsically equal as human beings,... %% ... Bahá'u'lláh alangiridde embeera yennyini ey’amawanga gonna, abantu n’ebika bali bumu. Alaze nti newaakubadde abantu kinnoomu bayinza okwawukana mu nkulaakulana n’obusobozi, mu butonde ne mbeera y’omwoyo benkanankana nga abantu. b00263 Therefore, strive to show in the human world that women are most capable and efficient, that their hearts are more tender and susceptible than the hearts of men, that they are more philanthropic and responsive toward the needy and suffering, that they are inflexibly opposed to war and are lovers of peace. %% Noolwekyo, mufube okulaga mu nsi y’abantu nti abakazi balina obusobozi bungi era abamanyi okukoseza ebintu obulungi, nti emitima gyabwe gya kisa era migonvu okusinga egy’abasajja, nti era girumirirwa nnyo n’okufaayo ennyo eri abali mu bwetaavu n’okubonaabona, nti tegikiririza ddala mu ntalo era gyagala emirembe. b00264 Strive that the ideal of international peace may become realized through the efforts of womankind, for man is more inclined to war than woman, and a real evidence of woman's superiority will be her service and efficiency in the establishment of universal peace. %% Mufube okulaba nti ekiruubirirwa ky’emirembe mu mawanga gonna kisobola okutuukirira nga kiyita mu kaweefube w’omuntu ayitibwa omukazi, kubanga ye omusajja asikirizibwa nnyo entalo okusinga omukazi, era obukakafu obw’enkukunala obulaga obusukkulumu bw’omukazi bulibeera obuweereza bwe n’amaanyi ge mu kussaawo emirembe mu nsi yonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 283) b00265 He (Bahá'u'lláh) declared that as all are created in the image and likeness of the one God, there is no distinction as to sex in the estimation of God. He who is purest in heart, whose knowledge exceeds and who excels in kindness to the servants of God, is nearest and dearest to the Lord, our Creator, irrespective of sex. %% Ye(Bahá'u'lláh) yalangirira nti bonna nga bwe batondebwa mu kifaananyi ne mu ngeri y’Oyo Katonda omu, tewali njawulo kubikwatagana ku kikula ky’omuntu mumaaso ga Katonda. Oyo alina omutima ogusinga obulongoofu, ow’amagezi agasukkulumye era alina ekisa ekisinga ennyo eri abaddu ba Katonda, y’oyo asinga okubeera okumpi era omwagalwa ennyo eri Mukama, Omutonzi waffe, abeere musajja oba mukazi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 394) b00266 The first teachers of children are the mothers. Therefore, they must be capably trained in order to educate both sons and daughters. %% Abasomesa b’abaana abasooka be bamaama. Noolwekyo bateekwa okutendekebwa obulungi kibasobozese okubangula batabani ne bawala baabwe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 175) b00267 Happiness %% Essanyu b00268 O SON OF MAN! Rejoice in the gladness of thine heart, that thou mayest be worthy to meet Me and to mirror forth My beauty. OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUNTU! (BHWN268, rv171018) Jagulizanga mu ssanyu ly’emmeeme yo, bwotyo olyoke osaanire okunsisinkana Nze n’okwolesa obubalagavu Bwange. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Arabic Hidden Words#36) b00269 When a man turns his face to God he finds sunshine everywhere. %% Omuntu bw’akyusa obwanga bwe eri Katonda azuula omusana wonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, p. 15) b00270 Religion is the light of the world, and the progress, achievement, and happiness of man result from obedience to the laws set down in the holy Books. %% Eddiini ky’ekitangaala ky’ensi yonna, era enkulaakulana, obuwanguzi, n’essanyu ly’omuntu biva mu kugondera amateeka agawandiikibwa mu Bitabo Ebitukuvu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 71) b00271 Spiritual enjoyments bring always joy. The love of God brings endless happiness. %% Ebyeyagaza omwoyo bulijjo bireeta essanyu. Okwagala kwa Katonda kuleeta essanyu eritakoma. b00272 As to spiritual happiness, this is the true basis of the life of man. for life is created for happiness, not for sorrow; for pleasure, not for grief. Happiness is life... This happiness is but the love of God... %% Ku mbeera y’essanyu ly’omwoyo, guno gwe musingi gw’obulamu bw’omuntu, kubanga obulamu butondebwa ku lwa ssanyu, so si lwa nnaku; ku lwa kujaganya, so si kunakuwala. Esssanyu bwe bulamu… Essanyu lino si kirala naye wabula kwagala kwa Katonda… (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Divine Art of Living, p. 16 , 18) b00273 Supreme happiness is man's, and he beholds the signs of God in the world and in the human soul, if he urges on the steed of high endeavor in the arena of civilization and justice. %% Essanyu erisingira ddala lya muntu, era alaba obubonero bwa Katonda mu nsi yonna era ne mu mwoyo gw’omuntu, singa afuba nnyo okukola ebikolwa eby’obugunjufu n’obwenkanya. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 4) b00274 Anybody can be happy in the state of comfort, ease, health, success, pleasure and joy; but if one will be happy and contented in the time of trouble, hardship and prevailing disease, it is the proof of nobility. %% Omuntu yenna ayinza okubeera omusanyufu mu mbeera ennungi, ennyangu, ey’obulamu obutaliimu ndwadde, ey’obuwanguzi, ey’eyagaza era ey’essanyu; naye singa omuntu abeera musanyufu era mumativu mu kiseera eky’emitawaana, okuzibuwalirwa era n’endwadde eza bulijjo, buno bwe bukakafu obulaga ekitiibwa. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 363) b00275 Believers, he added, must show their belief in their daily lives, so that the world might see the light shining in their faces. A bright and happy face cheers people on their way. If you are sad, and pass a child who is laughing, the child, seeing your sad face, will cease to laugh, not knowing why. %% Yagattako nti abakkiriza bateekwa okulaga okukkiriza kwabwe mu bulamu bwabwe obwa buli lunaku, ensi eryoke erabe omusana nga gwakira mu maaso gaabwe. Amaaso agamasamasa era agalaga essanyu gasanyusa abantu abali ku ŋŋendo zaabwe. Singa obeera munakuwavu, n’oyita ku mwana nga aseka, omwana oyo bw’alaba amaaso nga ganakuwadde, ajja kulekeraawo okuseka, naye nga tamanyi kwe kivudde. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in London, p. 124) b00276 The great thing is to 'Live the Life' -- to have our lives so saturated with the Divine teaching and the Bahá'í Spirit that people cannot fail to see a joy, a power, a love, a purity, a radiance, an efficiency in our character and work that will distinguish us from worldly-minded people and make people wonder what is the secret of this new life in us. %% Ekintu ekikulu kwe “Kutambuza Obulamu” – tubogaanye nnyo obulamu bwaffe n’enjigiriza Entukuvu n’Omwoyo gwa Bahá’í olwo abantu basobole okulabira ddala essanyu, amaanyi, okwagala, obulongoofu, okumasamasa, amaanyi mu mbeera n’emirimu ebijja okutwawula okuva ku bantu abeemalidde ku by’ensi era abantu batuuke n’okwewuunya ekyama ekiri mu bulamu obupya obuli mu ffe. (on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 111) b00277 It is a time for rejoicing. The Sun of Bahá'u'lláh is mounting the heavens, bringing into ever clearer light the contrast between the gloom, the despair, the frustrations and bewilderment of the world, and the radiance, confidence, joy and certitude of His lovers. Lift up your hearts. The Day of God is here. %% Kiseera kya kujaguza. Enjuba eya Bahá’u’lláh erinnyalinnya mu nsi ez'omwoyo, nga ekuba ekimyanso kyayo okulaga enjawulo eriwo wakati w’ekyobeero, okuggwamu essuubi, okukotoggerwa, okuwubizibwa kw’ensi, era n’okumasamasa, okwekkiririzaamu, essanyu n’obukakafu obw’abagalwa Be. Muyimuse emitima gyammwe. Olunaku lwa Katonda lutuuse. (The Universal House of Justice, Ridvan 140BE - 1983) b00278 Hospitality %% Okusembeza Abantu b00279 Let not conventionality cause you to seem cold and unsympathetic when you meet strange people from other countries. Do not look at them as though you suspected them of being evil-doers, thieves and boors. %% Tokkiriza bulombolombo okukufuula nga omuntu atalina kisa wadde obusaasizi bw’osisinkana abagwira abava mu mawanga amalala. Tobatunuulira nga obasuubiriza okubeera abakozi b’ebibi, ababbi era abayaaye. b00280 I ask you not to think only of yourselves. Be kind to the strangers, whether come they from Turkey, Japan, Persia, Russia, China or any other country in the world. %% Mbasaba muleme okwerowoozaako mwekka na mwekka. Mubeere ba kisa eri abagwira, babeere nga bava mu Butuluuki, Japan, Persia, Russia, China oba mu ggwanga eddala lyonna mu nsi yonna. b00281 Help to make them feel at home; find out where they are staying, ask if you may render them any service; try to make their lives a little happier. %% Mubayambe bakkalire bulungi, mutegeere gye babeera, mubabuuze oba waliwo kye muyinza okubayambamu; mugezaako okulaba nga obulamu bwabwe bubeera mu ssanyu erisingako. b00282 Let those who meet you know, without your proclaiming the fact, that you are indeed a Bahá'í. %% Nga temunneerangirira muleke abo ababasisinkana bakimanye nti ddala muli Babahá’i. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 15) b00283 If you meet those of different race and colour from yourself, do not mistrust them and withdraw yourself into your shell of conventionality, but rather be glad and show them kindness. Think of them as different coloured roses growing in the beautiful garden of humanity, and rejoice to be among them. %% Bwe musisinkana abo ab’ebika ne langi ezaawukana n’ezammwe, temubeekengera ne mwekweka mu ssonko ly’obulombolombo bwammwe, naye wabula mubeere basanyufu n’okubalaga ekisa. Mubalowoozeeko nga ebimuli bya looza ebya langi ez’enjawulo ebikulira mu nnimiro erabika obulungi ey’abantu bonna, era mujaguze olw’okubeera awamu nabo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 53) b00284 O ye friends! Fellowship, fellowship! Love, love! Unity, unity! -- So that the power of the Bahá'í Cause may appear and become manifest in the world of existence. %% Abange mmwe abeemikwano! Okusseekimu, okusseekimu! Okwagala, okwagala! Obumu, obumu! – Olwo nno amaanyi g’Enzikiriza ya Bahá'í galyoke galabikire n’okwolesebwa mu bulamu bw’ensi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 426) b00285 My home is the home of peace. My home is the home of joy and delight. My home is the home of laughter and exultation. Whosoever enters through the portals of this home, must go out with gladsome heart. This is the home of light; whosoever enters here must become illumined. %% Amaka gange ge maka ag’emirembe. Amaka gange ge maka ag’essanyu n’okwesiima. Amaka gange ge maka ag’enseko n’okujaganya. Oyo yenna ayingira nga ayita mu miryango gy’amaka gano, ateekwa okugafuluma n’omutima ogujjuziddwa essanyu. Gano ge maka ag’ekitangaala; oyo yenna agayingiramu ateekwa okufuna okumulisibwa. b00286 My home is the home of knowledge; the one who enters it must receive knowledge. My home is the home of love; those who come in must learn the lessons of love; thus may they know how to love each other. %% Amaka gange ge maka ag’amagazi; oyo agayingiramu ateekwa okufuna amagezi. Amaka gange ge maka ag’okwagala; abo abagayingiramu bateekwa okuyiga amasomo ag’okwagala; bwe batyo balyoke bayige okwagalana. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá "Star of the West", vol. 9, no. 3, (28 April 1918), p. 40) b00287 Not all of us are capable of serving in the same way, but the one way every Bahá'í can spread the Faith is by example. This moves the hearts of people far more deeply than words ever can. %% Si ffena nti tusobola okuweereza mu ngeri y’emu, naye engeri emu yokka Omubahá’í gy’asobola okubunyisaamu Enzikiriza kwe kubeera eky’okulabirako. Kino kikyusa nnyo emitima gy’abantu okusingira ddala n’ebigambo. b00288 The love we show others, the hospitality and understanding, the willingness to help them, these are the very best advertisements of the Faith. They will want to hear about it when they see these things in our lives. %% Okwagala kwe tulaga abalala, okubasembeza n’okubategeera, okubeera abeeteefuteefu okubayamba, bino bye birango eby’Enzikiriza ebisingira ddala obulungi. Bajja kwagala okuwulira ku bikwata ku Nzikiriza eno bwe balaba ebintu bino mu bulamu bwaffe. (on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, individual believer 14 October 1943) b00289 Justice and Equity %% Obwenkanya n’Obwesimbu b00290 Justice and equity are twin Guardians that watch over men %% Obwenkanya n’obwesimbu Bayima abalongo abalabirira abantu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 12) b00291 The purpose of justice is the appearance of unity among men. %% Ekigendererwa ky’obwenkanya kwe kuleetawo obumu mu bantu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 66) b00292 Be fair to yourselves and to others, that the evidences of justice may be revealed, through your deeds, among Our faithful servants. %% Mubeere besimbu gye muli mwennyini n’eri abalala, olwo obubonero bw’obwenkanya bulyoke bubikkulibwe wakati mu baddu Baffe abeesigwa nga buyita mu bikolwa byammwe. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 278) b00293 The essence of wisdom is the fear of God, the dread of His scourge and punishment, and the apprehension of His justice and decree. %% Ennono y’amagezi kwe kutya Katonda, okweralikirira ekibonoobono n’okubonerezebwa ebiva eri Ye, n’okutegeera obwenkanya n’amateeka Ge. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 155) b00294 O OPPRESSORS ON EARTH! Withdraw your hands from tyranny, for I have pledged Myself not to forgive any man's injustice. This is My covenant which I have irrevocably decreed in the preserved tablet and sealed with My seal. ABANGE MMWE ABAJOOZI MU ENSI! (BHWN294, rv171012) Mujje emikono gyammwe ku bikolwa eby’okunyigganya abantu, kubanga neerayiridde Nze obutasonyiwa kikolwa kyonna eky’omuntu ekitali kya bwenkanya. Eno ye ndagaano yange Nze gye ntaddewo nga etteeka eritaavengawo mu kiwandiiko ekikuumiddwa obutiribiri era kye ntaddeko envumbo yange Nze eyeekitiibwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Persian Hidden Words#64) b00295 O SON OF SPIRIT! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes. OWANGE GGWE OMWANA OW’OMWOYO! (BHWN102, 295, rv170926) Ekisingira ddala okwagalwa bintu byonna mu maaso gange Nze bwe Bwenkanya; tobuvangako oba nga onjagala Nze, era tobusuuliriranga bwentyo ndyoke nkwesigenga Nze. Bw’oli bukozesa olilabisaanga n’amaaso go gennyini so si n’amaaso ag’abalala; era olitegeereranga mu magezi go gennyini so si mu magezi ga muliraanwa wo. Kino kifumiitirize nnyo mu mmeeme yo, nga bwe kikugwanira okubeera. Ddala ddala Obwenkanya Kirabo kyange Nze eri ggwe era akabonero ak’ekisa eky’okwagala Kwange Nze. Bwotyo tobujjanga mu maaso go. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Arabic Hidden Words#2) b00296 O people of God! That which traineth the world is Justice, for it is upheld by two pillars, reward and punishment. %% Abange mmwe abantu ba Katonda! Ekyo ekigunjula ensi bwe Bwenkanya, kubanga kino kiwaniriddwa empagi bbiri, empeera n’okubonerezebwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 26) b00297 Whoso cleaveth to justice, can, under no circumstances, transgress the limits of moderation. %% Oyo eyeekwata ku bwenkanya, mu buli ngeri yonna tayinza kusukka nsalo z’ekyo ekisaamusaamu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 342) b00298 The Kingdom of God is founded upon equity and justice, and also upon mercy, compassion, and kindness to every living soul. Strive ye then with all your heart to treat compassionately all humankind -- except for those who have some selfish, private motive, or some disease of the soul. %% Obwakabaka bwa Katonda bwesigamiziddwa ku bwesimbu, n’obwenkanya era nate ne ku kusaasira, okulumirirwa, n’ekisa eri buli muntu omulamu. Mufuba mmwe n’amaanyi gammwe gonna okulumirirwa abantu bonna – okuggyako abo abalina emyoyo egyeyagaliza, egirina ebigendererwa ebikuse, oba obulwadde obumu obw’omwoyo. b00299 Kindness cannot be shown the tyrant, the deceiver, or the thief, because, far from awakening them to the error of their ways, it maketh them to continue in their perversity as before. No matter how much kindliness ye may expend upon the liar, he will but lie the more, for he believeth you to be deceived, while ye understand him but too well, and only remain silent out of your extreme compassion. %% Ekisa tekiyinza kulagibwa naakyemalira, omulimba, oba omubbi. Kubanga ne bwobazuukusa okulaba ensobi mu bikolwa byabwe, beeyongera kukanyala bukakanyazi nga bwe babadde. Omulimba ne bwomulaga ekisa ekyenkana kitya, ajja kweyongera bweyongezi kulimba, kubanga ye akikkiriza nti ggwe olimbiddwa, songa ggwe omutegeerera ddala bulungi, era ggwe osirika busirisi olw’okumulumirirwa ennyo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 158) b00300 The second attribute of perfection is justice and impartiality. This means to have no regard for one's own personal benefits and selfish advantages, and to carry out the laws of God without the slightest concern for anything else. It means to see one's self as only one of the servants of God, the All-Possessing, and except for aspiring to spiritual distinction, never attempting to be singled out from the others. %% Embeera eyookubiri ey’okutuukirira bwe bwenkanya n’obuteekubiira. Kino kitegeeza obutalowooleza mu by’ofuna ku lulwo nga omuntu n’enkizo ez’okweyagaliza, era n’okugondera amateeka ga Katonda awatali kufaayo kwonna eri ekintu ekirala kyonna. Kitegeeza okweraba nga omu ku baddu ba Katonda, Alina-byonna, era okuggyako okuluubirira okutuuka mu mbeera y’omwoyo ennungi, nga togezaako n’akamu okwesukkulumya ku balala. b00301 It means to consider the welfare of the community as one's own. It means, in brief, to regard humanity as a single individual, and one's own self as a member of that corporeal form, and to know of a certainty that if pain or injury afflicts any member of that body, it must inevitably result in suffering for all the rest. %% Kitegeeza okulowooza ku mbeera y’obulamu bw’abantu ab’omu kitundu nga eyiyo ddala. Mu bufunze, kitegeeza okutwala abantu bonna nga omuntu omu, era ggwe kennyini nga ekitundu ekimu eky’omubiri ogwo, era okumanyira ddala nti singa obulumi oba ekisago kituusibwa ku kitundu kyonna eky’omubiri ogwo, kiteekwa buteekwa okuvaamu obulumi okusaasaanira omubiri gwonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 38) b00302 All men are equal before the law, which must reign absolutely. %% Abantu bonna benkanankana mu mateeka, agateekwa okufuga wonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 154) b00303 ...prince, peer and peasant alike have equal rights to just treatment, there must be no favour shown to individuals. A judge must be no 'respecter of persons', but administer the law with strict impartiality in every case brought before him. %% …omulangira, omukungu n’okufaanana omuntu wa bulijjo balina eddembe lye limu okuyisibwa kyenkanyi, tewateekwa kubaawo nkizo eweebwa omuntu kinnoomuu. Omulamuzi tateekwa kubeera oyo “assa ekitiibwa mu bantu” wabula alamule nga akozesa amateeka awatali kyekubiira yenna mu buli musango ogumuleeteddwa. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 154) b00304 Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality. Its operation must be carried out in all classes, from the highest to the lowest. Justice must be sacred, and the rights of all the people must be considered. %% Obwenkanya tebulina kkomo, ebeera mbeera ennungi ebuna wonna. Enkola yaabwo eteekwa okubaawo ku madaala g’abantu bonna, okuva ku oyo ali waggulu ennyo okutuuka kw’oyo asembayo wansi. Obwenkanya buteekwa okubeera obutuukirivu, era eddembe ly’abantu bonna liteekwa okulowoozebwako. b00305 Each man has been placed in a post of honour, which he must not desert. A humble workman who commits an injustice is as much to blame as a renowned tyrant. Thus we all have our choice between justice and injustice. %% Buli muntu aweereddwa ekifo eky’ekitiibwa, ky’atateekwa kwabulira. Omukozi omuwombeefu akola ekikolwa ekitali kya bwenkanya avunaanibwa kye kimu nga nnakyemalira amanyiddwa ennyo. Bwetutyo ffenna tulondawo wakati w’obwenkanya n’obutali bwenkanya. b00306 I hope that each one of you will become just, and direct your thoughts towards the unity of mankind; that you will never harm your neighbours nor speak ill of any one; that you will respect the rights of all men, and be more concerned for the interests of others than for your own. %% Nnina essuubi nti buli omu ku mmwe ajja kufuuka mwenkanya, era mulambike ebirowoozo byammwe byonna eri obumu obw’abantu bonna; nti era temulirumya baliraanwa bammwe ennaku zonna oba okutema ebigambo ku muntu yenna; nti mulissa ekitiibwa mu ddembe ly’abantu bonna era mweyongere n’okufaayo ennyo ku balala bye baagala okusinga ebyammwe ku bwammwe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 159) b00307 This rectitude of conduct, with its implications of justice, equity, truthfulness, honesty, fair-mindedness, reliability, and trustworthiness, must distinguish every phase of the life of the Bahá'í community. %% Obwesimbu buno mu nneeyisa, ne kye butegeeza mu bwenkanya, obwesimbu, amazima, obwesigwa, obuntubulamu, okubeera ow’emmizi, alina obuvunaanyizibwa biteekwa okweyolekera ku buli mutendera gw’obulamu bw’abantu ba Bahá'í. (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 23) b00308 As forgiveness is one of the attributes of the Merciful One, so also justice is one of the attributes of the Lord. The tent of existence is upheld upon the pillar of justice and not upon forgiveness. The continuance of mankind depends upon justice and not upon forgiveness. %% Okusonyiwa nga bwe kali akamu ku bubonero bw’Oyo Omusaasizi, mu ngeri y’emu obwenkanya kamu ku bubonero bwa Mukama. Eweema y’obulamu ewaniriddwa empagi ey’obwenkanya so si ku kusonyiwa. Okugenda mu maaso okw’abantu bonna kwesigamiziddwa ku bwenkanya so si ku kusonyiwa. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p. 270) b00309 Then what Christ meant by forgiveness and pardon is not that, when nations attack you, burn your homes, plunder your goods, assault your wives, children and relatives, and violate your honor, you should be submissive in the presence of these tyrannical foes and allow them to perform all their cruelties and oppressions. %% Kale nno, Christ kye yali ategeeza bwe yatukuutira okusonyiwa n’okubaddiramu tekyali nti, amawanga bwe gabalumba, ne gookya amaka gammwe, ne ganyagulula ebintu byammwe, ne gatuusa obulabe ku bakazi bammwe, abaana ne ku b’eŋŋanda zammwe, era ne galinnyirira ekitiibwa kyammwe, muleme kufaayo mu maaso g’abalabe bano abajoozi era mubakkirize okubatuusaako eby’obukambwe n’okunyigirizibwa. b00310 No, the words of Christ refer to the conduct of two individuals toward each other: if one person assaults another, the injured one should forgive him. But the communities must protect the rights of man. %% Nedda, ebigambo bya Christ bikwata ku ngeri abantu ababiri gye bayinza okweyisaamu: Singa omuntu omu atuusa obulabe ku mulala, oyo afunye abuvune asaana okusonyiwa oyo amutuusizzaako obulabe. Naye abantu ababeera awamu bateekwa okukuuma eddembe ly’obuntu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p. 270) b00311 Knowledge %% Amagezi b00312 Knowledge is one of the wondrous gifts of God. It is incumbent upon everyone to acquire it. %% Amagezi kye kimu ku birabo bya Katonda eby’amagero. Buvunaanyizibwa bwa buli muntu okugafuna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 39) b00313 In the estimation of the people of Bahá man's glory lieth in his knowledge, his upright conduct, his praiseworthy character, his wisdom.... %% Mu ndaba y’abantu ba Bahá ekitiibwa ky’omuntu kiri mu magezi ge, enneeyisa ye ey’obwesimbu, empisa ze ez’ettendo, amagezi ge... (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 67) b00314 The Pen of Glory counselleth everyone regarding the instruction and education of children. %% Akafumu ak’Ekitiibwa kabuulirira buli omu ku bikwata ku kusomesebwa n’okuyigirizibwa kw’abaana abato. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 128) b00315 Know verily that Knowledge is of two kinds: Divine and Satanic. The one welleth out from the fountain of divine inspiration; the other is but a reflection of vain and obscure thoughts. The source of the former is God Himself; the motive-force of the latter the whisperings of selfish desire. %% Mumanyire ddala ddala nti Amagezi ga ngeri bbiri: Amatukuvu n’ago aga Sitaani. Ekitundu ekimu eky’amagezi kikukulukuta okuva mu nsulo z’okuluŋŋamizibwa okutukuvu; ekirala kivaamu ebirowoozo eby’obubutaliimu era eby’ekusifu. Ensibuko y’ekitundu ky’amagezi ekisoose ye Katonda Yennyini, amaanyi g’okusikiriza ag’ekitundu ekirala geego ag’okwegomba kw’omubiri. b00316 The one is guided by the principle: "Fear ye God; God will teach you;"[1] the other is but a confirmation of the truth: "Knowledge is the most grievous veil between man and his Creator." The former bringeth forth the fruit of patience, of longing desire, of true understanding, and love; whilst the latter can yield naught but arrogance, vainglory and conceit. %% Ekitundu ky’amagezi ekimu kiruŋŋaamizibwa etteeka: “Otyenga Katonda; Katonda anaakuyigiriza”. [1] ekirala kikakasa bukakasa amazima nti: “Amagezi lwe lutimbe olusinga okubeera olw’obulabe wakati w’omuntu n’Omutonzi we.” Ekitundu ky’amagezi ekisoose kivaamu ekibala eky’obugumiikiriza, okwegomba okw’okuyaayaana, okw’okutegeera okutuufu, n’okwagala; so nga ekizzeeko tekivaamu kirala kyonna wabula amalala, okwewaanawaana n’okwemanya. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 68) [1 Kuraani 2:282.] b00317 The Great Being saith: Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom. %% Omulamu Oyo Omukulu agamba nti: Twala omuntu nga ekirombe omuli amayinja amangi ag’omuwendo ogutabalika. Okuyigirizibwa kwokka kuyinza okukisobozesa okubikkula ebikirimu era kisobozese abantu bonna okuganyulwa okuva mu byo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 259) b00318 Bahá'u'lláh declares that all mankind should attain knowledge and acquire an education. This is a necessary principle of religious belief and observance characteristically new in this dispensation. %% Bahá’u’lláh alangirira nti abantu bonna basaana okufuna amagezi era n’okufuna okuyigirizibwa. Lino ly’etteeka eryetaagisa ery’enzikiriza mu ddiini n’okugonderwa kwalyo mbeera mpya mu mulembe guno. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 247) b00319 The spiritually learned are lamps of guidance among the nations, and stars of good fortune shining from the horizons of humankind. %% Abo abagunjufu mu mwoyo z’ettaala ez’okuluŋŋamizibwa wakati mu mawanga, era emmunyeenye ezaakaayakana ku nkingirizi y’okumanya kw’abuntu bonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 33) b00320 The spiritually learned must be characterized by both inward and outward perfections; they must possess a good character, an enlightened nature, a pure intent, as well as intellectual power, brilliance and discernment, intuition, discretion and foresight, temperance, reverence, and a heartfelt fear of God. For an unlit candle, however great in diameter and tall, is no better than a barren palm tree or a pile of dead wood. %% Abo abagunjufu mu mwoyo bateekwa okulabibwamu okutuukirira ku ngulu ne munda; bateekwa okubeera n’empisa ennungi, ennono ey’obugunjufu, obwesimbu mu bigendererwa, wamu n’amaanyi ag’amagezi okutegeera ennyo n’okulengera ewala, okumanya okwekusifu, abeegendereza era abamanyi ebirijja mu maaso, abakola ebyo ebisaanidde, abassa ekitiibwa mu balala, abatya Katonda mu mazima. Kubanga omusubbaawa ogutali mukoleeze, ne bwe guba munene oba muwanvu gutya, teguyinza kusinga omuti gw’ebinnazzi ogutabala oba entuumu y’emiti emivundu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 33) b00321 The primary, the most urgent requirement is the promotion of education. It is inconceivable that any nation should achieve prosperity and success unless this paramount, this fundamental concern is carried forward. The principal reason for the decline and fall of peoples is ignorance. %% Ekyetaago ekisinga obukulu, ekisana okukolebwako mu bwangu kwe kutumbula ebyenjigiriza. Kya butaliimu okulowooza nti waliwo eggwanga lyonna eriyinza okukulaakulana n’okutuuka ku buwanguzi bwonna okuggyako nga ensonga eno esinga obukulu, eyeesigamizibwako buli kintu, ekoleddwako bulungi. Ensonga enkulu evaako okusereba n’okugwa kw’abantu mu ddubi, bwe butamanya. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 109) b00322 Lack of Prejudice %% Okubulawo kw’Obusosoze b00323 "Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship." Whatsoever hath led the children of men to shun one another, and hath caused dissensions and divisions amongst them, hath, through the revelation of these words, been nullified and abolished. %% “Mukolagane n’abagoberezi ba buli ddiini zonna mu mwoyo ogw’omukwano n’okusseekimu”. Ebyo byonna ebireetedde abaana b’abantu buli omu okwesamba munne, era ne bivaako obutakkaanya n’enjawukana wakati mu bo, bigiddwawo era biwereddwa okuva mu kubikkulirwa kw’ebigambo bino. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 95) b00324 Let not man glory in this that he loveth his country, let him rather glory in this that he loveth his kind. %% Omuntu aleme kwenyumiriza mu kino nti ayagala ensi ye, naye yeenyumirize mu kino nti ayagala bantu banne. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 127) b00325 Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. %% Beera mwenkanya mu nnamula yo, era weekuume mu by’oyogera. Toyisa muntu yenna bubi, era laga obwetoowaze eri buli muntu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 93) b00326 Close your eyes to racial differences, and welcome all with the light of oneness. %% Zibiriza amaaso go eri enjawukana mu muwanga, era oyanirize bonna n’ekitangaala eky’obumu. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 37) b00327 Until all nations and peoples become united by the bonds of the Holy Spirit in this real fraternity, until national and international prejudices are effaced in the reality of this spiritual brotherhood, true progress, prosperity and lasting happiness will not be attained by man. %% Okutuusa nga amawanga gonna gagattiddwa wamu enjegere z’Omwoyo Omutukuvu mu bwa sseruganda buno bwennyini, okutuusa nga okusosolagana okuli munda mu ggwanga ne wakati w’amawanga kusanguddwawo mu mazima ag’omwoyo guno ogw’obwasseruganda, okugenda mu maaso okutuufu, okukulaakulana wamu n’essanyu ery’olubeerera omuntu talirituukako. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 227) b00328 And among the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh is, that religious, racial, political, economic and patriotic prejudices destroy the edifice of humanity. As long as these prejudices prevail, the world of humanity will not have rest. %% Era mu biyigirizibwa Bahá’u’lláh kiri nti, okusosolagana mu ddiini, mu mawanga, mu by’obufuzi, mu by’enfuna ne mu by’omwoyo gwa gwanga bisaanyaawo enteekateeka ezimbiriwako embeera z’abantu bonna. Okusosolagana kuno nga kukyaliwo, ensi y’abantu bonna tejja kubeera mu mirembe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 286) b00328b Bahá'u'lláh has also taught that prejudices, whether religious, racial, patriotic or political are destructive to the foundations of human development. Prejudices of any kind are the destroyers of human happiness and welfare. %% Bahá’u’llah era ayigirizza nti okusosolagana, kubeere mu ddiini, mu mawanga, mu mwoyo gwa ggwanga, oba mu by’obufuzi asaanyizaawo ddala emisingi gy’enkulaakulana y’omuntu. Okusosolagana okw’ekika kyonna, kumalirawo ddala essanyu n’embeera ennungi ey’abantu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 240) b00329 God maketh no distinction between the white and the black. If the hearts are pure both are acceptable unto Him. %% Katonda tassaawo njawulo wakati w’omweru n’omuddugavu. Singa emitima giba mirongoofu, bombi bakkirizibbwa mu maaso Ge. … (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Advent of Divine Justice, p. 37) b00330 There is no distinction or preference for any soul in the realm of His justice and equity. %% Tewali njawulo oba kusukulumizibwa eri omwoyo gwonna mu bwakabaka bw’obwenkanya n’obwesimbu Bwe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Advent of Divine Justice, p. 37) b00331 God did not make these divisions....these divisions have had their origin in man himself. %% Katonda teyatonda njawukana zino....enjawukana zino zisibuka mu muntu yennyini. