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Si Ttano naye Mukaaga

[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali kyetaagisa.]

Okusooka abaana balondayo akulembera. Awa buli mwana ennamba gyalina okukwata mu mutwe. Ate era bakwata mu mutwe ennamba za banaabwe. Akulembera atandika omuzannyo ng’ayita ennamba. Omwana alina ennamba eyo mangu nnyo n’ayita ennamba endala. Kino kyeyongera mu maaso. Singa omu ku baana ayita ennamba etali mu muzannyo, oba n’asikattira nga tannaba kuyita nnamba, avaamu mu muzannyo. Omwana asinga okulwamu mu muzannyo y’abeera awangudde.

Not Five but Six

[Materials - None.]

First the children pick a leader. He gives each child :a number that they memorise. They also memorise each other's numbers. The leader starts the game-by calling out a number. The child with that number quickly calls out another number. This goes on. If any of the children calls out a number that is not in the game, or hesitates before calling out a number, he is out of the game. The child who stays in the game the longest wins.

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