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Nina Ekisolo Ekimu kye Ndowoozaako

[Ebyokukozesa - Ebijanjaalo, ebinyeebwa oba maaka ey’okuwandiika obubonero]

Tandika n’okulonda anakulembera. Akulembera atandika omuzannyo ng’agamba, “Nina ekisolo kye ndowoozaako, kye ŋŋenda okubanyonyola. Nja kwassa ensigo y’ekijjanjaalo ku mwana asooka okuteeba erinnya lyakyo. Naye okirizibwa okuteeba omulundi gumu gwokka. “Oyo akulembera annyonnyola embeera ezimu ez’ekisolo ekyo, nga: “Ekisolo kino kitambulira ku maggulu anna, kirina akakira kampi era kirya bimera.” Ekyokulabirako, omwana omu ayinza okuteeba “Embuzi.” Bw’abeera nga mukyamu, agobwa mu muzannyo. Oyo akulembera agatako ekintu ekirala kyonna nga, “kya kiragala.” Omwana ayinza okuteeba “envubbu.” Ky’ateebye bwe kibeera nga ky’ekituufu, oyo ateebye afuna ensigo y’ekijjanjaalo era n’afuuka oyo akulembera. Naye bwe kibeera nga kikyamu, oyo ateebye agobwa mu muzannyo. Oyo akulembera alina okweyongera mu maaso okuleeta obubonero obulala, ng’aleeta kamu kamu buli kiseera. Buli wakoma okuleeta obubonero obungi, okuteeba we kukoma okubeera okwangu. “Kirina omukono,” akulembera bwayongezaako. Awo nno abaana abawerako bayinza okulekaana nti “enjovu!” Oyo asooka okwogera eky’okuddamu ekituufu afuna ensigo y’ekijjanjaalo. Muyinza okuzannya emirundi gyonna gye mwagala, nga buli luzannya oyo akulembera alowooza ku kisolo ekirala. Oyo yenna asinga okubeera n’ensigo z’ebijjanjaalo ku nkomerero y’omuzannyo y’abeera alidde mu banne akeendo.

I'm thinking of an Animal

[Materials - Beans, groundnuts or markers for keeping score.]

Begin by choosing a leader. The leader starts the game by saying, "I am thinking of an animal, which I will describe. I will give a bean to the first child who guesses its name. But you are only allowed one guess." The leader then describes some features of the animal, such as: "This animal walks on four feet, has a short tail and eats plants." One child might guess "a goat," for example. If she's wrong, she is disqualified. The leader then adds something else, like "Its grey." A child might guess "a hippopotamus." If the guess is correct, the guesser gets a bean and becomes the leader. But if it is wrong, the guesser is disqualified. The leader should continue to add more clues, one at a time. The more clues given, the easier the guessing gets. "It has a trunk," adds the leader. Several children might then shout "elephant!" The one who says the right answer first gets a bean. You can play as many rounds as you like, each with the leader choosing a new animal. Whoever has the most beans at the end of the game is the winner.

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