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 37) b00332 Therefore, Bahá'u'lláh hath said that the various races of humankind lend a composite harmony and beauty of color to the whole. Let all associate, therefore, in this great human garden even as flowers grow and blend together side by side without discord or disagreement between them. %% Noolwekyo, Bahá’u’llah agambye nti endyo z’abantu ezitali zimu zinnyikiza mu enkwatagana mu bantu ab’enjawulo wamu ne ku bulungi bwa langi ya bonna awamu. Noolwekyo, bonna balekerwe eddembe ery’okutabagana mu nnimiro y’abantu bonna eno ennene ennyo mu ngeri y’emu nga ebimuli bwe bigenda nga bikula ne byetabikatabika nga biri wamu awatali kuneneŋŋana n’obutakkiriziganya wakati waabyo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 68) b00333 The diversity in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord… If you meet those of different race and colour from yourself, do not mistrust them and withdraw yourself into your shell of conventionality, but rather be glad and show them kindness. Think of them as different coloured roses growing in the beautiful garden of humanity, and rejoice to be among them. %% Enjawulo eziri mu ndyo z’abantu yandibadde nsibuko ya kwagalana na kukkaanya, nga bwe kibeera mu nnyimba ne mu bivuga omuli amaloboozi agenjawulo agakwatagana mu kukola oluyimba olunyuvu… Bwe musisinkana abo ab’ebika ne langi ezaawukana n’ezammwe, temubeekengera ne mwekweka mu ssonko ly’obulombolombo bwammwe, naye wabula mubasanyukire n’okubalaga ekisa. Mubatunuulire nga ebimuli bya looza ebya langi ez’enjawulo nga bikulira mu nnimiro erabika obulungi ey’abantu bonna, era mujaguze olw’okubeera awamu nabo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 53) b00334 Freedom from racial prejudice, in any of its forms, should, ... be adopted as the watchword of the entire body of ... believers, ... It should be consistently demonstrated in every phase of their activity and life, whether in the Bahá'í community or outside it. %% Okusumululwa okuva mu kusosolagana mu mawanga, mu buli mbeera yaakwo yonna…kwanditwaliddwa nga eŋŋombo y’abakkiriza bonna… Kwandiyoleseddwanga ku buli mutendera gw’emirimu gyabwe n’obulamu bwabwe, kino kibeere mu Babahá'í bennyini oba ebweru waabwe. (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 36) b00335 Freedom from Tribalism %% Okusumululwa Okuva mu Kulowooleza mu Buwangwa b00336 The second issue (the first one is politics) which causes difficulties for the African friends in these days is the matter of tribalism. As Bahá'ís they are convinced that mankind is one and must be viewed as one entity, yet, as members of their respective tribes, they find themselves expected by their non-Bahá'í brothers to give their first loyalty to, and even aggressively pursue the interests of, their tribe. They live, moreover, in an atmosphere which is only too often one of mistrust, fear and even hatred against the members of other tribes. %% Ensonga eyookubiri (esooka ya byabufuzi) ereetawo obuzibu eri mikwano gyaffe Abafirika mu biro bino y’eyo ekwata ku kulowooleza mu buwangwa. Nga Ababahá'í, babeera bamativu nti abantu bonna bali muntu omu era bateekwa okulabibwa nga omubiri ogumu, naye nno, kubanga babeera bava mu buwangwa obw’enjawulo, beesanga nga ab’eŋŋanda zaabwe abatali Babahá'í babasuubira okusoosoowaza ensonga ezikwata ku buwangwa bwabwe, ate era n’okukola ku bigendererwa by’eggwanga lyabwe awatali kufaayo ku balala. Ate era, emirundi mingi bakulira mu mbeera y’obulamu ey’obuteesigaŋŋana, okutya era n’obukyayi eri abo abava mu mawanga amala. b00337 The Bahá'í attitude in such a situation is clearly set forth in the Writings. As Bahá'ís we are attached to our tribes and clans, just as we are to our families and, on a larger scale, to our nations, but we do not allow this attachment to conflict with our wider loyalty to humanity. . %% Endowooza ya Bahá'í mu mbeera nga eno erambikiddwa bulungi mu Byawandikibwa. Nga Ababahá'í tubeera n’akakwate ak’amaanyi ku mawanga n’ebika byaffe, nga bwe twekata ku maka gaffe, ne ku mawanga gaffe, bwe tuba nga tukitadde ku mutendera omugazi, naye kino tetukiwa mwagaanya okutaataaganya obwesige obungi bwe tulina eri abantu bonna… b00338 The followers of the Faith, the Guardian has clearly stated, 'will not hesitate to subordinate every particular interest, be it personal, regional or national, to the overriding interests of the generality of mankind, knowing full well that in a world of interdependent peoples and nations the advantage of the part is best to be reached by the advantage of the whole, and that no lasting result can be achieved by any of the component parts if the general interests of the entity itself are neglected' %% Omukuumi akirambise bulungi nti abagoberezi b’Enzikiriza “tebajja kulonzalonza kufeebya buli kigendererwa kyonna, kibeere kya muntu, kya kitundu oba kya gwanga lyonna, nga basoosoowaza ebigendererwa eby’awamu eby’abantu bonna , nga bamanyi bulungi ddala nti mu nsi yonna omuli abantu n’amawanga agalina okuyambagana, okuganyulwa kw’ekitundu ekitono kutuukibwako mangu nnyo nga ekitundu kyonna kiganyuddwa, era nti teri kirungi kya nkalakkalira kiyinza kutuukibwako bitundu kinnakimu singa ebigendererwa eby’awamu eby’omubiri gwennyini biragajjalirwa. (The Universal House of Justice, 1970 Feb 8, to National Assemblies in Africa) b00339 In these days when tribal tensions are increasing in Africa the friends should be vigilant lest any trace of prejudice or hatred, God forbid, may enter their midst. On the contrary, they should endeavour to bring into the Faith an ever larger representation of the various tribes in each country, and through complete lack of prejudice as well as through the love that Bahá'ís have for each other and for their non-Bahá'í neighbours, demonstrate to their countrymen what the Word of God can do. %% Mu biro bino nga obwerende wakati w’amawanga bwe bugenda bweyongera mu Afrika, abeemikwano bandibadde beekengera si lulwa nga akabonero konna ak’obusosoze oba obukyayi, kikafuuwe, kyinza okuyingira wakati mubo. Wabula, bandifubye kuyingiza mu Nzikiriza okuva abantu abangi mu mawanga agatali gamu mu buli nsi, era nga beewalira ddala okusosolagana kwonna wamu n’okwagala Ababahá'í kwe balina buli omu eri munne era n’eri baliraanwa abatali Babahá'í, balage bannansi Ekigambo kya Katonda kye kiyinza okukola. b00340 They will thus provide, for the scrutiny of the leaders and rulers of their countries, a shining example of a unified community, working together in full concord and harmony, demonstrating a hope that is attainable, and a pattern worthy to be emulated. %% Bwebatyo bajja kuwa ekyokulabirako ekyakaayakana eky’abantu ab’omu kitundu abali obumu, nga bakolera wamu mu kutegeeragana n’okukkaanya, nga balaga essuubi eriyinza okutuukibwako, era n’enkola esaanidde okukoppebwa, olwo kisobozese abakulembeze n’abafuzi b’ensi zaabwe okukoppa enkola yaabwe. (The Universal House of Justice, 1970 Feb 8, to National Assemblies in Africa) b00341 To discriminate against any tribes because they are in a minority is a violation of the spirit that animates the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh %% Okusosola amawanga gonna kubanga galimu abantu batono kuba kulinnyirira mwoyo oguwa Enzikiriza ya Bahá’u’lláh obulamu. (The Universal House of Justice, 1970 Feb 8, to National Assemblies in Africa) b00342 Love and Unity %% Okwagalana n’Obumu b00342 Under all conditions, whether in adversity or at ease,  whether honoured or afflicted, this Wronged One hath directed all men to show forth love, affection, compassion and harmony. %% Mu mbeera zonna, ebeere ya buyinike oba ya mirembe, ebeere ya kuweebwa kitiibwa oba ya kubonyaabonyezebwa, Ono Eyajoogebwa alagidde abantu bonna okwolesa okwagala, omukwano, okulumirirwa n’okutabagana. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 72) b00343 O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life. 04 OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUNTU! (BHWN343, Bk2Ch2Sec1 rv171016) Nnayagala otondebwa kwo, bwentyo nnakutonda Nze. Noolwekyo ggwe onjagale Nze, ndyoke nkutuume erinnya lyo era nzijuze emmeeme yo n’omwoyo gw’obulamu. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Arabic Hidden Words#4) b00344 Be in perfect unity. Never become angry with one another. ... Love the creatures for the sake of God and not for themselves. ... There are imperfections in every human being, and youwill always become unhappy if you look toward the people themselves. But if you look toward God, you will love them and be kind to them, for the world of God is the world of perfection and complete mercy. %% Mubeere mu bumu obutuukiridde. Temunyiigiragananga omu eri munne yenna… mwagale ebitonde byonna kulwa Katonda, so si ku lwabyo… mu buli muntu omulamu mulimu obutali butuukirivu, era bulijjo mulinakuwalanga bwe mulitunuuliranga abantu bo bennyini nga bwe bali. Naye bwe munaatunuuliranga Katonda, mulibaagalanga n’okubakwatirwanga ekisa, kubanga ensi ya Katonda nsi ya butuukirivu n’okusaasira okutuukiridde. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 92) b00345 Real love is impossible unless one turn his face towards God and be attracted to His Beauty. %% Okwagala okwa namaddala tekuyinza kubaawo okuggyako nga twolekezza obwenyi bwaffe eri Katonda era ne tusikirizibwa Obubalagavu Bwe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 364) b00346 Each sees in the other the Beauty of God reflected in the soul, and finding this point of similarity, they are attracted to one another in love. This love will make all men the waves of one sea, this love will make them all the stars of one heaven and the fruits of one tree. This love will bring the realization of true accord, the foundation of real unity. %% Buli omu alaba mu munne obubalagavu bwa Katonda nga bulabikira mu mwoyo, era nga bazudde embeera eno efaanagana, basikirizibwa okubeera obumu mu kwagala. Okwagala okw’engeri eno kulifuula abantu bonna nga amayengo ag’ennyannja emu, okwagala kuno kulibafuula nga emunnyeenye ez’eggulu erimu, era nga ebibala eby’omuti gumu. Okwagala kuno kulireetawo okutegeerera ddala obumu obwa nnamaddala, nga guno gwe musingi ogw’obumu bwennyini. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 180) b00347 Thoughts of love are constructive of brotherhood, peace, friendship, and happiness. %% Ebirowoozo eby’okwagala bye bizimba obwa sseruganda, emirembe, omukwano, n’essanyu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 29) b00348 If you desire with all your heart, friendship with every race on earth, your thought, spiritual and positive, will spread; it will become the desire of others, growing stronger and stronger, until it reaches the minds of all men. %% Singa weegomba n’omutima gwo gwonna, omukwano eri abantu b’amawanga gonna ag’ensi, ebirowoozo byo, eby’omwoyo era ebirungi, bijja kubuna wonna; gulifuuka okwegomba kw’abalala, nga gugenda gweyongera amaanyi, okutuusa lwe guliituuka mu mitima gy’abantu bonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 29) b00348b If two souls quarrel and contend about a question of the Divine questions, differing and disputing, both are wrong. The wisdom of this incontrovertible law of God is this: That between two souls from amongst the believers of God, no contention and dispute might arise; that they may speak with each other with infinite amity and love. Should there appear the least trace of controversy, they must remain silent, and both parties must continue their discussions no longer, but ask the reality of the question from the Interpreter %% Singa abantu babiri bayomba era ne bakaayana ku kibuuzo ekikwaata ku bibuuzo Ebitukuvu, nga bawakana n’obutakkiriziganya, bombi baba bakyamu. Amagezi agali mu tteeka lya Katonda eritajeemerwa, ge gano: Nti wakati w’abantu ababiri okuva mu bakkiriza ba Katonda, okuwakana n’obutakkiriziganya biremenga kubalukawo; nti basobolenga okwogeraganya mu mukwano n’okwagala ebya nnamaddala. Singa walabikawo akabonero akatono ennyo ak’obutakiriziganya, bombi bateekwa okusirika, era bombi bateekwa okulekeraawo okukubaganya ebirowoozo, wabula beebuuze ku Muvvuunuzi ekituufu ku kibuuzo kyebakaayana ko. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 428) b00349 It is our duty and privilege to translate the love and devotion we have for our beloved Cause into deeds and actions that will be conducive to the highest good of mankind. %% Mulimu gwaffe era kya kitiibwa gye tuli, okulaga okwagala n’okwewaayo bye tulina eri Enzikiriza yaffe gye twagala ennyo nga tuyita mu bikolwa n’emirimu ebinaaleetawo ekyo ekisingira ddala obulungi eri abantu bonna. (From a letter dated 20 November 1924 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) b00350 Most important of all is that love and unity should prevail in the Bahá'í Community, as this is what people are most longing for in the present dark state of the world. %% Ekisingira ddala obukulu kyekyo nti omukwano n’obumu biteekwa okubeererawo ddala mu bitundu omuli Abagoberezi b’Enzikiriza y’Ekibahá'í, kubanga kino abantu kye basinga okuyaayaanira mu nsi ya kaakano eno etabangusetabanguse. (From a letter dated 20 October 1945 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) b00351 In order to achieve this cordial unity one of the first essentials insisted on by Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá is that we resist the natural tendency to let our attention dwell on the faults and failings of others rather than on our own. %% Okusobola okufuna obumu omuli obwesimbu, ekimu ku bintu ebisingira ddala obukulu Bahá’u’lláh ne ‘Abdu’l-Bahá bye bassaako ennyo essira, kwe kwewala ennyo okufa ku nsobi n’obunafu bw’abalala okusinga ensobi ezaffe. (From a letter dated 12 May 1925 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) b00352 The oft-repeated words of the Master concerning unity and harmonious co-operation among the friends should be carefully and thoughtfully remembered now more than ever. Nothing is more contrary to the spirit of the Cause than discord and strife, which are the inevitable outcome of selfishness and greed. Pure detachment and selfless service, these should be the sole motives of every true believer. %% Ebigambo by’Omukulu bye yaddiŋŋananga ebikwata ku bumu n’okukolera mu kukkaanya okwa nnamaddala mu b’emikwano, biteekwa okujjukirwa kati n’obwegendereza okusinga nga bwe kyali kibadde. Teri kikontana na mwoyo gwa Nzikiriza nga obutakkaanya, okweyawulayawulamu, ebyo ebiva mu mululu n’okwerowoozaako. Okweggira ddala ku bintu byonna, n’obuteerowoozaako nga tuweereza kye kiteekwa okuba ekigendererwa kya buli mukkiriza omutuufu. (From a letter dated 24 September 1933 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) b00353 So many misunderstandings arise from the passionate attachment of the friends to the Faith and also their immaturity. We must therefore be very patient and loving with each other and try to establish unity in the Bahá'í family. %% Obutategeeragana bungi bujjawo nga buva ku b’emikwano okwesiba ku Nzikiriza mu ngeri ey’ekito. Noolwekyo, tusaanye okuba abagumiikiriza, era n’okulaga omukwano eri bannaffe, era n’okugezaako okuleeta okwegatta mu Babahá'í. (From a letter dated 17 October 1944 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) b00354 Regarding your question about the need for greater unity among the friends, there is no doubt that this is so, and the Guardian feels that one of the chief instruments for promoting it is to teach the Bahá'ís themselves, in classes and through precepts, that love of God, and consequently of men, is the essential foundation of every religion, our own included. A greater degree of love will produce a greater unity, because it enables people to bear with each other, to be patient and forgiving. %% Ku kibuuzo kyo ekikwata ku bwetaavu bw’obumu obusingako wakati mu beemikwano, tewali kubuusabuusa nti kino bwekityo bwe kiri, era Omukuumi alowooza nti emu ku ngeri ezisinga obukulu ezikozesebwa mu kutumbula obumu kwe kusomesa Ababahá'í bennyini, mu bibiina n’okukozesa amateeka, nti okwagala kwa Katonda, era n’ekivaamu okwo okw’abantu, gwe musingi ogwa buli Nzikiriza ogutabulawo, nga n’eyaffe yennyini mw’ogitwalidde. Okwagala okusingako kuleetawo obumu obwa nnamaddala, kubanga kuyamba abantu okubeeraŋŋana, okubera abagumiikiriza era abasonyiwa. (From a letter dated 7 July 1944 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, quoted in "Bahá'í News", 173, (Feb 1945), p. 3) b00355 Wherever a Bahá'í community exists, whether large or small, let it be distinguished for its abiding sense of security and faith, its high standard of rectitude, its complete freedom from all forms of prejudice, the spirit of love among its members and for the closely knit fabric of its social life. %% Buli wonna Ababahá'í we babeera, babeere bangi oba batono, basaanye okwawulwa ku balala olw’obuvumu n’okukkiriza bye balina, enneeyisa yaabwe ey’omutindo ogwa waggulu, ddala embeera zonna ez’obusosoze , omwoyo ogw’okwagalana wakati mubo bennyini n’enkolagana ey’omuggundu mu bulamu bwabwe obwa bulijjo. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages From the Universal House of Justice: 1963-1986, p. 12) b00356 Moderation %% Obusaamusaamu b00357 The civilization, so often vaunted by the learned exponents of arts and sciences, will, if allowed to overleap the bounds of moderation, bring great evil upon men. Thus warneth you He Who is the All-Knowing. If carried to excess, civilization will prove as prolific a source of evil as it had been of goodness when kept within the restraints of moderation. %% Obugunjufu emirindi emingi abayivu abeenyumiririza mu masomo g'emikono ne ssaayansi, singa bulekebwa ne busukka ensalo z’obusaamusaamu, bujja kuleeta obulabe bunene ku bantu. Bwatyo Oyo Amanyi-byonna bw’abalabula. Singa busukka we bwandikomye, obugunjufu bujja kufuuka ensibuko y’ebibi ebingi ennyo nga mu kusooka bwe bwali ensibuko y’obulungi nga bukyafugibwa obusaamusaamu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 342) b00358 All other things are subject to this same principle of moderation. %% Ebintu ebirala byonna bifugibwa etteeka lye limu lino ery’obusaamusaamu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 342) b00359 It is incumbent upon them who are in authority to exercise moderation in all things. Whatsoever passeth beyond the limits of moderation will cease to exert a beneficial influence. %% Kibakakatako, abo abali mu buyinza, okukozesa obusaamusaamu mu bintu byonna. Buli ekyo kyonna ekisukka ensalo ez’obusaamusaamu kiba kifuuse ekitalina mugaso. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 216) b00360 Overstep not the bounds of moderation, and deal justly with them that serve thee. Bestow upon them according to their needs,... %% Temusukkanga nsalo ez’obusaamusaamu, era mubeere benkanya eri abo ababaweereza. Mubawe okusinziira ku bwetaavu bwabwe,... (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 235) b00361 Deal with them with undeviating justice, so that none among them may either suffer want, or be pampered with luxuries. This is but manifest justice. %% Temuvanga ku bwenkanya nga mukolagana nabo, olwo waleme okubaawo wadde omu kubo ayaggayagga, oba aweereddwa eby’okwejalabya ebisusse. Buno bwe bwenkanya obw’enkukunala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 235) b00362 The choice of clothing and the cut of the beard and its dressing are left to the discretion of men. But beware, O people, lest ye make yourselves the playthings of the ignorant. %% Ennyambala, ensala y’ekirevu n’enjoyoota yakyo byo birekeddwa eri abantu beesalirewo. Naye mubeere beegendereza, Abange mmwe abantu, si kulwa nga mufuuka ekisekererwa eri abo abatategeera. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 23) b00363 Furthermore, any agency whatever, though it be the instrument of mankind's greatest good, is capable of misuse. Its proper use or abuse depends on the varying degrees of enlightenment, capacity, faith, honesty, devotion and high-mindedness of the leaders of public opinion. %% Ekirala, ekitongole kyonna, ka kibe nga kye kiyisibwamu ebintuebirungi ennyo ebiyamba abantu, kiyinza okukozesebwa obubi. Enkozesa yaakyo ennungi oba embi esinziira ku mitendera egy’enjawulo egy’obuyigirize, obusobozi, okukkiriza, obwesigwa, okwewaayo n’obukulembeze obwebuuzibwako ku ndowooza z’abantu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 16) b00364 Moderation is necessary in all affairs. Man must take a lesson from Divine actions and deeds for God suffers a tree to grow a long time before it grows to perfection. He is able to make a tree grow to fruition in an instant, but wisdom requires a gradual development. %% Obusaamusaamu bwetaagisa mu buli mbeera. Omuntu ateekwa okufuna essomo okuva mu mirimu n’ebikolwa Ebitukuvu, kubanga Katonda aleka omuti ne gukulira ekiseera ekiwanvu nga tegunnaba kwanya. Asobola okukuza omuti ne gubala ebibala mu lutemya lumu olw’eriiso, naye eky’amagezi kwe kuguleka ne gukula mpola mpola. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Divine Art of Living, p. 69) b00365 Such a chaste and holy life, with its implications of modesty, purity, temperance, decency, and clean-mindedness, involves no less than the exercise of moderation in all that pertains to dress, language, amusements, and all artistic and literary avocations. %% Obulamu obulongoofu era obutukuvu nga obwo, n’amakulu gaabwo ag’obuteetwalira waggulu, obulongoofu, okukola ebyo ebisaanidde, obuntubulamu, era n’endowooza ennungi, bizingiramu okwemanyiiza obusaamusaamu mu byonna ebikwatagana n’ennyambala, olulimi olukozesebwa mu bantu, eby’amasanyu, era n’ebyo eby’obukugu obutali bumu n’okusoma n’okuwandiika omuntu by’ayagala ennyo okukola mu biseera bye eby’eddembe. b00366 It demands daily vigilance in the control of one's carnal desires and corrupt inclinations. It calls for the abandonment of a frivolous conduct, with its excessive attachment to trivial and often misdirected pleasures. %% Kyetaagisa obwegendereza obwa buli lunaku mu kufuga okwegomba okw’omubiri n’endowooza ennyonoonefu. Kino kyetaagisa okulekayo enneeyisa ey’olusuusuuto, omuli okwemalira ennyo ku masanyu agatalina mugaso era emirundi emingi agawubya. (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 30) b00367 Regarding Bahá'í women using facial make-up: individuals are entirely free to do as they please in such purely personal matters. As Bahá'ís are enjoined to use moderation in all things, and to seek the Golden mean, the National Spiritual Assembly can, if it deems it necessary or advisable, counsel the believers to use moderation in this respect also. %% Ku bikwata ku bakyala Ababahá'í abakozesa ebintu eby’okwewunda mu maaso: buli omu alina eddembe lye lyonna okukola nga bw’ayagala mu nsonga nga ezo ez’obuntu bwennyinni. Nga Ababahá'í bwe balagirwa okukozesa obusaamusaamu mu bintu byonna, era okunoonya Embeera eya Wakati, Olukiiko olw'Omwoyo olw'Eggwanga luyinza okubuulirira abakkiriza okukozesa obusaamusaamu ne mu mbeera eno, singa lukiraba nga kyetaagisa oba kyandibadde kisaanidde. (Shoghi Effendi, Dawn of a New Day, p. 192) b00368 Service %% Obuweereza b00369 That one indeed is a man who, today, dedicateth himself to the service of the entire human race. The Great Being saith: Blessed and happy is he that ariseth to promote the best interests of the peoples and kindreds of the earth. %%Kaakano, oyo ddala ye muntu eyeewaayo ku lulwe okuweereza abantu bonna. Omulamu Oyo Omunene Ennyo agamba nti: Alina omukisa era wa ssanyu oyo agolokoka okutumbula ebyettanirwa ennyo abantu n’aboluganda bonna ab’ensi. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 250) b00370 Thy day of service is now come. ... Arise for the triumph of My Cause, and, through the power of thine utterance, subdue the hearts of men. Thou must show forth that which will ensure the peace and the well-being of the miserable and the down-trodden. Gird up the loins of thine endeavor, that perchance thou mayest release the captive from his chains, and enable him to attain unto true liberty. %% Olunaku lwo olw’obuweereza kaakano lutuuse. ... Golokoka ku lw’obuwanguzi bw’Enzikiriza Yange, era, nga oyita mu maanyi g’ekigambo kyo, ojeemulule emitima gy’abantu. Oteekwa okwolesa ekyo ekinaakakasa emirembe n’obulamu obulungi obw’abanaku era abanyigirizibwa. Weesibe ekimyu onyweze okulafuubana kwo, nti oboolyawo okyayinza okusumulula omusibe okuva mu njegere ze, era omusobozese okutuuka mu ddembe erya nnamaddala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 92) b00371 Again, is there any deed in the world that would be nobler than service to the common good? Is there any greater blessing conceivable for a man, than that he should become the cause of the education, the development, the prosperity and honor of his fellow-creatures? %% Nate era, waliwo ekikolwa mu nsi yonna eky’ekitiibwa ekisinga obuweereza ku lw’obulungi bw’abantu bonna? Waliwo omukisa ogusinga ogwali gulowoozeddwako eri omuntu, ogusinga ogwo, nti asaanidde okubeera ensibuko y’okuyigirizibwa, enkulaakulana, obugagga n’ekitiibwa eky’abantu banne? b00372 No, by the Lord God! The highest righteousness of all is for blessed souls to take hold of the hands of the helpless and deliver them out of their ignorance and abasement and poverty, and with pure motives, and only for the sake of God, to arise and energetically devote themselves to the service of the masses, forgetting their own worldly advantage and working only to serve the general good %% Nedda, ndayira Mukama Katonda! Obutuukirivu obusingira ddala bwonna be bantu abaaweebwa omukisa okukwata ku mikono gy’abanaku n’okubanunula okuva mu butamanya bwabwe n’okujoogebwa wamu n’obunkuseere, era ne ku lwa Katonda yekka, bagolokoke era n’amaanyi mangi beeweeyo mu buweereza bw’abantu bonna, nga beerabiridde ddala ebirungi by’ensi bye balina era nga bakolerera obulungi obw’abantu bonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 103) b00373 Briefly, all effort and exertion put forth by man from the fullness of his heart is worship, if it is prompted by the highest motives and the will to do service to humanity. This is worship: to serve mankind and to minister to the needs of the people. Service is prayer. A physician ministering to the sick, gently, tenderly, free from prejudice and believing in the solidarity of the human race, he is giving praise. %% Mu bufunze, amaanyi gonna n’okwekakaba omuntu g’akozesa okuva mu mutima gwe gwonna kwe kusinza, singa kuno kubeera kukubiriziddwa ebigendererwa ebisingira ddala okubeera ebya waggulu n’okwagala okuweereza abantu bonna. Kuno kwe kusinza: okuweereza abantu bonna n’okulaba nti ebyetaago byabwe bikolebwako. Obuweereza ssaala. Omusawo ajjanjaba abalwadde, mpola mpola, n’obwegendereza nga tasosola era nga akkiririza mu bumu bw’abantu aba buli kika, aba atendereza. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bye yayogerera mu Paris, olup. 176) b00374 There is nothing that brings success in the Faith like service. Service is the magnet which draws the Divine Confirmations. Thus, when a person is active, they are blessed by the Holy Spirit. When they are inactive, the Holy Spirit cannot find a repository in their being, and thus they are deprived of its healing and quickening rays. %% Tewali kireeta buwanguzi mu Nzikiriza nga buweereza. Obuweereza ge masannyalaze agasikiriza Okukakasibwa Okutukuvu. Bwekityo, omuntu bw’abeera omunyiikivu, Omwoyo Omutukuvu gumuwa omukisa. Bwe babeera abagayaavu, Omwoyo Omutukuvu teguyinza ku bazuulamu tterekero, era bwebatyo basubwa amaanyi g’okuwonyezebwa n’okuzzibwamu obulamu. (From letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, July 12, 1952: Living the Life, p. 18) b00375 Whatever the particular field of service you may choose, whether teaching or administrative, the essential is for you preserve, and not to allow any consciousness of your limitations to dampen your zeal, much less to deter you from serving joyously and actively. %% Obuweereza bubeere bwa ngeri ku bw’oba olonzeewo, ka bubeere bwa kusomesa oba okulabirira emirimu, ekisinga obukulu bwe bugumiikiriza, era n’obutakkiriza birowoozo byo byonna ebikulemesa okunnyogoza obujjumbize bwo, oba okukuwugula okuva ku kuweereza n’essanyu wamu n’obujjumbize. (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, February 6, 1939) (Biggiddwa okuva mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lwa Shoghi Effendi eri omukkiriza omu, February 6, 1939) b00376 Submission to the Will of God %% Okwewaayo ku Kwagala kwa Katonda b00377 THE source of all good is trust in God, submission unto His command, and contentment with His holy will and pleasure. %% Ensibuko y’ebirungi byonna kwe kwesiga Katonda, okugondera etteeka Lye, n’obumativu eri okwagala n’okusiima Kwe. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 153) b00378 O SON OF MAN! Wert thou to speed through the immensity of space and traverse the expanse of heaven, yet thou wouldst find no rest save in submission to Our command and humbleness before Our Face. OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’OMUNTU! Singa wali osobola okufuumuukira mu bwaguuga bw’obwengula n’okuyita mu bugazi bw’eggulu, naye era tewandizudde bubudamo okuggyako mu kwekwaayo mu tteeka Lyaffe era n’okwetoowaza mu Maaso Gaffe. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Arabic Hidden Words#40) b00379 Whatsoever the Creator commandeth His creatures to observe, the same must they diligently, and with the utmost joy and eagerness, arise and fulfil. %% Buli ekyo kyonna Omutonzi ky’alagira ebitonde Bye okugondera, byebyo bye bimu bye biteekwa okugolokoka ne banyiikira okutuukiriza mu ssanyu n’okwesunga okusingira ddala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 337) b00380 Say: True liberty consisteth in man's submission unto My commandments, little as ye know it. %% Gamba: Eddembe erya nnamaddala liva mu muntu okugondera amateeka gange Nze, wadde kino temukimanyi bulungi. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 336) b00381 Say: O people! Let not this life and its deceits deceive you, for the world and all that is therein is held firmly in the grasp of His Will. %% Gamba: Abange mmwe abantu! Temukkiriza obulamu buno n’obukuusa bwabwo okubalimbalimba, kubanga ensi yonna n’ebyo byonna ebigirimu binywezeddwa mu maanyi gw’Okwagala Kwe. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 209) b00382 Be ye assured, moreover, that the works and acts of each and every one of these Manifestations of God, nay whatever pertaineth unto them, and whatsoever they may manifest in the future, are all ordained by God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. %% Nate era, mubeere bakakafu nti emirimu n’ebikolwa ebya buli omu ku Babaka ba Katonda, oba katugambe ebyo byonna ebibakwatako, era n’ebyo bye baliyinza okwolesa mu biseera eby’omu maaso, byonna biragirwa Katonda, era biba biraga Okwagala n’Ekigendererwa Kye. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 59) b00383 O My servants! Sorrow not if, in these days and on this earthly plane, things contrary to your wishes have been ordained and manifested by God, for days of blissful joy, of heavenly delight, are assuredly in store for you. %% Abange mmwe abaddu Bange! Temunakuwala singa, mu biro bino era ku lukalu lw’ensi eno, ebintu ebikontana n’ebyo bye mwegomba bwe biba biragiddwa n’okwolesebwa Katonda, kubanga ebiro eby’essanyu eringi, okujaganya okutukuvu, mu mazima bibaterekeddwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 329) b00384 If it be Thy pleasure, make me to grow as a tender herb in the meadows of Thy grace, that the gentle winds of Thy will may stir me up and bend me into conformity with Thy pleasure, in such wise that my movement and my stillness may be wholly directed by Thee. %% Singa kwe kusiima Kwo, onkuze nga ekimera ekiweweevu mu ttale ly’ekisa Kyo, olwo obuwewo obulungi obw’okwagala Kwo bulyoke bungolokose era bunkyuse ntuukane nga Ggwe bw’oyagala, bwekutyo okuseetuka kwange n’obutaseetuka byonna awamu bibeere nga biragirwa Ggwe. (Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, p. 240) b00385 The powers of earth cannot withstand the privileges and bestowals which God has ordained for this great and glorious century. It is a need and exigency of the time. Man can withstand anything except that which is divinely intended and indicated for the age and its requirements. %% Amaanyi ag’ensi tegayinza kulemesa mikisa na birabo Katonda by’alagidde ku lw’ekyasa kino ekikulu era eky’ekitiibwa. Kino kye kyetaago eky’amangu eky’ekiseera kino. Omuntu asobola okugumira ekintu kyonna okuggyako ekyo ekiteekebwateekebwa n’okulagibwa mu butukuvu ku lw’omulembe gwakyo wamu n’ebyetaago byagwo. