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Yigga Akamyu

[Ebyokukozesa - Akatambaala oba ekintu ekirala kyonna ekyokusiba abaana mu maaso.]

Omuzannyo guno gwetaaga okuwuliriza obulungi n’okusooba. Omwana omu y’abeera akamyu, omwana omu abeera omuyizzi, era ne ow’okusattu yakulembera. (Abaana bwe babeera nga bangi, abo abalala nabo bayinza okubeera obumyu). Akulembera asiba omuyizzi kantuntunu era namuteeka mu kifo ewalako ffuti nga mukaaga okuva akamyu we kali. Bw’agamba nti, “genda”, akamyu katambula mu kasoobo era nga tekawulikika ne kava awali omuyizzi. Omuyizzi ateekwa okuwuliriza ennyo n’obwegendereza nagezaako okukwata ku kamyu. Okufuula omuyiggo omuzibu, akamyu kayinza okuweta amakoona, okudda emabega, oba okuyimirira obutenyenya. Wabula akamyu kayinza obutadduka. Omulimu gw’omukulembeze kwe kulaba ng’omuyizzi tatomera kintu kyonna oba okuwaba n’agenda ewala. Omuyizzi ateekwa okuyimirira buli mukulembeze w’awogganira nti (yimirira).

Hunt the Rabbit

[Materials - Scarf or something to blindfold the children with]

This game requires good listening skills and light footsteps. One child is the rabbit, one child is the hunter, and the third is the guide (For more children, the extra ones rabbit too.) The guide blindfolds the hunter and positions her somewhere about six feet away from the rabbit. At the word "go," the rabbit slowly and silently walks away from the hunter. The hunter must listen carefully and try to touch the rabbit. To make the tracking more difficult, the rabbit may zigzag, double back or stand still. The rabbit may not run, however. The guide's job is to make sure that the hunter does not bump into anything or wander too far off. The hunter must stop immediately when the guide shouts, "stop."

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