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[Ebyokukozesa - Omupiira ogugoonda]

Abaana bakola enkulungo. Omwana omu akasukira omwana omulala yenna mu nkulungo. Abaana bateekwa okukumiira omupiira mu bbanga ekiseera kyonna, nga baguweerezeganya nga bakozesa mutwe, nkokola, maviivi oba bigere, wabula ssi mikono. Emikono kutaandika luzannya lulala kyokka. Omwana yenna akozesa emikono (okuggyako ng’atandika muzannyo muppya) oba ayitibwako omupiira emirundi esatu avaamu. Omwana asigalamu ng’abalala bonna bawanduddwa ye muwanguzi.


[Materials - a soft ball or a balloon.]

The children form a circle. One child tosses the ball to any other child in the circle. The children must keep the ball in the air, hitting it to any other child using the head, elbows, knees or feet, but not hands. The hands can only be used to start another round. A child is out if he uses his hands (except to start a round) or misses the ball three times. The child left after the others are disqualified is the winner.

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