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 234) b00386 Trustworthiness %% Obwesigwa b00387 The fourth Taraz concerneth trustworthiness. Verily it is the door of security for all that dwell on earth and a token of glory on the part of the All-Merciful. He who partaketh thereof hath indeed partaken of the treasures of wealth and prosperity. Trustworthiness is the greatest portal leading unto the tranquillity and security of the people. In truth the stability of every affair hath depended and doth depend upon it. All the domains of power, of grandeur and of wealth are illumined by its light. %% Taraz eyookuna ekwata ku bwesigwa. Ddala ddala guno gwe mulyango ogw’obukuumi eri abo bonna abatuula mu nsi era akabonero ek’ekitiibwa okuva eri oyo Oweekisa-kyonna. Oyo agabana ku Taraz eno mu mazima aba agabanye ku materekero g’obugagga n’okukulaakulana. Obwesigwa gwe mulyango ogusinga obugazi oguyitibwamu okutuuka ku kutembenkera n’obukuumi bw’abantu. Mu mazima obutayuugayuugana mu buli nsonga bubadde bwesigamizibwa era bwesigamizibwa ku bwesigwa. Ebifo byonna eby’obuyinza, ekitiibwa n’obugagga bumulisibwa kitangaala kya bwesigwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 37) b00388 Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. %% Osaanire obwesigwa muliraanwa wo bw’akulinamu, era omutunuulire n’amaaso agalaga omukwano era agasanyusa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 93) b00389 Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. %% Leka amazima n’obwesimbu birage enjawulo eri mu bikolwa byo byonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 93) b00390 Beware lest ye encroach upon the substance of your neighbor. Prove yourselves worthy of his trust and confidence in you,... %% Mwegendereze sikulwa nga munaayiza obugagga bwa baliraanwa bammwe. Mubalage nti musaanidde okubeera abeesigika era ab’amazima gye bali... (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 278) b00391 Other attributes of perfection are to fear God, to love God by loving His servants, to exercise mildness and forbearance and calm, to be sincere, amenable, clement and compassionate; to have resolution and courage, trustworthiness and energy, to strive and struggle, to be generous, loyal, without malice, to have zeal and a sense of honor, to be high-minded and magnanimous, and to have regard for the rights of others. Whoever is lacking in these excellent human qualities is defective. %% Obubonero obulala obulaga omuntu atuukiridde kwe kutya Katonda, okwagala Katonda nga mwagala abaddu Be, okubeera abawombeefu era abagumiikiriza era abateefu, okubeera abeesimbu, abaagalika, abasaasizi era abalumirirwa abalala, okubeera n’obuvumu era n’obumalirivu, abeesigwa era ab’embavu, okulafuubana n’okukakaalukana, okubeera abagabi, era abanywevu eri bannaffe, abatalina ttima, okubeera abanyiikivu era abantubalamu, era n’okufaayo ku ddembe ly’abalala. Oyoyenna eyammibwa embeera zino ez’obuntu ennungi ennyo aba yasoba. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 40) b00392 This rectitude of conduct, with its implications of justice, equity, truthfulness, honesty, fair-mindedness, reliability, and trustworthiness, must distinguish every phase of the life of the Bahá'í community. %% Enneeyisa eno ennungi, nga muno mwemuli obwenkanya, obwesimbu, amazima, obwesigwa, obutaba na kyekubiira, okubeera n’entomo, era n’obuvunaanyizibwa, biteekwa okulabikira mu bui mbeera y’obulamu bw’Ababahá’í abali mu kitundu. . b00393 "The companions of God," Bahá'u'lláh Himself has declared, "are, in this day, the lump that must leaven the peoples of the world. They must show forth such trustworthiness, such truthfulness and perseverance, such deeds and character that all mankind may profit by their example." %% Bahá'u'lláh Yennyini alangiridde nti, "Mu lunaku luno, mikwano gya Katonda be bantu abali obumu abateekwa okuwawamula abantu ab’ensi yonna. Bateekwa okwolesa obuvunaanyizibwa nga obwo, amazima nga ago era n’obugumiikiriza, ebikolwa n’empisa nga ezo olwo abantu basobole okuganyulwa nga babalabirako." (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 23) b00394 The more upright and noble the Bahá'ís are in their conduct, the more they will impress the public with the spiritual vitality of the Faith they believe in. %% Ababahá'í gye banaakoma okubeera abeesimbu era ab’ekitiibwa mu nneeyisa yaabwe, gye banaakoma n’okuwa abantu ekifaananyi ekirungi eky’amaanyi g’omwoyo ogw’Enzikiriza gye bakkiririzaamu. (From a letter written on behalf of Guardian to an individual believer, October 20, 1953: Living, the Life, p. 18) b00395 Truthfulness %% Amazima b00396 The virtues and attributes pertaining unto God are all evident and manifest, and have been mentioned and described in all the heavenly Books. Among them are trustworthiness, truthfulness, purity of heart while communing with God, forbearance, resignation to whatever the Almighty hath decreed, contentment with the things His Will hath provided, patience, nay, thankfulness in the midst of tribulation, and complete reliance, in all circumstances, upon Him. These rank, according to the estimate of God, among the highest and most laudable of all acts %% Empisa n’obubonero obw’Obwakatonda byonna birabika era byeyoleka, era byogeddwako n’okunnyonnyolwa mu Bitabo byonna ebitukuvu. Mu byo mwemuli obwesigwa, amazima, obulongoofu bw’omutima nga osinza Katonda; emmizi, okukkiriza buli ekyo Oyo Ayinza-byonna ky’akutegekedde, okumatira n’ebyo Ye byakuwadde olw’Okwagala Kwe, obugumiikiriza, oba katugambe, okusiima wakati mu buyinike, era mu mbeera zonna okuteeka mu Ye obwesige bwaffe bwonna. Okusinziira ku nteekateeka ya Katonda, bino bibalibwa nga ebimu ku bikolwa ebisinga okubeera ebya waggulu ennyo era ebisinga okutenderezebwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 290) b00397 Beautify your tongues, O people, with truthfulness, and adorn your souls with the ornament of honesty. %% Abange mmwe abantu, mulungiye ennimi zammwe n’amazima, era munaanike emyoyo gyammwe n’ekyokwewunda eky’obwesigwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 297) b00398 They who are the people of God have no ambition except to revive the world, to ennoble its life, and regenerate its peoples. Truthfulness and good-will have, at all times, marked their relations with all men. %% Abo abantu ba Katonda tebalina kye beegomba okuggyako okuzza ensi obuggya, okugiweesa ekitiibwa, n’okuzza obuggya abantu baayo. Ebiseera byonna, amazima n’okwagaliza, birambye enkolagana yaabwe n’abantu bonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 270) b00399 Should any one of you enter a city, he should become a centre of attraction by reason of his sincerity, his faithfulness and love, his honesty and fidelity, his truthfulness and loving-kindness towards all the peoples of the world, so that the people of that city may cry out and say: 'This man is unquestionably a Bahá'í, for his manners, his behaviour, his conduct, his morals, his nature, and disposition reflect the attributes of the Bahá'ís.' Not until ye attain this station can ye be said to have been faithful to the Covenant and Testament of God. %% Singa omu ku mmwe ayingira ekibuga kyonna, asaana afuuke entabiro y’okusikirizibwa olw’obwesimbu bwe, obwesigwa bwe n’okwagala kwe, obwesimbu bwe n’obutalabankana bwe mu by’omukwano, amazima ge n’ekisa kye eri abantu bonna ab’ensi, bwekityo abantu ab’omu kibuga ekyo balyoke baleekaanire waggulu nga bagamba nti, “Omusajja ono awatali kubuusabuusa Mubahá'í, kubanga empisa ze, ebikolwa bye, enneeyisa ye, ebirowoozo bye, n’ennono ye byolesa obubonero bw’Ababahá'í.” Okuggyako nga mutuuse mu mbeera eno, temuyinza kutwalibwa nga ababadde ebeesigwa eri Endagaano n’Eddaame lya Katonda. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Biggiddwa mu Byawandikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 71) b00400 No matter how much kindliness ye may expend upon the liar, he will but lie the more, for he believeth you to be deceived, while ye understand him but too well, and only remain silent out of your extreme compassion. %% Omulimba ne bw’olimulaga ekisa ekyenkana wa, ye alyeyongera n’obulimba bwe, kubanga ye akkiriza nti olimbiddwa, so nga ate ggwe bambi omutegeera bulungi nnyo, era ggwe osirika busirisi olw’okulumirirwa okungi ennyo kwolina gyali. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 158) b00401 Truthfulness is the foundation of all the virtues of the world of humanity. Without truthfulness, progress and success in all of the worlds of God are impossible for a soul. When this holy attribute is established in man, all the divine qualities will also become realized. %% Amazima gwe musingi gw’empisa zonna ez’ensi y’abantu. Awatali mazima, omwoyo tegusobola kukulaakulana na kutuuka ku buwanguzi mu nsi za Katonda zonna. Embeera eno entukuvu bw’erimala okunywezebwa mu muntu, embeera zonna entukuvu nazo zijja kumulabikiramu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 384) b00402 As to the question whether it is right to tell an untruth in order to save another, he feels that under no condition should we tell an untruth but at the same time try and help the person in a more legitimate manner. Of course it is not necessary to be too outspoken until the question is directly put to us. %% Ku bikwata ku kibuuzo obanga si kibi okulimba nga ekigendererwa kwe kutaasa omulala, alowooza nti tewali mbeera yonna eyinza okutuwaliriza okulimba naye ate mu kiseera kye kimu, tugezeeko okuyamba omuntu oyo mu ngeri esingako ey’okugoberera amateeka. Weewaawo tekyetaagisa kwogera bingi nnyo okutuusa nga ekibuuzo bakitubuuzizza butereevu. (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, December 21, 1927: Living the Life, p. 3) b00403 Work is Worship %% Okukola kuba Kusinza b00404 O MY SERVANT! The best of men are they that earn a livelihood by their calling and spend upon themselves and upon their kindred for the love of God, the Lord of all worlds. OWANGE GGWE OMUDDU WANGE! (BHWN404, BHWN507, rv171012) Abantu abasingira ddala obulungi beebo abakola emirimu egy’okuyitibwa kwabwe egivaamu ensimbi era ne bazikozesa olw’okweyimirizaawo bo bennyini n’abeŋŋanda zaabwe ku lw’okwagala kwa Katonda, Mukama ow’ensi zonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Persian Hidden Words#82 ) b00405 It is enjoined upon every one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades and the like. We have graciously exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship unto God, the True One. Ponder ye in your hearts the grace and the blessings of God and render thanks unto Him at eventide and at dawn. Waste not your time in idleness and sloth. Occupy yourselves with that which profiteth yourselves and others. %% Kibagwanidde buli omu ku mmwe, okubaako omulimu gw’akola, nga eby’emikono, eby’obusuubuzi, n’ebiringa ebyo. Ku lw’ekisa, Ffe tugulumizza okukola kwammwe mu mirimu nga egyo okutuuka ku ddaala ery’okusinza Katonda Oyo Owaamazima. Mwefumiitirize mmwe mu mitima gyammwe ekisa n’emikisa gya Katonda era mumwebaze Ye akawungeezi ne ku matulutulu. Temwonoona biseera byammwe mu kugayaala n’obutafaayo. Mwemalire mu ebyo bye muyinza okuganyulwamu mmwe n’abalala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 26) b00406 The most despised of men in the sight of God are those who sit idly and beg. Hold ye fast unto the cord of material means, placing your whole trust in God, the Provider of all means. %% Abantu abasingira ddala okunyoomebwa mu maaso ga Katonda beebo abalera engalo ne basabiriza. Mwenywereze ku muguwa gw’ebyo eby’eyambisibwa mu bulamu, nga muteeka obwesige bwammwe bwonna mu Katonda, Omugabi wa byonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 26) b00407 ...such wealth as he acquireth through crafts or professions is commendable and praiseworthy in the estimation of men of wisdom, and especially in the eyes of servants who dedicate themselves to the education of the world and to the edification of its peoples. %% ...obugagga nga obwo bw’afuna mu by’emikono oba emirimu egy’ekikugu busiimibwa n’okutenderezebwa mu kulaba kw’abantu abalina amagezi, na ddala mu maaso g’abaweereza abeeweerayo ddala mu kugunjulwa kw’ensi n’okukulaakulanya abantu baayo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 34) b00409 Wealth is praiseworthy in the highest degree, if it is acquired by an individual's own efforts and the grace of God, in commerce, agriculture, art and industry, and if it be expended for philanthropic purposes. Above all, if a judicious and resourceful individual should initiate measures which would universally enrich the masses of the people, there could be no undertaking greater than this, and it would rank in the sight of God as the supreme achievement, for such a benefactor would supply the needs and insure the comfort and well-being of a great multitude. %% Obugagga butenderezebwa okutuukira ddala ku ddaala erisembayo, singa bubeera bufuniddwa omuntu nga ayita mu ku kulafuubana kwe yennyini wamu n’ekisa kya Katonda, nga asuubula, mu by’obulimi, mu by’okuyiiya n’ebyamakolera, era singa bubeera bukozeseddwa nga ekigendererwa kwe kuyamba abali mu bwetaavu. Ekisinga byonna, singa omuntu omu omwegendereza era omugerengetanya ayinza okubangawo amakubo agayinza okugaggawaza abantu abangi ennyo okwetooloola ensi yonna, tewayinza kubaawo kikolwa kinene ekisinga kino, era mu maaso ga Katonda, kyandibalidwa nga obuwanguzi obw’oku ntikko, kubanga omuyambi nga oyo yandisobodde okugabirira abali mu bwetaavu n’okukakasa nti obwesedde n’obwesedde bw’abantu bubeera mu bulamu obulungi era obweyagaza. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 24) b00409 With reference to Bahá'u'lláh's command concerning the engagement of the believers in some sort of profession: the Teachings are most emphatic on this matter, particularly the statement in the Aqdas to this effect which makes it quite clear that idle people who lack the desire to work can have no place in the new World Order. %% Nga tujuliza etteeka lya Bahá’u’lláh erikwata ku bakkiriza okwenyigira mu mulimu ogw’engeri yonna: Enjigiriza essa essira lingi nnyo ku nsonga eno, naddala ekiwandiiko mu Aqdas ekikwata ku nsonga eno ekirambulula obulungi nti ba ssemugayaavu abatayagala kukola tebayinza kubeera na kifo mu Nteekateeka y’Ensi empya. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahá'í Administration, p. 12) b00410 It is the duty of those who are in charge of the organization of society to give every individual the opportunity of acquiring the necessary talent in some kind of profession, and also the means of utilizing such a talent, both for its own sake and for the sake of earning the means of his livelihood. %% Mulimu gw’abo abavunaanyizibwa okuteekerateekera abantu ab’omu kitundu okuwa buli muntu kinnoomu omukisa gw’okufuna obukugu obwetaagisa mu mulimu ogw’ekika kyonna, ate era n’engeri y’okukozesaamu obukugu obwo, ku lw’obulungi bw’omulimu ogwo wamu n’okufuna ekinaagulira magala eddiba. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 12) b00411 ...that the inheritance of wealth cannot make anyone immune from daily work. %% …nti okusikira obugagga tekiyinza kutangira muntu kukola mirimu egya buli lunaku. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 12) b00412 Attitude to Thieves and Entering a House without Permission %% Engeri gye Tulina Okuyisaamu Ababbi, n’Osaalimbira mu Maka g’Abalala b00413 O MY FRIENDS! Walk ye in the ways of the good pleasure of the Friend, and know that His pleasure is in the pleasure of His creatures. That is: no man should enter the house of his friend save at his friend's pleasure, nor lay hands upon his treasures nor prefer his own will to his friend's, and in no wise seek an advantage over him. Ponder this, ye that have insight! ABANGE MMWE MIKWANO GYANGE! (BHWN413, rv171011) Mutambulirenga mu mpisa ennungi ezisanyusa ow'Omukwano, era mukimanye nti essanyu Lye liri mu ssanyu ly’ebitonde Bye. Ekitegeeza nti: tewali n’omu eyandiyingidde mu nju ya munne okuggyako nga munne asiimye, wadde okukwata ku by’obuggaga bwe oba okusukkulumya ye by’ayagala okukira ebyo ebya mukwano gwe, era mu ngeri yonna omuntu tasaana kunyuunyuunta munne. Kino mukirowoozeeko nnyo, mmwe abategeera eby'omunda! (Bahá’u’lláh, The Persian Hidden Words#43) b00414 They that spread disorder in the land, and lay hands on the property of others, and enter a house without leave of its owner, We, verily, are clear of them, unless they repent and return unto God, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful %% Abo abaleeta emivuyo mu nsi, era ne banyaga ebintu by’abalala, n’okuyingira mu nju nga nnyinimu tabawadde lukusa, mu mazima ddala, Ffe tubategeera, okuggyako nga beenenyezza, ne badda eri Katonda, Oyo Asonyiwa Emirembe-gyonna, Omusaasizi Asingira-ddala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 23) b00415 Kindness cannot be shown the tyrant, the deceiver, or the thief, because, far from awakening them to the error of their ways, it maketh them to continue in their perversity as before. No matter how much kindliness ye may expend upon the liar, he will but lie the more, for he believeth you to be deceived, while ye understand him but too well, and only remain silent out of your extreme compassion. %% Ekisa tekiyinza kulagibwa nnakyemalira, omukuusa, oba omubbi, kubanga, ne bwogeezaako otya okubazuukusa bave mu makubo g’ensobi zaabwe, beeyongera bweyongezi mu bukakanyavu bwabwe nga bwe babadde. Omukuusa ne bw’omulaga ekisa ekyenkana wa, ajja kweyongera bweyongezi okulimba, kubanga ye akikkiriza nti ggwe olimbiddwa, so nga ate omutegeera bulungi nnyo, era osirika busirisi ku lw’okumulumirirwa okungi ennyo kw’olina eri ye. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byajibwa mu Byawandikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 158) b00416 Prayer %% Essaala b00417 Intone, O My servant, the verses of God that have been received by thee, as intoned by them who have drawn nigh unto Him, that the sweetness of thy melody may kindle thine own soul, and attract the hearts of all men. %% Yimba, Owange ggwe omuddu wange, ennyiriri za Katonda ggwe z’ofunye, nga bwe ziyimbibwa abo abamusemberedde Ye, olwo nno obunyuunyutuvu bw’oluyimba lwo bulyoke bukoleeze emmeeme yo yennyini, n’okusikiriza emitima gy’abantu bonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 295) b00418 Say: Deliver your souls, O people, from the bondage of self, and purify them from all attachment to anything besides Me. Remembrance of Me cleanseth all things from defilement, could ye but perceive it. %% Gamba: Abange mmwe abantu, mukutule emmeeme zammwe okuva mu busibe bw’okwerowoozaako, era mugitukuze giviiremu ddala okwekwata ku kirala kyonna okuggyako Nze. Okunzijukira Nze kutukuza ebintu byonna okuva mu bwonoonefu, singa kino mukitegeera. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 294) b00418 O SON OF LIGHT! Forget all save Me and commune with My spirit. This is of the essence of My command, therefore turn unto it. OWANGE GGWE OMWANA W’EKITANGAALA! (BHWN418, rv171002) Weerabire byonna okuggyako Nze era osseekimu n’omwoyo gwange Nze; eno ye nnono y'etteeka Lyange, noolwekyo ligobererenga. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Arabic Hidden Words#16) b00419 The traditions established the fact that in all Dispensations the law of prayer hath constituted a fundamental element of the Revelation of all the Prophets of God -- a law the form and the manner of which hath been adapted to the varying requirements of every age. %% Obulombolombo bunyweza eky’amazima nti mu Mirembe gya ba Nabbi gyonna etteeka ly’essaala litaddewo embeera ey’esigamizibwako Okubikkulirwa kwa ba Nabbi ba Katonda bonna – enfaanana n’engeri y’etteeka lino nga ye yeeyambisiddwa okutuukana n’ebyetaago ebyenjawulo ebya buli mulembe. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 39) b00420 O thou spiritual friend! Thou hast asked the wisdom of prayer. Know thou that prayer is indispensable and obligatory, and man under no pretext whatsoever is excused from performing the prayer unless he be mentally unsound, or an insurmountable obstacle prevent him. %% Owange ggwe owoomukwano mu mwoyo! Obuuzizza amagezi agali mu ssaala. Kimanye nti essaala kyetaago ekitavaawo era kya tteeka, era mu buli ngeri yonna, omuntu talina kyekwaso kyonna eky’obutasaba okuggyako nga mugwi wa ddalu, oba nga alemeseddwa ekintu kyonna ekiteewalika. b00421 The wisdom of prayer is this: That it causeth a connection between the servant and the True One, because in that state man with all heart and soul turneth his face towards His Highness the Almighty, seeking His association and desiring His love and compassion. %% Amagezi agali mu kusaba ge gano: Nti galeetawo okukwatagana wakati w’omuddu n’Oyo Owaamazima, kubanga mu mbeera eyo omuntu n’omutima gwe gwonna n’emmeeme ye akyusa obwanga bwe eri Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo, Ayinza-byonna, nga anoonya okutabagana Kwe n’okwegomba okwagala Kwe era n’okulumirirwa Kwe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 368) b00422 Besides all this, prayer and fasting is the cause of awakening and mindfulness and conducive to protection and preservation from tests.... %% Nga oggyeko bino byonna, okusaba n’okusiiba y’ensibuko y’okuzuukusibwa n’okutegeera era bireetawo obukuumi n’okutaasibwa okuva mu bikemo... (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 368) b00423 Indeed, the chief reason for the evils now rampant in society is the lack of spirituality. %% Mu mazima, ensonga esinga obukuluereteedde ebikolobero okusajjalaatira mu bantu bonna kwe kubulawo kw’embeera y’ebyo eby’owoyo. (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, December 8, 1935: Biggiddwa okuva mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lw’Omukuumi eri omukkiriza omu, December 8, 1935.) b00424 It is this condition so sadly morbid, into which society has fallen, that religion seeks to improve and transform. "For the core of religious faith is that mystic feeling which unites man with God. This state of spiritual communion can be brought about and maintained by means of meditation and prayer. And this is the reason why Bahá'u'lláh has so much stressed the importance of worship. %% Eno y’embeera envundu ennyo, abantu mwe bagudde, eddiini kyeruubirira okulongoosa n’okukyusa.“Kubanga ekinyusi ky’enzikiriza y’eddiini y’embeera enneekusifu egatta omuntu ne Katonda. Embeera eno ey’okusseekimu okw’omwoyo eyinza okuleetebwawo era n’ewanirirwa nga eyisibwa mu kusaba n’okufumiitiriza. Era eno y’ensonga lwaki Bahá’u’lláh assizza nnyo essira ku mugaso gw’okusinza. b00425 It is not sufficient for a believer merely to accept and observe the teachings. He should, in addition, cultivate the sense of spirituality which he can acquire chiefly by means of prayer. %% Tekimala omukkiriza okumala gakkiriza n’okugondera enjigiriza. Ku bino asaanye agatteko okwekulizaamu embeera y’omwoyo gy’ayinza okufuna naddala nga ayita mu kusaba. (Letter from the Guardian to an individual believer, December 8, 1935; Bahá'í Youth, p. 10: Ebbaluwa okuva ew’Omukuumi eri omukkiriza omu, December 8, 1935; Bah) b00426 The believers, particularly the young ones, should therefore fully realize the necessity of praying. For prayer is absolutely indispensable to their inner spiritual development, and this, as already stated, is the very foundation and purpose of the religion of God. %% Abakkiriza, naddala abavubuka, noolwekyo basaanye okutegeerera ddala obwetaavu bw’okusaba. Kubanga okusaba tekuyinza kubula mu nkulaakulana yaabwe ey’omwoyo munda zaabwe, era, kino nga bwe kimaze okunnyonnyolwa, gwe musingi gwennyini n’ekigendererwa eby’eddiini ya Katonda. (Letter from the Guardian to an individual believer, December 8, 1935; Bahá'í Youth, p. 10) b00427 In addition to teaching every believer can pray. Every believer can strive to make his "own inner life and private character mirror forth in their manifold aspects the splendour of those eternal principles proclaimed by Bahá'u'lláh." Every believer can contribute to the Fund. Not all believers can give public talks, not all are called upon to serve on administrative institutions. %% Nga ogasseeko okusomesa, buli mukkiriza asobola okusaba. Buli mukkiriza asobola okulafuubana okukozesa “obulamu bwe bwennyini obw’omu nda n’empisa ezize ku bubwe okwolesa mu mbeera zaabwo ennyingi ekitiibwa ky’emiramwa egyolubeerera egyalangirirwa Bahá’u’lláh”. Buli mukkiriza asobola okuwaayo mu Nsawo y’Enzikiriza. Si buli mukkiriza nti asobola okwogerera mu lujjudde, si buli omu nti ayitibwa okuweereza mu bitongole ebirabirizi by’emirimu. b00428 But all can pray, fight their own spiritual battles, and contribute to the Fund. If every believer will carry out these sacred duties, we shall be astonished at the accession of power which will result to the whole body, and which in its turn will give rise to further growth and the showering of greater blessings on all of us. %% Naye nno bonna basobola okusaba, okulwana entalo zaabwe ez’omwoyo, n’okuwaayo mu Nsawo y’Enzikiriza. Singa buli mukkiriza anaatuukiriza obuvunaanyizibwa buno obutukuvu, tujja kwewuunya nnyo olw’okulinnyisibwa kw’amaanyi aganabbulukukira mu mubiri gwonna, ate era naago aganavaamu enkulaakulana endala era naffe ffena okubunduggulwako emikisa. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 43: Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, Obubaka 1963 okutuuka 1986, p. 43) b00429 Daily Obligatory Prayer %% Essaala ez’Etteeka eza Buli Lunaku b00430 The daily obligatory prayers are three in number. The shortest one consists of a single verse which has to be recited once in every twenty-four hours at midday. The medium [prayer] has to be recited three times a day, in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. The long prayer which is the most elaborate of the three has to be recited once in every twenty-four hours, and at any time one feels inclined to do so. %% Essaala eza buli lunaku ez’etteeka ziri ssatu. Esinga obumpi erina olunyiriri lumu lwokka oluteekwa okuddibwamu omulundi gumu mu buli ssaawa abiri mu nnya mu ttuntu. Essaala ensaamusaamu yo erina okuddibwamu emirundi esatu buli lunaku, ku makya, mu ttuntu, era n’akawungeezi. Essaala empanvu esinga obulambulukufu ku ezo essatu erina okuddibwamu omulundi gumu mu ssaawa abiri mu nnya, era n’ekiseera kyonna omuntu w’abeera ayagalidde. b00431 The believer is entirely free to choose any one of those three prayers, but is under the obligation of reciting either one of them, and in accordance with any specific directions with which they may be accompanied. %% Omukkiriza wa ddembe okulondawo essaala yonna ku ezo essatu, naye ateekwa okuddamu emu kuzo, era nga agoberera ebiragiro byennyini ebizigenderako. b00432 These daily obligatory prayers, together with a few other specific ones, such as the Healing Prayer, the Tablet of Ahmad, have been invested by Bahá'u'lláh with a special potency and significance, and should therefore be accepted as such and be recited by the believers with unquestioned faith and confidence, that through them they may enter into a much closer communion with God, and identify themselves more fully with His laws and precepts. %% Essaala zino eziteekwa okuddibwamu buli lunaku, wamu n’entonotono ez’enjawulo eziragirwa, gamba nga Essaala y’Okuwonyezebwa, Ekiwandiiko kya Ahmad, Bahá’u’lláh yaziwa amaanyi ag’enjawulo n’obukulu, era noolwekyo zisaana okukkirizibwa nga bwe ziri era ziddibwengamu abakkiriza n’okukkiriza n’obuvumu ebitaliimu kubuusabuusa, nti nga bayita mu ssaala zino bwebatyo basobole okuyingira mu kusseekimu okw’amaanyi ne Katonda, era n’okweyongera okugondera mu bujjuvu amateeke n’ebiragiro Bye. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 7) b00433 The Obligatory Prayers should be offered individually. %% Essaala ez’obuwaze buli muntu ateekwa kuzisaba nga ali yekka. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 146) b00434 By "morning", "noon" and "evening", mentioned in connection with the Obligatory Prayers, is meant respectively the intervals between sunrise and noon, between noon and sunset, and from sunset till two hours after sunset. %% Ebigambo ‘ku makya’, ‘mu ttuntu’, ‘akawungeezi’, ebikozeseddwa mu Ssaala Eziteekwa Okuddibwamu, nga bwe biddiriŋŋanye waggulu, bitegeeza ekiseera ekiri wakati w’enjuba okuvaayo n’ettuntu, wakati w’ettuntu n’enjuba okugwa, era n’essaawa bbiri enjuba nga emaze okugwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 146) b00435 Short Obligatory Prayer %% Essaala Ennyimpi Eteekwa Okuddibwamu (to be recited once in twenty-four hours, at noon) %% (eddibwemu omulundi gumu mu ssaawa abiri mu nnya, mu ttuntu) That is, they are to be said alone, not with other people. %% Ekitegeeza nti, buli omu ateekwa kugiddamu nga ali yekka, so si n’abantu abalala. b00436 I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth. There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. %% “Mpa obujulizi! Ayi Katonda wange, nti Ggwe ontonze okukumanya n’okukusinza. Mpa obujulizi, mu kiseera kino, nti nze ndi munafu so nga Gwe Oli wa maanyi, nze ndi mwavu so nga Ggwe Oli mugagga. Tewali Katonda mulala wabula Ggwe, Omuyambi w’abo abali mu Kabi, Eyeebeezaawo.” Ndi mujulirwa, Ayi Katonda wange, nti Ggwe ontonze nze okukumanya Ggwe n’okukusinza Ggwe. Mu kiseera kino, nkikakasiza ddala nti ndi munafu wabula Ggwe Oli wa maanyi, ndi mwavu, wabula Ggwe Oli mugagga. Tewali Katonda mulala wabula Ggwe, Omuyambi mu Kabi, Eyeebeezaawo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, p. 313) b00437 Fasting %% Okusiiba b00438 We have commanded you to pray and fast from the beginning of maturity; this is ordained by God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers. He hath exempted from this those who are weak from illness or age, as a bounty from His Presence, and He is the Forgiving, the Generous. %% Tubalagidde mmwe okusaba n’okusiiba okuva nga mukuze mu kutegeera; kino Katonda Ye y’akiragira, Mukama wammwe era Mukama wa bajjajja bammwe. Abatakwatibwako kiragiro kino be banafu olw’obulwadde oba emyaka, nga ekisa okuva mu Kubeerawo Kwe, era Ye y’Asonyiwa, Oweekisa. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 22) b00439 These are, O my Lord, the days in which Thou hast bidden Thy servants to observe the fast. Blessed is he that observeth the fast wholly for Thy sake and with absolute detachment from all things except Thee. %% Ayi Mukama wange, zino z’ennaku mw’olagidde abaddu Bo okukwatanga ekisiibo. Aweereddwa omukisa oyo asiiba mu bujjuvu ku lulwo Ggwe era n’akikola mu kweweerayo ddala nga aleka ebirala byonna okuggyako Ggwe. (Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, p. 10) b00440 Glory be to Thee, O Lord my God! These are the days whereon Thou hast bidden all men to observe the fast, that through it they may purify their souls and rid themselves of all attachment to any one but Thee... %% Ekitiibwa kibe eri Ggwe, Ayi Mukama Katonda wange! Zino z’ennaku mw’olagidde abantu bonna okukwata ekisiibo, nti mu kusiiba kuno basobole okutukuza emmeeme zaabwe era beekutule okuva ku mulala yenna okuggyako Ggwe… (Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, p. 79) b00441 Cleanse Thou by its means the hearts of Thy servants whom the evils of the world have failed to hinder from turning towards Thine all-glorious Name,... %% Nga oyitira mu kisiibo kino, otukuze Ggwe emitima gy’abaddu Bo abo abalemeddwa okuziyizibwa ebibi by’ensi eno okukyukira eri Erinnya Lyo ery’ekitiibwa... (Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, p. 79) b00442 We have enjoined upon you fasting during a brief period, and at its close have designated for you Naw-Ruz as a feast. %% Tubalagidde mmwe okusiiba okw’ekiseera ekimpi, era nga ennaku z’okusiiba wezigwerako tubateereddewo Naw-Ruz nga entujjo mujaganye. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 24) b00443 The traveller, the ailing, those who are with child or giving suck, are not bound by the Fast… %% Omuntu ali ku lugendo oluwanvu, omukosefu, abo abali embuto oba abayonsa, etteeka ery’Ekisiibo teribakwata… (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 25) b00444 Abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sundown, and beware lest desire deprive you of this grace that is appointed in the Book. %% Mwewalire ddala emmeere n’ebinywebwa okuva ku matulutulu okutuuka nga enjuba egudde, era mwekuume si kulwa nga okwegomba kubafiiriza ekisa kino ekyalagiddwa mu Kitabo. