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Kwata Omuggo

[Ebyokukozesa - Buli mwana yetaaga okubeera n’omuggo oguweza mita emu n’ekitundu]

Abaana bayimirira mu nkulungo nga besudde mu bbanga lya mita bbiri n’ekitundu (ebigere nga bitano) buli omu okuva ku munne. Buli omu akwatira omuggo gwe mu maaso ge nga agusimbye. Oyo akulembera bw’agamba nti, “Kyusa”, buli omu mangu ddala asimba omuggo gwe wansi n’aguleka nga guyimiridde. Awo n’adduka nga adda ku mukono gwe ogwaddyo n’akwata omuggo oguliraanyewo nga tegunnaba kuggwa wansi. Bwalemererwa okugukwata nga tegunagwa wansi oyo aba avudde mu muzannyo. Omuzannyo guno gugenda gw’eyongerayo bwegutyo okutuusa nga wasigaddewo omwana omu mu muzannyo era oyo yabeera awangudde.

Catch the Stick

[Materials - Each child needs a stick about one and half meters long.]

The children form a circle leaving a space of about two and half meters (5 paces) between each other. Each holds his stick in from on him, keeping it upright with one end on the ground. When the leader calls out "change," everybody quickly lets go of his stick, leaving it balanced upright. He races to the next stick on his right, catching it before it falls to the ground. If he does not catch it in time, he is out of the game. The game continues until only one child is left. That child is the winner.

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