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Empisi eri mu Kiwuubaalo

[Ebyokukozesa - Tewali kyetaagisa.]

Londayo omwana omu abeere empisi. Empisi yekweka ng’abaana abalala basigala okumpi ne we basimbye amakanda, ekiyinza okubeera omuti oba ekintu ekirala kyonna. Abaana baziba amaaso gaabwe era ne babala 100, nga bawa empisi ekiseera ekimala okwekweka. Bwe bamala okubala okutuuka ku kikkumi, abaana basasaana okunoonya wampisi. Omwana azuula wampisi alekaana nti,”Wampisi!” Abaana bonna bateekwa okudduka nga baddayo awali amakanda gabwe ng’eno wampisi agezaako okubakwata. Singa wampisi akwata ku mwana yenna nga tannaba kutuuka we basinziira nabo bafuuka mpisi era be baddamu okwekweka. (mu mirundi ezisembayo, bwe bazuula wampisi emu, empisi zonna zivaayo era ne zigezaako okukwata abaana.) Wampisi bwabeera nga talina gwakute, ateekwa okubeera empisi eri mu kiwuubaalo era ku mulundi oguddako. Alidde mu banne akendo y’oyo asembayo okukwatibwa wampisi.

The Lone Hyena

[Materials - None.]

Choose one child to be the hyena. The hyena hides while the other children stay near the base, which can be a tree or any other object. The children close their eyes and count to 100, giving the hyena enough time to hide. When they have reached 100, the children split up to search for the hyena. The child who finds the hyena shouts "Hyena!" All the children must run back to the base while the hyena tries to tag them. If the hyena touches any children before they reach safety, they become hyenas also and hide for the next round. (In later rounds, when one hyena is found, ALL the hyenas run out and try to catch children.) If the hyena catches no one, he must be the lone hyena again during the next round. The winner is the last person to be caught by the hyena.

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