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 25) b00445 The period of fasting commences with the termination of the Intercalary Days (2nd March), and ends with the Naw-Ruz Festival (21st March). %% Ekiseera ky’okusiiba kitandikira ku nkomerero y’Ennaku ez’Ensuusuuba mu mwaka (1 oba 2March), ne kukomekkerezebwa n’Entujjo ya Naw-Ruz. b00446 Abstinence from food and drink, from sunrise to sunset, is obligatory. %% Okwewala emmere oba eby’okunywa, okuva nga enjuba evuddeyo okutuusa nga egudde, kya buwaze. b00447 Fasting is binding on men and women on attaining the age of maturity, which is fixed at 15. %% Okusiiba kuzingiramu abasajja n’abakazi kasita baweza emyaka egy’okutegeera, egisibiddwa ku myaka 15. b00448 Exemption from fasting is granted to: Travellers, provided the journey exceeds 9 hours. Those travelling on foot, provided the journey exceeds 2 hours. Those who break their journey for less than 19 days. Those who break their journey during the Fast at a place where they are to stay 19 days are exempt from fasting only for the first three days from their arrival. Those who reach home during the Fast must commence fasting from the day of their arrival. Abaggibwa mu abo abalina okusiiba be bano: Abali ku ŋŋendo empanvu, olugendo bwe luba nga lusussa essaawa 9; abo abatambuza ebigere olugendo bwe luba nga lusukka mu ssaawa 2; abo abasala mu ŋŋendo zaabwe okumala ennaku ezitakka wansi wa 19; abo abasala mu ŋŋendo zaabwe mu kiseera ky’Ekisiibo mu kifo mwe bagenda okubeera ennaku 19 teakakaatibwako kusiiba okumala ennaku ssatu zokka ezisooka okuva lwe batuuka; abo abatuuka mu maka gaabwe mu kiseera eky’Ekisiibo bateekwa okutandikirawo okusiiba okuva ku lunaku lwe batuuka. b00449 Those who are ill. %% Abo abalwadde. Those who are over 70. %% Abo abasukka mu myaka 70. Women who are with child. %% Abakazi abali embuto. Women who are nursing. %% Abakazi ababa bayonsa. b00450 Those who are engaged in heavy labour, who are advised to show respect for the law by using discretion and restraint when availing themselves of the exemption. %% Abo abakola emirimu egy’amaanyi, abaweebwa amagezi okussa ekitiibwa mu tteeka nga bakozesa obukujjukujju n’okwefuga bwe babeera nga beetwalidde mu abo abatakwatibwako tteeka lino. b00451 Vowing to fast (in a month other than the one prescribed for fasting) is permissible. Vows which profit mankind are however preferable in the sight of God. %% Okweyama okusiiba (mu mwezi omulala gwonna ogutali ogwo ogulagirwa ku lw’okusiiba) kikkirizibwa. Naye nno, obweyamo obugasa abantu bonna bwe bwettanirwa ennyo mu maaso ga Katonda. (Bahá’u’lláh, Synopsis and Codification of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 39) b00452 In one of His Tablets, Abdu'l-Bahá, after stating that fasting consists of abstinence from food and drink, further indicates that smoking is a form of "drink". In Arabic the verb "drink" applies equally to smoking. %% Mu kimu ku Biwandiiko Bye, nga amaze okulambika nti okusiiba kubeeramu okwewala okulya n’okunywa, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá era yeeyongera n’akiraga nti okufuuweeta sigala nayo ngeri ya “kunywa” (mu Luwalabu ekikolwa “kunywa” kitegeeza kye kimu n’okufuuweeta). (Abdu'l-Bahá, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 179) b00453 The fasting period, which lasts nineteen days starting as a rule from the second of March every year and ending on the twentieth of the same month, involves complete abstention from food and drink from sunrise till sunset. %% Ekiseera eky’ekisiibo, ekimala ennaku ekkumi n’omwenda nga kitandika nga March 2 buli mwaka era ne kikomekkerezebwa nga abiri mu mwezi gwe gumu, mulimu okwewala okulya n’okunywa okuva ku kiseera enjuba weeviirayo okutuusa lw’eggwa. b00454 It’s essentially a period of meditation and prayer, of spiritual recuperation, during which the believer must strive to make the necessary readjustments in his inner life, and to refresh and reinvigorate the spiritual forces latent in his soul. Its significance and purpose are, fundamentally spiritual in character. Fasting is symbolic, and a reminder of abstinence from selfish and carnal desires. %% Kino ky’ekiseera ekikulu eky’okwefumiitiriza n’okusaba, okuzzibwa engulu okw’omwoyo, omukkiriza mw’ateekwa okulafuubana okulongoosa ebyasoba mu bulamu bwe obw’omu nda, okuzza obuggya n’okuwa obulamu obupya amaanyi g’omwoyo agakwekeddwa mu mwoyo gwe. Obukulu n’ekigendererwa ky’okusiiba, mu mbeera yaakyo yonna, byesigamiziddwa ku musingi gwa mwoyo. Okusiiba kabonero, era akatujjukiza okwewala okwerowoozaako n’okwegomba okw’omubiri. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 233) b00455 Marriage %% Obufumbo b00456 Enter into wedlock, O people, that ye may bring forth one who will make mention of Me ... %% Abange mmwe abantu, muwayire mulyoke muzaale oyo alinjatula Erinnya Lyange Nze... (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 41) b00457 Know thou that the command of marriage is eternal. It will never be changed nor altered. This is divine creation and there is not the slightest possibility that change or alteration affect this divine creation. %% Mukimanye mmwe nti etteeka ly’obufumbo lya mirembe gyonna. Teririkyusibwa oba okujjululwa. Buno butonde butukuvu era tewali mukisa gwonna nti okukyuka oba okujjululwa kulina kye buleetawo ku butonde buno obutukuvu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá v2, p. 474) b00458 As for the question regarding marriage under the Law of God: first thou must choose one who is pleasing to thee, and then the matter is subject to the consent of father and mother. Before thou makest thy choice, they have no right to interfere. %% Ku kibuuzo ekikwata ku bufumbo wansi w’Etteeka lya Katonda: ekisooka oteekwa okulonda oyo assanyusa amaaso go, oluvannyuma ensonga eno n’eryoka yeesigamizibwa ku kukkiriza kwa kitaawo ne nnyoko. Nga tonnaba kulondawo, tebalina lukusa kuyingirira nsonga eno. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 118) b00459 Each must, however, exercise the utmost care to become thoroughly acquainted with the character of the other, that the binding covenant between them may be a tie that will endure forever. Their purpose must be this: to become loving companions and comrades and at one with each other for time and eternity... %% Naye nno, buli omu ateekwa okubeera omwegendereza ennyo asobole okutegeerera ddala empisa za munne, olwo endagaano ebagatta eryoke ebeere ekifundikwa eky’olubeerera. Ekigendererwa kyabwe kiteekwa kubeera kino: okufuuka abaganzi abaagalana era abanywanyi era bombi bafuuke omuntu omu leero ne bulijjo... (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 118) b00460 Marriage, among the mass of the people, is a physical bond, and this union can only be temporary, since it is foredoomed to a physical separation at the close. %% Eri abantu abasinga obungi, obufumbo babutwala nga ekifundikwa eky’omubiri, era nti okugattibwa kuno kuyinza kubeera bubeezi kwa kiyitamuluggya, kubanga bwategekerwa okusaanawo okw’omubiri ku nkomerero ya byonna. b00461 Among the people of Bahá, however, marriage must be a union of the body and of the spirit as well... hence it is a bond that will abide forever. %% Naye nno, mu bantu ba Bahá, obufumbo buteekwa okubeera obumu obw’omubiri n’omwoyo… noolwekyo kino kye kifundikwa ekiribeerera emirembe gyonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 117) b00462 Regarding Bahá'í marriage; in the light of the Master's Tablet interpreting the provision in the Aqdas on the subject of the plurality of wives, it becomes evident that monogamy alone is permissible... %% Ku nsonga y’obufumbo bw’Ababahá'í; mu kutangaazibwa okuli mu Kiwandiiko ky’Omukulu ekinnyonnyola akawaayiro mu Adqas ku nsonga y’okubeera n’abakazi abasukka mu omu, kyeraga lwatu nti obufumbo omuli omukyala omu yekka bwe bwokka obukkirizibwa... (Shoghi Effendi, Synopsis and Codification of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 58) b00463 Bahá'u'lláh has clearly stated the consent of all living parents is required for a Bahá'í marriage. This applies whether the parents are Bahá'ís or non-Bahá'ís, divorced for years or not. This great law He has laid down to strengthen the social fabric, to knit closer the ties of the home, to place a certain gratitude and respect in the hearts of the children for those who have given them life and sent their souls out on the eternal journey towards their Creator. %% Bahá’u’lláh akirambise bulungi nti olukusa lw’abazadde bonna abalamu lwetaagisa olwoobufumbo bw’Abbahá'í okubeerawo. Kino kikolebwa abazadde babeere Babahá'í oba nedda, nga baayawukana okumala ebbanga oba nedda. Etteeka lino ekkulu Ye alitaddewo okunyweza enteekateeka y’abantu ababeera awamu, okuluka obulungi ebifundikwa by’amaka, okussa okusiima n’ekitiibwa mu mitima gy’abaana abato eri abo ababawadde obulamu era ne balambika emyoyo gyabwe eri Omutonzi waabwe. (Shoghi Effendi, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 207) b00464 If a man has more than one wife and he becomes a Bahá’í, he is permitted to keep his wives. If one of his wives dies, he may not take another. %% Singa omusajja abeera alina abakazi abasukka ku omu n’afuuka Omubahá'í, akkirizibwa okusigaza bakazi be. Singa omu ku bakazi be afa, teyandiwasizzaayo mulala. (Shoghi Effendi, to the National Spiritual Assembly of Central and East Africa) b00465 Naturally, once a person is a Bahá’í, it is absolutely impossible for him to take a second wife. What he did before he became a Bahá’í is not, so to speak, his fault. What he does after is very much his own responsibility and he must try and live up to the laws of Bahá’u’lláh. %% Mu nkola entuufu, omuntu bw’abeera Omubahá'í, tasobolera ddala kuwasa mukazi waakubiri. Kyeyakola nga tannafuuka Mubahá'í, mu ngeri emu oba endala, si nsobi ye. Ekyo ky’akola oluvannyuma lw’okufuuka Ombahá'í bubeera buvunaanyizibwa bwe era ateekwa okugezaako okweyisa nga amateeka ga Bahá’u’lláh bwe galagira. (on behalf of Shoghi Effendi - Lights of Guidance, pg 291) b00466 The Bahá’í marriage ceremony should be carried out because we are Bahá’ís, regardless whether it is legal or not. %% Omukolo gw’okugattibwa mu bufumbo bwa Bahá'í gusaana okukolebwa kubanga tuli Babahá'í, kibeere nga kiri mu tteeka ery’ensi oba nedda. (on behalf of Shoghi Effendi - A Fortress for Well-being, pg47) b00467 If a Bahá'í marries a non-Bahá'í who wishes to have the religious ceremony of his own sect carried out, it must be quite clear that, first, the Bahá'í partner is understood to be a Bahá'í by religion, and not to accept the religion of the other party to the marriage through having his or her religious ceremony; and second, the ceremony must be of a nature which does not commit the Bahá'í to any declaration of faith in a religion other than his own. %% Singa Omubahá'í awasa oba afumbirwa atali Mubahá'í nga ayagala omukolo gw’okufumbiriganwa gukolebwe mu nzikiriza ye, okusooka kiteekwa kitegeerekeke bulungi nti munne akkiririza mu ddiini ya Bahá'í ategeerwa nti wa nzikiriza ya Bahá'í, era nti tafuuka wa ddiini ya munne gwe bafumbiriganwa naye mu bufumbo nga ayita mu mukolo gw’eddiini; ekyokubiri, omukolo guteekwa okubeeramu embeera etakaka Omubahá'í okulangirira nti akkiriza enzikiriza endala yonna okuggyako eyiye. (Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian, p. 44) b00468 Under these circumstances the Bahá'í can partake of the religious ceremony of his non-Bahá'í partner.%% Mu mbeera zino, Omubahá'í ayinza okwetaba mu mukolo gw’eddiini ogwa munne atali Mubahá'í. b00469 The Bahá'í should insist on having the Bahá'í ceremony carried out before or after the non-Bahá'í one, on the same day. %% Omubahá'í asaana okufunvubira ku ky’okukola emikolo gya Bahá'í nga egya munne atali Mubahá'í teginnaba kukolebwa oba nga giwedde, ku lunaku lwe lumu. (Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian, p. 45) b00470 ...there is no ritual, according to the Aqdas, and the Guardian is very anxious that none should be introduced at present and no general forms accepted. He believes this ceremony should be as simple as possible, the parties using the words ordained by Bahá'u'lláh, and excerpts from the Writings and Prayers being read if desired. %% … okusinziira ku Aqdas, teri kalombolombo, era Omukuumi yeegendereza nnyo okulaba nti teri na kamu akasaana okuyingizibwamu mu kiseera kino, era n’emisoso nga egyo okutwalira awamu tegikkirizibwa. Akkiriza nti omukolo gwandibadde mwangu nga bwe kisoboka, nga abafumbiriganwa bakozesa ebigambo ebiragirwa Bahá’u’lláh, era n’ebiwandiiko okuva mu Byawandiikibwa wamu n’Essaala bisomebwe singa kino kye baba baagadde. b00471 There should be no commingling of the old forms with the new and simple one of Bahá'u'lláh, and Bahá'ís should not be married in the Church or any other acknowledged place of worship of the followers of other Faiths... %% Tewasaana kubeerawo kugattika nkola ey’edda n’eyo empya era ennyangu eya Bahá’u’lláh, era Ababahá'í tebasaana kugattibwa mu Kkanisa oba mu kifo ekirala ekimanyiddwa nga eky’okusinzizaamu eky’abagoberezi b’Enzikiriza endala... (From letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, March 13, 1944) b00472 ...the bride and groom, before two witnesses, must state 'We will all, verily, abide by the Will of God.' These two witnesses may be chosen by the Spiritual Assembly, but must in any case be acceptable to the Assembly; they may be its chairman and secretary, or two other members of the Assembly, or two other people, Bahá'í or non-Bahá'í, or any combination of these. The Assembly may decide that all marriage certificates it issues are to be signed by the chairman and secretary, but that is a different matter and has nothing to do with the actual ceremony or the witnesses. %% ...Omugole omukazi n’omusajja, bateekwa okwatula mu maaso g’abajulirwa babiri nti, ‘Ddala ddala tunaakolanga ebyo Katonda by’Ayagala’. Abajulirwa bano ababiri, bayinza okulondebwa Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo, naye bateekwa mu buli ngeri okukkirizibwa eri Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo olw’Ekitundu Ekisookerwako; bayinza okubeera ssentebe n’omuwandiisi ku lwo, oba ba mmemba b’Olukiiko abalala babiri, oba abantu abalala babiri, babeere Babahá'í oba si Babahá'í, oba aba buli ngeri nga beetobese. Olukiiko luyinza okusalawo nti ebbaluwa ezikakasa obufumbo zonna lwe zigabwa ziteekwa okussibwako omukono gwa ssentebe n’omuwandiisi, naye eyo nsonga ndala era terina kakwate konna n’omukolo gwennyini oba abajulirwa. b00473 The witnesses can be any two trustworthy people whose testimony is acceptable to the Spiritual Assembly under whose jurisdiction the marriage is performed. This fact makes it possible for a lone pioneer in a remote post to have a Bahá'í marriage. %% Abajulirwa bayinza okubeera abantu ababiri ab’obuvunaanyizibwa nga obujulizi bwabwe bukkirizika Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo olw’Ekitundu Ekisookerwako olutwala ekitundu abagole gye bagattibwa. Enkola eno esobozesa Omubahá'í asoose mu kitundu ekyesudde okufuna obufumbo obwa Bahá'í. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 388) b00474 Chastity implies both before and after marriage an unsullied, chaste sex life. Before marriage absolutely chaste, after marriage absolutely faithful to one's chosen companion. Faithful in all sexual acts, faithful in word and in deed. %% Obulongoofu kitegeeza obulamu obutaliiko bbala mu nsonga z’omukwano gw’abakulu obufumbo nga tebnunnabaawo oba nga bumaze okubaawo. Obufumbo nga tebunnabaawo, bubeerere ddala bulongoofu mu bikolwa by’obufumbo, ate nga bumaze okubaawo bubeerere ddala bwesigwa obwa nnamaddala eri omubeezi gw’olonze. Omwesigwa mu bikolwa by’obufumbo, omwesigwa mu bigambo ne bikolwa. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 360) b00475 Bahá’í Family Life %% Obulamu bw’Amaka ag’Ababahá'í b00476 Love and Unity %% Okwagala n’Obumu b00477 In this glorious Cause the life of a married couple should resemble the life of the angels in heaven -- a life full of joy and spiritual delight, a life of unity and concord, a friendship both mental and physical. The home should be orderly and well- organized. Their ideas and thoughts should be like the rays of the sun of truth... %% Mu Nzikiriza eno ey’ekitiibwa, obulamu bw’abafumbo bwandifanaganye n’obwo obwa bamalayika ab’omu ggulu -- obulamu obujjudde okujaganya n’essanyu ery’omwoyo, obulamu obw’obumu n’okutabagana, omukwano mu kulowooza ne mu kukola. Amaka gasaana okubeera amateefu era agategekeddwa obulungi. Ebirowoozo n’endaba yaabyo byandibadde nga ebimyanso by’enjuba ey’amazima... (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 219) b00478 Note ye how easily, where unity existeth in a given family, the affairs of that family are conducted; what progress the members of that family make, how they prosper in the world. Their concerns are in order, they enjoy comfort and tranquillity, they are secure, their position is assured, they come to be envied by all. Such a family but addeth to its stature and its lasting honour, as day succeedeth day. %% Mwetegereze mulabe engeri amaka agalimu obumu gye ganguyirwa okukwatamu ensonga zaago; engeri ab’omu maka ago gye bakulaakulanamu, engeri gye bayitimukamu mu nsi. Ebyetaago byabwe birambulukufu, beeyagalira mu mirembe n’embeera ennungi, tebataataaganyizibwa, ekifo kyabwe kinywevu, abalala bonna babeegomba. Amaka nga ago geeyongera bweyongezi kunyweza ekifaananyi wamu n’ekitiibwa kyago buli lukya. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 279) b00479 If love and agreement are manifest in a single family, that family will advance, become illumined and spiritual; but if enmity and hatred exist within it destruction and dispersion are inevitable. %% Singa okwagala n’okukkiriziganya byeyolesa mu maka ageetongodde, amaka ago gajja kukulaakulana, gafuuke ag’ekitangaala era ag’omwoyo; naye singa okukijjagana n’obukyayi birabika mu go okuzikirira n’okusasika tebyewalika. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 144) b00480 Consider the harmful effect of discord and dissension in a family; then reflect upon the favors and blessings which descend upon that family when unity exists among its various members. %% Mulowooze ku bulumi obuva mu nnyombo n’obutakkaanya mu maka, ate era mufumiitirize ku birungi n’emikisa egikkira ku maka ago obumu bwe bubeerawo wakati w’abantu abenjawulo abagalimu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 229) b00481 ... that the Cause has not come to break up family ties but to strengthen them; it has not come to eliminate love but to strengthen it; it has not been created to weaken social institutions but to strengthen them. %% ...anti Enzikiriza tezze kusaanyaawo enkolagana ennungi mu maka wabula okuginyweza; tezze kuggyawo kwagala wabula okukunyweza; tezze kunafuya ebyo ebigatta abantu awamu wabula okubinyweza. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 399 -letter 14 October 1928) b00482 Husband and Wife %% Omwami n’Omukyala b00483 The Lord, peerless is He, hath made woman and man to abide with each other in the closest companionship, and to be even as a single soul. They are two helpmates, two intimate friends, who should be concerned about the welfare of each other. %% Mukama, Oyo ateenkanika, akoze omukazi n’omusajja okubeeraŋŋanira ddala, era n’okubeera nga emmeeme emu. Babeera babiri abayambagana; ab’omukwano abaagalana ennyo, abandibadde nga bafaayo nnyo buli omu ku mbeera ya munne. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 122) b00484 In short, the foundation of the Kingdom of God is based upon harmony and love, oneness, relationship and union, not upon differences, especially between husband and wife. %% Mu bimpimpi, omusingi gw’Obwakabaka bwa Katonda gwesigamizibwa ku kukkaanya n’okwagalana, obumu, obwa sseruganda, era n’okusseekimu, naye si ku njawukana, naddala wakati w’omusajja ne mukazi we. ('Abdu'l-Bahá: Family life / Lights of Guidance, p. 226) b00485 As to thy respected husband: it is incumbent upon thee to treat him with great kindness, to consider his wishes and be conciliatory with him at all times, till he seeth that because thou hast directed thyself toward the Kingdom of God, thy tenderness for him and thy love for God have but increased, as well as thy concern for his wishes under all conditions. %% Ku bikwata ku balo assibwamu ekitiibwa: kikugwanidde okumukwata n’ekisa ekingi, okufaayo ku by’ayagala era n’okumugonderanga ekiseera kyonna, okutuusa lw’aliraba nti kubanga weeweereddeyo ddala eri Obwakabaka bwa Katonda, obutamukaluubiriza n’okwagala Katonda abiraba nga byeyongeredde ddala, wamu n’okufaayo ku ebyo by’agala mu mbeera zonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 122) b00486 When such difference of opinion and belief occurs between husband and wife it is very unfortunate for undoubtedly it detracts from that spiritual bond which is the stronghold of the family bond, especially in times of difficulty. The way, however, that it could be remedied is not by acting in such wise as to alienate the other party. One of the objects of the Cause is actually to bring about a closer bond in the homes. In all such cases, therefore, the Master used to advise obedience to the wishes of the other party and prayer. %% Endowooza n’enzikiriza ez’enjawulo bwe zibalukawo wakati w’omusajja ne mukazi we kiba kya mukisa mubi nnyo kubanga awatali kubuusabuusa zikendeeza ku nkologana mu mwoyo, so nga guno gwe musingi gw’enkologana ennungi ey’omu maka, naddala mu biseera ebizibu. Naye nno, ekkubo eriyinza okuyitibwamu ebizibu bino okugonjoolebwa si ya kweyisa mu ngeri y’okulowoozesa munne nti tafiiriddwako. Ekimu ku bigendererwa by’Enzikiriza kwe kussaawo olujegere olunyweza amaka. Noolwekyo, mu mbeera nga zino zonna, Omukulu yateranga okuwa amagezi ag’okugonderanga ebyo munno by’ayagala wamu n’okusaba. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 381 -letter 15 July 1928) b00487 Marriage is a very sacred institution. Bahá'u'lláh said its purpose is to promote unity. If the friends neglect, for the sake of the Cause, this institution, they place the Faith in a poor light before the public. %% Obufumbo nteekateeka ntukuvu nnyo. Bahá'u'lláh yagamba nti ekigendererwa ky’obufumbo kwe kuleetawo obumu. Singa abeemikwano balagajjalira enteekateeka eno ku lw’Enzikiriza, baba bateeka Enzikiriza mu kifaananyi ekibi eri abantu. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 409 -letter 6 June 1954) b00488 The relationship between husband and wife must be viewed in the context of the Bahá'í ideal of family life. Bahá'u'lláh came to bring unity to the world, and a fundamental unity is that of the family. Therefore, one must believe that the Faith is intended to strengthen the family, not weaken it, and one of the keys to the strengthening of unity is loving consultation. %% Enkolagana wakati w’omwami nemukyala we eteekwa etunuulirwe mu ttuluba ly’obulamu bw’amaka agaluubiriwa Ababahá'í. Bahá'u'lláh yajja kuleetawo obumu mu nsi yonna, era omusingi gw’obumu gwegwo ogw’amaka. Noolwekyo, omuntu ateekwa okukkiriza nti Enzikiriza eruubirira kunyweza maka, so si kuganafuya, era ekimu ku bisumuluzo ebikozesebwa okunyweza obumu kwe kuteesa okulimu okwagalana. b00489 The atmosphere within a Bahá'í family as within the community as a whole should express 'the keynote of the Cause of God' which, the beloved Guardian has stated, 'is not dictatorial authority but humble fellowship, not arbitrary power, but the spirit of frank and loving consultation'. %% Embeera eri munda w’amaka g’Ababahá'í nga bw’erina okubeera mu bantu ab’omu kitundu okutwalira awamu esaana okulaga “omulamwa omukulu ogw’Enzikiriza ya Katonda”, Omukuumi omwagalwa gy’alambise nti “si ya kukozesa buyinza nga obwa nnakyemalira wabula okusseekimu okw’obwetoowaze, si buyinza obwa kyetwala, wabula omwoyo gw’okuteesa omuli okwagala n’obwesimbu.” (From letter of the Universal House of Justice December 28, 1980 to the National Spiritual Assembly of New Zealand - Lights of Guidance, p. 220) b00490 Also wives, in some cases, have a tendency to exert an unjust degree of domination over their husbands, which, of course, is not right, any more than that the husband should unjustly dominate his wife. %% Abakyala nabo, mu mbeera ezimu, balina engeri gye banyigirizaamu abaami baabwe, nga kino mu mazima si kyabwenkanya, nga era bwe kitali kyabwenkanya n’omwami okukajjala ku mukyalawe mu ngeri etyoboola eddembe lye. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 382 -letter 22 July 1943) b00491 In any group, however loving the consultation, there are nevertheless points on which, from time to time, agreement cannot be reached. In a Spiritual Assembly this dilemma is resolved by a majority vote. There can, however, be no majority where only two parties are involved, as in the case of a husband and wife. %% Mu buli kibiina, okuteesaganya ne bwe kubeera nga kulimu okwagalana okungi kutya, namwo temuyinza kubulamu busongasonga, oluusi n’oluusi, obuleetawo obutakkaanya. Mu Lukiiko lw’Omwoyo obuzibu nga buno bumalibwawo na kukubisa kalulu olwo ensonga efuna abawagizi abasinga obungi n’eryoka ekakasibwa. Naye nno, tewayinza kubaawo asinga bululu abantu ababiri bokka nga be beetabye mu kalulu, nga bwe kiri ku musajja ne mukazi we. b00492 There are, therefore, times when a wife should defer to her husband, and times when a husband should defer to his wife, but neither should ever unjustly dominate the other. %%% Noolwekyo, wabaawo ebiseera omukyala lwe yandisaanidde okugondera bba, era n’ebiseera omusajja lwe yandisaanidde okugondera mukazi we, naye ku bombi tekuli n’omu eyandikajjadde ku munne. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 384 - letter 28 December 1980) b00493 The Children %% Abaana b00494 It is the bounden duty of parents to rear their children to be staunch in faith, the reason being that a child who removeth himself from the religion of God will not act in such a way as to win the good pleasure of his parents and his Lord. For every praiseworthy deed is born out of the light of religion, and lacking this supreme bestowal the child will not turn away from any evil, nor will he draw nigh unto any good. %% Bubeera buvunaanyizibwa obukakata ku bazadde okukuza abaana baabwe babeere abanywevu mu nzikiriza, ku lw’ensonga nti omwana eyeewala eddiini ya Katonda tajja kukola bikolwa ebinaamusobozesa okusanyusa bakadde be ne Mukama we. Kubanga buli kikolwa kyonna ekitenderezebwa kizaalibwa okuva mu kitangaala ky’eddiini, era omwana bw’atabeera na kirabo kino ekisingira ddala obukulu talikyuka okuva mu bubi, wadde okusemberera obulungi bwonna. (Bahá'u'lláh, translated from the Persian, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 248) b00495 Unto every father hath been enjoined the instruction of his son and daughter in the art of reading and writing and in all that hath been laid down in the Holy Tablet. %% Buli muzadde omusajja alagiddwa okutendeka mutabani we ne muwala we asobole okusoma bwino n’okuwandiika era ne mu ebyo byonna ebisiddwa mu Kiwandiiko Ekitukuvu. (Bahá’u’lláh, #48 The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 37) b00496 It is incumbent upon the children to exert themselves to the utmost in acquiring the art of reading and writing.... Writing skills that will provide for urgent needs will be enough for some; and then it is better and more fitting that they should spend their time in studying those branches of knowledge which are of use. %% Abaana abato kibakakatako okwekemba basobole okuyiga okusoma n’okuwandiika. Okufuna obukugu mu kuwandiika olw’okukola ku byetaago eby’amangu kimala bumazi eri abamu; olwo nno oluvannyuma ne kiba kirungi era kisaana okweyongera okusoma eby’amagezi ebirala eby’omugaso. (Bahá'u'lláh, translated from the Persian, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 249) b00497 It is seemly that the servant should, after each prayer, supplicate God to bestow mercy and forgiveness upon his parents. Thereupon God's call will be raised: 'Thousand upon thousand of what thou hast asked for thy parents shall be thy recompense!' Blessed is he who remembereth his parents when communing with God. There is, verily, no God but Him, the Mighty, the Well-Beloved. %%% Kibeera kirungi omuddu wa Katonda, buli lw’amala okuddamu essala ze, yeegayirire Katonda okukwatirwa bakadde be ekisa n’okubasonyiwa. Olwo nno eddoboozi lya Katonda liriwulirwa nga ligamba nti: ‘Enkumi n’enkumi y’ebyo by’osabye ku lw’abazadde bo binaabeera okuliyirirwa kwo’. Aweereddwa omukisa oyo ajjukira bakadde be bw’aba nga atendereza Katonda. Ddala ddala, tewali Katonda wabula Ye, Owoobuyinza, Omulungi-Ayagalwa ennyo. (Biggiddwa mu biwandiiko bya Báb, olup. 94) b00498 I beg Thy forgiveness, O my God, and implore pardon after the manner Thou wishest Thy servants to direct themselves to Thee. I beg of Thee to wash away our sins as befitteth Thy Lordship, and to forgive me, my parents, and those who in Thy estimation have entered the abode of Thy love in a manner which is worthy of Thy transcendent sovereignty and well beseemeth the glory of Thy celestial power. %% Nsaba ekisonyiwo Kyo, Ayi Katonda wange, era nneetonda olw’engeri Ggwe gy’oyagala abaddu Bo gye beeyiisaamu eri Ggwe. Nkwegayiridde otunaazeeko ebibi byaffe nga bwe kigwanidde Obukama Bwo, era onsonyiwe nze, bazadde bange, era n’abo mu kulaba Kwo abayingidde mu kisulo ky’okwagala Kwo mu ngeri esaanidde obwakabaka Bwo obutageraageranyizika era obugwanidde obuyinza Bwo obutukuvu. (The Bab, Selections from the Writings of the Bab, p. 210) b00499 If thou wouldst show kindness and consideration to thy parents so that they may feel generally pleased, this would also please Me, for parents must be highly respected and it is essential that they should feel contented, provided they deter thee not from gaining access to the Threshold of the Almighty, nor keep thee back from walking in the way of the Kingdom. %% Singa ekisa n’okufaayo eri bazadde bo bwebatyo ne bafuna essanyu, kino nange kinsanyusa Nze, kubanga abazadde bateekwa okuweebwa ekitiibwa ekingi ennyo era kyetaagisa nnyo babeere bamativu, bwe baba tebakuziyizza okutuuka ku Mufuubeeto gw’Oyo Ayinza-byonna, oba okukulemesa okutambulira mu kkubo ly’Obwakabaka. ('Abdu'l-Bahá, translated from the Persian, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 392) b00500 Let the mothers consider that whatever concerneth the education of children is of the first importance. Let them put forth every effort in this regard, for when the bough is green and tender it will grow in whatever way ye train it. Therefore is it incumbent upon the mothers to rear their little ones even as a gardener tendeth his young plants. %% Bamaama basaana okukimanya nti buli ekyo kyonna ekikwata ku kuyigirizibwa kw’abaana abato kye kisooka mu bikulu byonna. Basaana bateeke amaanyi gaabwe gonna ku nsonga eno, kubanga ettabi bwe libeera erya kiragala era nga ligonda lijja kukula mu ngeri yonna gy’olitendekamu. Noolwekyo ba maama kibagwanidde okukuza abaana baabwe nga omulimi bw’alabiriamu ebimera bye ebito. b00501 Let them strive by day and by night to establish within their children faith and certitude, the fear of God, the love of the Beloved of the worlds, and all good qualities and traits. Whensoever a mother seeth that her child hath done well, let her praise and applaud him and cheer his heart; and if the slightest undesirable trait should manifest itself, let her counsel the child and punish him, and use means based on reason, even a slight verbal chastisement should this be necessary. %% Basaanye bafube nnyo enkya n’eggulo okussa mu baana baabwe okukkiriza n’obuvumu, okutya Katonda, okwagala kw’Oyo Omwagalwa w’ensi zonna, era n’empisa zonna ennungi. Buli muzadde omukazi lw’alaba nga omwana we akoze bulungi, asaana amusiime era amukubireko mu ngalo, asanyuse omutima gwe; ate singa empisa embi yonna erabika mu ye, abuulirire omwana era amubonereze nga akozesa ekibonerezo ekisaanidde, oba okumulabula mu bigambo bwe kiba kyetaagisa. b00502 It is not, however, permissible to strike a child, or vilify him, for the child's character will be totally perverted if he be subjected to blows or verbal abuse. %% Naye nno, tekikkirizibwa kukuba mwana, okumulowoozesa nti talina mugaso, kubanga empisa z’omwana zijja kwonoonekera ddala singa atimpulwa oba avumibwa. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 125) b00503 Train your children from their earliest days to be infinitely tender and loving to animals. If an animal be sick, let the children try to heal it, if it be hungry, let them feed it, if thirsty, let them quench its thirst, if weary, let them see that it rests. %% Tendeka abaana bo okuviira ddala mu buto bulijjo okubeera ab’ekisa ennyo n’okulaga omukwano eri ebisolo. Singa ekisolo kirwala, abaana bawe omukisa okukijjanjaba kiwone; bwe kirumwa enjala, baleke bakiwe eky’okulya; bwe kirumwa ennyonta, baleke bakiwe amazzi; bwe kiba kikooye, baleke balabe nga kiwummula. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 159) b00504 The art of music is divine and effective. It is the food of the soul and spirit. Through the power and charm of music the spirit of man is uplifted. It has wonderful sway and effect in the hearts of children,... %% Obusobozi mu kuyimba n’okukuba ebivuga birabo bitukuvu ebikwasa omubabiro. Eno y’emmere ey’emmeeme n’omwoyo. Omwoyo gw’omuntu guyimusibwa olw’okusikirizibwa ennyimba n’ebivuga. Okuyimba n’amaloboozi agava mu bivuga bisikiriza nnyo era birina kinene nnyo kye bikola ku mitima gy’abaana abato…… b00505 Therefore, you must exert yourselves to make them proficient; teach them to sing with excellence and effect. It is incumbent upon each child to know something of music, for without knowledge of this art the melodies of instrument and voice cannot be rightly enjoyed. %% Noolweyo, muteekwa okwekemba mubasobozese okufuna obusobozi buno; mubayigirize okuyimba obulungi ennyo ate nga bye bayimba bya makulu. Kikakata ku buli mwana okumanya ku by’okuyimba n’okukuba ebivuga, kubanga tayinza kunyumirwa nga talina ky’amanyi ku maloboozi agava mu bivuga n’agava mu muntu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 52) b00506 Within the Family %% Ebifa mu Maka b00507 O MY SERVANT! The best of men are they that earn a livelihood by their calling and spend upon themselves and upon their kindred for the love of God, the Lord of all worlds. OWANGE GGWE OMUDDU WANGE! (BHWN404, BHWN507, rv171012) Abantu abasingira ddala obulungi beebo abakola emirimu egy’okuyitibwa kwabwe egivaamu ensimbi era ne bazikozesa olw’okweyimirizaawo bo bennyini n’abeŋŋanda zaabwe ku lw’okwagala kwa Katonda, Mukama ow’ensi zonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Persian Hidden Words#82) b00508 According to the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh the family, being a human unit, must be educated according to the rules of sanctity. All the virtues must be taught the family. The integrity of the family bond must be constantly considered, and the rights of the individual members must not be transgressed. %% Okusinziira ku njigiriza za Bahá’u’lláh, kubanga amaka y’ensibuko y’abantu okubeera awamu, gateekwa okugunjulibwa nga geesigamizibwa ku mateeka amatukuvu. Amaka gateekwa okugunjulwa mu mpisa zonna ennungi. Obwesigwa n’empisa zonna ennungi ezinyweza amaka biteekwa okulowoozebwako buli kadde, era n’eddembe lya buli muntu kinnoomu mu maka, teriteekwa kulinnyirirwa. b00509 The rights of the son, the father, the mother -- none of them must be transgressed, none of them must be arbitrary. Just as the son has certain obligations to his father, the father, likewise, has certain obligations to his son. The mother, the sister and other members of the household have their certain prerogatives. All these rights and prerogatives must be conserved, yet the unity of the family must be sustained. The injury of one shall be considered the injury of all; the comfort of each, the comfort of all; the honor of one, the honor of all. %% Eddembe ly’omwana omulenzi, erya kitaawe, erya nnyina – tewali n’omu alina ebbeetu okulinnyirira erya munne, tewali n’omu alina ebbeetu okukola ye nga bw’ayagala. Nga omwana ow’obulenzi bw’alina obuvunaanyizibwa obumu eri kitaawe, mu ngeri y’emu ne kitaawe alina obuvunaanyizibwa eri mutabani we. Omwana omuwala, nnyina n’abalala abali mu maka nabo balina enkizo ezimu. Eddembe lino n’enkizo byonna birina okukuumibwa, naye ate mu byonna, obumu bw’amaka buteekwa okuwanirirwa. Ekisago ekituuka ku omu kiteekwa okutwalibwa nga ekisago ekituuse ku bonna; embeera ennungi eya buli omu, y’embeera ennungi eya bonna; ekitiibwa eky’omu, kibeera kitiibwa kya bonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 168) b00510 The father must always endeavour to educate his son and to acquaint him with the heavenly teachings. He must give advice and exhort him at all times, teach him praiseworthy conduct and character, enable him to receive training at school and to be instructed in such arts and sciences as are deemed useful and necessary. %% Omuzadde omusajja bulijjo ateekwa okulafuubana okugunjula mutabani we era n’okumuyamba amanyiire enjigiriza entukuvu. Ateekwa okumuwa amagezi n’okumusendasendanga buli kiseera, nga amuyigiriza enneeyisa ez’obuntu bulamu ezisiimibwa, nga amusobozesa okufuna okutendekebwa mu ssomero era n’okusomesebwa amasomo ga saayansi n’ebyemikono ebirowoozebwa okubeera eby’omugaso era ebyetaagisa. b00511 In brief, let him instill into his mind the virtues and perfections of the world of humanity. Above all he should continually call to his mind the remembrance of God so that his throbbing veins and arteries may pulsate with the love of God. The son, on the other hand, must show forth the utmost obedience towards his father, and should conduct himself as a humble and a lowly servant. %% Mu bufunze, asaana okuzimba mpolampola mu mmeeme ye empisa ennungi n’okutuukirira okusoboka mu nsi y’obuntu. Ekisinga byonna asaana okwefumiitiriza ku kujjukirwa kwa Katonda olwo emisuwa gye giryoke gisobole okutujja n’okwagala kwa Katonda. Mu ngeri endala, omwana omulenzi ateekwa okwolesa obuwulize obwa nnamaddala eri kitaawe, era asaana yeeyise nga omuddu omuwombeefu era omwetoowaze. b00511b Day and night he should seek diligently to ensure the comfort and welfare of his loving father and to secure his good-pleasure. He must forgo his own rest and enjoyment and constantly strive to bring gladness to the hearts of his father and mother, that thereby he may attain the good-pleasure of the Almighty and be graciously aided by the hosts of the unseen. %% Emisana n’ekiro asaana okubeera omunyiikivu nga anoonya okukakasa nti kitaawe omwagalwa ali mu mbeera nnungi era asobole n’okufuna emikisa gye. Ateekwa okwerekereza okuwummula n’ebyo ebimusanyusa era alafuubanenga okuleeta essanyu mu mitima gy’abazadde be bombi, olwo nno asobole okutuuka ku kusiimibwa kw’Oyo Anyinza-byonna era n’ekisa ekingi ayambibwe eggye ly’abo abatalabika . (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Lights of Guidance, p. 229) b00512 A family, however is a very special kind of 'community'. ... The members of a family all have duties and responsibilities towards one another and to the family as a whole, and these duties and responsibilities vary from member to member because of their natural relationships. The parents have the inescapable duty to educate their children -- but not vice versa; the children have the duty to obey their parents -- the parents do not obey the children; the mother -- not the father -- bears the children, nurses them in babyhood, and is thus their first educator,... %% Naye nno, amaka ‘kabondo’ ak’abantu ab’omu kitundu akenjawulo ennyo … Abantu ab’omu maka bonna balina emirimu n’obuvunaanyizibwa buli omu eri munne era n’eri amaka ag’awamu, era emirimu gino n’obuvunaanyizibwa buno byawukana okusinziira ku kifo kya buli omu mu maka olw’ennono ebeerawo mu nkolagana yaabwe. Abazadde balina omulimu oguteewalika ogw’okugunjula abaana baabwe -- so si mulimu gw’abaana okugunjula abazadde ; abaana balina obuvunaanyizibwa obw’okugondera bakadde baabwe -- abazadde tebagondera baana baabwe; omuzadde omukazi – so si omuzadde omusajja -- y’azaala abaana, n’okubalabirira mu buwere, era bwatyo ye mugunjuzi waabwe asooka, … (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of New Zealand, December 28, 1980, Lights of Guidance, p. 218) b00513 'The task of bringing up a Bahá'í child, as emphasized time and again in Bahá'í Writings, is the chief responsibility of the mother, whose unique privilege is indeed to create in her home such conditions as would be most conducive to both his material and spiritual welfare and advancement. ...' A corollary of this responsibility of the mother is her right to be supported by her husband -- a husband has no explicit right to be supported by his wife. %% 'Omulimu gw’okukuza omwana Omubahá'í, nga bwe kikkaatitirizibwa buli kiseera mu Byawandiikibwa bya Bahá'í, gwe mulimu gw’omuzadde omukazi ogusinga obukulu, omukisa gw’alina ogwenjawulo ddala nga kwe kutondawo mu maka ge embeera ezo ezandibadde zisinga obulungi mu kukulaakulanya embeera y’omubiri n’omwoyo gw’omwana. …’ Okugattiriza ku buvunaanyizibwa buno obw’omuzadde omukazi ly’eddembe ly’alina ery’okuwanirirwa bbaawe-- omusajja omufumbo talina lukusa lwonna okuwanirirwa mukazi we. (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of New Zealand, December 28, 1980, Lights of Guidance, p. 218) b00514 Bahá'u'lláh also stressed the importance of consultation. We should not think this worthwhile method of seeking solutions is confined to the administrative institutions of the Cause. Family consultation employing full and frank discussion, and animated by awareness of the need for moderation and balance, can be the panacea for domestic conflict. Wives should not attempt to dominate their husbands, nor husbands their wives....%% Bahá’u’lláh nate yakkaatiriza obukulu obuli mu kuteesaganya. Tuleme kukitwala nti enkola eno ennungi ey’okunoonya amakubo amatuufu ag’okuvvuunuka ebizibu ekozesebwa mu bitongole by’Enzikiriza ebiddukanya emirimu mwokka. Okuteesaganya mu maka nga kulimu okukubaganya ebirowoozo okujjuvu era okw’amazima, era nga kuleetebwawo embeera y’okumanya obwetaavu ey’obutassukkiriza n’obwenkanya, liyinza okubeera eddagala eriwonya embeera z’obutabanguko obw’omu maka. Abakalya abafumbo tebandyetantadde okwegulumiza eri ba bbaabwe, era n’abasajja abafumbo nabo tebakikolanga. (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice dated 1 August 1978 - The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 383) b00515 Encourage within families, the pratice of daily prayer and the reading of the Holy Writings. %% Mu maka mubeeremu empisa y’okwekubirizanga okusaba n’okusomanga Ebyawandiikibwa Ebitukuvu. (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice - Bahá’í Marriage and Family Life, page 76) b00516 The Home %% Amaka b00517 I beseech God to graciously make of thy home a center for the diffusion of the light of divine guidance, for the dissemination of the Words of God and for enkindling at all times the fire of love in the hearts of His faithful servants and maidservants. Know thou of a certainty that every house wherein the anthem of praise is raised to the Realm of Glory in celebration of the Name of God is indeed a heavenly home, and one of the gardens of delight in the Paradise of God. %% Nneegayirira Katonda ku lw’ekisa Kye afuule amaka gammwe entabiro y’okubunyisa wonna ekitangaala ky’okuluŋŋamizibwa okutukuvu, ku lw’okubunyisa Ebigambo bya Katonda era ekiseera kyonna okukuma omuliro gw’okwagala mu mitima gy’abaddu n’abazaana Be abeesigwa. Mumanyire ddala nti buli nnyumba omuli oluyimba oluyimbibwa nga lutendereza Obwakabaka Obwekitiibwa mu kujaguza kw’Erinnya lya Katonda, ddala gabeera maka matukuvu, era emu ku nnimiro omuli essanyu, mu Lusuku lwa Katonda. ('Abdu'l-Bahá, in Bahá'í Marriage and Family Life, pp. 67-68) b00518 My home is the home of peace. My home is the home of joy and delight. My home is the home of laughter and exultation. Whosoever enters through the portals of this home, must go out with gladsome heart. This is the home of light; whosoever enters here must become illumined. %% Amaka gange maka ga mirembe. Amaka gange maka ga ssanyu n’okwesiima. Amaka gange maka omuli enseko n’okujaganya. Oyo yenna ayingira nga ayita mu miryango gy’amaka gano, ateekwa okugafuluma n’omutima ogujjuziddwa essanyu. Gano maka ga kitangaala; oyo yenna agayingiramu ateekwa okufuna okumulisibwa. (From a Tablet, published in "Star of the West", vol. 9, no. 3, (28 April 1918), p. 40) b00519 ...the home is an institution that Bahá'u'lláh has come to strengthen and not to weaken. ... Serve the Cause but also remember your duties towards your home. It is for you to find the balance and see that neither makes you neglect the other. We would have many more husbands in the Cause were the wives more thoughtful and moderate in their Bahá'í activities. %% ...amaka ky’ekitongole Bahá’u’lláh ky’azze okunyweza so si kunafuya. ... Weereza Enzikiriza naye ate era jjukira obuvunaanyizibwa bwo eri amaka go. Kiri gy’oli okuzuula obuteekubiira ludda olumu, era n’okulaba nti oludda olumu terukuleetera kulagajjalira oludda olulala. Twandibadde n’abaami abafumbo bangi okusinga nga bwe kiri kaakano mu Nzikiriza singa bakazi baabwe baali beegendereza era abatakakanyala mirimu gyabwe egya Bahá'í. (From letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, May 14, 1929, Lights of Guidance, p. 220) b00520 It is one of the essential teachings of the Faith that unity should be maintained in the home. Of course this does not mean that any member of the family has a right to influence the faith of any other member; and if this is realized by all the members, then it seems certain that unity would be feasible. %% Emu ku njigiriza enkulu ey’Enzikiriza eri nti obumu bwandikuumiddwa mu maka. Weewaawo kino tekitegeeza nti buli omu mu maka alina eddembe ly’okuwaliriza omulala yenna mu by’enzikiriza; era singa kino kitegeerwa bonna ab’omu muka, olwo kyeraga lwatu nti obumu busobokera ddala okubeerawo. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 382 -letter 6 July 1952) b00521 Making of a Will %% Okukola Ekiraamo b00522 According to the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, the making of a will is essentially an obligation of the individual Bahá'í. Each believer is free to dispose of his state in whatever manner he chooses, within the limits imposed by civil law and after payments of burial expenses and other debts and obligations. There are several ways a believer can leave instructions regarding his burial; there is no objection for such instructions to be included in the will, if the law permits, and the believer so wishes. %% Okusinziira ku Njigiriza ya Bahá'u'lláh, okukola ekiraamo buvanaanyizibwa bwennyini obwa buli Munnabahá'í kinnoomu. Buli mukkiriza wa ddembe okugabanya eby’obugagga bwe nga bw’ayagala, era kino akikola nga agoberera amateeka g’ensi era n’oluvannyuma lw’okusasulira eby’okumuziika, amabanja n’obuvunaanyizibwa obulala. Waliwo amakubo agawerako omukkiriza mw’ayinza okuyita okuleka ebiragiro ebikwata ku nziika ye; tewali kigaanyisa biragiro nga ebyo okussibwa mu kiraamo, singa etteeka likikkiriza era nga n’omukkiriza bwatyo bw’aba asiimye. (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of Bolivia, October 1, 1980, Lights of Guidance, p. 192) b00523 Bahá’í Burial %% Okuziika kw’Ababahá'í b00524 Briefly the law for the burial of the dead states that it is forbidden to carry the body for more than one hour's journey from the place of death; that the body should be wrapped in a shroud of silk or cotton, ... and that the coffin should be of crystal, stone or hard fine wood. A specific Prayer for the Dead is ordained, to be said before interment ...for those who have attain the age of maturity. %% Mu bufunze, etteeka ly’okuziika abagenzi lirambike nti tekikkirizibwa okutambuza omulambo gw’omugenzi olugendo olusussa essaawa emu okuva mu kifo w’afiiridde; nti omubiri gw’omugenzi gwandizingiddwa mu lugoye olwa ppamba oba olwa liiri, … era nti essanduuko y’abafu yandibadde ey’amayinja agamasamasa, amayinja ga bulijjo oba embaawo engumu ennyo. Essaala y’Abafu ey’enjawulo eragiddwa, okuddibwamu nga okuziika tekunnabaawo …ku lw’abo abatuuse ku myaka egikkirizibwa. b00525 It has been explained by 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the Guardian that this law prohibits cremation of the dead. %% 'Abdu'l-Bahá n’Omukuumi bannyonnyodde nti etteeka lino terikkiriza okwokya abafu. (Synopsis and Codification of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 62) b00526 The Prayer for the Dead is published in Prayers and Meditations of Bahá'u'lláh, No. CLXVII. It is the only Bahá'í obligatory prayer which is to be recited in congregation; it is to be recited by one believer while all present stand. There is no requirement to face the Qiblih when reciting this prayer. %% Essaala Esabirwa Abafu eri mu kitabo ky’Essaala n’Okufumiitiriza ekya Bahá’u’llah, No. CLXII. Eno y’essaala yokka eya Bahá'í ey’etteeka eddibwamu omukkiriza omu mu bantu abakuŋŋaanye nga abalala bonna bayimiridde. Tekyetaagisa kwolekeza bwanga eri Qiblih (Bahji, Akka) nga essaala eno eddibwamu. (Synopsis and Codification of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 58) b00527 Regarding the Bahá'í funeral service: it is extremely simple, as it consists only of a congregational prayer to be read before burial! ... The utmost simplicity and flexibility should be observed, and a selection from the Bahá'í Sacred Writings would serve the purpose ..., provided this selection is not rigidly and uniformly adopted on all such occasions. %% Ebikwata ku kuziika kw’Ekibahá'í: okuziika kuno kwangu nnyo, kubanga kulimu essaala emu yokka ey’awamu, esomebwa nga okuziika kwennyini tukunnabaawo! … Enkola esingira ddala obwangu era nga tekaluubiriza esaana egobererwe, era ekitundu okuva mu Byawandiikibwa bya Bahá'í Ebitukuvu kimala bumazi…, bwe kiba nti ekitundu kino si kye kiteekwa okutwalibwa nga kye kyokka ekirina okusomebwa ku mukolo nga guno. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 14) b00528 Abstention from Alcohol and Intoxicating Drugs %% Okwewala Omwenge n’Ebiragalalagala Ebitamiiza b00529 Alcohol %% Omwenge b00530 Fear ye God, O people of the earth, and think not that the wine We have mentioned in Our Tablet is the wine which men drink, and which causeth their intelligence to pass away, their human nature to be perverted, their light to be changed, and their purity to be soiled. %% Mutye mmwe Katonda, Abange mmwe abantu b’oku nsi, era muleme okulowooza nti omwenge Ffe gwe twogerako mu Biwandiiko Byaffe, gwe mwenge abantu gwe banywa, era ogubaleetera okuggwamu ensa, ennono yaabwe ey’obuntu okukyama, ekitangaala kyabwe okukyusibwa, era n’obulongoofu bwabwe okufuuka ekyesittaza. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 245) b00531 Beware lest ye exchange the Wine of God for your own wine, for it will stupefy your minds, and turn your faces away from the Countenance of God, ... Approach it not, for it hath been forbidden unto you by the behest of God, the Exalted, the Almighty. %% Mwegendereze si kulwa nga muwaanyisa Omwenge gwa Katonda ne mugufuula omwenge gwammwe, kubanga gujja kubawunza, era gukyuse obwanga bwammwe okuva mu Maaso ga Katonda…. Temugusemberera, kubanga guwereddwa eri mmwe ku lw’ekiragiro kya Katonda, Agulumizibwa, Ayinza-byonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 227) b00532 The Mystic Wine of the one true God hath a different intoxication and imparteth another exhilaration. The one diminisheth the intelligence of man, the other increaseth it. The one leadeth to perdition, the other bestoweth life. %% Omwenge Omukusike ogwa Katonda omu ow’amazima gulina entamiiza eyenjawulo era guwa obulamu obupya. Ogumu gukendeeza okutegeera kw’omuntu, omulala gwongera okutegeera. Ogumu gukutwala mu ggeyeena, omulala guzzaamu amaanyi. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 246) b00533 The drinking of wine is, according to the text of the Most Holy Book, forbidden; for it is the cause of chronic diseases, weakeneth the nerves, and consumeth the mind. %% Okusinziira ku byawandiikibwa mu Kitabo Ekisingira ddala Obutukuvu, okunywa omwenge kuwereddwa; kubanga omwenge y’ensibuko y’endwadde ez’olukonvuba, nga gunafuya obusimu, era gusaanyaawo amagezi g’omuntu. ('Abdu'l-Bahá, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 32) b00534 Regarding the use of liquor: According to the text of the Book of Aqdas, both light and strong drinks are prohibited. The reason for this prohibition is that alcohol leadeth the mind astray and causeth the weakening of the body. If alcohol were beneficial, it would have been brought into the world by the Divine creation and not by the effort of man. Whatever is beneficial for man existeth in creation. Now it hath been proved and is established medically and scientifically that liquor is harmful. %% Ebikwata ku nkozesa y’enguuli: Okusinziira ku biwandiiko by’Ekitabo kya Adqas, eby’okunywa ebitatamiiza ennyo n’ebyo ebitatamiiza ennyo biwereddwa. Ensonga eviiriddeko okuwerebwa kuno eri nti omwenge gukyamya obwongo era ne gunafuya omubiri. Singa omwenge gwalina omugaso, gwandireeteddwa mu nsi mu butonzi Obutukuvu so si mu kulafuubana kwa muntu. Buli kyonna ekigasa omuntu kisangibwa mu butonde. Kaakano kimaze okukasibwa n’okulambikibwa mu by’ekisawo ne mu saayansi nti enguuli ya bulabe. b00535 Nevertheless, intoxicating liquor, if prescribed by a physician for the patient and if its use is absolutely necessary, then it is permissible. %% Naye nno, singa eby’okunywa ebitamiiza omusawo y’abeera abiragidde eri omulwadde abikozese, era singa okubikozesa kwetaagisiza ddala, olwo nno bikkirizibwa. b00536 In brief, I hope that thou mayest become inebriated with the wine of the love of God, find eternal bliss and receive inexhaustible joy and happiness. All wine hath depression as an after effect, except the wine of the Love of God. %% Mu bufunze, nnina essuubi nti mujja kutamiira nga munywa omwenge gw’okwagala kwa Katonda, muzuule essanyu ery’olubeerera era mufune essanyu n’okwesiima ebitaggwawo. Omwenge gwonna guleetera omuntu okuwotookerera nga gumuweddeko, okuggyako omwenge gw’okwagala kwa Katonda. (From a Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá to an individual believer, translated from the Persian: Prohibition of Intoxicating Drinks, A Compilation, April 1979, Lights of Guidance, p. 349) b00537 Intellect and the faculty of comprehension are God's gifts whereby man is distinguished from other animals. Will a wise man want to lose this Light in the darkness of intoxication? No, by God! This will not satisfy him! He will, rather, do that which will develop his powers of intelligence and understanding, and not increase his negligence, heedlessness and decline. This is an explicit text in the perspicuous Book, wherein God hath set forth every goodly virtue, and exposed every reprehensible act. %% Amegezi n’obusobozi bw’okutegeera birabo bya Katonda ebyawula omuntu ku nsolo endala. Omuntu alina amagezi yandiyagadde okufiirwa Ekitangaala kino mu kiro ky’ettamiiro? Nedda, ndayira mu Katonda! Kino tekijja kumumatiza! Wabula ajja kukola ekyo ekinaamuyamba okuzimba amaanyi ge ag’okumanya n’okutegeera, era n’obutayongera kubeera mulagajjavu, obutafaayo wamu n’okusereba. Kino kiwandiiko ekitegeerekeka obulungi ennyo mu Kitabo ekirambulukufu, Katonda mwatadde buli mpisa ennungi, era mwabikulidde buli kikolwa kyonna ekyesittaza. ('Abdu'l-Bahá, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 247) b00538 With regard to your first question on alcohol and drinking, Bahá'u'lláh, fully aware of the great misery that it bring about, prohibits it as He expressly states that everything that takes away the mind, or in other words makes one drunk, is forbidden. %% Ku bikwata kibuuzo kyo ekisooka ku mwenge n’okugunywa, nga Ye amanyidde ddala obunyinike obungi gwe buleeta, Bahá'u'lláh aguwera nga bw’akinnyonnyola nti buli kintu kyonna ekikyusa obwongo, oba mu ngeri endala ekitamiiza omuntu, kiwereddwa. (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, February 15, 1926 - Lights of Guidance, p. 349) b00539 From your letter it would be assumed that some of your believers feel that the law of the "Aqdas" regarding the use of intoxicating liquors is a personal one, and may be followed or not followed, as the individual desires. This is not correct. The law of the "Aqdas" regarding not using intoxicating liquors is binding on all Bahá'ís. %% Okusinziira ku bbaluwa yo, ka tukitwale nti abamu ku bakkiriza abali eyo balowooza nti etteeka erya “Adqas” erikwata ku by’okunywa ebitamiiza likwata ku muntu kinnoomu, era liyinza okugonderwa oba obutagonderwa, nga buli kinnoomu bw’ayagala. Kino si kituufu. Etteeka lya “Adqas” erikwata ku butakozesa eby’okunywa ebitamiiza likwata ku Babahá'í bonna. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 250 - letter 19 August 1952) b00540 In the case of a believer who continues to take alcoholic drinks the Assembly should decide whether the offence is flagrant, and, if it is, should try to help him to understand the importance of obeying the Bahá'í law. If he does not respond he must be repeatedly warned and, if this is unsuccessful, he is subject to loss of his voting rights. In the case of an alcoholic who is trying to overcome his weakness the Assembly must show especial patience, and may have to suggest professional counselling and assistance. %% Singa omukkiriza yeeyongera okunywa omwenge Olukiiko lusaana okusalawo oba omusango oyo aguzizza kino akikola mu kusoomooza, era, singa kino kibeera bwekityo, lusaana okugezaako okumuyamba okutegeera obukulu bw’okugondera etteeka lya Bahá'í. Singa agaana okukyusa ku neeyisa ye ateekwa okulabulwa enfunda eziwerako era, singa kino kirema, aggibwako eddembe lye ery’okukuba akalulu. Singa wabbanga ono abeera agezaako okuvvuunuka obunafu bwe, Olukiiko luteekwa okulaga obugumiikirizwa obwenjawulo, era luyinza n’okuwa amagezi omuntu ono afune okubuulirirwa n’obuyambi eby’ekikugu. (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly, September 26, 1978 - Lights of Guidance, p. 51) b00541 ... no Bahá'í institution should serve alcoholic drinks under any circumstances, and we also feel that it would be inappropriate for a Bahá'í to serve such beverages at a function given by him. %% Ekitongole kyonna ekya Bahá'í tekisaana kugabula bitamiiza mu mbeera zonna, era nate tulowooza nti tekyandibadde kya buvunaayizibwa Omubahá'í okugabula eky’okunywa nga ekyo ku mukolo gw’ategese. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 252 - 19 December 1968) b00542 Drugs %% Ebiragalalagala b00543 As to opium, it is foul and accursed. ... For opium fasteneth on the soul, so that the user's conscience dieth, his mind is blotted away, his perceptions are eroded. It turneth the living into the dead. It quencheth the natural heat. No greater harm can be conceived than that which opium inflicteth. %% Ku bikwata ku njaga, nvundu era yakolimirwa. … Kubanga enjaga esiba obulamu bw’omuntu, olwo nno okutegeera kw’oyo aginywa kufa, amagezi ge gaggwawo, endaba ye ey’ensonga etaataagana. Abalamu ebafuula abafu. Ezikiza ebbugumu ery’obutonde. Tewali bulabe bunene obuyinza okulowoozebwako obusinga obwo obuleetebwa enjaga. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 148) b00544 O ye lovers of God! In this, the cycle of Almighty God, violence and force, constraint and oppression, are one and all condemned. It is, however, mandatory that the use of opium be prevented by any means whatsoever, that perchance the human race may be delivered from this most powerful of plagues. %% Abange mmwe abaagala Katonda! Mu kiseera kino ekya Katonda Ayinza-byonna, obutabanguko n’okukozesa amaanyi, okuvuvuba n’okunyigiriza, buli kimu ne byonna bivumirirwa. Naye nno, kitukakatako okukoseza amakubo gonna okulemesa enkozesa y’enjaga, olwo nno oboolyawo olulyo lw’abantu lusobole okununulibwa okuva mu nnawookeera wa kawumpuli ono asingira ddala okubeera ow’obulabe. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 149) b00545 Such a chaste and holy life, with its implications of modesty, purity, temperance, decency, and clean-mindedness, ...requires total abstinence from all alcoholic drinks, from opium, and from similar habit-forming drugs. %% Obulamu nga obwo obulongoofu era obutuukirivu, n’amakulu gaabwo omuli okukwatibwa ensonyi; obulongoofu, obukkakkamu, obuntubulamu, era n’endowooza etaliimu kko, … bwetaaga okwewalira ddala eby’okunywa ebitamiiza, enjaga, era n’ebiragalalagala ebitaviikako ng’otandise okubikozesa. (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 30) b00546 Abstention from Begging %% Okwewala Okusabiriza b00547 The most despised of men in the sight of God are those who sit idly and beg. %% Abantu abasingira ddala okunyoomebwa mu maaso ga Katonda beebo abalera engalo ate ne basabiriza. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 26) b00548 He who...is looking at the hand of the people to give him something, know ye that I am quit of such an one. %% Oyo ……atunuulira engalo z’abantu abalala babeeko kye bamuwa, akimanye nti omuntu nga oyo mmulekerera. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Star of the West, Vol:IV, No. 15 pg 255) b00549 ... if he were able to work, it is not allowable to assist him. Lazy people should not be assisted... %% … singa alina obusobozi obw’okukola, tekikkirizibwa kumuyamba. Abantu ba ssemugayaavu tebandiyambiddwa… (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Star of the West, VolIII, No. 11 pg 5) b00550 All humanity must obtain a livelihood by sweat of the brow and bodily exertion, ... %% Abantu bonna bateekwa okutuuyana n’okwekemba basobole okufuna eky’okulya, ... (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 187) b00551 Bahá'u'lláh further states that mendicity should not only be discouraged but entirely wiped out from the face of society. %% Bahá’u’llah ayongerako okukirambika nti okusabiriza tekwandikomye ku kuvumirirwa kwokka wabula n’okusangulibwawo ddala okuva mu bulamu bw’abantu. (Shoghi Effendi, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 192) b00552 Bahá'u'lláh forbids both begging and giving to beggars,... %% Bahá'u'lláh awerera ddala okusabiriza n’okuwa abo abasabiriza ekintu kyonna,... (Shoghi Effendi, Synopsis and Codification of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 63) b00553 If a person is unable to earn his own living it is incumbent upon the House of Justice and the wealthy to provide for him. %% Singa omuntu talina busobozi bwa kwebeezaawo, obuvunaanyizibwa buno bubeera bwa Nnyumba ey'Obwenkanya wamu n’abagagga okumulabirira. (Synopsis and Codification of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 63) b00554 Refraining from Gambling %% Okwewala Okuzannya Zzaala b00555 Asked whether the Bahá'í prohibition of gambling applies to game of every description, 'Abdu'l-Bahá replied: "No, some games are innocent, and if pursued for pastime there is no harm. But there is danger that pastime may degenerate into waste of time."%% Bwe yabuuzibwa oba nga Enzikiriza ya Bahá'í okuwera okuzannya zzaala kukwata ne ku mizannyo egya buli kika, 'Abdu'l-Bahá yaddamu nti: "Nedda, emizannyo egimu si mibi, era bwe gizannyibwa olw’okunyumirwa tewali mutawaana. Naye waliwo ekizibu nti okunyumirwa ate kwandivaamu okwonoona ebiseera." (Dr. J.E. Esslemont, Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era, p. 103) b00556 Absention from Politics %% Okwewala eby’Obufuzi b00557 As 'Abdu'l-Bahá stated: "Our party is God's party -- we don't belong to any party." %% Nga 'Abdu'l-Bahá bwe yakirambika: “Ekibiina kyaffe kibiina kya Katonda -- ffe tetuli bawagizi ba kibiina kyonna”. (Quoted in Shoghi Effendi, letter dated 15 July 1955 to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Central America.) b00558 Absolute impartiality in the matter of political parties should be shown by words and by deeds, and the love of the whole humanity, whether a Government or a nation, which is the basic teaching of Bahá'u'lláh, should also be shown by words and by deeds... %% Obuteekubiira obwa nnamaddala ku nsonga ezikwata ku bibiina eby’obufuzi kusaana kulagibwe mu bigambo ne mu bikolwa, era okwagala abantu bonna, ebeere Gavumenti oba ggwanga, nga gwe musingi gw’enjigiriza ya Bahá’u’lláh, nakwo kusaana okulagibwa mu bigambo ne mu bikolwa. (Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian, p. 57) %% (Byatulabulwa Shoghi Effendi Omulabirizi we Nzikiriza, olup. 57) b00559 We Bahá'ís are one the world over; we are seeking to build up a new World Order, divine in origin. How can we do this if every Bahá'í is a member of a different political party - some of them diametrically opposite to each other? Where is our unity then? We would be divided, because of politics, against ourselves, and this is the opposite of our purpose. %% Ffe Ababahá'í tuli bumu okwetooloola ensi yonna; tunoonya okuzimba Enteekateeka y’Ensi Yonna empya, ensibuko yaayo nga ntukuvu. Kino tuyinza kukikola tutya singa buli Mubahá'í mugoberezi w’ekibiina ky’obufuzi ekyenjawulo – nga buli kimu kikontanira ddala ne kinnaakyo? Olwo obumu bwaffe buli ludda wa? Twandibadde tweyawuddeyawudde ffeka na ffekka, olw’ensonga z’ebyobufuzi, era kino kikontana n’ekigenderewa kyaffe. b00560 Obviously if one Bahá'í in Austria is given freedom to choose a political party and join it, however good its aims may be, another Bahá'í in Japan or America, or India has the right to do the same thing and he might belong to a party the very opposite in principle to that which the Austrian Bahá'í belongs to. %% Awatali kubuusabuusa singa Omubahá'í omu ali mu Austria aweebwa eddembe okulonda ekibiina ky’ebyobufuzi n’okukiyingira, ebigendererwa byakyo ne bwe bibeera birungi bitya, Omubahá'í omulala ali mu Japan oba Amerika, oba India naye alina eddembe okukola ekintu kye kimu era yandiyinza okubeera omugoberezi w’ekibiina ekirina emiramwa egikontana n’egyo egy’ekibiina Omubahá'í ali mu Austria ky’alimu. b00561 Where would be the unity of the Faith then? These two spiritual brothers would be working against each other because of their political affiliations (as the Christians of Europe have been doing in so many fratricidal wars). %% Olwo obumu bw’Enzikiriza bubeera ludda wa? Abooluganda mu mwoyo bano ababiri bandyesanga nga bakontana olw’enjawukana zaabwe mu by’obufuzi (nga Abakulisitaayo mu Bulaaya bwe babadde bakola mu ntalo z’okuttiŋŋana kw’abooluganda). b00562 The best way for a Bahá'í to serve his country and the world is to work for the establishment of Bahá'u'lláh's World Order, which will gradually unite all men and do away with divisive political systems and religious creeds. %% Engeri ensinga obulungi Omubahá'í gy’ayinza okuweerezaamu ensi ye era n’ensi yonna kwe kukolerera okubangibwawo kw’Enteekateeka ey’Ensi Yonna eya Bahá’u’lláh, mpola mpola eneegatta abantu bonna awamu era enneggirawo ddala enkola z’ebyobufuzi n’enzikiriza z’amadiini ebyawulayawula mu bantu. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 30) b00563 The friends may vote, if they can do it without identifying themselves with one party or another. To enter the arena of party politics is surely detrimental to the best interests of the Faith and will harm the Cause. %% Abeemikwano bayinza okulonda, singa kino bayinza okukikola nga tebeeraze nti bawagira ekibiina kino oba kiri. Okuyingira mu kisaawe ky’ebyobufuzi bw’ebibiina mazima ddala kya bulabe eri ebigendererwa ebisinga obulungi eby’Enzikiriza era bijja kugikosa. b00564 It remains for the individuals to so use their right to vote as to keep aloof from party politics, rather than because he belongs to one party or another. The matter must be made perfectly clear to the individuals who will be left free to exercise their discretion and judgement. %% Kiri eri muntu kinnoomu okukozesa eddembe lye okukuba akalulu naye nga yeewala ebyobufuzi eby’ekibiina, wabula si lwa kubeera nti mugoberezi wa kibiina kino oba kiri. Ensonga eteekwa okulambikibwa obulungi ennyo eri abantu kinnoomu abanaaweebwa eddembe lyabwe okukozesa amagezi gaabwe n’okusalawo nga bwe baba balaba. b00565 But if a certain person does enter into party politics and labours for the ascendency of one party over another, and continues to do it against the expressed appeals and warnings of the Assembly, then the Assembly has the right to refuse him the right to vote in Bahá'í elections. %% Naye omuntu yenna singa ayingira mu by’obufuzi eby’ebibiina n’alafuubana okulaba nti ekibiina ekimu kikajjala ku kirala, era ne yeeyongera okukikola nga tafuddeeyo ku kwegayirirwa n’okulabulwa okukolebwa Olukiiko eri ye, olwo Olukiiko lulina obuyinza obumugaana okukuba akakulu mu kulonda kwa Babahá'í. (From a letter written on the behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, March 16, 1933 - Lights of Guidance, p. 441) %% (Byaggibwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa Shoghi Effendi eri aba National Spiritual Assembly aba United States ne Canada nga March 16, 1933) b00565b The Guardian wishes me to draw the attention of the friends through you that they should be very careful in their public addresses not to mention any political figures – either side with them or denounce them. This is the first thing to bear in mind. Otherwise they will involve the friends in political matters, which is infinitely dangerous to the Cause.%% Omukuumi ayagala ntegeeze abeemikwano nga mpita mu mmwe nti basaana okubeera abeegendereza nga boogera eri abantu mu lujjudde obutakoona ku ba nnabyabufuzi – nga babawagira oba okubavumirira. Kino ky’ekintu ekisooka ekiteekwa okutegeerwa. Bwe kitabeera bwekityo bajja kuyingiza abeemikwano mu nsonga z’ebyobufuzi, ekintu eky’obulabe obw’olubeerera eri Enzikiriza. b00566 Your understanding and attitude regarding participation in politics is correct, namely, you immediately warn and quickly remove the voting rights, as such prompt action is necessary to protect the interests of the Faith. %% Engeri gye mutegeeramu n’endowooza yammwe ku nsonga y’okwetaba mu by’obufuzi ntuufu, nga mugamba nti, mulabulirawo era omuntu ne mumuggyako eddembe ly’okulonda, nga okukola bwe mutyo mu bwangu kyetaagisa olw’okukuuma ebigendererwa by’Enzikiriza. (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa, November 12, 1965 - Lights of Guidance, p. 52)%% Byaggibwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa Universal House of Justice eri National Spiritual Assembly eya South ne West Africa nga November 12, 1965 b00567 The Bahá'ís may, indeed are encouraged to, mix with all strata of society, with the highest authorities and with leading personalities as well as with the mass of people, and should bring the knowledge of the Faith to them: but in so doing they should strictly avoid becoming identified or identifying the Faith, with political pursuits and party programs. %% Ababahá'í bayinza, era bakubirizibwa, okutabagana n’abantu ab’engeri zonna, ab’ebyobufuzi abali ku madaala agasinga okubeeraa aga wagulu n’abakulembeze ab’ebuuzibwako ensonga wamu n’abantu bonna, era basaana babamanyise ku Nzikiriza: naye mu kukola kino basaana okwewalira ddala oba okulaga nti balina akakwate konna ku biruubirirwa n’enteekateeka z’ebibiina by’obufuzi. (From a letter from the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assemblies in Africa, February 8, 1970 - Lights of Guidance, p. 448) Byaggibwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa Universal House of Justice gye yawandiikira National Spiritual Assemblies mu Africa nga February 8, 1970 b00568 The Faith of God is the sole source of salvation for mankind today. The true cause of the ills of humanity is its disunity. No matter how perfect may be the machinery devised by the leaders of men for the political unity of the world, it will still not provide the antidote to the poison sapping the vigour of present-day society. %% Enzikiriza ya Katonda y’ensibuko yokka ey’okununulwa kw’abantu bonna mu kiseera kino. Ensibuko entuufu ey’endwadde zonna eziruma abantu kwe kubulawo kw’obumu. Enteekateeka yonna ekolebwa abakulembeze nga ya kugatta abantu bonna ab’ensi mu by’obufuzi ne bwebeera nnungi etya, tejja kuvaamu ddagala livumula busagwa obugenda bunafuya amaanyi g’abantu ab’ensangi zino. b00569a These ills can be cured only through the instrumentality of God's Faith. There are many well-wishers of mankind who devote their efforts to relief work and charity and to the material well-being of man, but only Bahá'ís can do the work which God most wants done. When we devote ourselves to the work of the Faith we are doing a work which is the greatest aid and only refuge for a needy and divided world. %% Endwadde zino ziyinza okuwonyezebwa nga tuyita mu ebyo byokka ebiragirwa mu Nzikiriza ya Katonda. Waliwo abantu bangi abaagaliza bannaabwe okubeera obulungi era ne bakola butaweera emirimu egidduukirira abo abali mu buzibu n’obwetaavu era ne ku lw’embeera y’omuntu ennungi, naye Ababahá'í be bokka abayinza okukola omulimu Katonda Ye gw’asinga okwagala gukolebwe. Bwe twewaayo ne tukola omulimu gw’Enzikiriza tuba tukola omulimu ogusingira ddala mu buyambi era bwe buddukiro bwokka obw’abo abali mu nsi erimu okweyawulayawula n’obwetaavu. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 163) b00569b The Faith is not opposed to the true interests of any nation, nor is it against any party or faction. It holds aloof from all controversies and transcends them all, while enjoining upon its followers loyalty to government and a sane patriotism. %% Enzikiriza tewakanya ebyettanirwa by’eggwanga ebirungi, era tebeera ku mbiranye n’ekibiina ky’ebyobufuzi kyonna oba ekiwayi kyonna. Enzikiriza yeesambira ddala okunyonyoogana n’okulumagana kwonna era eri waggulu wa byonna, ate nga mu kiseera kye kimu eragira abagoberezi baayo okugondera gavumenti era n’okubeera n’omwoyo gw’eggwanga omutegeevu. b00570 This love for their country the Bahá'ís show by serving its well-being in their daily activity, or by working in the administrative channels of the government instead of through party politics or in diplomatic or political posts. %% Okwagala kuno okw’ensi yaabwe Ababahá'í bakwoleseza mu buweereza nga bakolerera embeera ennungi ey’ensi mu mirimu gyabwe egya buli lunaku, oba nga bakolera mu mikutu egiyitibwamu okuddukanya emirimu gya gavumenti mu kifo ky’okuyitira mu byobufuzi eby’ebibiina oba mu bifo ebiweebwa ababaka abakiikirira eggwanga oba ba nnabyabufuzi. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 164) b00571 Obedience to Government %% Obuwulize eri Gavumenti b00572 In every country or government where any of this community reside, they must behave toward that government with faithfulness, trustfulness and truthfulness. %% Mu buli nsi oba gavumenti Ababahá'í mwe babeera, bateekwa okubeera ab’obuvunaanyizibwa, abeesigwa, era ab’amazima eri gavumenti eyo. (Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá’í World Faith, p. 192) b00573 To none is given the right to act in any manner that would run counter to the considered views of them who are in authority. %% Tewali alina bbeetu okweyisa mu ngeri eyinza okukontana n’endowooza y’abo abali mu buyinza. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 241) b00574 We must obey and be the well-wishers of the governments of the land, regard disloyalty unto a just king as disloyalty to God Himself and wishing evil to the government a transgression of the Cause of God. %% Tuteekwa okugondera n’okwagaliza ebirungi gavumenti eri mu buyinza, okukitwala nti obujeemu eri kabaka omwenkanya kibeera nga okujeemera Katonda Yennyini, n’okwagaliza gavumenti ebibi kubeera kwonoona eri Enzikiriza ya Katonda. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 440) b00575 As regards the Bahá’í principle of obedience to just governments, what is meant here by just is recognized and well-established authority... %% Ebikwata ku tteeka lya Bahá’í ery’obuwulize eri zi gavumenti ezirimu obwenkanya; wano obwenkanya kitegeeza obuyinza obumanyiddwa era obukakasiddwa obulungi... (Shoghi Effendi, Bahá’í Laws, pg 64) b00576 What the Master's statement really means is obedience to a duly constituted Government, whatsoever that Government may be in form. We are not the ones, as individual Bahá'ís to judge our Government as just or unjust -- for each believer would be sure to hold a different viewpoint, and within our own Bahá'í fold a hotbed of dissension would spring up and destroy our unity. %% Amakulu agali mu kiwandiiko ky’Omukulu gali nti tuteekwa okugondera yonna eri Gavumenti yonna eri mu mateeka, mu nkola yonna Gavumenti eyo mweggira. Si buvunaanyizibwa bwaffe, nga Ababahá'í kinoomu, okulamula Gavumenti yaffe nti oba ya bwenkanya oba si ya bwenkanya – kubanga buli mukkiriza kituufu ayinza okubeera n’endowooza ye, era, munda mu Babahá'í, ennyombo ez’amaanyi zandiyinza okubalukawo ne zisaanyaawo obumu bwaffe. b00577 We must build up our Bahá'í system, and leave the faulty systems of the world to go their own way. We cannot change them through becoming involved in them, on the contrary they will destroy us. %% Tuteekwa okukulaakulanya enkola yaffe eya Bahá'í, era tuleke enkola enkyamu zikwate amakubo gaazo. Tetusobola kuzikyusa nga tuzeenyigiramu, kubanga bwe tukola bwetutyo, zijja kutusaanyaawo. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 449) b00578 We must obey in all cases except where a spiritual principle is involved such as denying our Faith. For these spiritual principle we must be willing to die. %% Tuteekwa okubeera abawulize mu mbeera zonna okuggyako nga omulamwa ogukwata ku by’omwoyo gukwatiddwako, gamba nga okwegaana Enzikiriza yaffe. Tuteekwa okubeera abeetegefu okufiirira emiramwa gino egikwata ku by’omwoyo. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 445) b00579 What we Bahá'ís must face is the fact that society is rapidly disintegrating -- so rapidly that moral issues which were clear half a century ago are now hopelessly confused, and what is more, thoroughly mixed up with battling political interests. %% Ffe Ababahá'í kye tuteekwa okwaŋŋanga ge mazima nti ebintu ebigatta abantu awamu bigenda bitaagulwataagulwa ku misinde egya yiriyiri – nti ensonga ezikwata ku mpisa ennungi ezaali zitegeereekeka obulungi emyaka amakumi ataano egiyise kaakano zitabusetabuse okukamala, ate nga ogasse ku ekyo, zonna zitabuddwamu ebyobufuzi ebirimu okulwanagana. b00580a That is why the Bahá'ís must turn all their forces into the channel of building up the Bahá'í Cause and its administration. They can never change nor help the world in any other way at present. %% Eyo y’ensonga lwaki Ababahá'í bateekwa okukyusa amaanyi gaabwe bagateeke mu mukutu gw’okukulaakulanya Enzikiriza ya Bahá'í wamu n’enzirukanya yaayo ey’emirimu. Tebayinza n’akamu kukyusa wadde okuyamba ensi yonna mu ngeri endala yonna mu kiseera kino. (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to a individual believer, December 21, 1948 - Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 445) Byaggibwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikirwa omukiriza omu kulwa Shoghi Effendi eri, December 21, 1948 Lights of Guidance, olup. 445 b00580b In another Tablet He (Bahá'u'lláh)laid on His followers the obligation to "behave towards the government of the country in which they reside with loyalty, honesty and truthfulness…"'Abdu'l-Bahá reaffirmed the same principles. %% Mu Kiwandiiko ekirala Ye (Bahá’u’lláh) yalagira abagoberezi Be “okubeera ab’obuvunaanyizibwa, ab’amazima era abeesigwa eri gavumenti y’ensi mwe babeera”. 'Abdu'l-Bahá yakkaatiriza obuvunaanyizibwa bwe bumu. b00581 When in America He explained: "The essence of the Bahá'í spirit is that, in order to establish a better social order and economic condition, there must be allegiance to the laws and principles of government. %% Ye ('Abdu'l-Bahá)bwe yali mu Amerika yannyonnyola nti: “Ekinyusi ky’omwoyo gwa Bahá'í kiri nti, okusobola okussaawo enteekateeka ey’obulamu bw’abantu n’embeera y’ebyenfuna esingako, wateekwa okubeerawo okukuuma n’okugondera amateeka n’empagi za gavumenti. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 333) b00582 Non-membership in Churches and Other Religious Organizations %% Obutabeera ba memba mu Makanisa ne mu Bibiina Ebirala eby’Eddiini. b00583 ... we, as Bahá'ís, must not have any affiliations with churches or political parties. But he feels certain that when you meditate on this matter you yourselves will see the wisdom of it. We, as Bahá'ís, can never be known as hypocrites or as people insincere in their protestations and because of this we cannot subscribe to both the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh and ordinary church dogma. %% ...ffe, nga Ababahá'í tuteekwa obutaba na kakwate konna n’amakanisa oba ebibiina by’obufuzi. Naye akikakasa nti bwe mwefumiitiriza ku nsonga eno, mmwe mwennyini mujja kutegeera amagezi agagirimu. Ffe, nga Ababahá'í tetuyinza kumanyibwa n’akamu nga bannanfuusi oba nga abantu abatali beesimbu mu kulangirira kwabwe era ku lw’ensonga eno tetusobola kubeera bagoberezi ab’Enzikiriza ya Bahá’u’lláh ate mukiseera kye kimu ne tugoberera enzikiriza z’amakanisa eza bulijjo. b00584 The churches are waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ; we believe He has come again in the Glory of the father. The churches teach doctrines -- various ones in various creeds -- which we as Bahá'ís do not accept; such as the bodily Resurrection, confession, or in some creeds, the denial of the Immaculate Conception. %% Amakanisa galindirira okudda kwa Yesu Kristo; ffe tukkiriza nti Ye akomyewo nate mu Kitiibwa kya Kitaawe. Amakanisa gasomesa bulombolombo – obutali bumu mu nzikiriza ezenjawulo -- ffe nga Ababahá'í ze tutakkiririzaamu; gamba nga Okuzuukira oskw’omubiri, okwejjusa ebibi mu maaso g’omuntu, oba mu nzikiriza ezimu, okuwakanya eky’Okufuna Olubuto lw’Omwoyo Omutukuvu. b00585 In other words there is no Christian church today whose dogmas we, as Bahá'ís can truthfully say we accept in their entirety -- therefore to remain a member of the Church is not proper for us, for we do so under false pretences. We should, therefore, withdraw from our churches but continue to associate, if we wish to, with the church members and ministers. %% Mu ngeri endala teri kkanisa y’Abakurisitaayo (Abakirisitu) erina obulombolombo, ffe nga Ababahá'í bwe tuyinza mu mazima okugamba nti tubukkiriza bulambalamba -- noolwekyo okusigala nga tuli bamemba ba Kkanisa tekiba kituufu ku lwaffe, kubanga ekyo tuba tukikolera nga mu kwebuzaabuza. Noolwekyo, tusaana okuva mu makkanisa gaffe naye tweyongere okukolagana, singa tuba twagadde, ne ba memba ne bakabona b’ekkanisa. b00586 Our belief in Christ, as Bahá'ís, is so firm, so unshakable and so exalted in nature that very few Christians are to be found now-a-days who love Him and reverence Him and have the faith in Him that we have. It is only from the dogmas and creeds of the churches that we dissociate ourselves; not from the spirit of Christianity. %% Okukkiriza kwaffe mu Kristo, nga ffe Ababahá'í, kunywevu nnyo, tekunyeenyezekako era kwa kugulumiza nnyo mu nnono era Abakurisitaayo (Abakirisitu) batono nnyo mu nsangi zino abamwagala n’okumusuuta era abamukkiririzaamu nga ffe. Bulombolombo na nzikiriza ez’amakanisa ffe bye twesammulira ddala; so si mwoyo gwa Bukulisitaayo (Bukirisitu) (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'ís of Vienna, June 24, 1947 - Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 159: %% Biggiddwa okuva mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lwa Shoghi Effendi eri Ababahá’í ab’omu Vienna, June 24, 1947- Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p.159) b00587 Our Role in the Bahá’í Community %% Obuvunaanyizibwa Bwaffe mu Bagoberezi ba Bahá’í b00588 Assemblies %% Enkiiko b00589 The National Spiritual Assembly %% Olukiiko olw'Omwoyo olw'Eggwanga b00590 This National Spiritual Assembly,... obviously assumes grave responsibilities, for it has to exercise full authority over all the local Assemblies in its province, and will have to direct the activities of the Friends, guard vigilantly the Cause of God, and control and supervise the affairs of the Movement in general. %% Olukiiko olw'Omwoyo olw'Eggwanga luno,… kyeraga lwatu nti lulina obuvunaanyizibwa bungi nnyo, kubanga lulina okukozesa obuyinza obujjuvu ku Nkiiko z’ebitundu ezisookerwako mu ttwale lyalwo, era lulina okuluŋŋamya emirimu gy’Abeemikwano, okukuuma obutiribiri Enzikiriza ya Katonda, era okufuga n’okulabirira emirimu gy’Enzikiriza okutwalira awamu. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 73) b00591 There can be no conflict of authority, no duality under any form or circumstances in any sphere of Bahá'í jurisdiction whether local, national, or international. The National Assembly, however, although the sole interpreter of its Declaration of Trust and By-Laws, is directly and morally responsible if it allows any body or institution within its jurisdiction to abuse its privileges or to decline in the exercise of its rights and prerogatives. %% Tewayinza kubeerawo bukuubagano mu nkozesa y’obuyinza, okukontana okw’engeri yonna oba mu mbeera yonna mu kitundu kyonna Bahá'í ky’erinako obuvunaanyizibwa, ka kibeere ekisookerwako, eky’eggwanga, oba eky’ensi yonna. Naye nno, newaakubadde Olukiiko olw'Eggwanga lwe lwokka olutapusi lw’Ekiwandiiko ky’Obwesigwa n’Amateeka g’Ebitundu, lwe luvunaanyizibwa butereevu ne kunneeyisa singa lukkiriza omuntu yenna oba ekitongole ekiri wansi w’obuyinza bwalwo okukozesa obubi obuvunaanyizibwa oba okunafuwa mu nkozesa y’eddembe lyalwo n’obuyinza bwalwo. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 76) b00592 The Local Spiritual Assembly %% Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo olw’Ekitundu Ekisookerwako b00593 All over the world the Guardian is constantly encouraging and enjoining the believers to learn to function according to Bahá'í laws and principles; members of Spiritual Assemblies must learn to face their responsibilities; individuals must learn to turn to them and abide by their decisions. %% Okwetooloola ensi yonna Omukuumi buli kiseera akubiriza n’okukuutira abakkiriza okuyiga okukolera wansi w’amateeka n’empagi za Bahá'í; abakiise abali mu Nkiiko z’Omwoyo bateekwa okuyiga okwaŋŋanga obuvunaanyizibwa bwabwe; abantu kinnoomu bateekwa okuyiga okuzeebuuzaako n’okugondera ekyo kye ziba zisazeewo. (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, October 17, 1944 - Lights of Guidance, p. 43 %%% Biggiddwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lw’Omukuumi eri omukkiriza omu, October 17, 1944 – Lights of Guidance, p. 43) b00594 If the Bahá'ís would follow the Bahá'í laws in voting, in electing, in serving and in abiding by Assembly decision, all this waste of strength through criticizing others could be diverted into cooperation and achieving the Plan... %% Singa nno Abahá'í bayinza okugoberera amateeka ga Bahá'í mu kukuba akalulu, mu kulonda, mu kuweereza n’okugondera okusalawo kw’Olukiiko, okumala amaanyi gano gonna mu kukolokota abalala gandiyinza okukyusibwa ne gateekebwa mu nkolagana ey’awamu n’okutuukiriza Enteekateeka... (From a letter written in behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, December 18, 1949: Bahá'í News, No. 233, p. 2 July 1950 - Lights of Guidance, p. 92) Okuva mu bbaluwa eyawandiikirwa omukkiriza omu kulwa Shoghi Effendi, December 18, 1949: Bahá'í News, No. 233, olup. 2 July 1950 b00595 To it all local matters pertaining to the Cause must be directly and immediately referred for full consultation and decision. %% Ensonga zonna ez’omu kitundu ezikwatagana ku Nzikiriza ziteekwa okujulizibwa butereevu era mu bwangu ddala eri Oluliiko zisobole okuteesebwako n’okusalwawo. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 38) b00596 ... all Bahá'ís should be encouraged to turn to their Assembly for the solution of their various problems, thus enabling the Spiritual Assembly to fulfil one of its most important functions,... %% ... Ababahá'í bonna basaana bakubirizibwe okwbuuzanga ku Lukiiko lwabwe basobole okugonjoola ebizibu byabwe ebitali bimu, bwekityo kisobozese Olukiiko olw’Omwoyo okutuukiriza ogumu ku mirimu gyalwo egisinga obukulu,... (Shoghi Effendi, The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahá’í Community, p. 144) b00597 The Guardian is constantly encouraging the friends and the Assemblies to fulfill their respective duties; the friends should learn to refer to, and lean on, their Assemblies, and the Assemblies should assume the responsibility of making decisions and carrying them out. %% Omukuumi buli kiseera akubiriza abeemikwano wamu n’Enkiiko okutuukiriza obuvunaanyizibwa obubaweereddwa; abeemikwano basaana okuyiga okwebuuza n’okwesigama ku Nkiiko zaabwe, era n’Enkiiko zisaana okukkiriza obuvunanyizibwa obw’okusalangawo eby’okukola era n’okubikola. (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian, Bahá’í Laws, Pg 56-57 %%% Biggiddwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lw’Omukuumi, Bahá’í Laws, p. 56 - 57) b00598 ... it should be realized that there is a distinction drawn in the Faith between the attitudes which should characterize individuals in their relationship to other people, namely, loving forgiveness, forbearance, and concern with one's own sins, not the sins of others, and those attitudes which should be shown by the Spiritual Assemblies, whose duty is to administer the law of God with Justice. %% ... kisaana kitegeerekeke nti waliwo enjawulo erambikiddwa mu Nzikiriza wakati w’endowooza ezisaana okulambika abantu kinnoomu mu nkolagana yaabwe n’abantu abalala, nga zino, kwe kusonyiwa okulimu okwagala, obugumiikiriza, n’okufaayo ku bibi ebibyo, so si ku bibi by’abalala, era n’endowooza ezo ezandisaanye okulagibwa Enkiiko z’Omyoyo, nga zirina obuvunaanyizibwa obw’okulabirira etteeka lya Katonda wamu n’Obwenkanya. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973, p. 110 %% Ennyumba ey'Ensi Yonna ey'Obwenkanya, Obubaka okuva mu Nnyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya 1968-1973 olup. 110) b00599 Consultation %% Okwebuuzaganya b00600 With the utmost friendliness and in a spirit of perfect fellowship take ye counsel together, and dedicate the precious days of your lives to the betterment of the world and the promotion of the Cause of Him Who is the Ancient and Sovereign Lord of all. %% Mu mukwano ogwa nnamaddala era mu mwoyo ogw’okusseekimu ogutuukiridde mwebuuzaganyenga, era muweeyo ennaku ez’obulamu bwammwe ez’omuwendo ku lw’okulongoosa ensi yonna era n’okutumbula Enzikiriza y’Oyo Oweddanedda era Mukama Kabaka wa byonna. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 183) b00601 The heaven of divine wisdom is illumined with the two luminaries of consultation and compassion and the canopy of world order is upraised upon the two pillars of reward and punishment. %% Eggulu ly’amagezi amatuukirivu limulisibwa n’emimuli ebiri egy’okwebuuzaganya n’okusaasira era ne minvuuli y’obutebenkevu bw’ensi yonna ewanikibwa ku mpagi bbiri ez’okusiimibwa n’okubonerezebwa. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 126) b00602 If a small number of people gather lovingly together, with absolute purity and sanctity, with their hearts free of the world, experiencing the emotions of the Kingdom and the powerful magnetic forces of the Divine, and being at one in their happy fellowship, that gathering will exert its influence over all the earth. %% Singa abantu abatono bakuŋŋaanira wamu mu kwagalana, mu bulongoofu n’obutuukirivu bwennyini, emitima gyabwe nga girese eby’ensi byonna, nga gigabana ku mbeera y’obulamu y’Obwakabaka n’okusikirizibwa okwamaanyi g’Obutuukirivu, era ne gibeera bumu mu kusseekimu kwabwe okw’essanyu, olukuŋŋaana olwo lujja kubunyisa amaanyi gaalwo ku lukalu lw’ensi lwonna. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 80) b00603 Endeavor ye as much as possible that differences may not arise in the affairs; let not every insignificant matter become the cause of disagreement. If such conditions exist the end will be complete dispersion. %% Mufube nnyo nga bwe musobola enjawukana zireme kubalukawo mu mirimu gyammwe; temukkiriza busongasonga kufuuka nsibuko y’obutakkaanya. Singa embeera nga ezo zibeerawo mu mmwe olwo enkomerero eribeera ya kwawukanira ddala. b00604a The believers and maid-servants of the Merciful must all consider how to produce harmony, so that the unity of the human world may be realized, not that every wholly unimportant subject become conducive to differences of opinion. %% Abakkiriza n’abazaana ab’Oyo Omusaasizi bonna bateekwa okulowooza engeri y’okutondawo okukwatagana obulungi, olwo nno obumu obw’ensi y’obuntu bulyoke bulabike, so si nti buli nsonga yonna eterina mugaso eyinza okuleetawo enjawukana mu ndowooza. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 411) b00604b Consultation He establishes as one of the fundamental principles of His Faith; describes it as "the lamp of guidance," as "the bestower of understanding," and as one of the two "luminaries" of the "heaven of Divine wisdom." %% Bahá’u’lláh assaawo okwebuuzaganya nga emu ku mpagi enkulu ey’Enzikiriza Ye, akunnyonnyola nga “ettaala y’okuluŋŋamizibwa”, nga “ensibuuko y’okutegeera”, era nga ogumu ku “mimuli” ebiri, “egy’eggulu ly’amagezi amatuukirivu”. (Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p. 218) b00605 The principle of consultation, which constitutes one of the basic laws of the Administration, should be applied to all Bahá'í activities which affect the collective interest of the Faith, for it is through cooperation and continued exchange of thoughts and views that the cause can best safeguard and foster its interests. %% Etteeka ery’okwebuuzaganya, nga lye limu ku mateeka ageesigamizibwako emirimu gyonna mu Nzirukanya y’Emirimu, lisaana okukozesebwa mu mirimu gyonna egya Bahá’í egikwata ku kigendererwa ky’Enzikiriza eky’awamu, kubanga kubeera kuyita mu kukolaganira awamu n’okukubaganya ebirowoozo n’endaba y’ensonga omutali kukoowa olwo enzikiriza n’eryoka esobolera ddala okukuumibwa obulungi n’okulaba nti ebigendererwa byayo bituukirizibwa. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 43) b00606 ... oftentimes, the most lowly, untutored and inexperienced among the friends will, by the sheer inspiring force of selfless and ardent devotion, contribute a distinct and memorable share to a highly involved discussion in any given Assembly. %% … emirundi mingi, abamu mu abo abeemikwano abatwalibwa nga aba wansi ennyo, abatalina buyigirize na bumanyirivu, nga bakozesa amaanyi g’okuluŋŋamizibwa n’okwewaayo okungi ennyo okw’obuteebalirira, bajja kuwa ebirowoozo ebikulu era ebinnajjukirwanga mu kukubaganya ebirowoozo eby’ensonga mu Lukiiko olw’engeri yonna. (Shoghi Effendi, Bahá’í Administration, p. 79) b00607 ... Bahá'u'lláh has expressly laid down the law of consultation and never indicated that anything else superseded it. %% ... Bahá’u’lláh attaddewo mu bujjuvu etteeka ly’okwebuuzaganya era teyalagako nti waliwo ekintu ekirala kyonna ekiyinza okuliggyawo. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 10) b00608 Let us also bear in mind that the keynote of the Cause of god is not dictatorial authority but humble fellowship, not arbitrary power, but the spirit of frank and loving consultation. %% Tusaana tukimanye nti omulamwa gw’Enzikiriza ya Katonda si buyinza obwa nnakyemalira wabula okusseekimu okw’eggonjebwa, si buyinza obw’okusajjalaatira ku balala, wabula omwoyo ogw’okuteesaganya mu mazima n’okwagala. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 34) b00609 Let us also remember that at the very root of the Cause lies the principle of the undoubted right of the individual to self-expression, his freedom to declare his conscience and set forth his views. %% Tusaana era okujjukira nti ensibuko yennyini ey’Enzikiriza mwe muli etteeka ery’eddembe ly’omuntu eritabuusibwabuusibwa ery’okweyogerako, eddembe lye okwogera endowooza ye era n’okulaga engeri ye gy’alabamu ensonga. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 43) b00610 The Bahá'í must learn to forget personalities and to overcome the desire -- so natural in people -- to take sides and fight about it. They must also learn to really make use of the great principle of consultation. %% Ababahá'í bateekwa okuyiga okwerabira enfaanana n’ebitiibwa by’abantu era n’okuwangula okwegomba – ekya bulijjo ennyo mu bantu – okuwagira kye baagala ennyo n’okulwana. Nate era bateekwa okuyigira ddala okussa mu nkola etteeka ery’okuteesaganyanga. (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria, June 30, 1949 p. 7, Lights of Guidance, p. 246 %% Okuva mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lwa Shoghi Effendi eri Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo olw’Eggwanga erya Germany ne Austria,June 30, 1949 olup. 7, Lights of Guidance, p. 246 ) b00611 The local friends should understand the importance of the law of consultation and realize that it is to the Local Spiritual Assembly that they should turn, abide by its decisions, support its projects, co-operate whole-heartedly with it in its task to promote the interests of the Cause, and seek its advice and guidance in the solution of personal problems and the adjudication of disputes, should any arise amongst the members of the community. %% Abeemikwano ab’omu kitundu basaana okutegeera obukulu bw’etteeka ery’okuteesaganya era n’okumanya nti Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo olw’Ekitundu Ekisookerwako lwe basaana okwebuuzaako, okugondera ebyo bye lubeera lusazeewo, okuwanirira emirimu gyalwo, okukolaganira awamu nalwo n’omutima gumu mu kulafuubana kwalwo okutumbula ebigendererwa by’Enzikiriza, era n’okulwebuuzaako bafune amagezi n’okuluŋŋamizibwa mu kuvvuunuka ebizibu eby’obuntu era n’okulamula ensonga z’obutakkiriziganya, bwe ziba zibaluseewo mu b’emikwano abali mu kitundu. (Universal House of Justice, from a letter dated 2 February 1966 to all National Spiritual Assemblies Engaged in Mass Teaching Work, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 34 %%% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, biggiddwa mu bbaluwa ey’ennaku z’omwezi 2 February 1966 eri Enkiiko z’Omwoyo Ezeenyigidde mu Mulimu gw’Okusomesa Abantu Abangi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 34) b00612 It is important to realize that the spirit of Bahá'í consultation is very different from that current in the decision-making processes of non-Bahá'í bodies. %% Kikulu okutegeera nti omwoyo gwa Bahá'í ogw’okuteesaganya gwa njawulo nnyo okuva ku ogwo oguliwo kati mu nteekateeka z’okukola okusalawo eby’okukola oguli mu bitongole ebitali bya Bahá'í. b00613 The ideal of Bahá'í consultation is to arrive at a unanimous decision. When this is not possible a vote must be taken. In the words of the beloved Guardian: '... when they are called upon to arrive at a certain decision, they should, after dispassionate, anxious and cordial consultation, turn to God in prayer, and with earnestness and conviction and courage record their vote and abide by the voice of the majority, which we are told by the Master to be the voice of truth, never to be challenged and always to be whole-heartedly enforced. %% Ekiruubirirwa ky’okuteesaganya mu Bahá'í kwe kutuuka ku nzikiriziganya eya bonna awatali kwekutulamu. Kino bwe kiba tekisobose, akalulu kateekwa okukubibwa. Mu bigambo by’Omukuumi omwagalwa: ‘… bwe basabibwa okusalawo ku nsonga yonna, basaana okukyukira eri Katonda nga basaba, oluvannyuma lw’okwebuuzaganya okutaliimu busungu, okutaliimu kweraliikirira era okw’omukwano, mu bwesimbu n’obumalirivu n’obuvumu basuula akalulu kaabwe era ne bagondera eddoboozi ly’abasinga obungi, Omukulu Ye ly’atugamba nti lino liba ddoboozi ery’amazima, eritasoomoozebwanga n’akamu era bulijjo eriteekwa okunywezebwa n’amaanyi gonna. b00614 As soon as a decision is reached it becomes the decision of the whole Assembly, not merely of those members who happened to be among the majority. %% Amangu ddala nga okusalawo kutuukiddwako olwo kufuuka kusalawo kwa Lukiiko lwonna, so si kw’abakiise abo abeesanze ku ludda olw’abasinga obungi. b00615 When it is proposed to put a matter to the vote, a member of the Assembly may feel that there are additional facts or views which must be sought before he can make up his mind and intelligently vote on the proposition. He should express this feeling to the Assembly, and it is for the assembly to decide whether or no further consultation is needed before voting. %% Ekiteeso bwe kireetebwa ensonga ekubweko akalulu, omukiise mu Lukiiko ayinza okuwulira muli nti waliwo ensonga oba ebirowoozo ebiteekwa okusooka okufunibwa nga tannaba kusalawo era alyoke akube bulungi akalulu ku kiteeso nga asinziira mu kutangaazibwa. Asaana aweeyo endowooza ye mu Lukiiko, era kiri eri lukiiko okusalawo oba okukubaganya ebirowoozo kwetaagisa okweyongerayo oba nedda nga akalulu tekannakubibwa. (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of Canada, March 6, 1970 - Lights of Guidance, p. 47 %% Okuva mu bbaluwa ya Ennyumba ey'Ensi Yonna ey'Obwenkanya eriOlukiiko olw'Omwoyo olw'Eggwanga lya Canada 6 March 1970 -Lights of Guidance, p. 47 ) b00616 The Nineteen Day Feast %% Entujjo y’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda b00617 The Feast hath been enjoined upon you once in every month, though it be with water only. God hath verily purposed to bring the hearts of men together, though it require every means on earth and in the heavens. %% Mulagiddwa okujaguza Entujjo omulundi gumu buli mwezi, newaakubadde nga munywa mazzi gokka. Katonda, ddala ddala, agenderedde okuleeta awamu emitima gy’abantu, newaakubadde nga kyetaagisa buli kyakukozesa ku lukalu lw’ensi ne mu nsi z’omu ggulu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Bahá’í Meetings - The Nineteen Day Feast, a compilation p.21) b00618 The Nineteen Day Feast was inaugurated by the Báb and ratified by Bahá'u'lláh, in His holy book, the Akdas [sic], so that people may gather together and outwardly show fellowship and love,... %% Entujjo y’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda yatandikibwawo Báb era n’etongozebwa Bahá’u’lláh, mu kitabo Kye ekitukuvu ekiyitibwa ‘Aqdás’, bwebatyo abantu basobole okukuŋŋaanira awamu era obumu n’okwagala kwabwe kulyoke kulabibwenga… From a talk by 'Abdu'l-Bahá given at a Nineteen Day Feast in London, England, 29 December 1912 - The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 430 %% Okuva mu byayogerwa 'Abdu'l-Bahá ku Entujjo y’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda mu London) b00619 Hold you the Nineteen Day Feasts with the utmost dignity. %% Mukuze mmwe Entujjo y’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda n’ekitiibwa ekingi. ('Abdu'l-Bahá, from a Tablet to an individual believer - translated from the Persian -The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 429 %% 'Abdu'l-Bahá, okuva mu Kiwandiiko eri omukkiriza omu – kikyusiddwa okuva mu Luperusi -- The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 429) b00620 You must continue to keep the Nineteen Day Feast. It is very important; it is very good. But when you present yourselves in the meetings, before entering them, free yourselves from all that you have in your heart, free your thoughts and your minds from all else save God, and speak to your heart. That all may make this a gathering of love, make it the cause of illumination, make it a gathering of attraction of the hearts, surround this gathering with the Lights of the Supreme Concourse, so that you may be gathered together with the utmost love. %% Muteekwa okweyongera okukuza Entujjo y’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda. Nkulu nnyo; nnungi nnyo. Naye bwe mweyanjula mu nkuŋŋaana, nga temunnaziyingira, mweggyemu byonna ebiri mu mitima gyammwe, muggye ebirowoozo n’emmeeme zammwe okuva ku birala byonna okuggyako Katonda, era mwogere eri emitima gyammwe. Kubanga bonna bayinza okufuule okukuŋŋaana luno olw’okwagalana, noolwekyo mulufuule ensibuko ey’okutangaazibwa kw’emitima, mwetoolooze olukuŋŋaana luno n’Emimuli egy’Eggye ly’omu Ggulu, olwo mulyoke mukuŋŋaanyizibwe wamu n’okwagala okusingira ddala. ("Star of the West", vol. IV, no. 7 (13 July 1913), p. 120) b00621 Each one of you must think how to make happy and pleased the other members of your Assembly, and each one must consider all those who are present as better and greater than himself, and each one must consider himself less than the rest. Know their station as high, and think of your own station as low. Should you act and live according to these behests, know verily, of a certainty, that that Feast is the Heavenly Food. That Supper is the "Lord's Supper"! I am the Servant of that gathering. %% Buli omu ku mmwe ateekwa okulowooza ku ngeri y’okuleetawo embeera ey’essanyu n’okujaganya eri abalala abali mu Lukuŋŋaana lwammwe, era buli omu ateekwa okwetoowaza eri abalala. Lowooza ku bifo byabye nga ebya waggulu okusinga ekikyo. Singa weeyisa era n’otambuza obulamu bwo okusinziira ku biragiro bino, ddala ddala mukimanye, awatali kubuusabuusa, nti Entujjo eyo Kijjulo Kitukuvu. Ekyeggulo ekyo “ky’Ekyeggulo kya Mukama”. Nze Muweereza mu lukuŋŋaana olwo. ("Star of the West", vol. IV, no. 7 (13 July 1913), p. 120) b00622 The institution of the Nineteen Day Feast provides the recognized and regular occasion for general  consultation on the part of the community, and for consultation between the Spiritual Assembly and the members of the community. %% Ekitongole ky’Entujjo y’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda kisaawo ekiseera ekimanyiddwa era ekipime ku lw’okukubaganya ebirowoozo okwa bonna okw’abantu abali mu kitundu, era n’okukubaganya ebirowoozo wakati w’Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo n’abantu abali mu kitundu. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 51) b00623 During the devotional part of the Nineteen Day Feast any part of the writings of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh and the Master can be read, also from the Bible and Qur'án, as these are all sacred scriptures. This part of the meeting need not be confined to prayers, though prayers can and should be read during it. %% Mu kiseera ky’okusinza eky’Entujjo y’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda ekitundu kyonna eky’ebyawandiikibwa Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, n’Omukulu biyinza okusomebwa, n’ebyo ebiva mu Bayibuli ne Kulaani, kubanga na bino byawandiikibwa bitukuvu. Ekitundu kino eky’ensisinkano tekyandikomye ku ssaala zokka, newaakubadde essaala ziyinza oba zisaana okusomebwa mu kiseera kino. (Shoghi Effendi, in a letter dated 18 October 1948 - The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 448) b00624 Regarding the Nineteen Day Feasts; these are not strictly obligatory, but the believers should endeavor to regularly attend them, mainly for the following two reasons: First, because they foster the spirit of service and fellowship in the community, and secondly, in view of the fact that they afford the believers a splendid opportunity to fully discuss the affairs of the Cause and to find ways and means for continued improvement in the conduct of Bahá'í activities. %% Ku bikwata ku Ntujjo ez’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda; zino za buwaze, naye abakkiriza basaana okufuba okuzibeerangamu mu biseera byazo, naddala ku lw’ensonga bbiri: Esooka, kubanga zireetawo omwoyo gw’okuweereza n’okusseekimu mu bantu ab’omu kitundu, era n’ekyookubiri, kubanga ziwa abakkiriza omukisa omulungi ennyo okukubaganya ebirowoozo mu bujjuvu ku nsonga n’emirimu gy’Enzikiriza era n’okulongoosaamu mu nkola y’emirimu gya Bahá'í. (Letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, dated November 30, 1936, to an individual believer, -Compilations, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 439 %% Ebbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lwa Shoghi Effendi, eya nga 30 November 1936, eri omukkiriza omu,-Compilations, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 439) b00625 With regard to your question concerning the use of music in the Nineteen Day Feasts, he wishes you to assure all the friends that not only he approves of such a practice, but thinks it even advisable that the believers should make use, in their meetings, of hymns composed by Bahá'ís themselves, and also of such hymns, poems and chants as are based on the Holy Words. %% Ku kibuuzo kyo ekikwata ku nkozesa y’ebivuga mu Ntujjo ez’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda, ayagala okukakasa abeemikwano bonna nti takoma ku kya kukkiriza bukkiriza enkola nga eno, naye ate era alowooza nti kya magezi abakkiriza okukozesa ennyimba ezitendereza, mu nsisinkano zaabwe, nga ziyiiyiiziddwa Ababahá'í bennyini, era n’ennyimba, ebikwate n’ebitontome ebyesigamiziddwa ku Bigambo Ebitukuvu. (Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 245) b00626 The Nineteen Day Feast should be held, preferably, on the first day of the Bahá'í month, that is to say the Bahá'í day, beginning at sunset. If this is not possible for some good reason, for example that it clashes with the regular day for a public meeting, then it may be held later, but it must fall within that same Bahá'í month and should be on the nearest possible date. %% Entujjo ey’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda kyandibadde kisingako ekuzibwe ku lunaku olusooka mu mwezi gwa Bahá'í, ekitegeeza ku lunaku lwa Bahá'í, nga lutandika nga enjuba egudde. Singa kino tekisobose olw’ensonga erimu omuzinzi, ka tugambe nti ekoonagana n’olunaku olw’okuwummula olw’okusisinkaniramu olutongole, olwo nno eyinza okukuzibwa oluvannyuma, naye eteekwa okubeerawo mu mwezi gwa Bahá'í gwe gumu era esaana okukwatibwa ku lunaku lw’omwezi olusingira ddala okuba okumpi nalwo. (Universal House of Justice, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 55) b00627 As to visitors to a Nineteen Day Feast, Bahá'ís from anywhere in the world should of course be warmly welcomed, and may take part in consultation. However, only members of the local community can vote on recommendation to the Local Spiritual Assembly. %% Ku by’abagenyi okwetaba mu Ntujjo ey’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda, Ababahá'í okuva mu kitundu kyonna eky’ensi yonna, basaana baanirizibwe n’essanyu, era bayinza okwetaba mu kukubaganya ebirowoozo. Naye nno, ba memba bokka ab’omu kitundu be bayinza okukuba akalulu ku nsonga eziweerezeddwa mu Lukiiko lw’Omwoyo olw’Ekitundu Ekisookerwako. (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles, December 1, 1968 - Lights of Guidance, p. 240 %% Biggiddwa okuva mu bbaluwa ey’Ennyumba y'Ensi Yonna ey'Obwenkanya eri Olukiiko lw'Omwoyo olw'Eggwanga lya British Isles, 1 December 1968 - Lights of Guidance, p. 240) b00628 The Nineteen Day Feast has been described by the Guardian as the foundation of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. It is to be conducted according to the following programme: • the first part, entirely spiritual in character, consists of the reading of prayers by the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, and the Master; • the second part consists of general consultation on the affairs of the Cause; • the third part is the material Feast and social meeting of all the believers, and should maintain the spiritual nature of the Feast. %%% Omukuumi annyonnyodde nti Entujjo ey’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda gwe musingi gw’Enteekateeka ey’Ensi Yonna eya Bahá’u’lláh. Eteekwa okussibwa mu nkola nga edoberera enteekateeka eno wammanga: • Ekitundu ekisooka, nga kyonna kya bya mwoyo, mulimu okusoma essaala za Báb, Bahá’u’lláh n’Omukulu. • Ekitundu ekyokubiri, mulimu okuteesaganya okw’awamu ku nsonga n’emirimu gy’Enzikiriza. • Ekitundu ekyokusatu kye Kijjulo kyennyini n’abakkiriza okumanyagana era ennono y’omwoyo esaana okukuumibwa ku Kijjulo kino ekitukuvu. (Universal House of Justice, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 52) b00629 The rule that only Bahá'ís may take part in Nineteen Day Feasts is not a new one, indeed it was often reiterated by the beloved Guardian. However, when a non-Bahá'í does appear at a Feast he should not be asked to leave; rather the Assembly should omit the consultative part of the Feast, and the non-Bahá'í should be made welcome. %% Ekiragiro nti Ababahá'í bokka be bakkirizibwa okwetaba mu Ntujjo ey’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda si kipya, kituufu ddala nti Omukuumi Omwagalwa yakikkaatiriza enfunda nnyingi. Naye nno, atali Mubahá'í bwalabikako ku Ntujjo tasaanidde kusabibwa agiveemu; wabula Olukiiko lusaana lutalize ekitundu eky’okukubaganya ebirowoozo, era oyo atali Mubahá'í naalyoka akkirizibwa okujjetabamu. b00630 Of course, if the non-Bahá'ís well known to the Bahá'ís and no hurt feelings would be caused, he might be asked to retire during the consultative part. In general, however, it is much better to avoid such problems where possible... %% Kituufu ddala, singa abatali Babahá'í abamanyiddwa obulungi eri Ababahá'í era nga tewaabeerewo kukiikiragana nsingo, asaana asabibwe okwewungulamu mu kiseera ky’okukubaganya ebirowoozo. Naye nno, okutwalira awamu, kisingako okwewala ebizibu nga ebyo bwe kiba kisoboka… (Universal House of Justice to an individual believer, March 24, 1970, Lights of Guidance, p. 240 %%% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya eri omukkiriza omu, March 24, 1970, Lights of Guidance, p. 240) b00631 The Bahá’í Fund %% Ensawo y’Ensimbi za Bahá’í b00632 As the progress and extension of spiritual activities is dependent and conditioned upon material means, it is of absolute necessity that immediately after the establishment of local as well as National Spiritual Assemblies, a Bahá'í Fund be established, to be placed under the exclusive control of the Spiritual Assembly. %% Okugenda mu maaso n’okugaziya emirimu gy’omwoyo nga bwe byesigamizibwa n’okubeezebwawo ebintu ebikalu, kyetaagisiza ddala nti mangu ddala nga Olukiiko olw’Ekitundu Ekisookerwako wamu n’Enkiiko z'Omwoyo ez'Amawanga zimaze okubangibwawo, Ensawo ya Bahá'í eteekwa okussibwawo, nga eno erabirirwa butereevu Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo lwokka. b00633 All donations and contributions should be offered to the Treasurer of the Assembly, for the express purpose of promoting the interests of the Cause, throughout that locality or country. It is the sacred obligation of every conscientious and faithful servant of Bahá'u'lláh who desires to see His Cause advance, to contribute freely and generously for the increase of that Fund. %% Ebirabo byonna n’ensimbi ezivudde mu kusonda zisaana ziweebwe Omuwanika w’Olukiiko, nga n’ekigendererwa ekikulu kwe kutumbula ebigendererwa by’Enzikiriza, okwetooloola ekitundu ekyo oba ensi eyo. Buvunaanyizibwa butukuvu obwa buli muddu wa Bahá’u’lláh omwesigwa era omwegendereza eyeegomba okulaba nti Enzikiriza Ye ekulaakulana, okuwaayo awatali kukakibwa, era mu bungi, olwo Ensawo eyo eryoke egaziwe. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 93) b00634 The privilege of contributing to the Bahá'í Fund, "the life-blood" of the Administrative Order, can only be won by open declaration of Faith. Bahá'u'lláh says, in effect, that He will receive the things of this world only from those who recognize Him as the "Possessor of all things", the "Giver", the "Independent". %% Omukisa ogw’okuwaayo mu Nsawo ya Bahá'í, “omusaayi gw’obulamu” ogw’Enteekateeka y’Emirimu, guyinza okufunibwa nga omuntu alangiridde mu lwatu okubeera omugoberezi w’Enzikiriza. Bahá’u’llah agamba nti, mu mazima, Ye ajja kukkiriza ebintu eby’ensi eno okuva eri abo bokka abamutegeera Ye nga ye “Nannyini w’ebintu byonna”, “Omugabi” era “Eyeemalirira”. b00635 His Cause will be built by faith only, and the condition of the Fund, "the bedrock on which all other institutions must necessarily rest and be established", is the measure of this faith. %% Enzikiriza Ye ejja kuzimbibwa na kukkiriza kwokka, era embeera y’Ensawo, “olwazi ebitongole byonna ebirala kwe biteekwa okwesigamizibwa n’okubangibwawo” kye kipimo ky’okukkiriza kuno. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 92) b00635b To make your contribution to the Fund, you must find out who is your local Treasurer. If you are the only believer in your locality you should send direct to the National Treasurer. %% Okuwaayo mu Nsawo, oteekwa okuzuula Omuwanika wo ow’ekitundu. Bw’obeera nga ggwe mukkiriza wekka mu kitundu kyo, osaana oweereze ensimbi ezo butereevu ew’Omuwanika w’Eggwanga. b00636 The amount you give is entirely your own affair, and is confidential. %% Omuwendo gw’owaayo mu kusonda gusalibwawo ggwe wennyini, era kino kibeera kyama kyo. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 93) b00637 No individual is functioning as a full member of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh who does not support the Fund, however modestly. Collective action is ensured by everyone contributing; the spiritual reality of "one soul in many bodies" is expressed through the Fund when it is supported by every believer. %% Tewali muntu kinnomu asobola kubalibwa nga mmemba omujjuvu mu Nteekateeka ey’Ensi Yonna eya Bahá’u’lláh bw’abeera nga tawagira Nsawo ya Nzikiriza, wadde ne bwekabeera katono katya. Okukolera awamu kunywezebwa nga buli omu awaayo; embeera entuufu ey’omwoyo nti “ey’emmeme emu mu mibiri emingi” yeeyoleseza mu Nsawo nga ewagiddwa buli mukkiriza. b00638 The individual Bahá'í shares in his or her community life by contributing to the Fund, and the community shares in the life of the national community by sending regular contributions to the National Fund. In like manner, the National Spiritual Assemblies contribute to the International Fund, and thus every believer who supports the Fund is sharing in the world-wide activities of the Faith. %% Buli Mubahá'í yeetaba mu bulamu bw’abantu ab’omu kitundu nga awaayo mu Nsawo era n’abantu mu kitundu bagabanira wamu mu bulamu bwa bannaabwe mu ggwanga lyonna nga baweereza ensimbi ze babeera basonze mu biseera ebigere mu Nsawo y’Eggwanga. Mu ngeri y’emu, Enkiiko z’Omwoyo ez’Eggwanga ziwaayo mu Nsawo z’Amawanga gonna, era bwekityo buli mukkiriza awagira Ensawo abeera yeetabye mu mirimu gy’ensi yonna egy’Enzikiriza. b00638b We are asked to be mature and conscious of our responsibilities in this Day, so no believer will be pestered by requests for money. But we should all know that it is a part of our Bahá'í life to contribute to the Fund. %% Tusabibwa okubeera abantu abakulu mu ndowooza era abategeera obuvunaanyizibwa bwaffe mu Lunaka luno, noolwekyo tewali mukkiriza ajja kupererezebwa nga asabibwa okuwaayo ensimbi. Naye tusaanye okukimanya nti kitundu kya bulamu bwaffe nga Ababahá'í okuwaayo mu Nsawo. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 94) b00639 We know that community life is the pattern and basis of the Kingdom, and therefore every individual must share in that life, or the foundation will not be universal and God's wish of seeing the human race as "one soul in one body" will not be realized. %% Tukimanyi nti obulamu bw’abantu b’omu kitundu y’enteekateeka era gwe musingi gw’Obwakabaka, kale noolwekyo buli muntu kinnoomu ateekwa okugabana ku bulamu obwo, nga bwe kitaba bwekityo olwo omusingi teguliyinza kubeera gwa nsi yonna era n’ekigendererwa kya Katonda okulaba nti olulyo lw’abantu bonna lufuuka “emmeeme emu mu mubiri gumu”, tekirituukibwako. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 94) b00640 We are asked to be mature and conscious of our responsibilities in this Day, so no believer will be pestered by requests for money. But we should all know that it is part of our Bahá'í life to contribute to the Fund. (See b00638b) (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 94) b00641 In response to your letter .... we have been asked by the Universal House of Justice to state that it is not appropriate for funds for the Faith to be raised by Bahá’í Institutions through raffles and games of chance. %% Okudda mu bbaluwa yo… tusabiddwa Ennyumba ey'Ensi Yonna ey'Obwenkanya okukirambika nti si nkola ntuufu Ebitongole bya Bahá’í okuyingiza ensimbi ez’okukola emirimu gy’Enzikiriza nga bayita mu kuzannya zaala oba mu bululu. (Universal House of Justice - Letter 24 August 1976) b00642 Teaching - Some Methods and Advice %% Okusomesa – Enkola n’Okuwa Amagezi b00643 Say: Teach ye the Cause of God, O people of Bahá, for God hath prescribed unto every one the duty of proclaiming His Message, and regardeth it as the most meritorious of all deeds. Such a deed is acceptable only when he that teacheth the Cause is already a firm believer in God, the Supreme Protector, the Gracious, the Almighty. %% Gamba nti: Musomese mmwe Enzikiriza ya Katonda, Abange mmwe abantu ba Bahá, kubanga Katonda buli omu amuwadde omulimu gw’okulangirira Obubaka Bwe, era n’okukitwala nga ekikolwa ekisinga byonna obulungi. Ekikolwa nga ekyo kikkirizibwa, oyo asomesa Enzikiriza bw’abeera omukkiriza omunywevu mu Katonda, Omukuumi ow’Okuntikko, Oweekisa-ekingi, Ayinza-byonna. b00644 He hath, moreover, ordained that His Cause be taught through the power of men's utterance, and not through resort to violence. Thus hath His ordinance been sent down from the Kingdom of Him Who is the Most Exalted, the All-Wise. %% Nate era, Ye alagidde nti Enzikiriza Ye esomesebwe nga eyita mu maanyi g’ebigambo by’abantu, so si kuyita mu bikolwa eby’obukambwe. Bwerityo etteeka Lye bwe liweerezeddwa ku nsi okuva mu Bwakabaka bw’Oyo Asinga Okugulumizibwa, Amanyi-byonna. b00645 Beware lest ye contend with any one, nay, strive to make him aware of the truth with kindly manner and most convincing exhortation. If your hearer respond, he will have responded to his own behoof, and if not, turn ye away from him, and set your faces towards God's sacred Court, the seat of resplendent holiness. %% Mwegendereze si kulwa nga mukaayana n’omuntu yenna, wabula, mufube nnyo okumumanyisa amazima nga mumulaga ekisa n’okukozesa ebigambo ebisinga okusikiriza. Oyo akuwuliriza singa amala n’akkiriza, ajja kubeera nga akkirizza ye ku lulwe, era singa tekibeera bwekityo, mulekere eddembe lye, era amaaso gammwe mugoolekeze eri Embuga ya Katonda entukuvu, ekifo ekitukuvu ekyakaayakana. b00646 Out of the whole world He hath chosen for Himself the hearts of men -- hearts which the hosts of revelation and of utterance can subdue. %% Okuva mu nsi yonna, Ye yeerondedde emitima gy’abantu – emitima egiyinza okuwangulwa amagye ag’okubikkulirwa kw’ekigambo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 278) b00646b Be ye not seated and silent! Diffuse the glad-tidings of the Kingdom far and wide to the ears, promulgate the Word of God, and put into practice the advices and covenants of God; that is, arise ye with such qualities and attributes that ye may continually bestow life to the body of the world, and nurse the infants of the universe up to the station of maturity and perfection.%% Muleke kutuula butuuzi n’okusirika! Mubunyise amawulire ag’essanyu ag’Obwakabaka mu matu g’abo abali ebule n’ebweya, mulangirire Ekigambo kya Katonda, era musse mu nkola amagezi n’endagaano za Katonda; ekitegeeza nti, mugolokoke n’ebirabo ebirungi mu mmwe wamu n’obubonero olwo mulyoke musobole okweyongeranga okuwa obulamu omubiri gw’ensi yonna, era mulabirire abato ab’ensi yonna basuumuke okutuuka mu mbeera y’obukulu mu ndowooza era n’okutuukirira. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 353) b00647 Teaching the Cause is of utmost importance for it is the head corner-stone of the foundation itself. %% Okuyigiriza Enzikiriza kye kintu ekisingira ddala obukulu kubanga lye jjinja ery’omu nsonda ekkulu ery’omusingi gwennyini. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 441) b00648 When enrolling new believers, we must be wise and gentle, and not place so many obstacles in their way that they feel it impossible to accept the Faith. On the other hand, once accorded membership in the Community of the followers of Bahá'u'lláh, it must be brought home to them that they are expected to live up to His Teachings, and to show forth the signs of a noble character in conformity with His Laws. This can often be done gradually, after the new believer is enrolled. %% Bwe tuba tuwandiisa abakkiriza abaggya, tuteekwa okubeeera abagezi era abakkakkamu, era n’obutateeka miziziko mingi mu kkubo lyabwe ekiyinza okubalemesa okukkiriza Enzikiriza. Mu engeri endala, nga bamaze okuyingizibwa mu kibiina ky’abagoberezi ba Bahá’u’lláh, abali mu kitundu, bateekwa okumanyisibwa nti basuubirwa okweyisa nga Enjigiriza Ye bw’egamba, era n’okwolesa obubonero obw’empisa ez’ekitiibwa ezikkiriziganya n’Amateeka Ge. Kino emirundi mindi kikolebwa mpolampola, omukkiriza nga amaze okuyingizibwa. (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to the British National Spiritual Assembly, June 25, 1953: Lights of Guidance, p. 69 %%% Biggiddwa mu bbaluwa y’Omukuumi eri Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo olwa Britain, June 25, 1953: Lights of Guidance, p. 69) b00649 It is better to have one Bahá'í who understands the Teachings and is wholeheartedly convinced of their truth, than a number of Bahá'ís, who are not well aware of the Cause, and deep-rooted in the Covenant. %% Kisingako okufuna Omubahá'í omu ategeera Enjigiriza era nga n’emmeeme ye yonna ejjuziddwa amazima g’Enjigiriza okusinga Ababahá'í abangi, abatamanyi bulungi Nzikiriza, era abatannyikidde mu Ndagaano. (From a letter dated 22 January 1955 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer - The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 319) b00650 Let him, while such contacts are being made, bear in mind the claims which his Faith is constantly making upon him to preserve its dignity, and station, to safeguard the integrity of its laws and principles, to demonstrate its comprehensiveness and universality, and to defend fearlessly its manifold and vital interests. %% Entegeka ez’okusisinkana abantu bwe zibeera zikolebwa, asaana ajjukire Enzikiriza by’emulagira okukola buli kiseera olw’okubeezaawo ekitiibwa kyayo, n’ekifo kyayo, okukuuma obwesimbu bw’amateeka n’empagi zaayo, okwolesa okutuukirira n’okubuna kwayo wonna, era n’okulwanirira awatali kutya ebigendererwa ebingi era ebikulu ennyo. b00651 Let him consider the degree of his hearer's receptivity, and decide for himself the suitability of either the direct or indirect method of teaching, whereby he can impress upon the seeker the vital importance of the Divine Message, and persuade him to throw in his lot with those who have already embraced it. %% Asaana yeefumiitirize ku ddala ly’okukkiriza oyo abeera amuwuliriza ly’abeera atuuseeko, era yeesalirewo yennyini enkola ey’okusomesa egwanidde, ey’obutereevu oba okuyita mu by’okulabirako, mw’ayinza okuyita okunnyikiza oyo anoonya mugaso omunene oguli mu Bubaka Obutukuvu, era n’okumusendasenda okwewaayo yeegatte ku abo ababeera bamaze okukkiriza. b00652 Let him remember the example set by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and His constant admonition to shower such kindness upon the seeker, and exemplify to such a degree the spirit of the teachings he hopes to instill into him, that the recipient will be spontaneously impelled to identify himself with the Cause embodying such teachings. %% Asaana ajjukire ekyokulabirako 'Abdu'l-Bahá lye yassaawo, era n’okubuulirira kwe okutaasalangako okulaga ekisa eri oyo anoonya, n’okubeera ekyokulabirako ekya waggulu ennyo eky’omwoyo gw’enjigiriza gw’asuubira okumuyingizaamu, olwo oyo aba agufunye alyoke afune okuwalirizibwa okuva mu ye yennyini okukkiriza Enzikiriza erimu enjigiriza ezo. b00653 Let him refrain, at the outset, from insisting on such laws and observances as might impose too severe a strain on the seeker's newly awakened faith, and endeavor to nurse him, patiently, tactfully, and yet determinedly, into full maturity, and aid him to proclaim his unqualified acceptance of whatever has been ordained by Bahá'u'lláh. %% Okuviira ddala ku ntandikwa, asaana yeewale okugugubira ku mateeka n’obulombolombo ebiyinza okuzitoowerera enzikira empya eyaakazuukusibwa mu oyo anoonya, era n’okufuba okumulabirira, n’obugumiikiriza, obwegendereza, so nga ate mu bumalirivu, okutuusa nga akulidde ddala mu ndowooza, era n’okumuyamba okwatula okukkiriza kwe okutaliimu nkenyera, ekyo kyonna Bahá’u’lláh Ye ky’alagidde. b00654 Let him, as soon as that stage has been attained, introduce him to the body of his fellow-believers, and seek, through constant fellowship and active participation in the local activities of his community, to enable him to contribute his share to the enrichment of its life, the furtherance of its tasks, the consolidations of its interests, and the coordination of its activities with those of its sister communities. %% Amangu ddala nga omutendera ogwo gutuukiddwako, asaana amwanjule eri ekibiina eky’abakkiriza banne, era anoonye, nga ayita mu kusseekimu okwa buli kiseera era n’okwenyigira mu mirimu egy’abantu ab’omu kitundu kye, amusobozesa okuwaayo ky’asobola olw’okulongoosa obulamu bwabwe, okutumbula emirimu gyabwe, okunyweza ebigendererwa byabwe, era n’okukwanaganya emirimu gyabwe n’abantu ab’omu bitundu bwe bafaanaganya embeera. b00655 Let him not be content until he has infused into his spiritual child so deep a longing as to impel him to arise independently, in his turn, and devote his energies to the quickening of other souls, and the upholding of the laws and principles laid down by his newly adopted Faith.%% Tasaana kussa mukono okutuusa nga amaze okussa mu mwana we ow’omwoyo okuyaayaana okungi okunaamuwaliriza okugolokoka ku lulwe, nga ekiseera kye kituuse, naye aweeyo amaanyi ge mu kuzuukusa emyoyo emirala, n’okukuuma amateeka n’empagi ezassibwawo Enzikiriza ye empya gye yaakayingira. (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 51) b00656 After declaration, the new believers must not be left to their own devices. Through correspondence and dispatch of visitors, through conferences and training courses, these friends must be patiently strengthened and lovingly helped to develop into full Bahá'í maturity. %% Oluvannyuma lw’okulangirira, abakkiriza abapya tebateekwa kusuulibwa ttayo. Nga bayita mu kusomesebwa ebyo ebibaweerezebwa n’okukyalirwa abagenyi, mu nkuŋŋaana ne zi kkoosi ezibangula, abeemikwano bano bateekwa okunywezebwa mpola mpola era n’okuyambibwa mu kwagala okukula mu ndowooza y’Obubahá'í enzijuvu. b00657 The beloved Guardian, referring to the duties of Bahá'í assemblies in assisting the newly declared believer, has written: ". . . the members of each and every assembly should endeavor, by their patience, their love, their tact and wisdom, to nurse, subsequent to his admission, the newcomer into Bahá'í maturity, and win him over gradually to the unreserved acceptance of whatever has been ordained in the teachings." %% Omukuumi omwagalwa, nga ajuliza ku mirimu gy’enkiiko za Bahá'í mu kuyamba omukkiriza omupya amaze okulangirira, awandiise nti, “… ba mmemba aba buli luliiko lwonna basaana bafube, mu bugumiikiriza, mu kwagala, mu kwegendereza n’amagezi gaabwe, okukuza omukkiriza omupya atuuke mu ndowooza enkulu ey’Obubahá'í, nga kino kiddirira okuyingizibwa kwe, era n’okumusikiriza mpola mpola akiririze ddala ebyo byonna ebiragiddwa mu njigiriza.” b00658 Expansion and consolidation are twin processes that must go hand in hand. The friends must not stop expansion in the name of consolidation. Deepening the newly enrolled believers generates tremendous stimulus which results in further expansion. The enrollment of new believers, on the other hand, creates a new spirit in the community and provides additional potential manpower that will reinforce the consolidation work. %% Okugaziya n’okunyweza nteekateeka za nabansasaana ezirina okugendera awamu. Abeemikwano tebateekwa kuyimiriza nteekateeka z’okugaziya nga beekwasa enteekateeka ez’okunyweza. Okunnyikiza abakkiriza abapya abaakayingizibwa kuleetawo okusikirizibwa okw’amaanyi okuvaamu okwongera okugaziwa. Mu ngeri endala, okuyingiza abakkiriza abapya kutondawo omwoyo omupya mu bantu b’omu kitundu era kwongera amaanyi agajja okunyweza omulimu gw’okunnyikiza. (The Universal House of Justice, Wellspring of Guidance, Messages 1963-1968, p. 32) b00659 The friends should be made to realize that in teaching the Faith to others they should not only aim at assisting the seeking soul to join the Faith, but also at making him a teacher of the Faith and its active supporter. %% Abeemikwano basaana bakitegeere nti mu kuyigiriza abalala Enzikiriza tebasaana kuluubirira kuyamba emmeeme enoonya okuyingira mu Nzikiriza kyokka, wabula n’okumufuula omusomesa w’Enzikiriza era n’okubeera omuwagizi waayo lukulwe. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 73 %%% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, Obubaka 1963 okutuuka 1986, p. 73) b00660 When teaching among the masses, the friends should be careful not to emphasize the charitable and humanitarian aspects of the Faith as a means to win recruits. Experience has shown that when facilities such as schools, dispensaries, hospitals, or even clothes and food are offered to the people being taught, many complications arise. %% Abeemikwano bwe babeera basomesa mu bantu abangi, basaana okubeera abeegendereza obutassa nnyo ssira ku mbeera z’Enzikiriza ez’obugabirizi n’okulumirirwa abantu nga amakubo ag’okuyingiza abantu abapya. Obumanyirivu bulaze nti ebintu nga amasomero, obulwaliro, amalwaliro, oba engoye n’emmere bwe biweebwa abantu ababeera mu kusomesebwa, obuzibu bungi bumerukawo. b00661 The prime motive should always be the response of man to God's message, and the recognition of His Messenger. Those who declare themselves as Bahá'ís should become enchanted with the beauty of the Teachings; and touched by the love of Bahá'u'lláh. %% Ekigendererwa ekisinga obukulu bulijjo kyandibadde engeri omuntu gy’akkirizaamu obubaka bwa Katonda, era n’okukkiriza Omubaka We. Abo abeerangirira bennyini nga Ababahá'í bandibadde abo abasanyusibwa ennyo obulungi obuli mu Njigiriza; era n’okukwatibwako okwagala kwa Bahá'u'lláh. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 39) b00662 To sum up: 1. Teaching the waiting masses is a reality facing each National Assembly. 2. The friends must teach with conviction, determination, genuine love, lack of prejudice, and in a simple language addressed to the heart. 3. Teaching must be followed up by training courses, conferences, and regular visits to deepen the believers in their knowledge of the Teachings. 4. The close touch of the National Office or Teaching Committees with the work is most essential, so that through reports and correspondence not only is information obtained and verified, but stimulation and encouragement is given. 5. Expansion and consolidation go hand in hand. %% Okuwumbawumba: 1. Okuyigiriza abantu abangi ababeera balindiridde mbeera yennyini eyolekedde buli Lukiiko lwa Ggwanga. 2. Abeemikwano bateekwa okusomesa n’obumalirivu, obuvumu, okwagala okwa namaddala, awatali kyekubiira, era mu lulimi olwangu olukoona mu mutima. 3. Okusomesa kuteekwa okuddirirwa zi kkoosi ez’okubangula, enkuŋŋaana, okukyala okw’ebiseera ebigere olw’okunnyikiza okumanya kwabwe okw’Enjigiriza. 4. Okwekuumira okumpi, okwa Woofiisi y’Eggwanga n’Obukiiko bw’Ebyenjigiriza, n’omulimu ogukolebwa kyetaagisa nnyo, bweityo nga bakozesa alipoota n’amabuluwa kino kiyamba, ssi mu kufuna n’okukakasa amawulire kyokka, wabula okusikiriza n’okukubiriza nabyo bifunibwa. 5. Okugaziya n’okunyweza byombi bigendera wamu. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 42 %%% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, Obubaka 1963 okutuuka 1986, p. 42) b00663 The paramount goal of the teaching work at the present time is to carry the message of Bahá'u'lláh to every stratum of human society and every walk of life. %% Ekiruubirirwa ekisinga obukulu eky’omulimu gw’okusomesa mu kiseera kino kwe kutuusa obubaka bwa Bahá’u’llah eri abantu aba buli kika era aba buli ngeri. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 118 %%% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, Obubaka 1963 okutuuka 1986, p. 118) b00664 The purpose of teaching is not complete when a person declares that he has accepted Bahá'u'lláh as the Manifestation of God for this age; the purpose of teaching is to attract human beings to the divine Message and so imbue them with its spirit that they will dedicate themselves to its service, and this world will become another world and its people another people. %% Ekiruubirirwa ky’okusomesa kibeera tekituukirira omuntu bw’alangirira nti akkirizza Bahá’u’llah nga Omubaka wa Katonda ow’omulembe guno; ekiruubirirwa ky’okusomesa kwe kusikiriza abantu bonna eri Obubaka obutukuvu era n’okubajjuzaamu Omwoyo gwabwo bwebatyo balyoke beeweeyo bo bennyini mu buweereza bwabwo, era ensi eno erifuuka ensi eyenjawulo era n’abantu baayo abantu ab’enjawulo. b00665 Viewed in this light a declaration of faith is merely a milestone along the way -- albeit a very important one. Teaching may also be likened to kindling a fire, the fire of faith, in the hearts of men. If a fire burns only so long as the match is held to it, it cannot truly be said to have been kindled; to be kindled it must continue to burn of its own accord. %% Bwe kitunuulira mu ngeri eno, omuntu okulangirira nti akkirizza kabeera kabonero bubonero mu lugendo lw’abeera alina okutambula – newaakubadde nakyo kikulu nnyo. Okusomesa nate kuyinza okugeraageranyizibwa ku kukoleeza omuliro, omuliro gw’okukkiriza, mu mitima gy’abantu. Omuliro bwe gwaka okumala ekiseera akati k’ekibiriitu we kaakira, mu mazima tetusobola kugamba nti omuliro gukoleezeddwa; okukoleezebwa guteekwa okweyongera okwaka ku lwagwo gwokka. b00666 Thereafter more fuel can be added and the flame can be fanned, but even if left alone for a period, a truly kindled fire will not be extinguished by the first breath of wind. %% Nga gumaze okukoleera enku endala ziyinza okwongerwako era ennimi z’omuliro ziyinza okuwujjibwa, naye newaakudde oguleka ku lwago okumala ekiseera, omuliro ogukoledde obulungi tegulizikizibwa n’empewo esooka okugufuuwako. b00667 The aim, therefore, of all Bahá'í institutions and Bahá'í teachers is to advance continually to new areas and strata of society, with such thoroughness that, as the spark of faith kindles the hearts of the hearers, the teaching of the believers continues until, and even after, they shoulder their responsibilities as Bahá'ís and participate in both the teaching and administrative work of the Faith. %% Noolwekyo, ekiruubirirwa ky’ebitongole bya Bahá'í byonna wamu n’abasomesa Ababahá'í kwe kweyongera okutuuka mu bifo ebipya n’eri abantu aba buli kika, nga kino kikolebwa n’obwegendereza obungi ennyo, nga ensasi y’okukkiriza bwekoleeza emitima gy’abawuliriza, olwo okusomesa abakkiriza kweyongere mu maaso okutuusa, mpozzi era n’oluvannyuma, lwe balisobola okwetikka obuvanaanyizibwa bwabwe nga Ababahá'í n’okwenyigira mu kusomesa n’okuddukanya omulimu gw’Enzikiriza. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 301%%% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, Obubaka 1963 okutuuka 1986, p. 301) b00668 Every Bahá'í, however humble or inarticulate, must become intent on fulfilling his role as bearer of the Divine Message. Indeed, how can true believer remain silent while around us men cry out in anguish for truth, love and unity to descend upon this world? %% Buli Mubahá'í, abeere mwetoowaze atya oba oyo atasobola kunnyonnyola bulungi nsonga, ateekwa okwewaayo okutuukiriza obuvunaanyizibwa bwe nga omwetissi w’Obubaka Obutukuvu. Mu mazima, omukkiriza omutuufu ayinza okusirika obusirisi so nga ate okutwetooloola abantu baaziirana nga banoonya amazima, okwagala n’obumu okukka ku nsi eno? (From the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá'ís of the World, November 16, 1969 -Lights of Guidance, p. 597 %%% Okuva mu Nnyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya eri Ababahá’í mu Nsi yonna, November 16, 1969 – Lights of Guidance, p. 597) b00669 Deepening %% Okunnyikiza b00670 Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths. %% Mwennyike mu ssemayanga w’ebigambo byange Nze, olwo musobole okutaggulula ebyama byayo, era muvumbule amalulu g’amagezi agakwekeddwa mu buziba bwayo. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 136) b00671 Peruse ye every day the verses revealed by God. Blessed is the man who reciteth them and reflecteth upon them. He truly is of them whom it shall be well. %% Musomenga mmwe buli lunaku ennyiriri ezibikkuddwa Katonda. Aweereddwa omukisa omuntu aziddamu n’okuzifumiitirizaako. Mu mazima oyo ali mu abo abalifuna ebirungi. (Bahá’u’lláh, The Importance of Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith - a compilation, p2)%% (Bahá’u’lláh, Obukulu bw’Okunnyikiza Okumanya Kwaffe n’Okutegeera Enzikiriza, olup 2) b00672 Meditate upon that which hath streamed forth from the heaven of the Will of thy Lord, He Who is the Source of all grace, that thou mayest grasp the intended meaning which is enshrined in the sacred depths of the Holy Writings. %% Mufumiitirize ku ekyo ekikulukuse okuva mu ggulu ly’Okwagala kwa Mukama wammwe, Ye Oyo Ensibuko y’ekisa kyonna, bwemutyo musobole okutegeera amakulu agagendereddwa agaterekeddwamu mu buziba obutukuvu obw’Ebyawandiikibwa Ebitukuvu. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 143) b00673 In this day there is nothing more important than the instruction and study of clear proofs and convincing, heavenly arguments, for therein lie the source of life and the path of salvation. %% Mu lunaku luno teri kintu kisinga okuyigiriza n’okwetegereza obukakafu bwennyini era obumatiza, ensonga entukuvu, kubanga mu bwo mwe muli ensibuko y’obulamu era n’ekkubo ery’obulokozi. ('Abdu'l-Bahá, The Importance of Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith - a compilation p7) ('Abdu'l-Bahá, Obukulu bw’Okunnyikiza Okumanya Kwaffe n’Okutegeera Enzikiriza –omuko olup. 7) b00674 To deepen in the Cause means to read the writings of Bahá'u'lláh and the Master so thoroughly as to be able to give it to others in its pure form. ... There is no limit to the study of the Cause. The more we read the Writings, the more truths we can find in Them, the more we will see that our previous notions were erroneous. %% Okunnyikira mu Nzikiriza kwe kusoma ebyawandiikibwa bya Bahá’u’llah, n’Omukulu mu bjjuvu bwennyini bwekityo kibasobozese okubiwa abalala mu bulongoofu bwabyo. …Teri kkomo mu kwetegereza eby’Enzikiriza. Gye tweyongera okwetegereza amazima agali mu Byo, era gye tujja n’okweyongera okulaba nti ebirowoozo byaffe bye tubadde nabyo biba biwubisa. (Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 11) b00675 We . . . must, by constant study of the life-giving Word, and by dedicated service, deepen in spiritual understanding... %% Nga buli kiseera twetegereza Ekigambo ekiwa obulamu, era ne mu kwewaayo mu buweereza, ffe… tuteekawa okunnyikira mu kutegeera kw’omwoyo… (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. xxix %%% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, Obubaka 1963 okutuuka 1986 omuko xxix) b00676 Dearly loved friends, this is the theme we must pursue in our efforts to deepen in the Cause. What is Bahá'u'lláh's purpose for the human race? For what ends did He submit to the appalling cruelties and indignities heaped upon Him? What does He mean by "a new race of men"? What are the profound changes which He will bring about? %% Abeemikwano abaagalwa ennyo, guno gwe mulamwa gwe tuteekwa okugoberera mu kulafuubana kwaffe okw’okunnyikira mu Nzikiriza. Ekigendererwa kya Bahá’u’lláh eri olulyo lw’abantu kye kki? Bigendererwa ki ebyamuwaliriza okukkiriza okwewaayo n’atuusibwako eby’obukambwe n’ebyentiisa era ebiswaza? Kiki ky’ategeeza bw’akozesa ebigambo “olulyo lw’abantu olupya”? Nkyukakyuka ki ez’omuggundu z’anaaleetawo? b00677 The answers are to be found in the Sacred Writings of our Faith and in their interpretation by 'Abdu'l-Bahá and our beloved Guardian. Let the friends immerse themselves in this ocean, let them organize regular study classes for its constant consideration, and as reinforcement to their effort, let them remember conscientiously the requirements of daily prayer and reading of the Word of God enjoined upon all Bahá'ís by Bahá'u'lláh. %% Okuddibwamu kwonna kusangibwa mu Byawandiikibwa Ebitukuvu eby’Enzikiriza yaffe era ne n’okunnyonnyolwa okwakolebwa 'Abdu'l-Bahá n’Omukuumi waffe omwagalwa. Abeemikwano basaana okwennyika mu ssemayanja ono, basaana okutegeka ebibiina eby’okwennyikiza olw’okufumiitiriza okutaddirira ku kuddibwamu kw’ebibuuzo ebyo, era nga bwe banyweza okulafuubana kwabwe, basaana bajjukire n’obwegendereza ebyetaago by’essaala eya buli lunaku wamu n’okusoma Ekigambo kya Katonda Bahá’u’lláh ky’alagira Ababahá'í bonna. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 107 %% Ennyumba ey’Ensi Yonna ey’Obwenkanya, Obubaka 1963 okutuuka 1986, omuko 107) b00678 Training the Children %% Okutendeka Abaana b00679 Schools must first train the children in the principles of religion, so that the Promise and the Threat recorded in the Books of God may prevent them from the things forbidden and adorn them with the mantle of the commandments; but this in such a measure that it may not injure the children by resulting in ignorant fanaticism and bigotry. %% Amasomero gateekwa okusooka okutendeka abaana ku mpagi z’eddiini, olwo Ekisuubizo n’Entiisa ebyawandiikibwa mu Bitabo bya Katonda bisobole okubakugira eri ebintu ebitakkirizibwa kukolebwa era bambazibwe ekizibaawo ky’amateeka; naye kino kikolebwe mu kigero bwekityo kireme okwonoona abaana ne kuleetawo obutali bugumiikiriza obuva mu butamanya n’amalala. (Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 68) b00680 As to thy question regarding the education of children: it behoveth thee to nurture them at the breast of the love of God, and urge them onward to the things of the spirit, that they may turn their faces unto God; that their ways may conform to the rules of good conduct and their character be second to none; that they make their own all the graces and praiseworthy qualities of humankind; acquire a sound knowledge of the various branches of learning, so that from the very beginning of life they may become spiritual beings, dwellers in the Kingdom, enamoured of the sweet breaths of holiness, and may receive an education religious, spiritual, and of the Heavenly Realm. %% Ekibuuzo kyo ekikwata ku njigiriza y’abaana: kibakakatako okubakuliza ku bbeere ly’okwagala kwa Katonda, era n’okubakubirizanga bagoberere ebintu by’omwoyo, olwo balyoke bakyuse amaaso gaabwe eri Katonda; embeera zaabwe zisobole okugendera ku mateeka n’enneeyisa ennungi era n’empisa zaabwe zibeere nga ze zisingira ddala; basobole okwetwalira emikisa gyonna n’embeera ez’abantu bonna ezitenderezebwa; bafune amagezi okuva mu matabi ag’ebyokuyiga agatali gamu, bwekityo okuviira ddala ku ntandikwa y’obulamu basobole okufuuka abantu ab’omwoyo, abatuuze ab’omu Bwakabaka, abatenguddwa empewo ennungi ez’obutukuvu, era basobole okufuna okugunjulwa okw’eddiini, okw’omwoyo, n’okwo okw’Obwakabaka obw’omu Ggulu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 142) b00681 The first duty of the beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful is this: They must strive by all possible means to educate both sexes, male and female; girls like boys; there is no difference whatsoever between them. The ignorance of both is blameworthy, and negligence in both cases is reprovable. %% Obuvunaanyizibwa obusooka eri abaagalwa ba Katonda n’abazaana b’Oyo Omusaasizi bwe buno: Bateekwa okufuba mu ngeri zonna ezisoboka okugunjula abaana ab’obulenzi n’aboobuwala; abawala okufaanagana n’abalenzi; tewali njawulo yonna wakati waabwe. Obutamanya obubeera mu bo buvumiriwa, era okubalagajjalira kya kunenyezebwa. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Section, p. 399) b00682 Let the mothers consider that whatever concerneth the education of children is of the first importance. Let them put forth every effort in this regard, for when the bough is green and tender it will grow in whatever way ye train it. %% Abazadde abakyala basaana okukimanya nti ekyo kyonna ekikwata ku ŋŋunjula y’abaana abato kye kikulu ekisookera ddala. Basaana bafube nnyo ku nsonga eno, kubanga ettabi bwe liba likyali lya kiragala nga ligonda lijja kukula mu ngeri yonna ggwe gy’obeera oliweseemu. b00683 Therefore is it incumbent upon the mothers to rear their little ones even as a gardener tendeth his young plants. Let them strive by day and by night to establish within their children faith and certitude, the fear of God, the love of the Beloved of the worlds, and all good qualities and traits. %% Noolwekyo buba buvunaayizibwa bw’abazadde abakyala okukuza abaana baabwe abato nga omulimi bw’alabirira ebimera ebito. Basaana bafube emisana n’ekiro okussa mu baana baabwe okukkiriza n’obuvumu, okutya Katonda, okwagala kw’Oyo Omwagalwa w’ensi zonna, era n’empisa n’ebikolwa ebirungi. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, olup. 125) b00683 Ye should consider the question of goodly character as of the first importance. It is incumbent upon every father and mother to counsel their children over a long period, and guide them unto those things which lead to everlasting honour. %% Musaana okulowooza ennyo ku nsonga y’empisa ennungi nga ekintu ekikulu ekisookera ddala. Buvunaanyizibwa bwa buli muzadde omusajja n’omukyala okubuulirira abaana baabwe abato okumala ebbanga eddene, n’okubaluŋŋamya mu bintu ebyo ebikulembera okutuuka mu kitiibwa ky’olubeerera. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 134) b00684 In this new and wondrous Age, the unshakeable foundation is the teaching of sciences and arts. According to explicit Holy Texts, every child must be taught crafts and arts, to the degree that is needful. Wherefore, in every city and village, schools must be established and every child in that city or village is to engage in study to the necessary degree. %% Mu mulembe guno omuggya era ogwewuunyisa, omusingi ogutanyeenyezebwa kwe kusomesa amasomo ga sayansi n’agatali ga sayansi. Okusinziira ku Biwandiiko Ebitukuvu ebitegeerekeka obulungi, buli mwana omuto ateekwa okusomesebwa eby’emikono n’ebyamagezi ebirala ku mutindo ogwetaagisa. Noolwekyo, mu buli kibuga n’ekyalo, amasomero gateekwa okussibwawo era buli mwana mu kibuga ekyo oba mu kyalo ekyo alina okwenyigira mu kusoma okutuuka ku ddaala eryetaagisa. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 134) b00685 Training in morals and good conduct is far more important than book learning. A child that is cleanly, agreeable, of good character, well-behaved -- even though he be ignorant -- is preferable to a child that is rude, unwashed, ill-natured, and yet becoming deeply versed in all the sciences and arts. %% Okutendekebwa mu mpisa n’enneeyisa kikulu nnyo okusinga okuyiga okw’omu bitabo. Omwana omuto omuyonjo, alina empisa ennungi, eyeeyisa obulungi – newaakubadde abeera tamanyi magezi ga mu bitabo – ayagalwa okusinga oyo atali mwetoowaze, omujama, atalina kisa, so nga ate abeera asomye n’ayiga bingi mu masomo ga sayansi n’ago agatali ga sayansi. b00686 The reason for this is that the child who conducts himself well, even though he be ignorant, is of benefit to others, while an ill-natured, ill-behaved child is corrupted and harmful to others, even though he be learned. If, however, the child be trained to be both learned and good, the result is light upon light. %% Amakulu agali mu kino gali nti omwana eyeeyisa obulungi, newaakubadde tabeera mumanyi, abeera wa mugaso eri abalala, so nga ate oyo alina empisa embi, kalittima, tabeera mulongoofu era wa bulabe eri abalala, newaakubadde abeera muyigirize. Naye nno, singa omwana atendekebwa n’abeera muyivu ate nga mulungi, ekivaamu kibeera kitangaala ku kitangaala. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Byaggibwa mu Byawandiikibwa ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 135) b00687 Encouraging the Youth %% Okuzzaamu Abavubuka Amaanyi b00688 O young trees and plants, matchless and tender, that grow in the meadows of guidance! O ye newcomers to the Fraternity of Truth! %% Abange mmwe emiti emito n’ebimera, egitageraageranyizibwa era emigonvu, egikulira mu nnimiro z’omuddo ez’okuluŋŋamizibwa! Abange mmwe abaakayingira mu bwa Sseruganda obw’Amazima! b0689 Although now ye be learners, the hope is that through showerings from the clouds of grace, ye will become teachers; that ye will flourish even as flowers and fragrant herbs in the garden of that knowledge which is both of the mind and of the heart; that each one of you will grow as a tree rich in yield, fair, fresh and strong, heavy with sweet fruit. %% Newaakubadde kaakano muli bayizi, essubi liri nti nga muyita mu kufukirirwa okuva mu bire eby’ekisa, mujja kufuuka abasomesa; olwo mwale kale nga ebimuli n’ebimera by’obuwoowo mu nnimiro ey’amagezi eri mu mmeeme ne mu mutima; olwo buli omu ku mmwe alikula nga omuti ogubala, ogusanyusa, omulungi era ogw’amaanyi, ogujjudde ebibala ebiwoomerevu. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 292) b00690 Wherefore, O ye illumined youth, strive by night and by day to unravel the mysteries of the mind and spirit, and to grasp the secrets of the Day of God. Inform yourselves of the evidences that the Most Great Name hath dawned. Open your lips in praise. Adduce convincing arguments and proofs. %% Noolwekyo, Abange mmwe abavubuka abafunye ekitangaala, mufube emisana n’ekiro okutaggulula ebyekusifu ebiri mu mmeeme n’omwoyo, era munyweze ebyama by’Olunaku lwa Katonda. Mwetegereze obujulizi obulaga nti Erinnya Erisinga gonna Obukulu libikuddwa. Mwasamye emimwa gyammwe mu kutendereza. Muggyeyo ensonga n’obukakafu ebimatiza. b00691 Lead those who thirst to the fountain of life; grant ye true health to the ailing. Be ye apprentices of God; be ye physicians directed by God, and heal ye the sick among humankind. Bring those who have been excluded into the circle of intimate friends. Make the despairing to be filled with hope. Waken them that slumber; make the heedless mindful. %% Mukulembere abo abalumwa ennyonta mubatuuse ku nsulo y’obulamu, muwe obulamu obulungi abo abalwadde. Mubeere abatendekebwa Katonda; mubeere abasawo abaluŋŋamizibwa Katonda; era muwonye abo abalwadde mu bantu. Musembeze abo ababooleddwa mu kibiina ky’abanywanyi. Mufuule abaweddemu amaanyi abajjuziddwa essuubi. Muzuukuse abo abali mu tulo; abo abatafaayo mubafuule abafaayo. b00692 Such are the fruits of this earthly life. Such is the station of resplendent glory. %% Ebyo by’ebibala eby’obulamu bw’ensi eno. Ekyo kyekifo eky’ekitiibwa ekimasamasa. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 292) b00693 The youth are indeed those to whom the Cause should perforce offer its greatest appeal, as it holds alone the promise for their future security. Without that which Bahá'u'lláh has given to humanity the outlook for the future of the world would appear truly hopeless, for the evil forces in men's nature seem to have gained the ascendancy, and only a spiritual force, direct from God, can enable the good side of human nature to again assume command of men's lives. %% Mu butuufu, abavubuka beebo Enzikiriza beesaanye okusikiriza ennyo, kubanga ye yokka erimu essuubi ly’obulamu bwabwe obw’omu maaso obutebenkevu. Awatali ekyo Bahá’u’lláh kyawadde abantu bonna, embeera y’ebiseera by’ensi yonna ey’omu maaso yandibeera ey’okusoberwa kwennyini, kubanga amaanyi ag’ekizikiza mu nnono y’abantu galabika nga agabalinnye ku nfeete, era amaanyi ag’omwoyo gokka, agava ewa Katonda obutereevu, ge gayinza okusobozesa embeera ennungi ey’obutonde bw’omuntu okuddamu okweddiza obuyinza obw’obulamu bw’abantu. (Shoghi Effendi, 15 June 1945 to an individual believer - The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 432 %%% Shoghi Effendi, 15 June 1945 eri omukkiriza omu – The Compilation of Compilations vol II) b00694 He urges you (the youth) to make up your minds to do great, great deeds for the Faith; the condition of the world is steadily growing worse, and your generation must provide the saints, heroes, martyrs and administrators of future years. With dedication and will power you can rise to great heights. %% Abakubiriza mmwe (abavubuka) okusalawo okukola ebikolwa ebikulu, ebikulu ennyo kulw’Enzikiriza; embeera y’ensi yonna egenda yeeyongera bweyongezi okusajjuka, era omulembe gwammwe guteekwa okuvaamu abatuukirivu, abazira, abajulizi era abaddukanya emirimu egy’emyaka egy’omu maaso. Mu kwewaayo n’obumalirivu muyinza okutuuka ku buwanguzi obw’amaanyi. (Letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi October 2, 1951: Bahá'í Youth, p. 6, Lights of Guidance, p. 629 %%% Ebbaluwa eyawandiikibwa kulwa Shogi Effendi October 2, 1951: Bahá’í Youth, omuko 6 Lights of Guidance, omuko 629) b00695 He feels that the youth, in particular, must constantly and determinedly strive exemplify Bahá'í life. In the world around us we see moral decay, promiscuity, indecency, vulgarity, bad manners -- the Bahá'í young people must be the opposite of these things, and, by their chastity, their uprightness, their decency, their consideration and good manners, attract others, old and young, to the Faith. The world is tired of words; it wants example, and it is up to the Bahá'í youth to furnish it. %% Alowooza nti abavubuka, okusingira ddala, bateekwa okufuba buli kiseera era mu bumalirivu okubeera eky’okulabirako eky’obulamu bw’Omubahá'í. Mu nsi etwetooloodde, tulaba empisa envundu, obuseegu, obutaba na nsonyi, obuggulu, okweyisa obubi –abavubuka Ababahá'í bateekwa obutakola bintu nga ebyo, era n’obulongofu, obwesimbu bwabwe, enneeyisa ennungi, okufaayo kwabwe n’empisa ennungi, basikirize abalala, abakulu n’abato, eri Enzikiriza. Ensi yonna ekooye ebigambo; eyagala kyakulabirako, era kino kiri eri abavubuka Ababahá'í okukiraga. (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'í Youth who attended the Green Acre Summer School August 4, 1946, September 19, 1946, Lights of Guidance, p. 637) b00696 Being a Bahá'í you are certainly aware of the fact the Bahá'u'lláh considered education as one of the most fundamental factors of a true civilization. This education, however, in order to be adequate and fruitful should be comprehensive in nature and should take into consideration not only the physical and the intellectual side of man but also his spiritual and ethical aspects. This should be the program of the Bahá'í Youth all over the world. %% Okubeera Omubahá'í oteekwa okubeera nga okimanyi nti Bahá’u’lláh yatwala ebyenjigiriza nga ekimu ku bintu ebisingira ddala obukulu mu bugunjufu obutuufu. Naye nno, enjigirizaeno okubeera ey’omugaso era okuvaamu ebibala esaana ebeere nzijuvu mu nnono era esaana okutwaliramu ssi bya mubiri na magezi g’omuntu byokka wabula n’embeera y’omwoyo n’empisa z’omuntu. Eno y’esaanidde okubeera enteekateeka y’Abavubuka Ababahá'í okwetooloola ensi yonna. (Letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, July 9, 1931, Lights of Guidance, p. 633) b00697 Although still young in age, you should endeavour from now, through close association with your fellow-believers, and through your faithful application to your Bahá'í studies, to prepare yourself for that day when you will be called upon, as a grown-up and responsible member of the Community, to take full part in the activities of the Cause, and thus prove yourself worthy of being a member of this world-wide Fellowship created by Bahá'u'lláh. %% Newaakubadde nga mukyalibato mu myaka, mwandifubye okuva ne leero, nga muyita mu nkolagana eya nnamaddala ne bakkiriza bannamwe, era n’okussa omulaka ku misomo gyamme egy’Enzikiriza ya Bahá'í nga mweteekerateekera olunaku olwo lwe muliyitibwa, nga mukuze era nga mufuuse ab’obuvunaanyizibwa mu Nzikiriza, mwenyigire mu bujjuvu mu mirimugy’Enzikiriza, bwemutyomulyoke mukakase nti musaanidde okubeera mu abo abali mu Kusseekimu okwetooloola ensi yonna etondeddwawo Bahá’u’lláh. (Shoghi Effendi, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 428) b00698 No greater demonstration can be given to the peoples of both continents of the youthful vitality and the vibrant power animating the life, and the institutions of the nascent Faith of Bahá'u'lláh than an intelligent, persistent, and effective participation of the Bahá'í youth, of every race, nationality, and class, in both the teaching and administrative spheres of Bahá'í activity. %% Tewali kyakulabirako kisinga ekisobola okulagwa abantu aba zissemazinga zombi eky’embavu y’obuvubuka n’amaanyi agava mu kinyegeenyege agawaniridde obulamu, n’ebitongole by’Enzikiriza eya Bahá’u’lláh ebikyali ebito okusinga engeri abavubuka Ababahá'í abagezi, abanyiikivu, era abalungi gye beenyigiramu, aba buli lulyo, ggwanga, n’eddaala, mu mulimu gwa Bahá'í ogw’okusomesa n’okuddukannya emirimu. b00699 Through such a participation the critics and enemies of the Faith, watching with varying degrees of skepticism and resentment, the evolutionary processes of the Cause of God and its institutions, can best be convinced of the indubitable truth that such a Cause is intensely alive, is sound to its very core, and its destinies in safe keeping. %% Obujjumbize buno abakolokosi n’abalabe b’Enzikiriza bwe baba batunuulira enteekateeka z’enkyukakyuka eziri mu Nzikiriza ya Katonda, nga kino bakikolera mu mbeera ezitali zimu ez’okubuusabuusa n’obukyayi, bayinza okufuna okumatizibwa okusingira ddala okw’amazima agatabuusibwabuusibwa nti Enzikiriza eno nnamu nnyo, ngumu okuva ku ntabiro yaayo, era ebyagitegekerwa biri mu mikono mirungi. (Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 69) b00700 Paralleling the growth of his inner life through prayer, meditation, service, and study of the teachings, Bahá'í youth have the opportunity to learn in practice the very functioning of the Order of Bahá'u'lláh. Through taking part in conferences and summer schools as well as Nineteen Day Feasts, and in service on committees, they can develop the wonderful skill of Bahá'í consultation, thus tracing new paths of human corporate action. %% Awamu n’okukuza obulamu bwabwe obw’omu nda ngabayiga mu ssaala, okwefumiitiriza, obuweereza, n’okusoma enjigiriza, abavubuka Ababahá'í balina omukisa okuyiga nga bakola byennyini eby’Enkekateeka ya Bahá’u’lláh. Nga bayita mu kwetaba mu nkuŋŋaana n’ensisinkano ezibeerawo mu luwummula wamu Entujjo ez’Ennaku Ekkumi n’Omwenda, ne mu buweerezakubukiiko, basobola okukulaakulanya obukugu obulungi obw’okukubaganya ebirowoozo okwa Bahá'í, bwebatyo ne balamba amakubo amapya ag’okukolaganira awamu. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 95) b00701 Youth also take part in the life of the Bahá'í community as a whole and promote a society in which all generations -- elderly, middle-aged, youth, children -- are fully integrated and make up an organic whole. By refusing to carry over the antagonisms and mistrust between the generations which perplex and bedevil modern society they will again demonstrate the healing and life-giving nature of their religion. %% Nate era, abavubuka beenyigira mu bulamu bw’Ababahá'í ab’omu kitundu – okutwalira awamu era n’okuwagira abantu abali awamu omuli abantu ab’emigigi gyonna – abakaddiye, abakulu, abuvubuka, abaana abato, mwe bakolaganira awamu nga abaana ab’enda emu. Nga bagaana okulumira abalala olw’ennyombo n’obuteesigaŋŋana obubeerawo wakati w’emigigi ebisobera n’okukotoggera embeera y’omuntu ey’omulembe guno nate era bajja kwolesa ennono y’okuwonya ne kiwa-bulamu ebiri mu ddiini yaabwe. (The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. 95) b00702 The eyes of the people of the world are beginning to be focussed on us, and as humanity's plight goes from bad to worse, we will be watched ever more intently by non-Bahá'ís, to see whether we do uphold our own institutions wholeheartedly; whether we are the people of the new creation or not; whether we live up to our beliefs, principles and laws in deed as well as word. We cannot be too careful. We cannot be too exemplary. %% Amaaso g’abantu mu nsi yonna gatandise okutwekaliriza, era okusoberwa kw’abantu bonna nga bwe kugenda kweyongera okusajjuka, tujja kweyongera okwekalirizibwa ennyo abatali Babahá'í, okulaba oba tuwanirira ddala ebitongole byaffe n’omutima gumu, oba tuli bantu abazzibwaobuggya oba nedda; oba tugoberera ebyo bye tukkiririzaamu, emiramwa n’amateeka, mu bikolwa ne mu bigambo. Tubeera beegendereza nnyo. Tuteekwa okubeera eky’okulabirako ekirungi ennyo. (From a letter on behalf of the Guardian to the National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles, August 5, 1955, Lights of Guidance, p. 136 %% Biggiddwa mu bbaluwa eyawandiikibwa ku lw’Omukuumi eri Olukiiko lw’Omwoyo olw’Eggwanga erya British Isles, 5 August 1955, Lights of Guidance, olup. 136 )